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Baghdadee بغدادي

Alchalabi أحمد الجلبي

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Guest Guest_Tajer
القاضي زهير المالكي:امر القبض بحق الجلبي صحيح100% لأساءته صلاحياته القانونية

السبت 28/8/2004 "الرقيب" بغداد- كشف القاضي زهير المالكي لصحيفة الرقيب العراقية الصادرة اليوم كشف بعض الملابسات الخاصة بامر القبض الصادر بحق احمد الجلبي رئيس المؤتمر العراقي وقال عن القضية وموقف مجلس القضاء الاعلى : اكد الدكتور مدحت المحمودرئيس مجلس القضاء في غير مرة ان القراررقم \12\ في 8\5\2004 كرس مبدأ استقلال القضاء بالكامل وان المحكمة المركزية واعتبارا من تاريخ تسليم السيادة اصبحت احد تشكيلات القضاء العراقي بعد ان كانت ترتبط بالمدير الاداري لسلطة الائئتلاف المؤقتة(بول بريمر) وفي معرض رده على ادعات الجلبي بان مذكرة القبض جاءت لصفية حسابات سياسية قال: اتحدى من يقول هذا 000 كل ما في الامر ان البنك المركزي العراقي طلب شكوى ضد مواطن عراقي كان في يوم من الايام على تماس مع هذه المؤسسة بحكم مالديه من صلاحيات0 وقال البنك المركزي ان هذا الشخص اساء استخدام هذه الصلاحيات لتحقيق منفعة شخصية وقدم البنك المركزي الشكوى الجنائية بحق احمد الجلبي وارسلوا ممثلهم القانوني الذي طلب الشكوى لاتخاذ الاجرأات القانونية فماذا على القاضي زهير المالكي او غيره ان يفعل وحول ادعاءات مساعدي الجلبي بان المبلغ المذكور في الدعوى لايتجاوز ثلاثة الاف دينار رد القاضي قائلا: المبالغ التي قدمت بموجبها الشكوى اكبر بكثير000بكثير 00بكثير من هذا المبلغ والتاحقيقات لازالت جارية00 واكد ان القضية لم تحسم او تغلق بعد.



In Arabic.. Alrakeeb Baghdad newspaper's interview with the Bremer's court judge who issued the warrant against Alchalbi..

He said that the warrant is correct, but he didn't mention why the Iraqi police is not excuting it.. He said that it is based on a request by the central bank, but he didn't explain the conflict with the earlier statement by Sana Alshibibi, the governer of the bank, that the bank never asked ,,


One funy think, according to Iraqi justice law, an interregator should not talk to the media about a case before closing the interrogation , to protect the victim rights .. No wonder, as this judge had no experience as Iraqi judge , he was a translator working for CPA before get promoted as a Judge by Mr. bremer II..!!!

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نجاة احمد الجلبي من حادث اغتيال نفذه ارهابيون

بغداد -  الرافدين - عباس عيد الرحمن


صرح رئيس حزب المؤتمر الوطني العراقي أحمد الجلبي بأن "إرهابيين" يقفون وراء إطلاق نار على موكبه صباح اليوم الاربعاء أثناء عودته من النجف الى بغداد.


وقال الجلبي- عضو مجلس الحكم العراقي المؤقت المنحل- في تصريح هاتفي لقناة الجزيرة الاخبارية إن اثنين من الحراس أصيبا في الهجوم الذي وقع الساعة السابعة والنصف صباحا بالتوقيت المحلي مشيرا الى إن جروح أحد الحارسين خطيرة.

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In Arabic..

Alchalabi announced to media that he was informed that the warrant against him by Beremer's special court judge was dismissed.


Thsis is a great victory for the Iraqi Judge system.. That system that Sadam had failed to freez under similar special revolutionary courts..

Alchalabi also said that thw warrent against his nephu Salim by same special court was changed to be a call as a witness..


Two of his bidy gaurds and two other were missing after a terror attack this morning on his convoy while he was on his trip from Najaf after met with Ayatulah Alsystani . Alchalabi was in Najaf over the last four days, some reporters were claiming that he played an important rule in the peace call of Alsaid Alsystani.

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In Arabic.. An Article by Well known Iraqi writer Dr. Ghasan Alrubaie..

He thinks that the attack of today is just another example of all efforts to push down Alchalkabi 's political growing power inside Iraq..

He thinks that though he is not pro Chalabi but he ask the governemnt to have the safty of all great political figures who participate in old regime removal as its priority.

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In English.. About the warrant by Bremer's special court against Alchalabis..

Reports from Iraq is that one of the Najaf agrements with the governemnt is to freez all warrants by that court.. Worth mentioning that the court is specialist with issuing warrants against Shia public figures.. Alsader, Almuhamedawee, and the two Chalabis..Iraqis were making a lot of jokes about this court that remind them to the Saddam revolutionary special court.!

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Intersting Article by famous Iraqi Zuhair Shintaf.. In Arabic



من هنا وبعد ان فشل البعض في اتهامه الرخيص و الكاذب لموضوع الجلبي وبعد الوساطات العديدة من رؤوساء العربان وتوسلاتهم لامريكا من اجل استبعاد الجلبي من الحياة السياسية العراقية فانه وبعد ان فشلوا في كل ذلك اقاموا حلفهم اللامقدس ( البعثي السني العربي ) من اجل التخلص من الجلبي جسديا حتى يمكنهم الارتياح من شبح الفضيحة التي عند الجلبي تفاصيلها ويضمنوا ان لا يحكم العراق من يحب شعب العراق ويريد مصلحته ويقطع ايادي العرب السارقة التي تقطر من دماء العراقيين ، فحاولوا في البداية الصاق تهم التزوير التي لم يصدقها حتى المجنون ثم اوعزوا لشذاذهم وصعاليكهم للقيام باغتيال الجلبي وفشلت اولى محاولاتهم وعسى الله ان يفشل البقية كذلك .

ان الجلبي اصبح رمزا للقضية الشيعية التي يحاولون تغيبها ثانية خصوصا وان الفعاليات الشيعية منغمسة في امور اخرى بعيدة تماما عن الهم الشيعي العام .

فهل سيعي الشيعة بان استهداف احمد الجلبي هو استهداف لكيانهم وحقوقهم لان الجلبي لو اراد بيع حقوق الشيعة لمصلحته الخاصة لتبؤا اعلى المراكز الحكومية فمتى نعي الحقيقة

From Here and after all attempts to downgrade Alchalabi by false acusations and after all Arab leaders efforts to the Americans to exclude Chalabi from the new Iraqi political  system, and their fail, the the Satan  union " Bathee/Sunni/Arab nationalist" tried to kill him..

Are Shia up to the point to understand that the try to target Alchalbi is indeed a try to target their rights.. If Alchalabi wanted to sell Shia rights, he would get the best positions, as other did

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Alchabee shares hundereds of thousands of Shia Iraqis the mourning of the Shia seventh Imam "Musa Alkadum" in Alkadymia on Saterday.. He visted the shrin with a few no. of his personal body gards. He also shared the visitors their religious conducts.. The report mentioned that was recieved by participants with great support, as it encourage Iraqis to break the barier of fear that the terrorists tried their best siege the Iraqis with.

This is the second time that millions of Shia marched to Kadimia /north baghdad, where the shrine of their seven and eiths emams..


People whom I had talked to, were expressing their suprise of how fast Alchalabe's support is growing among Iraqis..

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Alchalabee dismissed his aid Alaluosee after the visit to Isreal.. INC told Elaph that the policy toward Isreal had not been changed and it is still to have issue only be decided under an ellected goverment..


Personally I feel the visit was wrong for many reasons..

Such a visit would complicate the situation in Iraq and would give the terrorists some fuel in their propaganda against the new democratic Iraq..

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I was talking to one of Iraqi retired judges .. He had about thirty years experience as a judge .. When I asked him about his opinion of having Almalikee as a judge for the Bremer's special court.. He told me that Almalikee is not the only case that some Iraqis were promoted to this position. Such promotion is contradicting the Iraqi judary system of having at least five years expeirence and after passing the Judge institution " two years".. Almalikee is a new graduate with no previous judgary experience

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