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Was dismissing the old army a mistake?

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هل كان تسريح الجيش غلطه.. بقلم باسم المستعار

محور الحديث دائر اليوم عن ما يسمى بخطأ تسريح افراد الجيش العراقي النظامي واعاده تشكيله من جديد وقد كان البعض يدعوا الى

سرعه اعاده تشكيله كما هو وبشكل سريع من رتبه مقدم فما دون..

برأي ان الخطأ لم يكن في حل الجيش لان الجيش كان قد حل نفسه بعد سقوط النظام وانهيار مؤسساته ونهب معسكراته, ولكن الخطأ كان في التأخر في البدء بأعاده الاستفاده من هياكله بعد القيام بما يلزم لضمان بناء جيش عراقي وطني بعيد عن الطائفيه او العرقيه يكون حاميا للنظام الديمقراطي الجديد بدلا من ان يكون جلاده .


دعوني انظر الى نصف الكأس المليان ,هناك مئات الالاف من افراد الجيش العراقي ممن يرغب بالانضمام الى تشكيله الحيش الجديد الذي يقوم مجلس الحكم بالاشراف على اعاده تشكيله. هذا بحد ذاته يشكل صفعه كبيره لاؤلائك الذين يروجون للنظام السابق او يدعون له..المساله هي في فلتره و اعاده التوازن داخل الجيش الجديد.


الفلتره هي مسأله حاسمه لانه لايوجد هناك ابيض واسود كما يشير بعض الزملاء . الجيش العراقي كان مؤسسه "مغلقه" وللذين لايعروفون معنى "مغلقه", انها تعني منع من لم ينتمي للحزب من الدخول للكليات العسكريه ليصبح ضايطا. اما من يحاول تجريم القيادات العليا فقط فانني ارى انه قد يكون العكس هو الصحيح. ان نسبه الحاقدين على صدام وغير المتورطين في الارتباطات الامنيه للنظام قد تكون اعلى بين الضباط الكبار عنه الحال بين الصغار. وذلك لان هؤلاء من جيل ما قبل صدام واغلبيتهم محترفين و من اصول مصلاويه منافسه تستنكف العمل الامني باعتباره عملا مشينا .

من ناحيه اخرى ان اسلوب السيطره على الوحدات كان يتم من خلال زرع مستويات متعدده من شبكات سريه امنيه "استخبارات/امن خاص/توجيه سياسي/حزب.." . كل منها يعمل بصوره منفصله عن الاخر وجميعها تعمل بدون الرجوع للهكيل الاداري للوحده. الجيد في الموضوع ان اداره هذه الخلايا السريه جميعا تتم من خلال هياكل هرميه شديده الصرامه, من هنا فان اعتراف اي عنصر ممكن ان يدل على اغلب الخيوط للهكيل فوقيا وعموديا. اعتقد ان ذلك يجب ان يكون من الاولويات الماسه. يجب ان نعرف ان اغلب عناصر هذه الاجهزه الامنيه ليسوا من البعثيين المؤمنين حقا بقضيه وانهم انما فعلوا ذلك طلبا لمورد مالي, وان اغلبهم سيكون تواقا لبيع معلوماته لاي مشتري. ان على مجلس الحكم ان يتقدم وبسرعه بمبادرات لتشجيع هؤلاء على المبادره بتسجيلها وبطريقه شفافه وسريه.


اما موضوع اعاده التوازن , فكل مطلع يعرف ان مؤسسه الجيش النظامي كانت قائمه على مبدأ تفضيل فئه عراقيه معينه وحسب التسلسل من الاعم الى الاخص "سنه/ عرب/دليم/تكريت" حتى على مستوى الرتب القياديه الدنيا.. لا اريد ان اكون طائفيا او عنصريا ولكن من المعروف ان في اي دول العالم الثالث, عدم التوازن يسبب عدم الاستقرار الديمقراطي . يجب ملاحظه ان هذه السياسه لم يبتدعها صدام فهي نتاج لتلك السياسه الانكليزيه بعد تاسيس الدوله العراقيه في عشرينات القرن الماضي والتي قررت ان يحكم البلد من قبل الاقليه السنيه العربيه بدلا من سياسه التوازن التي يعمل الامريكان على اقراراها الان في العراق.

تلك السياسه التني كلفت العراقيون ثمنا باهضا جدا. ان اخر ما يمكن ان نتصوره هو اعاده لتلك السياسه المميته.



The following is not translation of above, it is moved from the old web site


Some used to nail unstablity in Iraq back to the decision of dismissing Iraqi army after the fall of the regime..I would ask, what would happen if all those secret Sadamee's agents, used to be empedded in the army, are still working free from within the new army? Howmany bomb would explode inside army units? ..


As for the new army rebuild, there are hunderds of thousands of young iraqi ex-army men who are willing to join the new Iraqi army that the Iraqi GC plan to rebuild..This is a big slab for the old regime's promotors and propagandists.

Why screening the regular army and to assure the balance within the new army is important?.


The screening is critical, as there is no such thing as black/white that some folks put it.The regular army was a "closed" Bathee orginization. And for those who don't know what "closed" is , it means no one is allowed to get in an army college to be an officer, without being a formal baathist. Having in mind there was multi layer secret intelegence agent structures plented in each military unit "estikhbarat/amen khass/tawjeeh seyasee/party..) each one works separately and in full isolation from the real unit berocracy.The good news is that these basterds were well organized in a firm heirarichal structure, means, getting any one in this hierarichy would expose most of it.. I think this would be the first critical mission .. We have to know, Zeyad may confirm this though, that most of these agents are not a real baathist beleivers but rather finding it a way to earn more mony. They will love to sell their info if they find a buyer. Iraqi GC should start an intiative to encourge those people to step forward to clean their records "in a secrate way".


As far as keeping the balance, every one knows that the regular military was biased towards certain iraqi faction "Arab sunni", even at the entry level. I used to teach in military engineering college in Rustamia, while doing my compulsary servece and noticed that at least 80% of the students in both eng and regular millitary colleges were such. I am not here to be factionist but want to emphasis that in any third world country balance in the army is the best way to keep stability.. Having in mind that this was not a Sadeem's policy, it was ex-british one. who after establishing the new Iraqi Gov. in the twenty's of last century, decided to have Iraq being ruled by a Sunee arab minority rather than buliding a balanced system as what the American is doing now. A policy that I claim, being responsible for all what Iraqi's pay very high price for. The last thing to see in iraq is to repeat such deadly mistake!

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  • 4 months later...
Guest Guest_Tajer



This might send a very dameging message to All non Baathies, Sunni, Shia and Kurds.


We need to understand that this is exactly the motive behind all the voilance in the Badawian Traingle.. Any compromise on this, might encourge others to go same way to achive their faction goals..

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Adding a BBC article about the recent talks about Falluja. Wanted to highlight this group 'Falluja Protection Army' and will they make a difference over the next 24 hours? into the weekend?



US 'plans' to pull out of Falluja

US marines have agreed a framework plan to withdraw from the besieged Iraqi city of Falluja, says the local American military commander.

Lt Col Brennan Byrne said this would allow a newly created all-Iraqi force to take control of the city.


He said this would happen on Friday, but US defence officials in Washington denied knowledge of a firm deal.


And hours after the announcement, US warplanes hit insurgent targets in the city again.


"We had a couple of F-16s and Navy F-18s drop six precision guided munitions in Falluja, destroying two buildings where anti-coalition forces were hiding or using to fire on marines," said Lieutenant Gary Arasin, an air force spokesman.


Falluja, a predominantly Sunni Muslim city of 300,000 people 50km (30 miles) west of the capital Baghdad, has been a hotbed of resistance to the US-led occupation of Iraq.

US forces moved against insurgents in the city on 5 April following the gruesome killings of four American civilian contractors there.


Doctors in Falluja say some 600 people have already been killed since the siege began and thousands have fled.


Elsewhere in Iraq, 10 US soldiers have been killed in attacks - eight in a car bombing south of Baghdad.



'Falluja Protection Army'

Col Byrne told reporters he had reached an agreement with

a group of former Iraqi military officers

to bring an end to the intense fighting that has ravaged parts of Falluja.


He said it would be known as the Falluja Protection Army (FPA), and would be made up of about 1,100 Iraqi soldiers led by a former general from the Saddam Hussein era.


"The plan is that the whole of Falluja will be under the control of the FPA," said Col Byrne.


However, he said the force would ultimately be subordinate to the marines, who would remain in the area, but outside the city itself.



The BBC's Dominic Hughes, in the Iraqi capital, says the plan has many holes.


Just how much influence the new force will have over rebel fighters in the town is not known, he says, and neither the Pentagon, nor the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad appears to have any knowledge of a deal.


Officials at the Pentagon insisted discussions were continuing - and that US marines had not begun disengaging from the area.


US commanders have held back from an all-out assault on the city.


They insisted that the insurgents - who they say include former members of Saddam Hussein's Republican Guard military units and foreign Islamic militants - should turn in their heavy weapons. It is unclear whether this demand is covered by the reported agreement.


Pentagon worries


The image of the US marines withdrawing from an Iraqi city, effectively admitting that they cannot control it, is not one which pleases the Pentagon, says the BBC's Justin Webb in Washington.


However much this action might be seen as prudent and wise, it could also send out a message that America in certain military situations is impotent, our correspondent says.


A new opinion poll suggests dwindling support among Americans for the invasion and occupation of Iraq.


Only 47% of 1,042 Americans questioned believed invading Iraq was the right thing to do, the lowest support recorded in the polls since the war began.


Funny thing about "polls".


They rarely say where these 1,042 people out of 300 million live.


If another poll of a different 1,042 people were given...well..they results wouldn't duplicate that 47%.


those opinion polls are worthless,meaningless and such a waste of time.... ;) if you want my opinion :lol:


But what of this small group of 1,100 soldiers in a city of 300,000 going to do?

Will the sunni majority accept them?

Will Saddams secret service soldiers continue the resistance?

Will these knew soldiers be willing to point out and seperate the innocent from the guilty?

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Guest_tajer

The sunni Shikh of Abo Hanifa mosque call s for the old army officers to repeat the old stories of military que.. He said that Alawee is not represting us and the old army officers need to help the young men in returnning Iraq back to the factionist political system

Any one still think that dismmissing the old Iraqi army was wrong? Can you imagin what might had happened if this army was still active with all those factionist keeping their positions their?


In arabic


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Guest Guest
Only 47% of 1,042 Americans questioned believed invading Iraq was the right thing to do, the lowest support recorded in the polls since the war began.


Funny thing about "polls".


They rarely say where these 1,042 people out of 300 million live.


If another poll of a different 1,042 people were given...well..they results wouldn't duplicate that 47%.


those opinion polls are worthless,meaningless and such a waste of time.... ;) if you want my opinion :lol:

They mean a little bit. They try to get random people to answer the polls. Say that they ask a question, and really130 ,152, 678of the 300 million would answer yes and169 ,847,322would answer no. If they ask a thousand people at random, 19 times out of 20 that they do the poll they'll get a result that's within3 % of the real answer and within3 % of most of the other answers. They might get 43 yes and 57 no, or they might get 40 yes and 60 no, or 46 yes and 54 no. They'll hardly ever be farther off than that.


So the part of americans who thought that when the poll was taken (if the poll was done well) is probably somewhere between44 % and50 %, and it has definitely gone down over time.


People do tend to give the polls too much importance. A difference of2 % can get a lot of attention when it doesn't mean much at all. But poll results do tell something, if you are careful not to give them too much importance.


Do you want to discount this particular poll? Would you rather that more americans approve of american actions in iraq, or fewer?

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  • 3 months later...
Guest Guest_Tajer



In English

A colonel in the Iraqi National Guard has been arrested

on charges of aiding insurgents by passing on tip-offs about planned raids

on resistance safe houses.


This a good reply to those who keep claiming that dismmising the old Army was a mistake.. Just imagine , how many such colonels might be found if the old Army was the one who run the National gaurd today?

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Guest_tajer



In Arabic.. The Iraqi interrior ministry akcnowleged that the return of of a large former Police men was a bad decision.. The Minstry is suspecting those old policement to cooperate with the terrorists and the reason behind the killing of new policemen . The weak monitoring of the old policemen allow the pentration of some Sadamee loyalist that leaks information to terrorists about the new recruits ..

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Guest_tajer



In Arabic. Very intersting interview on Baghdee electronic newspaper Alrafidain , with Pregader Salim Alhaj, the head of security in the governate of Musol. Talking about the reasons of the policemen fleding after terrorists hited their posts last month.. He blamed on the policy of engaging old regime policemen in the new staff.. Also he called for a serious review to that policy.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Guest_tajer



يدافع عن اهم قراراته. حل الجيش

Disbanding Saddam's Army Was Correct, Bremer Writes


Wednesday, January 12, 2005; 1:31 AM



NEW YORK (Reuters) - The decisions by U.S.-led forces in Iraq to disband Saddam Hussein's army and bar senior Baathists from government jobs after "we liberated Iraq" were the "right decisions," Paul Bremer, former U.S. administrator in Iraq, wrote in the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday.


"They served an important strategic purpose and recognized realities on the ground after the war," Bremer wrote in an opinion piece.





Bremer said the coalition's objectives in Iraq went beyond "regime change" and President Bush made clear that the U.S. led forces were going to help Iraqis create "a New Iraq."


Bremer said that for more than 30 years, Hussein used the army and intelligence services "to inflict misery, torture and death on Iraqis and their neighbors. The Baath Party was another important instrument of Saddam's tyranny."


"After Liberation, the Coalition felt it was vital to reassure the Iraqi people that in the New Iraq these organizations would no longer be used as instruments of repression," he wrote, adding that the political importance of these decisions cannot be exaggerated.


"The fact that Iraq's new security forces are still not performing well enough to take full responsibility for Iraq's security underscores that creating a well-equipped, professional army cannot be done overnight," he wrote. "The problems those forces face today would be even worse if, instead of a fresh start, we had tried to restore Saddam's old system."


The article comes as Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi said on Tuesday the country would spend $2 billion to boost and train its fledgling army and security forces this year to try to end a relentless insurgency.


Iraqi forces are supposed to take over security when U.S. forces leave the country, but they are struggling even to protect themselves.


Hundreds have been killed by guerrilla suicide and car bombings, and security forces will face their biggest test on Jan. 30 when Iraq holds elections that have raised fears of a bloodbath.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Guest_Tajer
'The Army of Muhammad was Founded by Saddam Hussein After the Fall of

the Regime'


Interrogator: "What is your name?"


Muayed Al-Nasseri: "Colonel Muayed Yassin 'Aziz 'Abd Al-Razaq

Al-Nasseri, commander of the Army of Muhammad, one of the resistance factions in


Iraq. The Army of Muhammad was founded by Saddam Hussein after the fall

of the regime, on April 9, 2003. At first, Yasser Al-Shab'awi was put

in charge, until his capture in July 2003. Then Sa'd Hammad Hisham was

in charge until December 2003. Then I was put in charge from January

2004 until now. The Army of Muhammad has some 800 armed fighters."


Interrogator: "What operations did you carry out? How many operations

did you carry out?"


Muayed Al-Nasseri: "We carried out many armed operations against the

coalition forces in all the districts. The operations included bombarding

their military posts, their camps, and their bases, fighting these

forces, and planting explosive devices against their patrols and convoys."


Interrogator: "What was the nature of your organization?"


Muayed Al-Nasseri: "The organization was a military armed one, which

operated according to a method of non-centralized command."


Interrogator: "How is the Army of Muhammad related to the Ba'th party?"


Muayed Al-Nasseri: "The Army of Muhammad is militarily independent.

After Saddam Hussein's capture in December 2003, for a period [of] four

months, the Army of Muhammad had no connections with the party, but after

April 2003, there was a meeting with the party and we are currently

coordinating with them.


"In addition, Saddam Hussein distributed a communique via the party,

back then, instructing all his supporters or whoever wants to fight the

Jihad for the sake of Allah, to join the Army of Muhammad because it is

the army of the leadership."



'Today, the Leader of the Ba'th Party in Iraq is Izzat Ibrahim'


Interrogator: "Who are the leaders of the Ba'th Party in Iraq?"


Muayed Al-Nasseri: "Today, the leader of the party is 'Izzat Ibrahim.

He is the leader of the party in Iraq. Next in line is Fadhl

Al-Mashhadani, who is responsible for the local organizations within Iraq. Then,


there is Muhammad Yunis Al-Ahamd, who is responsible for the

organization outside Iraq. He is currently in Syria."



'Aid Came from the Neighboring Countries - We Got Aid Primarily from



Interrogator: "Did you get support from the countries of the region?"


Muayed Al-Nasseri: "Yes, sir... Many factions of the resistance are

receiving aid from the neighboring countries. We in the Army of Muhammad -

the fighting has been going on for almost two years now, and there must

be aid, and this aid came from the neighboring countries. We got aid

primarily from Iran. The truth is that Iran has played a significant role

in supporting the Army of Muhammad and many factions of the resistance.

I have some units, especially in southern Iraq, which receive Iranian

aid in the form of arms and equipment."


Interrogator: "You're referring to units of the Army of Muhammad?"


Muayed Al-Nasseri: "Yes. They received money and weapons."



'[Fighters] Met Personally with Iranian Leader Khamenei... They Even

Got Car Bombs'


Muayed Al-Nasseri: "As for other factions of the resistance, I have

reliable information regarding the National Islamic resistance, which is

one of the factions of resistance, led by Colonel 'Asi Al Hadithi. He

sent a delegation to Iran from among the people of the faction, including

General Halaf and General Khdayyer. They were sent to Iran in April or

May and met with Iranian intelligence and with a number of Iranian

leaders and even with Khamenei."


Interrogator: "You mean they personally met with Khamenei?"


Muayed Al-Nasseri: "According to my information, they met with him

personally, and they were given one million dollars and two cars full of

weapons. They still have a very close relationship with Iran. They

receive money, cars, weapons, and many things. According to my information,

they even got car bombs."



'Cooperation with Syria Began in October 2003... Later, Saddam Hussein

Himself Authorized Me to Go to Syria'


Muayed Al-Nasseri "In addition, as I've told you, Syria... Cooperation

with Syria began in October 2003, when a Syrian intelligence officer

contacted me. S'ad Hamad Hisham and later Saddam Hussein himself

authorized me to go to Syria. So I was sent to Syria. I crossed the border

illegally. Then I went to Damascus and met with an intelligence officer,

Lieutenant-Colonel 'Abu Naji' through a mediator called 'Abu Saud.' I

raised the issues that preoccupied Saddam Hussein and the leadership.

There were four issues: First, the issue of the media; second, political

support in international forums; [third], aid in the form of weapons, and

[fourth], material aid, whether it is considered a debt or is taken

from the frozen Iraqi funds in Syria."



'The Syrian Government is Fully Aware of this, and the Syrian

Intelligence Cooperates Fully'


Muayed Al-Nasseri: "Through the Ba'th party - the Arab Socialist Ba'th

Party operates in Syria with complete freedom. It maintains its

relations and organizes the Ba'th members outside Iraq. The Syrian government

is fully aware of this, and the Syrian intelligence cooperates fully,

as well as the Ba'th Party, in Syria.


"As for the Ba'th Party, after we contacted them, they organized a

meeting for me with a man named Fawzi Al-Rawi, who is a member of the

national leadership and an important figure in Syria. The Syrian government

authorized him to meet with me. We met twice. In the first meeting, I

explained to him what the Army of Muhammad is, what kind of operations

we carry out, and many other things. In the second meeting he told me

that Syrian government officials were very pleased with our first

meeting. He informed me that the Army of Muhammad would receive material aid

in the form of goods, given to us for free or for a very low price, for

us to sell in Iraq, in order to support the Army of Muhammad. This was

done this way due to Syria's current circumstances, international

pressure, and accusations of supporting the terrorism and resistance in



Interrogator: "During your investigation we found a picture of a Syrian

man. What is this picture?"


Muayed Al-Nasseri: "This is the picture of an Islamic preacher called

'Abu Al-Qa'qa',' whose [real] name is Mahmoud Al-Agassi. He lives in

Aleppo, Syria. I have met with him twice. He supported me and gave me

$3,000. He also sent a sum of money with me for someone in the resistance

here in Iraq.


"Also, I forgot to mention that Fawzi Al-Rawi told me he had close

connections with many factions of the resistance. He mentioned his Hareth

Al-Dhari [leader of Iraqi Sunni Clerics Association], Mahdi

Al-Sumayda'i, and other factions."



(1) Al-Fayhaa TV (Iraq/UAE), January 14, 2005.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Guest_tajer

While the below might be looked at as a positive sign but we need to be careful of not allowing the criminal terrorists from pentrating the security forces..

This move is just one outcomes of the ellection.. Those who tried to stop the process from out side, might feel after the fail of their startegy , to change the tactics and try to stop it from inside.


The clerics need fiirst to issue a fatwa to prohib the attacks on police and Army..



Sunni Clerics Urge Followers to Join Iraq Army and Police



Published: April 2, 2005



AGHDAD, Iraq, April 1 - A group of Sunni Arab clerics, including some hard-line figures who fiercely oppose the American presence here, issued a statement on Friday urging their fellow Sunni Arabs to join the Iraqi Army and police.


The edict, signed by 64 imams and religious scholars, was a striking turnaround for the clerics, who have often lashed out in sermons at the fledgling army and police force and branded them collaborators.


Prominently missing from the signers was Harith al-Dari, the leader of the Association of Muslim Scholars and one of the most influential Sunni Arab clerics in Iraq, who is said to have close ties to the insurgency.


Still, the directive, which carried the signature of Ahmed Hassan al-Taha, an imam at an important Baghdad mosque who has been a strong critic of the occupation, seemed to represent a significant step.


Many if not most insurgent attacks in recent months have been aimed at the police and army, which are largely composed of Shiites. The cleric who announced the edict, Sheik Ahmed Abdul Ghafour al-Samarrai, said he hoped and believed that the new directive would undercut those attacks.


But Sheik Abdul Ghafour also made clear that the order was aimed at regaining some control over Iraq's new security forces, not saving Shiite lives. Sunni Arabs dominated the higher echelons of the military under Saddam Hussein, and many, enraged by the American decision to dissolve Mr. Hussein's army two years ago, joined the insurgency.


"The new army and police force are empty of good people, and we need to supply them," the edict said. "Because the police and army are a safeguard for the whole nation, not a militia for any special party, we have issued this fatwa calling on our people to join the army and police."


The edict contained a condition seemingly aimed at sweetening the pill for resistant Sunni Arabs: that a new police or army recruit must agree "not to help the occupier against his compatriots."


American and Iraqi officials welcomed the edict as a sign that the Sunni Arabs, who largely boycotted the January elections, are taking steps toward rejoining the country's government and politics.


"It is a positive step," said Saad Jawad Qindeel, a member of the Shiite alliance that won the largest bloc of seats in Iraq's new national assembly in January. "We are hoping the clerics will take an even more definite attitude in preventing terrorism."

Although Sheik Dari of the Association of Muslim Scholars did not sign the edict, Sheik Abdul Ghafour delivered it on Friday at the mosque in western Baghdad that houses the association's headquarters.


It was not clear whether Sheik Dari or the association were offering some tacit support by providing the venue for the announcement. The leaders of the association, like some of the scholars who signed the edict, are widely believed to have some influence over the armed resistance. But it is impossible to say how much.


In the past, members of the association have often complained about injustices committed by Iraqi soldiers and police officers and by the American military. On Thursday, Sheik Abdul Ghafour invoked those injustices as the main reason for issuing the edict.


"The bad conduct of some army recruits has led the wise men and loyal Iraqis to recognize that they must build up this country and not leave things in the hands of those who have caused such chaos and destruction," he said.


New details emerged Friday about the jailed Jordanian-American who is said to have been a senior aide to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Al Qaeda's representative in Iraq. The man was born in Kuwait to Jordanian parents but moved with his family to the United States, where he spent about 20 years, mostly in the Midwest, Pentagon officials said. He moved to the Middle East a few years before the Sept. 11 attacks and was seized late last year at his home in Baghdad, along with weapons and bomb-making materials, the officials said.


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Guest Mustefser



In Arabic.. The speaker of Sunni cleric association, a leading Arab sunni cleric in Iraq, denied any relation to the fatwa by 65 sunni Cleric that was announced by the Imam of main Um Alquora Baghdad Mosque last friday..


The association denial came as expected . There is a clear divition withing the Arab Sunni community about how to deal with the current process. This also have it's implications on other issues such as the nomination to fill the leaders positions.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Guest_tajer



In Arabic.. a message from an Iraqi from Almadaen informing that the terrorists succeded to cross the river after pushing their hostages in the river "more than 100 meter wide" to the Jubour trib and they are now in the farm of Eng Abass " alocal known farm" in Albueatha.. By the way Albuaetha is a beutiful farms on the bank of tigress which Saddam had granted to his party leaders .. There you found the castles of Aldouri, Aflaq and other criminals

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