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  1. The cartel/Al-A’nam .. Meccan Surahs Surat Al-An'am, the sixth chapter of the Quran, is a Meccan surah consisting of 165 verses. This surah delves deeply into themes of monotheism, the rejection of idolatry, and the affirmation of God's sovereignty. Here is a detailed look at its main themes and elements: 1. **Monotheism and God's Creation**: The surah strongly emphasizes Tawhid (the oneness of God). It presents detailed arguments against polytheism, urging the audience to recognize the fallacies of idol worship. It highlights the signs of God’s power and wisdom in the creation of the heavens, the earth, and the cycles of night and day, encouraging reflection on the natural world as evidence of the one true Creator. 2. **Rejection of Idolatry**: Al-An'am specifically addresses the irrationality of idol worship, questioning why people would worship beings that can neither create nor benefit themselves. It confronts the cultural traditions of the Meccan society that were steeped in idolatry, presenting logical arguments to debunk these practices. 3. **Stories of Past Prophets**: Similar to other Meccan surahs, Al-An'am recounts the stories of several prophets, including Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, focusing on their struggles against their people's idolatrous practices. These narratives serve to comfort Prophet Muhammad by showing that he is not alone in facing rejection and to remind the disbelievers of the consequences faced by those who rejected the messages of past prophets. 4. **Affirmation of Muhammad’s Prophethood**: The surah defends the prophethood of Muhammad against the accusations of fabrication. It reassures the Prophet and his followers of the truthfulness of the revelation and admonishes the disbelievers for their stubbornness and refusal to accept the message. It affirms that the prophet does not know the hidden or posses extraordinary abilities other than what the Gabrel tells him. 5. **Divine Guidance and Free Will**: It discusses the concepts of divine guidance and misguidance, stating that God guides whom He wills and leads astray whom He wills. Yet, it also emphasizes that humans have the free will to choose their path, and they are responsible for their choices. 6. **Accountability and Resurrection**: The surah underscores the reality of the resurrection and the Day of Judgment, warning of the severe consequences awaiting those who deny the resurrection and the rewards for those who live righteous lives. 7. **Legal Prohibitions and Commands**: While primarily theological in focus, Al-An'am also touches on certain legal prohibitions concerning food and outlines general moral and ethical guidelines. Surat Al-An'am is a compelling call to abandon false gods and to recognize the sovereignty of Allah, using a combination of theological argumentation, moral persuasion, and reminders of historical precedents. It seeks to strengthen the believers' faith and challenge the disbelievers to reconsider their positions before the inevitable Day of Judgment.
  2. 8. Al-Ahzab/The confederates .. Medinan Surah Surah Al-Ahzab, the 33rd chapter of the Quran, contains 73 verses and was revealed in Medina. It is named after the term "Al-Ahzab" which means "The Confederates," referring to the alliance of tribes that besieged Medina during the Battle of the Trench (or Battle of the Ditch) in 627 AD. This Surah addresses both specific historical events and broader social and legal reforms. Here are the key themes and circumstances surrounding Surah Al-Ahzab: ### 1. **The Battle of the Trench (Al-Khandaq)** - This battle is the central event around which the Surah revolves. An alliance of Meccan pagans, along with several Jewish and other Arab tribes, formed a confederation to attack Medina. The Prophet Muhammad and the Muslims dug a trench around Medina to defend the city, which was an innovative tactic that led to the failure of the siege. The Surah discusses aspects of this battle, highlighting the unity, patience, and faith of the Muslims under siege. ### 2. **Social Reforms** - Surah Al-Ahzab introduces several important social reforms, particularly in relation to marriage and family laws. It addresses the Prophet’s marriages and the special status of his wives as the "Mothers of the Believers," setting standards of conduct for them and the believers (verses 28-34). ### 3. **Prohibition of Zihar** - The Surah abolishes the pre-Islamic practice of zihar, where a man would declare his wife to be like his mother's back, effectively divorcing her without following formal procedures. The Surah clarifies the punishment and expiation for this practice (verses 1-4). ### 4. **Adoption Laws** - The Surah also revises the rules concerning adoption. It clarifies that adopted children should be called by the names of their biological fathers to maintain clear lineage and inheritance rights (verse 5). This was demonstrated through the Prophet’s adopted son, Zayd bin Haritha. ### 5. **Rules of Hijab** - Surah Al-Ahzab prescribes the hijab (modesty) rules for women, particularly the wives of the Prophet, instructing them to maintain a certain decorum, which later extended to all Muslim women. This includes the verses that encourage modesty and the use of a covering or curtain to separate the private spaces of the Prophet’s household from visitors (verse 59). ### 6. **Defense of the Prophet’s Household** - The Surah strongly defends the integrity and position of the Prophet’s family, especially in response to the slander of Aisha, one of his wives, although the detailed incident of the slander (Al-Ifk) is more explicitly covered in Surah An-Nur. ### 7. **Moral and Spiritual Guidance** - The Surah emphasizes reliance on God, steadfastness in faith, and moral integrity under pressure. It encourages the Muslim community to remember God’s favors, stay firm in adversity, and follow the Prophet’s example of patience and reliance on God. Surah Al-Ahzab thus addresses the immediate challenges faced by the Muslim community during the Battle of the Trench, while setting forth regulations that would have a long-lasting impact on Islamic social structure and personal conduct. It integrates lessons from the battle with guidance on community solidarity, leadership, and ethical behavior, reinforcing the moral and legal foundations of the community. The incident of The Jewish tribe of Banu Qurayza in Surah Al-Ahzab: ### Interpretation of the Verses: 1. **Verse 26**: This refers to Allah instilling terror in the hearts of Banu Qurayza, who had betrayed the Muslims during the Battle of the Trench after there had been a covenant between them and the Muslims. Due to their betrayal, the fighting men of the tribe were executed, and the women and children were taken captive. 2. **Verse 27**: This describes how Allah allowed the Muslims to inherit the land, homes, and wealth of Banu Qurayza. This verse reflects how victory and spoils came as a result of relying on Allah and remaining steadfast in jihad against enemies who had broken their treaties. ### Historical Context: The incident with Banu Qurayza occurred after the Battle of the Trench, where allied tribes laid siege to Medina in an attempt to eradicate Islam, but failed. After the siege ended, Banu Qurayza was dealt with based on their betrayal of the treaty with the Muslims. The judgment on the combatant men was death, and the women and children were taken as captives according to the wartime customs of that era, following a decision made by a council of the Companions in response to arbitration by Sa'd ibn Mu'adh, whom Banu Qurayza had chosen to judge them based on their own traditions. These events illustrate how Islam dealt with treachery and conspiracy against the Muslim community and reinforce the concept of justice.
  3. 7. An-Nur/The Light .. Medinan Surah Surah Al-Nur (Chapter 24 of the Quran) with 64 verses, is a significant Surah revealed in Medina that deals extensively with issues of morality, social conduct, and legal matters within the Muslim community. The Surah is particularly noted for its instructions on modesty, chastity, and the protection of individual honor. Below are some of the key themes and notable incidents associated with Surah Al-Nur: ### 1. **The Incident of Ifk (False Accusation)** - One of the central incidents related to Surah Al-Nur is the false accusation of adultery leveled against Aisha, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad. This event is significant because it led to the revelation of verses that set out the punishment for accusing chaste women of adultery without producing four witnesses (verses 11-26). These verses exonerate Aisha and establish the severe consequences for slandering without evidence, emphasizing the importance of protecting individuals' honor and preventing baseless accusations within the community. ### 2. **Regulations on Modesty and Privacy** - Surah Al-Nur establishes rules regarding modesty and dress code for both men and women. It instructs believers to lower their gaze and guard their modesty, outlining how women should dress and behave in public (verse 31). It also sets down etiquette rules for entering homes that are not one's own, instructing believers to seek permission before entering to respect the privacy of others (verses 27-29). ### 3. **Light (Nur) Verse** - One of the most profound verses in this Surah is the Light Verse (Ayat an-Nur, verse 35), which presents a metaphorical description of God’s light as a niche within which is a lamp, the lamp inside a glass, and the glass as if it were a shining star. This verse is often interpreted to symbolize the light of guidance that God provides to believers and the purity and brilliance of divine revelation. ### 4. **Legal Punishments and Social Conduct** - The Surah provides detailed legal prescriptions related to punishment for adultery and fornication, specifying the number of lashes for the unmarried and prescribing stoning for the married if found guilty of adultery, provided there are witnesses to the crime (verse 2). This legal framework aims to deter serious offenses and maintain social order and moral discipline within the community. ### 5. **Marriage and Family Life** - Instructions are also given regarding marriage, emphasizing marrying those who are single among believers, including slaves, and ensuring decency and righteousness in marital relationships (verses 32-33). Surah Al-Nur plays a crucial role in shaping the social and moral fabric of the Muslim community, providing guidance on personal behavior, community interactions, legal matters, and spiritual principles. It highlights the balance between individual rights and communal responsibilities, promoting a society founded on respect, justice, and piety.
  4. 6. At-Tawbah .. Medinan Surah Surat Tawbah, also known as Surah At-Tawbah or "The Repentance," is the ninth chapter of the Quran, with 129 verses. It's unique in several ways. For instance, it's the only Surah in the Quran that doesn't begin with the Bismillah ("In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful"). This absence is often attributed to the Surah's stern tone and themes of repentance and justice. The Surah was revealed in Medina and it addresses a range of subjects including the obligations and conduct of Muslims, the treatment of treaties with non-Muslims, and guidelines for warfare. It lays out the consequences for those who break their promises to God and the rewards for those who stand firm in their faith. A significant portion of Surat Tawbah deals with the issue of hypocrisy among the Muslims during the time of the Prophet Muhammad. It criticizes those who were outwardly Muslim but internally sowed discord and disobeyed God’s commands. The Surah also discusses the Battle of Tabuk, 630 AD , and the challenges faced by the Muslim community during that period. urah At-Tawbah addressed several incidents and situations during the period of its revelation in Medina. Here are some of the main events: ### 1. **The Incident of Ifk** - Although the Incident of Ifk is usually mentioned in the context of Surah An-Nur, the overall environment of dealing with hypocrites and their impact on the Muslim community is part of the broader context of the revelation of Surah At-Tawbah. ### 2. **The Battle of Tabuk** - This is one of the most prominent events discussed in Surah At-Tawbah. The Battle of Tabuk was against the Byzantines in the ninth year of Hijrah. This campaign was a significant challenge for the Muslims due to the long distance, extreme heat, and scarcity of supplies. The Surah addresses those who failed to join the battle without a valid excuse, as well as divine guidance for dealing with hypocrites who did not participate. ### 3. **Dealing with Hypocrites** - Surah At-Tawbah includes strong directives regarding dealing with hypocrites who outwardly showed Islam but inwardly harbored disbelief and hostility towards Muslims. These individuals tried to sow discord and doubt among the believers. ### 4. **Mandating Zakat and Emphasizing Its Importance** - Zakat was definitively mandated in this Surah, with an emphasis on its implementation as a means of strengthening the internal front of the Muslims and supporting the poor and needy. ### 5. **Disavowal of Polytheists** - It declared a disavowal of polytheists and the termination of all treaties with tribes that had broken their agreements, giving polytheists a period to rectify their situation before combat began. Surah At-Tawbah addresses these and other key issues facing the Islamic nation at the time, providing legislative and ethical guidance for dealing with both internal and external challenges.
  5. 5. Al-Anfal/The spoils .. Medinan Surah Surat Al-Anfal is named after "The Spoils of War," reflecting its initial discussions on how to deal with war gains fairly and ethically. The Surah, the eighth chapter of the Quran, contains 75 verses and was revealed in Medina after the Battle of Badr against Meccans, one of the most significant and earliest battles fought by the Muslims under the leadership of Prophet Muhammad. This battle took place in the second year of the Hijrah (migration from Mecca to Medina). The Surah primarily deals with issues related to war and the spoils of war, offering directives on how to handle conflict, treat prisoners of war, and distribute war gains among the fighters. Here are key themes and circumstances surrounding Surah Al-Anfal: ### 1. **The Battle of Badr** - The context of Surah Al-Anfal is heavily influenced by the events of the Battle of Badr, where a small, poorly equipped Muslim force defeated a much larger and better-equipped Meccan army. The battle is considered a turning point for Islam, as it was the first major victory for Muslims and helped to establish their credibility and morale. ### 2. **Distribution of Spoils of War (Anfal)** - The term "Anfal" literally means "spoils of war." The Surah provides guidelines on the fair distribution of spoils among the soldiers and leaders, emphasizing that ultimate authority in such matters rests with God and the Prophet. It seeks to prevent disputes over material gains from overshadowing the spiritual and communal goals of the Muslim community. ### 3. **Guidance on Warfare** - Surah Al-Anfal outlines the rules of engagement for Muslims, including when and how to engage in battle. It emphasizes the importance of discipline, unity, and reliance on God during warfare. It also addresses the conditions under which treaties may be formed or broken with enemy forces. ### 4. **Moral and Ethical Conduct in War** - The Surah advises Muslims to remain steadfast and just during conflicts, avoiding transgressions such as mutilating the dead or harming non-combatants. It underscores the need for righteousness and god-consciousness as the backbone of all actions, including during warfare. ### 5. **Treatment of Prisoners of War** - Following the Battle of Badr, Muslims faced the question of how to treat prisoners of war. Surah Al-Anfal offers ethical guidelines, advocating for kindness and just treatment of captives, which was revolutionary in the context of 7th-century Arabian warfare. ### 6. **Psychological and Spiritual Aspects** - The Surah also deals with the psychological aspects of battle, such as fear and hesitation. It reassures believers of divine support when they face overwhelming odds and encourages them to place their trust in God rather than solely in physical strength or numbers. Surah Al-Anfal is pivotal in establishing the Islamic perspective on warfare, including the ethical and moral grounds on which battles should be fought, the treatment of enemies, and the management of war-related resources. It integrates these practical directives with a strong spiritual message, highlighting the need for faith and reliance on God in all aspects of life, especially in times of conflict. **Detailed Breakdown of Surat Al-Anfal:** 1. **Context and Background**: The surah was revealed in the context of the aftermath of the Battle of Badr, where the Muslims, though outnumbered, won a decisive victory. This victory had significant implications, both spiritually and socially, for the Muslim community. 2. **Distribution of Spoils**: The surah opens by addressing the issue of the distribution of spoils from the battle. It asserts that such spoils are at the discretion of God and His Messenger, underlining the need for fairness and the adherence to divine command in their allocation. 3. **Ethics of Warfare**: Al-Anfal lays down several principles regarding the conduct of war. It emphasizes that engagement in battle should be for just causes and not out of aggression or for personal gain. The surah stresses the importance of discipline, unity, and the role of faith in achieving victory. 4. **Spiritual Dimensions of Battle**: The surah describes how angels assisted the Muslim fighters at Badr, highlighting the spiritual support that believers receive from God when they strive in His cause with sincerity and faith. 5. **Instructions for Future Conflicts**: Surat Al-Anfal provides guidelines for future military engagements, including how to deal with enemy forces, the importance of strategic planning, and the role of spies and scouting. It also addresses the issue of war prisoners, emphasizing mercy and the possibility of ransom for their release. 6. **Warnings Against Hypocrisy**: The surah warns against hypocrisy within the community, identifying behaviours that undermine the collective strength and integrity of Muslims, such as fear, cowardice, and disunity during critical times. 7. **Call to Obedience**: Throughout the surah, there is a strong emphasis on the obedience to God and His Messenger, which is portrayed as crucial for the maintenance of communal harmony and success in all endeavours. 8. **Moral and Ethical Lessons**: Al-Anfal is replete with lessons on trust, the moral conduct expected of Muslims, the importance of justice in dealings, and the necessity of reliance on God in all affairs, especially in times of conflict. Surat Al-Anfal serves as a comprehensive guide for handling conflict and adversity. It balances the harsh realities of war with profound spiritual insights, offering practical guidance coupled with moral imperatives. This surah helps establish the ethical framework within which Islamic military and social conduct should operate, continually reminding the believers of their responsibilities towards God, their community, and their enemies.
  6. 4. Al-Ma'idah/The feast .. Medinan Surah Surat Al-Ma'idah, which is the fifth chapter of the Quran, consists of 120 verses and is a Medinan surah, meaning it was revealed after the Prophet Muhammad's migration to Medina. The title "Al-Ma'idah" translates to "The Table Spread" or "The Feast," referring to a divine feast mentioned within the surah. This surah consolidates many legal rulings and completes the religion of Islam as declared in verse 3, which was revealed during the Farewell Pilgrimage of the Prophet Muhammad. Here are key themes and incidents related to Surah Al-Ma'idah: ### 1. **Completion of Religion** - One of the most significant verses in this Surah is verse 3, revealed during the Farewell Pilgrimage of the Prophet Muhammad, which states, "Today I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion." This declaration marks the completion of the Islamic faith's legislative and moral code. ### 2. **Regulations on Food and Drink** - Surah Al-Ma'idah sets out detailed dietary laws, specifying what is lawful and unlawful to eat and drink, including prohibitions against consuming blood, pork, and animals slaughtered without mentioning God's name. It emphasizes the importance of eating only good and lawful food and respecting the dietary restrictions ordained by God. ### 3. **Criminal Justice** - This surah includes comprehensive guidelines on legal punishments and the administration of justice, particularly regarding retribution and compensation for injury and murder. It stresses fairness in testimony and the importance of upholding justice, even if it concerns close relatives. ### 4. **Covenants and Responsibilities** - Surah Al-Ma'idah heavily emphasizes the importance of fulfilling obligations and respecting covenants. This includes treaties with other groups and communities, highlighting the need for Muslims to be faithful to their agreements as a fundamental aspect of righteousness. ### 5. **Relations with People of the Book** - The surah addresses the relationship between Muslims and the "People of the Book" (Jews and Christians). It corrects misconceptions about previous prophets and religious texts and lays down a framework for interfaith dialogue and cooperation based on justice and mutual respect. ### 6. **Detestable of Intoxicants and Gambling** - Surah Al-Ma'idah addresses the detestable of intoxicants (alcohol) and gambling, which are described as abominations of Satan's handiwork, meant to sow hatred and discord among people and turn them away from prayer and remembrance of God. ### 7. **Story of the Disciples of Jesus** - The surah recounts the story of the disciples of Jesus who asked for a table spread with food from heaven as a sign of God’s support for them. This event is symbolic of God's mercy and support but also serves as a warning against the doubting faith. Surah Al-Ma'idah serves as a capstone of the legal and ethical instruction in the Quran, providing the community with guidance necessary for organizing a just society, establishing proper interfaith relationships, and maintaining a devout and moral individual life according to Islamic principles. The surah concludes with a call for steadfastness in religion and warns against the temptations to deviate from the commandments after the Prophet's time. It serves as a comprehensive chapter focusing on communal harmony, legal practices, and the interaction between different faith communities.
  7. 3. An-Nisa/The women .. Medinan Surah Surah Al-Nisa, the fourth chapter of the Quran, comprises 176 verses and was predominantly revealed in Medina. Its title, "The Women," underscores its significant focus on improving the legal and social status of women, addressing marriage, inheritance, and the treatment of orphans and women in Islamic society. Surah Al-Nisa also discusses broader themes of justice, communal responsibilities, and the conduct of warfare. Here are some of the key themes and incidents related to Surah Al-Nisa: ### 1. **Rights and Treatment of Women** - The surah outlines specific guidelines regarding the treatment of women, particularly in matters of marriage, divorce, and inheritance. It stipulates fair treatment of women and ensures they receive their due rights in inheritance (verses 7, 19, and 34). These instructions were revolutionary in a time when women in many societies had few rights. ### 2. **Laws of Inheritance** - Detailed laws of inheritance are a significant feature of this surah, ensuring that daughters, wives, and other female relatives receive their rightful shares, which was a progressive step in safeguarding women's financial security (verse 11). ### 3. **Marriage and Family Life** - The surah provides regulations on whom Muslims are permitted to marry and the treatment of wives. It emphasizes the importance of treating wives with kindness and not inheriting them against their will (verses 3 and 19). The instructions extend to polygamous relationships, setting the condition of fair treatment for all wives. ### 4. **Justice and Community Relations** - Surah Al-Nisa strongly emphasizes justice, commanding Muslims to be steadfast in justice even if it concerns close relatives (verse 135). The surah also addresses the proper treatment of orphans and the importance of protecting their property until they come of age (verses 2-10). ### 5. **Conduct During War** - The surah outlines the ethical conduct of war, prohibiting the killing of non-combatants and ensuring the protection of treaties unless the opposing parties break them (verses 89-91). This was particularly relevant during the numerous conflicts involving early Muslims. ### 6. **Dealing with Hypocrisy and Community Threats** - The surah also deals with the issue of hypocrisy and those within the Muslim community who secretly worked against its interests. It advises on handling such threats discreetly and justly, aiming to maintain the integrity and unity of the Muslim community (verses 88 and 138-140). ### 7. **Guidance on Leadership and Obedience** - There is a strong emphasis on obeying God, the Prophet Muhammad, and lawful authority, highlighting the importance of structured leadership in maintaining societal order (verses 59-60). Surah Al-Nisa plays a crucial role in laying down the norms and laws that govern personal status and social conduct in a Muslim community. Its verses are foundational in shaping the legal and moral framework that protects individual rights and promotes justice and equity, particularly for the most vulnerable members of society.
  8. 2. Al-Imran .. Medinan Surah The third surah in the Quran is Surat Al-Imran, which is named after the family of Imran. This surah discusses themes of faith, steadfastness, and the unity among believers. It also addresses relations between Muslims and the People of the Book, primarily focusing on theological debates and commonalities. Detail: Surat Al-Imran, which is sometimes referred to simply as "Amran," is the third chapter of the Quran. It contains 200 verses and is a Medinan surah, meaning it was revealed after the Prophet Muhammad's migration to Medina. The surah is named after the family of Imran, which includes important figures such as Mary, the mother of Jesus, highlighting the shared prophetic heritage between Islam and Christianity. Here are some key themes and incidents related to Surah Al-Imran: ### 1. **The Battle of Uhud** - One of the major incidents that feature prominently in Surah Al-Imran is the Battle of Uhud, fought between the Muslims of Medina and the Quraysh of Mecca. This battle took place in the third year after the Hijrah. The surah reviews the battle and its aftermath, focusing on the reasons for the Muslim defeat, which included disobedience to the Prophet Muhammad's orders. It offers guidance on patience, perseverance, and the importance of unity and discipline in the face of adversity (verses 121-180). ### 2. **Discussions on Faith and Unity** - Surah Al-Imran stresses the importance of unity among Muslims and holds discussions on various theological points, including the concept of faith, the roles of prophets, and the unity of the message of Islam with the previous Abrahamic faiths. It invites the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) to come to a common term of believing in one God and not associating partners with Him (verses 64-68). ### 3. **The Family of Imran** - The surah mentions the family of Imran, highlighting the birth of Maryam and the miraculous birth of Isa. It also discusses the virtues of these figures and the lessons their stories hold for the believers. This part aims to correct misconceptions and reaffirm the status of Isa as a prophet of God, emphasizing his human nature and denying his divinity (verses 33-63). ### 4. **Exaltation of Jesus' Status** - The dialogue between Allah and Jesus on the Day of Judgment, where Jesus denies claiming divinity, serves to clarify the Islamic view of Jesus against the Christian claims of his divinity (verses 52-59). ### 5. **Lessons from Past Prophets** - The surah narrates stories and lessons from past prophets, including a brief mention of the story of Adam and the importance of following divine guidance. These narratives serve to strengthen faith and encourage patience and trust in God's plans. ### 6. **Moral and Spiritual Instructions** - Surah Al-Imran provides moral guidance and spiritual instructions, emphasizing the transient nature of life on earth and the permanent nature of the hereafter. It calls on Muslims to hasten towards forgiveness from their Lord and paradise (verses 130-200). Surah Al-Imran serves as both a continuation and complement to the themes of Surah Al-Baqarah, deepening the discussion of community, leadership, faith, and interfaith relations, and highlighting the moral and spiritual responsibilities of Muslims in maintaining unity and integrity in their personal and social lives.
  9. 1. Al-Baqarah.. Medinan Surah Surat Al-Baqarah, the second chapter of the Quran, is not only the longest surah but also incredibly comprehensive, touching upon various aspects of human life and spirituality. It consists of 286 verses and was revealed in Medina. This surah serves as a foundation for Islamic law and personal conduct. The surah starts with the mystical letters "Alif-Laam-Meem" and immediately declares the Quran as a guide for the righteous. It emphasizes the importance of belief in the unseen, steadfastness in prayer, and spending out of what God has provided. One of the central themes of Surat Al-Baqarah is guidance: it repeatedly contrasts the behaviors of the faithful versus the unbelievers and hypocrites. It recounts several historical narratives, including the story of Adam and his encounter with Satan, which sets the stage for the human condition and the struggle between good and evil. Significantly, this surah recounts the stories of the Prophets Moses and Abraham. Through these stories, it addresses the theme of covenant in Islam—between God and His prophets, and by extension, their followers. The trials of the Children of Israel are also discussed to serve as lessons on obedience and gratitude. Surat Al-Baqarah also addresses a multitude of legal issues, ranging from the rules of fasting, almsgiving, and the Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca), to laws regarding marriage, divorce, and commerce. This legal framework is meant to govern the personal, social, and economic behavior of Muslims. The surah contains Ayat al-Kursi (Verse 255), which speaks of God's sovereign authority over the heavens and the earth. This verse is often memorized and recited by Muslims for protection and blessings. Overall, Surat Al-Baqarah is a blend of theology and practical guidance, aimed at establishing a balanced, just, and devout society, while reminding believers of the final accountability before God. It is a cornerstone for understanding Islamic jurisprudence and ethics. Here are some key themes and related incidents of Surah Al-Baqarah: ### 1. **The Cow (Al-Baqarah)** - The surah is named after the story of the Cow, mentioned in verses 67-73. The Israelites were commanded by Allah, through Moses, to sacrifice a cow. Their reluctance and repeated questioning of Moses' instructions are used in the Quran to illustrate issues of faith, obedience, and complexity in fulfilling divine commands. ### 2. **Change of Qibla** - One significant incident related to this surah is the change of the direction of prayer (Qibla) from Jerusalem to the Kaaba in Mecca. This shift, detailed in verses 142-150, marked a pivotal moment in Islamic identity, distinguishing the Muslim community from Jews and Christians, and reaffirming the Kaaba as the central holy site in Islam. ### 3. **Fast of Ramadan** - Surah Al-Baqarah also lays out the rules for fasting during the month of Ramadan, making it obligatory for Muslims. Verses 183-187 detail the obligations and etiquette of fasting, which serves as a means of attaining piety and self-restraint. ### 4. **Al-Baqarah and Legislation** - This surah includes numerous legal prescriptions related to prayer, almsgiving, fasting, pilgrimage (Hajj), and more. It discusses issues of marriage, divorce, and familial relations, providing a comprehensive legal and ethical framework for personal and communal life in Islam. ### 5. **Story of Adam and Iblis** - The story of Adam, his creation, his placement in Paradise, and the subsequent disobedience caused by Iblis (Satan) who refused to bow to Adam, is recounted. This story in verses 30-39 emphasizes themes of dignity, free will, and the ongoing struggle between human beings and satanic temptations. ### 6. **Trials of the Israelites** - Surah Al-Baqarah recounts various trials and tribulations faced by the Israelites, such as the crossing of the Red Sea and the reception of the Torah. These narratives serve as admonitions and lessons for the Muslim community, highlighting the consequences of disobedience and the importance of steadfast faith. ### 7. **Guidance and Law** - The surah extensively discusses the concept of law in Islam, including the laws of financial transactions, ethics in warfare, and the treatment of orphans and women. It aims to set a moral and practical code for Muslims to follow in their daily lives. ### 8. **Ayat Al-Kursi** - Verse 255 of Surah Al-Baqarah, known as Ayat Al-Kursi, is one of the most famous verses of the Quran. It speaks about Allah's sovereign power over the heavens and the earth, His omnipresence, and His infinite knowledge, serving as a source of protection and a declaration of monotheistic faith. Surah Al-Baqarah is a foundational text for Islamic theology, law, and ethics, addressing a wide array of issues relevant to the development of a comprehensive and balanced Muslim society.
  10. Introduction Note: The briefing is based on author understanding to both Arabic and English. It is also based on the wide range of sources and data that I've been reading. For religious texts like the Quran, my translations are based on widely accepted interpretations and explanations from Islamic scholarship. For any questions or need in-depth analysis, it's often useful to consult specific religious texts, scholarly commentaries, or experts in the field. The Quran is divided into chapters, called "Surahs," which vary in length and cover various topics. Each Surah is further divided into verses, known as "Ayahs." The Surahs are not arranged chronologically but rather by their length, with the longest Surahs generally found at the beginning and the shortest towards the end. The Quran consists of 114 Surahs in total, with each Surah addressing different themes, guidance, laws, stories, and moral lessons. Some Surahs focus on specific historical events, while others emphasize the importance of faith, worship, and morality.They are classified by the time of revelation before and after the prophet migration from Mecca to Madina. In this briefing, they are listed according to their calcification. The Quran is considered the holy book of Islam, believed by Muslims to be the literal word of God as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) through the angel Gabriel over a period of approximately 23 years. It serves as a guide for Muslims in matters of faith, practice, ethics, and spirituality. Meccan Surahs: There are eighty-six Meccan surahs in the Quran. These surahs were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad over period of about ten years before his migration from Mecca to Medina. The Meccan surahs are generally characterized by their thematic focus on the fundamental aspects of faith such as the oneness of God (Tawhid), the afterlife, judgment, the prophethood of Muhammad, and the truth of previous scriptures. **Key Characteristics of Meccan Surahs:** 1. **Theological Themes:** Meccan surahs primarily deal with theology and the spiritual aspects of Islam. They emphasize the greatness of God, the creation of the universe, and the moral responsibilities of individuals. 2. **Call to Worship:** These surahs frequently call people to worship the one true God and reject idolatry and polytheism, which were prevalent in Mecca at the time. 3. **Afterlife and Accountability:** They often discuss the Day of Judgment, heaven, and the accountability of each individual for their deeds, aiming to instill a sense of moral responsibility and awareness of the afterlife. 4. **Stories of Previous Prophets:** Many Meccan surahs include stories of earlier prophets and their communities as moral and spiritual lessons for both the disbelievers and the believers in Mecca. These stories highlight the struggles against disbelief and oppression and the ultimate triumph of faith. 5. **Consolation and Support for the Prophet:** They provide consolation to Prophet Muhammad for the opposition and persecution he faced from the polytheists of Mecca and reassure him of his mission's legitimacy. 6. **Poetic Style:** The surahs from the Meccan period are noted for their eloquent and powerful language, which is often poetic and designed to capture the attention and provoke the reflection of the listener. Overall, the Meccan surahs play a crucial role in laying the doctrinal foundations of Islam, focusing on the core spiritual and ethical teachings of the religion to build the faith and character of the early Muslim community. Medinan Surahs: The other twenty-eight surahs that are classified as Medinan, revealed during the last thirteen years of his life after the Prophet Muhammad's migration to Medina. These surahs generally focus more on legislation, community affairs, and guidelines for the Muslim community's conduct, reflecting the social, political, and cultural conditions of Medina during the time of their revelation. They are distinguished from the Meccan Surahs, which were revealed while the Prophet Muhammad was still in Mecca. Here are some characteristics of the Medinan Surahs: Legislation and Governance: Medinan Surahs often contain legal and legislative rulings covering various aspects of life, including social, economic, and political matters. They address issues such as family law, criminal justice, warfare, and governance, providing guidance for establishing a just and moral society. Community Building: These Surahs emphasize the importance of community cohesion, unity, and cooperation among believers. They provide guidance on building a strong Muslim community based on principles of justice, equality, and compassion. Addressing Specific Events and Circumstances: Many Medinan Surahs were revealed in response to specific events, challenges, or questions raised by the early Muslim community in Medina. They address practical issues faced by the Muslims at the time and offer solutions and guidance. Dialogue with Jewish and Christian Communities: As the Muslim community expanded in Medina, interactions with Jewish and Christian tribes increased. Consequently, some Medinan Surahs engage in dialogue with these communities, addressing theological differences and affirming commonalities while asserting the finality of Islam. Military and Defensive Instructions: Given the hostile environment and ongoing conflicts faced by the Muslim community in Medina, some Medinan Surahs provide instructions regarding defensive warfare, rules of engagement, and strategies for self-defense against adversaries. Emphasis on Moral and Spiritual Development: Despite the focus on practical and legal matters, Medinan Surahs also emphasize the importance of moral conduct, ethical behavior, and spiritual growth. They remind believers of their duties towards God, fellow humans, and society at large. Establishment of Islamic Institutions: The Medinan period saw the establishment of various Islamic institutions, including the mosque, the Islamic calendar, and systems of governance. Medinan Surahs often address the role and function of these institutions in shaping Muslim society. Overall, the Medinan Surahs play a crucial role in providing comprehensive guidance for Muslims in matters of faith, practice, governance, and social interaction. They reflect the challenges and experiences of the early Muslim community in Medina and offer timeless principles applicable to contemporary Muslim societies. Below is some Meccan and Medinan surahs, summarizing the most important meanings and contents mentioned in them.
  11. Farewell, Kam Sixty-five years ago, a young, slim, dark-skinned immigrant in his twenties with a short stature disembarked in the port of New York from the ship that brought him from Beirut across seas and oceans, coming from Baghdad after a journey that lasted several months. He worked during the trip and slept on the ship's floor, enduring its hardships, with his only hope being the dream of reaching America, where he dreamed of completing his studies at one of its universities. A sea journey that ultimately led him from beneath the Statue of Liberty, a symbol he had dreamt of for years, ever since he became aware of life and its difficulties after his parents' divorce, and he was left in the care of his strict father with his siblings. He lived a tough life filled with hardship and the absence of maternal affection, but it was not without moments of joy. He remembers a humorous incident from his youth when he returned to Baghdad from Najaf after visiting his mother and didn't have the fare for the bus. He resorted to sneaking onto a wooden bus carrying an empty coffin after a burial, a common practice, to hide from the bus driver's eyes. He recalls this with a chuckle, describing the reaction of the passengers who sat next to the coffin on top of the bus to avoid paying a higher fare. He remembers them jumping in fright when they saw a hand reaching out from the coffin after the bus arrived in Baghdad. That young man arrived in the port of New York, the city of dreams and immigrants, with only his university acceptance letter and enough money to pay for a bus ticket from New York to Los Angeles on the west coast of America. His overland journey across the American continent took three days, during which he endured hunger and seized the opportunity when a fellow passenger offered him the remnants of a meal. He arrived, hoping to find temporary refuge with a friend who had already made it there. However, his hope quickly evaporated when the friend refused to welcome him and threw his bag into the street, leaving him alone and a stranger, facing an unknown fate, to spend the night on the sidewalk. But destiny, which had taken care of him and facilitated his impossible journey, did not fail to provide him with a job as a greeter at the door of a street restaurant, where his appearance and skin color in a broad sombrero hat, cloak, and trousers helped him. However, this opportunity didn't last long and ended with another humorous incident. After being promoted to work as a server inside the restaurant and while he was serving a bowl of bean soup, he noticed a mouse felling in the pot , which the chef coldly took out of the pot. But all the young man could do was continue serving the soup to the customers, despite his disgust. He recalls an incident when a mouse passed under a customer's table, startling the lady, and all he could do was hang in a playful and spontaneous manner, by saying, In a malicious comment, the chef threw him out into the street again, this time stripped down to his underwear after the restaurant owner took away his hat and cloak. From that day on, he walked barefoot with nothing but a smile, hope, and self-confidence, which always guided him to achieve his dream of enrolling in university, completing his studies, and graduating with an engineering degree from Cal Poly. He also got married to his study partner and had four children with her. Eventually securing a job in nuclear reactor construction with one of the major American energy companies. He became a pioneer in this field and was promoted to become a member of the American Nuclear Energy Committee, overseeing specifications and designs. But perhaps his dearest membership to his heart was with the Thursday group, where he faithfully attended the Iraqi friends group weekly meetings in San Francisco, California over about twenty years. He actively participated in their discussions and humor, always being honest and straightforward, wearing a smile on his face, talking about his adventures and dreams, leading a happy life, and his arduous struggle to find a life partner after divorcing his second wife, following a marriage that lasted for decades and brought him four more children. He was eager to arrive early, but illness and difficulty driving prevented him from attending those enjoyable gatherings. A long and challenging journey came to an end on the fourth Saturday of November 2023, taking him away from his unfulfilled dream of contributing to the electricity shortage in Iraq by building a nuclear reactor in Iraq. He left his friends without a farewell. Farewell, my friend Kam. Your seat in the Thursday meeting will miss you. Goodbye, Abu Samer. Safaa Al-Hakim / Thursday Group 2023 California, the land of two springs. Thursday.group
  12. وداعا كامل الخُزاعي English version below قبل خمسه وستين عاما ، ترجل شاب مهاجر عشريني نحيف اسمر البشره قصير القامه في ميناء نيويورك من عن ظهر السفينه التي نقلته من بيروت عبر البحار والمحيطات قادما من بغداد بعد رحله استمرت لاشهر عديده,عمل خلالها في خدمات الرحله و نام على ارضية الباخره لا يلوي مصاعبه سوى حلم الوصول الى امريكا حيث كان يحلم باكمال دراسته في احدى جامعاتها . رحله بحريه مرت في نهايتها من تحت تمثال الحريه ، ذلك الشعار الذي ظل يحلم به على مدى سنين حياته منذ ان وعى الحياه ومصاعبها بعد طلاق امه وهو طفل و بقائه في كنف والده الشديد المراس مع اطفاله . حياة صعبه عاشها في ضنك و حرمان من عطف الامومه و لكنها لم تكن لتخلو من لحظات مرح . يتذكر تلك الحادثه الطريفه وهو يافع عند رجوعه الى بغدادمن النجف بعد زياره لامه ولم يكن يملك ثمن التذكره فاضطر متسللا لتسلق باصا خشبيا كان يحمل تابوتا فارغا بعد دفن الميت في مقبرة النجف كما جرت العاده, ليتمدد فيه مختفيا عن اعين السائق . يتذكرها وهو يضحك بملى شدقيه ليصف رد فعل اولئك المسافرين ممن كانوا جلسا جنب الصندوق على سقف الباص تجنبا لدفع سعر اعلى . تذكرهم وهم يتقافزون فزعا بعد رؤيتهم لتلك اليد تمتد من التابوت بعد وصول الباص الى بغداد. نزل ذلك الشاب في ميناء نيويورك مدينه الاحلام والمهاجرين وليس في جيبه سوى ورقة القبول الجامعيه و ما يكفي من مال لدفع ثمن تذكره باص يقله من نيويورك الى لوس انجلس بالغرب الامريكي . سفره بريه عبر القاره الامريكيه في ثلاثة ايام قضاها جوعا متحينا فرصه ان يعطف عليه راكب بمنحه ما يتبقى من وجبه اكل . ذهب ملتحفا بامل يقيه وحشة غربته بانه سيجد ملجا مؤقت لدى صديق سبقه الى هناك . امل سرعان ما تبخر عندما رفض الصديق ان يستقبله ورمى بحقيبته بالشارع ليجد نفسه وحيدا غريبا يواجه مصير مجهول لينام ليلته على الرصيف . لكن القدر الذي رعاه وتكفل برحلته المستحيله لم يعدم من توفير فرصه عمل كمنادي للزبائن على باب مطعم مكسيكي تساعده هيئته لابسا القبعه السمبريرو العريضه مرتديا الرداء و السروال . فرصه لم تدم طويلا حيث انتهت بحادث طريف اخر . فبعدما ان تم ترقيته ليعمل في خدمه الزبائن داخل المطعم وبينما كان يعمل على تقديم طبق حساء الفاصوليا ، لاحظ الطباخ يرفع من قدر المرق فارا سقط فيه ، ليكمل عمله في صب الحساء في الصحون ببرود . امر اثار اشمئزازه ولكنه لم يجد بدا من العمل في تقديم الطبق . يتذكر اثناء التقديم لزوجين من رواد المطعم مر فار من تحت الطاوله ,فزعت السيده من الفار ، فما كان منه الا ان علق وببساطه وعفويه صديق طفولته الممثل الكوميدي العراقي حمودي الحارثي " - تعليقا خبيثا رمى به بالشارع مره اخرى ولكن هذه المره عاريا الا من ملابسه الداخليه بعد ان جرده صاحب المطعم من القبعه و الرداء. سار من يومها عاريا الا من ابتسامه و امل وثقه بالنفس قاده دوما ليحقق طموحه في التسجيل بالجامعه وليكمل دراسته ويتخرج من كليه الهندسه في كال بولي ويتزوج من رفيقته بالدراسه وينجب منها اربعه ابناء و ليحصل على عمل في بناء المفاعلات النوويه مع احد كبرى شركات الطاقه الامريكيه جي اي , كان احدها المفاعل الياباني الذي تعرض للهزه الارضيه قبل سنوات وليصبح احد رواد هذا المجال وليترقى لينال شرف ان يكون عضوا في لجنه الطاقه النوويه الامريكيه المختصه في تحديد المواصفات و التصاميم لكن عضويته الاهم ربما كانت مع جماعه الخميس فقد كان عضوا مواضبا في جلسات الجماعه الاسبوعيه في منطقه سان فرانسسكو كاليفورنيا. يشارك الاخرين حواراتهم ومزاحهم , كان صريحا صافي النيه لاتفارق البسمه وجهه وهو يتحث عن مغامراته و احلامه بحياة هانئه و كفاحه المرير من اجل الحصول على رفيق حياة يكمل معه ما تبقى من عمر بعد طلاقه من السيده زوجته الثانيه بعد زواج استمر لعشرات السنين انجب خلاله 4 ابناء اخرين. لقد كان حريصا على الحضور مبكرا حيث كان اول من يصل الى ان منعه المرض وصعوبه السياقه من تلك الجلسات الممتعه قصه كفاح طويله استمرت لتنتهي يوم السبت الرابع من تشرين الثاني سنه ٢٠٢٣ رحل بصمت بعيدا عن حلمه الذي لم يتحقق في المساهمه في بناء مفاعل نووي بالعراق فارق اصدقائه دون وداع سلاما لك صديقي كامل , سيبقى مقعدك في جلسه الخميس يفتقدك وداعا ابا سامر صفاء الحكيم عن جماعه الخميس ت2 2023 كاليفورنيا ام الربيعين Farewell, Kam Sixty-five years ago, a young, slim, dark-skinned immigrant in his twenties with a short stature disembarked in the port of New York from the ship that brought him from Beirut across seas and oceans, coming from Baghdad after a journey that lasted several months. He worked during the trip and slept on the ship's floor, enduring its hardships, with his only hope being the dream of reaching America, where he dreamed of completing his studies at one of its universities. A sea journey that ultimately led him from beneath the Statue of Liberty, a symbol he had dreamt of for years, ever since he became aware of life and its difficulties after his parents' divorce, and he was left in the care of his strict father with his siblings. He lived a tough life filled with hardship and the absence of maternal affection, but it was not without moments of joy. He remembers a humorous incident from his youth when he returned to Baghdad from Najaf after visiting his mother and didn't have the fare for the bus. He resorted to sneaking onto a wooden bus carrying an empty coffin after a burial, a common practice, to hide from the bus driver's eyes. He recalls this with a chuckle, describing the reaction of the passengers who sat next to the coffin on top of the bus to avoid paying a higher fare. He remembers them jumping in fright when they saw a hand reaching out from the coffin after the bus arrived in Baghdad. That young man arrived in the port of New York, the city of dreams and immigrants, with only his university acceptance letter and enough money to pay for a bus ticket from New York to Los Angeles on the west coast of America. His overland journey across the American continent took three days, during which he endured hunger and seized the opportunity when a fellow passenger offered him the remnants of a meal. He arrived, hoping to find temporary refuge with a friend who had already made it there. However, his hope quickly evaporated when the friend refused to welcome him and threw his bag into the street, leaving him alone and a stranger, facing an unknown fate, to spend the night on the sidewalk. But destiny, which had taken care of him and facilitated his impossible journey, did not fail to provide him with a job as a greeter at the door of a street restaurant, where his appearance and skin color in a broad sombrero hat, cloak, and trousers helped him. However, this opportunity didn't last long and ended with another humorous incident. After being promoted to work as a server inside the restaurant and while he was serving a bowl of bean soup, he noticed a mouse felling in the pot , which the chef coldly took out of the pot. But all the young man could do was continue serving the soup to the customers, despite his disgust. He recalls an incident when a mouse passed under a customer's table, startling the lady, and all he could do was hang in a playful and spontaneous manner, by saying, In a malicious comment, the chef threw him out into the street again, this time stripped down to his underwear after the restaurant owner took away his hat and cloak. From that day on, he walked barefoot with nothing but a smile, hope, and self-confidence, which always guided him to achieve his dream of enrolling in university, completing his studies, and graduating with an engineering degree from Cal Poly. He also got married to his study partner and had four children with her. Eventually securing a job in nuclear reactor construction with one of the major American energy companies. He became a pioneer in this field and was promoted to become a member of the American Nuclear Energy Committee, overseeing specifications and designs. But perhaps his dearest membership to his heart was with the Thursday group, where he faithfully attended the Iraqi friends group weekly meetings in San Francisco, California over about twenty years. He actively participated in their discussions and humor, always being honest and straightforward, wearing a smile on his face, talking about his adventures and dreams, leading a happy life, and his arduous struggle to find a life partner after divorcing his second wife, following a marriage that lasted for decades and brought him four more children. He was eager to arrive early, but illness and difficulty driving prevented him from attending those enjoyable gatherings. A long and challenging journey came to an end on the fourth Saturday of November 2023, taking him away from his unfulfilled dream of contributing to the electricity shortage in Iraq by building a nuclear reactor in Iraq. He left his friends without a farewell. Farewell, my friend Kam. Your seat in the Thursday meeting will miss you. Goodbye, Abu Samer. Safaa Al-Hakim / Thursday Group 2023 California, the land of two springs. مقاله عن جلسه الخميس https://baghdadee.ipbhost.com/topic/2291-جماعه-الخميس/
  13. جبل امنم تسجيل صوتي صفاء الحكيم كورنا 2020- ضاحيه المادن-سان هوزيه ***** مقدمه هذه هي الحلقه الاولى من مجموعه ملاحظات سجلتها وانا اتغنى بالطبيعه الساحره في منطقه "المادن" متخذا من اسم الجبل "امنم" المطل عليها كرمز لمحتوى المنطقه وتاريخ الاحداث التي عصفت بها على مدى القرون بما يجري من صراع بين البشر والطبيعه وبين البشر انفسهم ******** أمنم [1] فوقك انثر شعري يسرح فيك خيالي كالعصفور أغرد يرنو إليك فؤادي عال كنت وتبقى وذكرك خالد فيك طريق الله [2] اليه يحج الناس خال تبقى ويعبد حبل الارجوحه تدلى يغري المرء ليلهو كالاطفال فينشد صاح الديك ليوقظ بالاحساس المعنى فجرا اخر يولد يسرح اسد الجبل عذبا يملي ويلهو بظلال الغابه يرعد غزال يختال بطلعته بين العشب تبختر وبطيب العيش يرغد صقرا حلق منفردا يباهي الخلق منتشيا حنحانا يفرد من جحر يخرج ملتويا ثعبان مل ظلمته لنور شمس ينشد تغفو اميره قلبي بحضنك "مادن" [3] تربو تعيش الامل و تسعد نهرا يبنبع منك يهب الخير ويروي الضمأن ليبرد خرير يملئ سمعي يحكي قصه "الما" [4] للتاريخ ويسرد جاء الحمر [5] لتبني عندك من قشٍ مأوى بسهم يصطد بنسق هادئ حل يشارك اهل الدار وبالعرف تقيد يتكامل في بيئته جزء يرقص للحب يغني وللرب يربد حقائق دنياه اربع عقلا ، جسدا ، روحا بقلب يتجدد يستذكر موتاه ليلا وعند بلوج الصبح يستبشر حملا يولد طبول الحرب دقت جند الراهب [6] قدموا سلاح الموت يحشد رب في الشرق ، قال يرث الارض عبادي من صلىً وحمد فزع الخلق اليك عندك يرجو مأوى نار البارود تخمد وجدوا انك ايظا تطلب عونا ترجو الرب لينجد حكم الزرق [7] الارض نحن ولد الله للملك نشيد ###### 1- جبل امنم المدل على ضاحيه المادن جنوب مدينه سان خوزيه في كاليفورنيا 2- اشاره الى المعبد القديم الباقي على القمه 3- اشاره الى ضاحيه المادن 4- نهر الماتس الذي يخترق الوادي 5- اشاره الى السكان الاصليين 6-اشاره الى الراهب سييرا الذي قاد جيوش الاسبان 7-اشاره الى الاوربيين
  14. مقال الاستاذ مهند قيم بما ورد من معلومات وتحليل عن البرديات والتي لم اسمع عنها من قبل يبقى اعتراضي هو ان هناك جانب ديني وآخر تنظيمي الحل يكون باعتماد التقويمين الهجري قمري للدين هجري شمسي كما في ايران او ميلادي شمسي كما في العراق لأداره الدوله اَي ان التنافس لن يكون بين هجري قمري وآخر شمسي بل بين الهجري شمسي و الميلادي الشمسي
  15. مقال الاستاذ مهند قيم بما ورد من معلومات وتحليل عن البرديات والتي لم اسمع عنها من قبل يبقى اعتراضي هو ان هناك جانب ديني وآخر تنظيمي الحل يكون باعتماد التقويمين الهجري قمري للدين هجري شمسي كما في ايران او ميلادي شمسي كما في العراق لأداره الدوله اَي ان التنافس لن يكون بين هجري قمري وآخر شمسي بل بين الهجري شمسي و الميلادي الشمسي
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