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Iraq, and the Truth We Dare Not Speak

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AP: White House official hopes Shiite cleric will play "positive role" in Iraq

• Muqtada al-Sadr urges his militia to stop fighting the Iraqi government

• Radical Shiite cleric appears at mosque in Kufa after four-month absence

• Shiite militia leader in Basra reported killed by British troops




I have the feeling that the US administartion is aware of those plans by differents parties to drag into a violance.


His message to his followers is " Don't retaliate even if you got attacked".. That is the most important message.. All other meassages are for now just thoughts that would enrich the Iraqi developing political infrastructure..

It is great opportunity that such radicle group is controlled by such attitude of working for Iraq union recovery, fighting Terrorists and American withdraw.. The goal that US adminstration is working so hard to make it happen sonner than later..


He put the level forbidding of retaliation as hight as religous fatwa by the the Marjia, which he didn't specify. He added, " I am just conveying it to you"..

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مفكرة الإسلام: ظهر اليوم الزعيم الشيعي مقتدى الصدر كإمام للمصلين الشيعة أتباعه بمسجد الكوفة جنوب بغداد في أول ظهور له منذ تواريه عن الأنظار مطلع العام الجاري.

وكانت صحيفة نيويورك تايمز ذكرت في عددها الصادر اليوم أن الصدر عاد منذ أقل من أسبوع إلى العراق بعد أن أمضى عدة أشهر في إيران.

كما قال مسؤول أمريكي في فبراير الماضي إن الصدر انتقل إلى إيران في يناير الماضي أي قبيل انطلاق الخطة الأمنية لفرض الأمن في بغداد. لكن اتباعه أصروا على وجوده في البلاد وعدم مغادرتها.

وجيش المهدي الذي يتبع الصدر يقوم بعمليات قتل وتهجير منظمة ضد السنة, كما تعد الحسينيات التابعة له اماكن مخصصة لممارسة التعذيب والقتل على نطاق واسع للمختطفين من أهل السنة.وانسحب التيار الصدري من حكومة رئيس الوزراء "نوري المالكي" حيث شغل ستة مناصب وزارية وربع مقاعد الائتلاف الشيعي في البرلمان.



Above is the Sader speach coverage by an Iraqi web site that is close to the Qaeda .. The web site had nothing but quoting the NT's accusation to Alsader !! It did't mention any thing about the contents of the speach..


Who said that new Iraq enymies are not cooperating? So why those who love it not being as smart and progmatic .

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Reading through theIndependent report below there is no any concrete evidence to the writer claim other than some two students told him about!!!!




If there is such possibility then it should be around the Qeada safe heavens way to the north of Diwania, right?


However , a vacume might creat such dangour possibility.. It ius good to high light that possibility. I personally never heard of such think to happen in Dywania, I heard of the traffic through Iran to gulf but that is through Sumawa by some Bedwan trips who have their roots inside Suadi Arabia..


The Independent 23 May


> Opium: Iraq's deadly new export Amid the anarchy, farmers begin to


>grow opium poppies, raising fears that the country could become a major


>heroin supplier By Patrick Cockburn in Baghdad Published: 23 May



> Farmers in southern Iraq have started to grow opium poppies in

>their fields for the first time, sparking fears that Iraq might become

>a serious drugs producer along the lines of Afghanistan.

> Rice farmers along the Euphrates, to the west of the city of

>Diwaniya, south of Baghdad, have stopped cultivating rice, for which

>the area is famous, and are instead planting poppies, Iraqi sources

>familiar with the area have told The Independent.

> The shift to opium cultivation is still in its early stages but

>there is little the Iraqi government can do about it because rival Shia


>militias and their surrogates in the security forces control Diwaniya

>and its neighbourhood. There have been bloody clashes between

>militiamen, police, Iraqi army and US forces in the city over the past

two months.




It is too dangerous for foreign journalists to visit Diwaniya but the

>start of opium poppy cultivation is attested by two students from there

>and a source in Basra familiar with the Iraqi drugs trade.

> Drug smugglers have for long used Iraq as a transit point for

>heroin, produced from opium in laboratories in Afghanistan, being sent

>through Iran to rich markets in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf. Saddam

>Hussein's security apparatus in Basra was reportedly heavily involved

in the illicit trade.

>Opium poppies have hitherto not been grown in Iraq and the fact that

>they are being planted is a measure of the violence in southern Iraq.

>It is unlikely that the farmers' decision was spontaneous and the gangs

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Shikh Hasan Nasralah of Hizbullah had a very long speech today on the seventh memorial of what they call it in Lebanon " the day of liberation and resistance".. Some Lebanese prefer calling it" the Liberation day" though .. It was in remembrance of the Israeli withdrew which many Lebanese consider as a real start of series of "Liberations" that ended with the withdraw of Syrians under great pressure by the popular demonstrations and international push.


He talked mainly about internal issues demonstrating his Party descion of getting more involved in Lebanese internal affairs that many in Lebanon though of causing some political disturbance to the balance of power within the Lebanese system of equilibrium..


From Iraq prospective ,What is important was the first and last segments of his speech. In his first he indirectly denounced Alqeada for their barbaric acts in Iraq against civilians. He claimed that through the whole struggle against Israeli occupation , Hizbullah never committed any deliberate planned suicide act against any civilian target, which he called very un resistance and un Islamic. However in his last part, and while explaining why the Government need not sweep out the Palestinian camp of nahr Albarid, he warned that such act might drag Lebanon into the full scale war against Alqaeda and get lebanon into the zone of fight between The US and Qaeda THAT THE AMERICAN planned and executed in Iraq, transforming that country into a battle field of that war . He claimed that Bush was successful in that not worrying for Iraqi high price casualties . He warned the Saniora government that they should not play such mistake..


While this claim might be a good election propaganda for the republicans , making the whole war in Iraq as a well done plan to keep the American interests a way from Qaeda on the cost of hundreds of thousands Iraqi civilians lives "some thing that I referred to before", it is really damaging when it comes to Iraqis.. I thing , such a feeling is becoming more convincing to many Iraqis, who started to doubt the real intentions of Iraq war. If such a feeling is allowed to develop with no real acts showing the commitment of Americans to stand to their duties in protecting the occupied land, then It might bring more people into the radical propaganda machine..

Assuming that this conspiracy theory was right , then it was working really fine from the planners prospective. However, such assumed success might turn to the reverse having in mind my following point.


When a radical group that fought the heavy handed Israelis over tens of years, are scared to a Qeada punish considering the fight with Alqaeda as An American fight, ignoring that Qaeda had killed more Arabs and Muslims than Isreali/Americans , combined, then that is telling me that Alqaeda brutal savage act of terrorizing Arab and Muslim governments and people is making a success..

Indeed what Nasralah had came in public is making much sense to many Arab and Muslims, not because of sympathizing with Qaeda , but mostly because of being terrorized by what ever reaction the Qaeda might brought in..


The Absolute victory of Iraqis "and not the Americans" need to be facilitated, otherwise , the high cost by Iraqis will be made as excuse for many to claim sitting on the wall is making sense !!


A mesage to those who still think that Iraq is just a mistake that Bush had went through .. As Iraqi, I would favour the Nasralah plan, but it is too late now for Iraq.. However, all what Iraqis are looking for is " let us defend our selves, don't fight two wars on our land "!

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The Independent 23 May


> Opium: Iraq's deadly new export Amid the anarchy, farmers begin to


>grow opium poppies, raising fears that the country could become a major


>heroin supplier By Patrick Cockburn in Baghdad Published: 23 May





A full Arabic reprot investigating the above allegations



Seems the libral nespaper who was so much anti Iraqi people liberation , is nothing but another try to manupolate facts about the new Iraq.. The area that the reoported had addmitted of not being able to visit, is witnessing one of it's most flourishing era's to the level of rice production in it's history. This rice is called "Anber" that well known in middel east by it's quality and specially it's smell .. You can recognize it from far distance.. I used to ask my cousin to send me some killograms every year and keep coking it for speciall occations.. Sadam used to block the producers from selling it at the market while he reserved it for the president palace and as valuable gifts for his visitors..

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لى انفجار سيارة بوسط بغداد يرتفع إلى 19 قتيلاً

الاثنين12 من جمادى الأولى 1428هـ 28-5-2007م الساعة 04:41 م مكة المكرمة 01:41 م جرينتش

الصفحة الرئيسة > الأخبار > العالم العربي والإسلامي




مفكرة الإسلام: ارتفع عدد القتلى العراقيين الذين لقوا حتفهم في انفجار سيارة مفخخة بوسط بغداد اليوم الاثنين إلى 19 قتيلاً فيما أصيب 46 آخرون، وفقًا لتصريحات من الشرطة العراقية، حسبما أفادت رويترز.

وكانت سيارة مفخخة قد انفجرت بعد ظهر اليوم في سوق السنك بالقرب من جامع الخلاني، حيث أسفر الانفجار كذلك عن وقوع أضرار بالغة بالمباني المجاورة وعدد من السيارات.

يأتي هذا، فيما قتل ثلاثة من عناصر الشرطة وجرح سبعة آخرون في منطقة الفضل بجانب الرصافة ببغداد، حينما قام مسلحون بتطويق منطقة الفضل وفتحوا النار على الشرطة فأسفر عن مقتل ثلاثة وجرح سبعة آخرين



The car bomb attack on the Soofii Sunni Mosque and Shrine of Alkeilani by Al Qaeda is refecting som high light on the complex fight within Qaeada war on Islam. When the western media call that fight as sunni Shia secterian war, they need to stop at this insident.. They kill as much sunni as they do with Shia..

This would reflect a lot in areas such Pakistan and India where Suni followers of alkailani used to visit that Shrine..


Alqaeda is no a run, they have nothing to do now more than killing Sunnis that the Western libral media claim them protector of ..


I have a feeling that this attack will flag a final seperation between Iraqi Sunni's and Qeada jihadists

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TNT Found in Home of Iraqi Leader

Evidence Is Place on Maliki's Desk




Staff Reporter of the Sun

May 25, 2007


WASHINGTON — The Iraqi general in charge of the Baghdad security plan and the Interior Ministry is pressing Prime Minister al-Maliki to lift legal immunity for 15 Sunni members of parliament and begin prosecuting the lawmakers for conspiring with terrorists, in some cases Al Qaeda.


On April 18, Lieutenant General Aboud Qanbar presented the Iraqi premier with CD-ROM dossiers for the Sunni politicians, including almost all members of the National Dialogue Front, a bloc of three parties that have sought to negotiate cease-fires with those remaining portions of the Sunni Arab insurgency that have not been subsumed by Al Qaeda. The discs on Mr. Maliki's desk include photographs, testimony, and transcripts of conversations as part of the evidence against the premier's political opposition.


The lawmakers' recommendations for prosecution include some American allies such as Adnan al-Duleymi, whom American officials say is likely not linked to terrorism. But they also include parliamentarians that the American military leadership believes are senior terrorist operatives, such as Khalaf al-Ayan.


An American military official this week confirmed to The New York Sun that on April 3, American forces raided Mr. Ayan's house in Yarmouk and found stores of TNT that matched the kind used in the suicide belt that detonated on April 12 at the Iraqi parliament's cafeteria. That blast killed a member of parliament, Mohammed Awad, a Sunni Arab member of Mr. Ayan's Dialogue Front, yet the terrorist who killed him is believed to have been a member of Awad's security detail.


But the background on Mr. Ayan, who has threatened to return to "resistance" if the political process does not yield to the demands of his Sunni constituency, also implicates him in a string of attacks in Mosul on May 17 that detonated bridges and blew up a police station, according to one senior Iraqi Sunni official and an American intelligence officer who asked not to be named because of the sensitivity of the investigation. A raid last week on his parliamentary offices, in which American forces participated, yielded time-stamped before-and-after photos of the attacks, according to these sources.


Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed credit for the May 17 attacks, as it did for the parliament bombing. Mr. Ayan is believed to be the political leader of a rival of that group, the Islamic Army of Iraq, suggesting that the two organizations are cooperating. "The Islamic Army of Iraq coordinates attacks with Al Qaeda," the senior Iraqi official said. "The insurgency has consolidated."


The suspect list of members of parliament is a particularly sensitive matter for Washington, which is seeking both to purge sectarian ministers and officials from the Iraqi government and promote reconciliation between the Shiites and the Sunnis.


A long-standing complaint for American military officers is that General Aboud has issued target lists to his officers in the Iraqi army that consist only of Sunni suspects and not Shiite death squads, as the Sun first reported on May 3. American commanders in Iraq have shared, for example, information on Shiite legislators, such as a former national security minister under Prime Minister Jafari, Abdul Karim al-Eaneze. But the list of legislators recommended for prosecution includes only Sunnis.


Further complicating the situation is that Mr. Ayan, as well as other members of parliament recommended for prosecution, such as Mohammed al-Daini and Saleh al-Mutlak, is pushing for legislation asking American soldiers to leave Iraq. Last week Mr. Daini was in Washington meeting with members of the press and Congress, voicing his desire for the Americans to leave and promising that the withdrawal of American troops would not precipitate a civil war or more violence.


Yesterday, another American official familiar with the prosecution list conceded that only a few of the legislators were tied in a serious way to terrorism. This source explained that members of personal security details for legislators had been detained in some cases and suspected of links to militias and insurgents for both Sunni and Shiite legislators, but that this alone did not prove much. "Only a handful of these guys on Maliki's desk are plotting operations," he said. For this official however, Mr. Ayan is one of those members of parliament who should be prosecuted.


Mr. Ayan himself has been an outspoken critic of the American military presence in his country. A former Baathist who participated in the December 2005 elections after much persuading from the American Embassy, he has since opposed the Baghdad security plan.


On January 10, Mr. Ayan appeared on Al-Jazeera and appealed to the United Nations to end the American and Iraqi offensive that drove out Sunni terrorists from Baghdad's Haifa Street. The offensive was widely seen by American soldiers five months later as the first step toward the revival of the neighborhood, which had seen spiraling executions and most of its residents driven out.

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U.S. and Iranian Officials Meet in Baghdad, but Talks Yield No Breakthroughs

Published: May 29, 2007


Violence continued to tear through Iraq. The deadliest attack of the day was the bombing of the Abdul-Qadir al-Gailani Mosque in central Baghdad, one of the world’s most important shrines in Sufism.


The blast destroyed several cars, shattered glass in buildings within a radius of 200 yards and scattered victims’ body parts. “It was like an earthquake,” said Mowaffak Abdulla, 55, who witnessed the explosion. “Smoke, dust and fire everywhere. Cars were burning.”


As he spoke, Mr. Abdulla burst into tears. “Why would they target our Sheik Abdul-Qadir?” he wailed. “What is the government doing to stop this? I don’t think they can protect us because they cannot protect themselves.”


In the past two years, Sufis have found themselves the targets of attacks by fundamentalist Sunnis who view them as apostates.


Several prominent Sunni and Shiite leaders speculated that the mosque attack was the work of extremist Sunni insurgents likely operating under the auspices of Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, the insurgent group that has made the car bomb one of its gruesome hallmarks.


The attackers “are committing these acts to create and increase the sectarian violence in our country,” said Omar Abdul-Sattar, a Sunni Arab legislator from the Iraqi Consensus Front, the largest Sunni Arab bloc in Parliament. “The only solution is to stand together against them and against violence.”


The mosque’s imam, Sheik Mahmoud al-Isawi, said in a tearful phone interview that the attackers were “enemies of Iraq.” The mosque, he said, “is for all Iraqis: Sunnis, Shiites, Kurds, Turkmen and Arabs.”

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Today on Aliraqia in lengthy interview , Shiekh Ali Alsulaiman, the head of Duliem tribes in Al-anbar talked about the Qaeda and their story in getting some nurturing bases in that tribal society.. Shikh Alsulaiman is one of the most powerful tribal Shikhs in Alanbar and is leading his tribes in fighting Alqaeda and their followers in the troubled province. He pointed to what he called a very big plan to get Qeada in Alanbar. He talked about some issues that many Iraqis thought of.. One of the most serious of these issues , is that he believes that the US army had helped Qaeda in establishing their bases in Anbar.. He said that it might be part of a bigger plan that many regional parties had participated ..He went to the level of repeating same accusation by many Shia too that captured Qaeda killers were released later and when tribal men attack these criminals, the Americans objected on bases of respecting human rights at a time they do much worse acts toward civilian people in that region .. He said that many of teenagers who were captured on baseless accusations were deliberately jailed in Poka camp together with Qaeda experienced criminals , to brain wash them and then release them to become Alqeada operatives themselves .. He said that The PM help to the Anbar tribal up rise in revolting against the Qaeda had helped them in getting most of Alnabar.. When asked, if he hate Shia, his reply was simple "my sister in law is a Shia, you are asking if I hate her and my brother's kids".. He warned from same scenarios that is happening now in south of Baghdad, where Qaeda ia allowed to establish strong holds , same with the case of Diala province.. He called for the government to break all restrictions " may be applied by Americans" and do a similar job to what it did with Anbar..


On other front, the Anbar Sunni Awakening council had an important meeting with Alsadrees and sign cooperative agreement of joining forces to fight terrorists and Qaeda and support of Maliki government.. It is a very good step forward of conciliation and victory of Iraq..


More Iraqis become under belief that Americans policy was to help Qaeda establish bigger bases in Iraq , that support might go to a level of attacking those local powers that might be able to defeat qaeda criminals, as the case with Sunni Anbar tribes and Shia Alsadrees. This is nothing but to make it much easier to smash these bases later in big operation that Army is more suitable for. At least that what had happened in Anbar, as par the brave Sunni Shiakh Al sulaiman.. It is also what most Iraqis noticing in West Baghdad and Diala province.


As the case with Nasrala of Hizbullah 's analogy that I talked about earlier, this might be good propoganda for Bush's war on Qaeda, it is very damaging for that Americans long term interests in Iraq to have Iraqis feel that their lifes and destiny are no much more worth than being used as protection shield to the Civilized world including Aramco oil fields of Suadi Arabia..I realy wish it is not the full truth

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Let me see if I understand you correctly here Salim..... Some of you think this guy is SO brave now because he rejects al Qaeda, but still hates the U.S.? It doesn't matter to you that his tribes WELCOMED al Qaeda IN his house to fight the Americans AND SHIA does it? And it doesn't seem to matter that he NOW calls on the AMERICANS to HELP HIM fight al Qaeda after his people have been brutalized and savaged by al Qaeda. Nor do you object to his having (before his al Qaeda awakening) fought side by side with al Qaeda ln the sole purpose of killing the Infidel American Invaders, Shiites and a Shia majority controlled government. It all seems to have been in YOUR opinions a vast conspiracy of the Americans to expand al Qaeda's presence and strength by intentionally jailing those impressionable tribal youths fighting along side by side (under his direction) with al Qaeda and actually jailing them with their al Qaeda comrades when captured. Heaven forbid, we turn them loose to kill more American soldiers instead. Yes Sir, they need more al Qaeda training being when jailed with al Qaeda first. Yes sir, that's the ticket !! God forbid the U.S. was fighting back when attacked against those hiding among your women and children trying to kill them. Yes sir, hide behind your children and the U.S. should just lay down and die for you. Only look closely at how many (women and children) the US killed fighting back when you hide behind them honestly.



I don't think I have read any "Iraqi Conspiracy Theory" of U. S. intentions in Iraq more asinine or ridiculous than this post Salim.



Yes sir, that is entirely the U.S.A's motive in Iraq. Yes sir, that is the U.S. PLAN … make al Qaeda STRONGER so we can defeat them EASIER ON A LARGER SCALE (all for Bush's propaganda purposes)…… who cares about those Iraqi's anyway!!! SARCASIM ON HIGH THERE



It is easy to always blame someone else but what IS the TRUTH here? You only find half truths in your post here Salim. The honeymoon IS over between the al Anbar Sunni and al Qaeda and that is welcome by the U/S., that seems to be some of the REAL truth. The unspeakable truth with this Shiek is he is ONLY NOW disgusted with al Qaeda, still hates the U.S. for HIS becoming a minority out of power over ALL of Iraq and even though he might love his Shia sister in law what does he really think of a Shia Governemnt vs a Sunni one?. HE Refused to participate in the new Iraqi Government, but has now finally seen it didnt work out and was stupid. Not because he believes in a (Democratic) Government, but only to keep his share of Iraq's potential wealth. (the food is better inside the tent instead of starving outside it) And that's a good thing even for those ghastly Americans who conspired against you.



Your post and comments reek of street naivety and would be damn right humorous to most Americans if we didn't have a huge stake in your success. It seems (to me) Iraqi's prove less worthy each day of U. S. PAST sacrifices. Most here are beginning to say SCREW IRAQ, exactly because of the above mindless ignorance stated in your post, An Iraq where everyone is out for His/Herself or his tribal loyalties (even against their neighbors) any everything bad happening (because of it) is the USA's fault. You just have to admire how perfect the Iraqi's are I quess.



Now the Iraqi 'Blood for Oil conspiracy' ? Now this is an original stuck on stupid !…. The Oil hungry US cares more about protecting Saudi Oil than getting oil from IRAQ because they like the Saudis and want to pay higher prices when Iraqi oil is not competitively available on world markets. Why not, Americans Love higher prices right?? It cuts out those poor Chinamen and Russians too.


This dickhead is probagating propaganda for his own selfish reasons. But even so America supports him killing al Qaeda. You can mark my word it aint over till the fat girl sings (Mooky's Boys should join him for that one and die) That is HIS PLAN also. .


I am so sorry the Americans saddled the whole Middle East with a culture so clueless that you believe (as you are taught) in your supremacy and superiority over all others (inside or outside your tribes). Unfortunately when your eyes open you actually see the truth of how abominable the best of all 22 Muslim countries are. Again all America's fault because they like JEWS. What is the ONLY common denominator here? Forgive me for answering ! ……. your undisputed HATRED OF ISRAEL .


Until those views are extremely moderated by Muslims everywhere, none of you are likely to do anything but summon Armageddon. Your anger allows no rational thinking on a world scale from any and produces the most substandard living conditions on earth amongst most of you. Your wealth is sqaundered against you, railing you in hatred, instead of building prosperous futures for youselfs.


I am Angry and Disgusted myself in Texas




Today on Aliraqia in lengthy interview , Shiekh Ali Alsulaiman, the head of Duliem tribes /////// pointed to what he called a very big plan to get Qeada in Alanbar. He talked about some issues that many Iraqis thought of.. One of the most serious of these issues , is that he believes that the US army had helped Qaeda in establishing their bases in Anbar.. He said that it might be part of a bigger plan that many regional parties had participated ..He went to the level of repeating same accusation by many Shia too that captured Qaeda killers were released later and when tribal men attack these criminals, the Americans objected on bases of respecting human rights at a time they do much worse acts toward civilian people in that region .. He said that many of teenagers who were captured on baseless accusations were deliberately jailed in Poka camp together with Qaeda experienced criminals , to brain wash them and then release them to become Alqeada operatives themselves ..


When asked, if he hate Shia, his reply was simple "my sister in law is a Shia, you are asking if I hate her and my brother's kids".. He warned from same scenarios that is happening now in south of Baghdad, where Qaeda ia allowed to establish strong holds , same with the case of Diala province.. He called for the government to break all restrictions " may be applied by Americans" and do a similar job to what it did with Anbar..


On other front, the Anbar Sunni Awakening council had an important meeting with Alsadrees and sign cooperative agreement of joining forces to fight terrorists and Qaeda and support of Maliki government.. It is a very good step forward of conciliation and victory of Iraq..


More Iraqis become under belief that Americans policy was to help Qaeda establish bigger bases in Iraq , that support might go to a level of attacking those local powers that might be able to defeat qaeda criminals, as the case with Sunni Anbar tribes and Shia Alsadrees. This is nothing but to make it much easier to smash these bases later in big operation that Army is more suitable for. At least that what had happened in Anbar, as par the brave Sunni Shiakh Al sulaiman.. It is also what most Iraqis noticing in West Baghdad and Diala province.


As the case with Nasrala of Hizbullah 's analogy that I talked about earlier, this might be good propoganda for Bush's war on Qaeda, it is very damaging for that Americans long term interests in Iraq to have Iraqis feel that their lifes and destiny are no much more worth than being used as protection shield to the Civilized world including Aramco oil fields of Suadi Arabia..I realy wish it is not the full truth

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I fully understand your outrage commenting on my briefing to the Shikh Alsulaiman's points.

First of all Briefing someone doesn't mean agre with or disagree.. Second, there are many Iraqis in Anbar that get fooled by Alqeada and Sadamists slogans of Jihad, but we should not mix papers. This Shikh had never been part of that agenda.. You would find many who are now the closest friends to the American Empassy that are labeled by such accusation, but not this Shiekh. He chose to distance him self from these groups.. We need to remember that the Duliamees tribal men were not FULLY integrated in the Sadam's regim apparatus . There were a real competitions between them and the Auja's Aobaid and Bekaat tribes that used to be the real frame work of that regime


What this Shiekh was talking about was to defend accusations by the interviewer of why they didn't resist the Qaeda's new bases after the collasp of Sadam. His point was that they were trapped betwwen the well funded and Armed Qaeda and The Americans messures that didn't allow greater rule to tribal Shiakh to stand to the Qaeda.. I agree with your points , which are also many Iraqis are raising, that this awakening should come much earlier and not after Qaeda started to apply it's conducts and rules on them. However What is matter today is to encourage local forces in helping out the fight against the Qaeda terror networks.


As for the conspiracy theory that you found me repeating on this web site and that you never read on any other Iraqi sites, let me go into some details


Most Iraqis today " being Sunni or Shia" agree on one point . The Qaeda wouldn't get the chance to establish it's presence in Iraq without the Americans policy. A policy that open the Iraqi boarders after the fall of Sadam, of not allowing a national governement to rule immediately and a new Iraqi forces to be built as soon as possible.. Also by not allowing any local Iraqi popular forces that might be able to fight back Qaeda under different accustation..such as Tribal forces for being Sunni Sadamist,or Alsadress being pro Iranian religous radicle groups ,and so on..


Those stupid Iraqis also noticed, that most financial and human support to Qaeda and it's groups in their criminal acts is comming from the Arab American Allies.. Not mentioning the Terror propaganda media coverage , specially Aljezera , is funded by the closest allies of the Americans.


These stupid Iraqis have nothing to expalin such facts other than to find some stories to rely on. Those who hate the Americans go to very easy one , "The real intention is to destroy Iraq" they have no explanation to such unrealistic goal other than being " they hate us".


Others to want to find some other possible scenario, have nothing to say than this might be coming as part of what American officials them self declared " It is war on Terror". To have such war happens on ground , you need to have your enymy stand on that battel ground and not run away as the Qaeda did in Afghanistan. That is why allowing Qaeda to establish such bases was criticle, that is why helping them to go to Iraq is much better than fighting them else more sensative places.


Assuming the second optimistic view was the real intention by American policy makers, then these smart makers should know that such policy will not help the war on terror.. Today without absolute win of Iraqis on terror , Alqaeda is sending a very frightening message to other ARAB/MUSLIM states and communities "Obey us , or we will do to you same what we did to Iraqis" that was theirs at least in Lebanon ..


Americans had no chance but to rely on local Iraqi dynamics to wipe out Alqaeda and not the Americans to do the job. This war needs to be fought by Iraqis what ever their names are " Sadrees, Sunni Shikhs, Baathists or government" .It will be more damaging to Qaeda. It will be less harming to US administration. Any Americans fight on them will have one of two results " Either give them a chance to win, or make them martyrs".. Both , God forbid, are the worse that smart policy makers should not allow


Iraqis , all of them, are realizing how much Qaeda is dangouring their lives and future, they will be more than ready to go for it.. Let us first do the first war, then go for other later, the build of new Iraq.. You can't fight two wars at same time..

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Thanks for your reply and clarifications in the intention of your post. I apologize for shooting the messenger only reciting those views in the message. However, I offer no apology of what I said and relieved that you don't necessarily disagree with my view. What set me off in a rage (that included you) was the very last sentence you wrote. It appeared to me you indorsed his view by saying. "You wish it not to be true" which also can convey you are not sure?? Already in a rage I took that a little farther than perhaps I should. I literally took you to mean YOU "wished it were not true". If the English wording you used was misunderstood by me of what you meant, I offer my apology. Perhaps it was a slight language barrier (for me) ln understanding you, but I will concede up front, your English is several million times better than any written Arabic of mine or any English lesson I might offer you.

Additionally you make some good points in this reply below which I will comment briefly below.


I fully understand your outrage commenting on my briefing to the Shikh Alsulaiman's points.



Most Iraqis today " being Sunni or Shia" agree on one point . The Qaeda wouldn't get the chance to establish it's presence in Iraq without the Americans policy. A policy that open the Iraqi boarders after the fall of Sadam, of not allowing a national governement to rule immediately and a new Iraqi forces to be built as soon as possible..


Americans had no chance but to rely on local Iraqi dynamics to wipe out Alqaeda and not the Americans to do the job. This war needs to be fought by Iraqis what ever their names are " Sadrees, Sunni Shikhs, Baathists or government" .It will be more damaging to Qaeda. It will be less harming to US administration. Any Americans fight on them will have one of two results " Either give them a chance to win, or make them martyrs".. Both , God forbid, are the worse that smart policy makers should not allow


Iraqis , all of them, are realizing how much Qaeda is dangouring their lives and future, they will be more than ready to go for it.. Let us first do the first war, then go for other later, the build of new Iraq.. You can't fight two wars at same time..




I agree the Iraq border situation was and still is a disaster. What you describe as American (COALITION) Policy to open Iraq's borders (for anyone) was not policy. A policy means it was intentional. What the US COALITION had not anticipated was the whole of Iraq's military structure would abandon their post and melt back into the population before they were Identified, then monitored in the continuance of their duties (excluding fighting the Coalition). Of course we knew Saddams elite forces and fayhideen would not surrender in any great numbers or be of much use, but we did expect Iraqi regular military and border security type units would surrender in tact as complete units including your Iraqi border troops. Once disbursed (Run Away) it was no longer possible to remobilize them without an extreme vetting process. The US had no way of accurately knowing who they were or where they belonged or who their leaders were, to now function as units. If they had surrendered and been recorded by rank and military units they could have been vetted, most probably quickly released or remained under their middle and junior leadership to continue most of the everyday population protection duties as is convention at most wars conclusion.


A great number of the Iraqi police did stay on and continued thier everyday duties with little interference until it became impossible for them (in many places) from the Saddamist, the religious militias and the criminals Saddamn had released. Those original brave policemen who stayed on post are some of your true hero's. Your borders would NOT have been near the problem had your basic military done the same as all Armies have done to some extent. America DID NOT anticipate having to police all of Iraq. The US was woefully undermanned to even attempt that, so it has very much so been a tragedy.

As far as allowing a national Government to stand up immediately … You had no Government that came forward to stand up inside Iraq without the Baathist whom no one wanted at the time. The Coalition used what it had. It is very hard to take a bucket of cow dung and make custard pudding !



I agree mostly with the rest you said above in handling the Terrorist with the exception of assisting when called on by Iraq or when being attacked and pursuing the attackers be they Iraqi or al Qaeda types.



There is far to much more detail to add to my responses above but I just don't have the time or inclination to go on now. There is also plenty that went wrong with the US plan and plenty of blame to go around for both the Americans and the Iraqi's.




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Sudan is secret partner of U.S.

Khartoum supplies information to the CIA on insurgents in Iraq

By Greg Miller and Josh Meyer

Originally published June 11, 2007

Washington // Sudan has secretly worked with the CIA to spy on the insurgency in Iraq - an example of how the United States has continued to cooperate with the Sudanese regime even while condemning its role in the killing of tens of thousands of civilians in Darfur.



The above report is fueling the conspiracy theory that most of those Qaeda terrorists are indeed mobilized by Arab and American intellegence inorder to dump them in Iraq rather than being expoded in their nurturing countries


Have a look to this article "in arabic" by a well known Sunni Arab scholar Dr. Aljameal



I think , it would so damaging to the long term IRAQI-American intersts to leave these theories without clear explanation by American officials.. Within Iraq, more and more people start to have it for granted that the whole story of Iraq mission is nothing but to use it as Qaeda Ruch's motel "Check in , no out"! Something that an Iraqi writer had pointed to more than three years ago on this Baghdadee web site.


Personally I don't beleive in that. If that is the case then US would have been using Afghanistan for such plot.. Alqaeda had no roots in Iraq and it was much harder to drive it into Iraq. Also They would not need to follow the democratic path that made Iraq much stronger on the long term..


The war on terror is a global one , Alqeada not the American chose " for their bad luck" to have Iraq as their main battel ground .. I agree though that many neighboring countries , specially Suadi, Syria ,Egypt and Iran have so much interest in killing the two birds, QAEDA and US's Bush policy on the Iraqi democratic threatening stage..

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"Why didn't you do this in the past?" said a man who gave his name as Abu Muhammad. He held the hands of a police captain and a 1920s Brigade commander, and said: "If you work together you can secure Iraq, and the occupation will have no choice but to leave. But if you stay divided, Al Qaeda will stay and the occupation will stay."


NT report on the coming wipping out operation in Diala for Qaeda terror networks.. According to my resources from inside Diala, local tribes and people are more than ready to launch the big offence .

Three weeks ago Alchalabi had visited Diala where he was recieved with a huge wellcoming messages, both from Qaeda and Sadamists who didn't want to make it go without shelling his convoy, and by tribal leaders who defended the convoy. As I mentioned before, the big wipping out offence is seems to be on the door.. Need some more technicality arrangments though. The most important is to make sure that the Iranians will seal the boarders off on the Qaeda and not let the terrorists fleding out, something that might not be possible with the Iranians seeing their enemy "Mujahidee Khaliq" having their state-within-state operational in the heart of Diala provice .. I think some deals are under work out between the Americans and the Iranians.. What makes things easier to manage , both parties are "officially" considering the Iranian organization as a terrorist group, some thing similar to what they label QAEDA one

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Seems it is the one .. Most Iraqis that I talked to, are looking forward to hear the news, the liberation of Diala , the last Qaeda/Sadamists resort and sanctury in in Iraq..


This opertion would send a very strong message to all parties insude and outside Iraq, the Americans are indeed willing to fight Qaeda .. There were so many rumers and theories that the Americans are using Qaeda for other agenda though. So many accusations that they are supported Qaeda in Diala. Seems now we might know some explanation to all these observations by Iraqis.. The ruch motel theory .. Have a look




Behind the New Iraq Offensive

Tuesday, Jun. 19, 2007 By BOBBY GHOSH/BAGHDAD U.S. soldiers search an abandoned chicken farm during a mission near Baquba, Iraq.

Sgt. Armando Monroig / AFP / Getty

Article ToolsPrintEmailReprints The thunderous start of Operation Arrowhead Ripper in Diyala province inaugurates the second phase of Gen. David Petraeus's "surge" strategy. If the first, a massive security crackdown in and around Baghdad, was designed to smoke al-Qaeda and other militant groups out of their foxholes, the new assault is meant to pick them off in open battle. The assault began in and around Baquba, the volatile provincial capital about 31 miles northeast of Baghdad, and involves over 10,000 American soldiers and heavy air cover.

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