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New Iraqi poll استطلاع جديد للراي في العراق

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http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3514504.stm ....English



http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/arabic/news/newsi...000/3515942.stm In rabic

وأعرب 70 % ممن شملهم الاستطلاع عن اعتقادهم بأن أوضاعهم على ما يرام بينما قال 29% إن الحياة تسير نحو الأسوأ بالنسبة لهم.


كما قال 56 % من العراقيين إن الأوضاع أفضل في الوقت الراهن عما كانت عليه قبل سقوط النظام السابق.



يبدو أن العراقيين يحاولون التأقلم مع الحياة في ظل قوات الاحتلال 

وعن موقفهم من الحرب أعرب 49 % من الذين شملهم الاستطلاع عن اعتقادهم بأن قرار الغزو كان صائبا، بينما قال 41 % إن قرار الغزو كان "مذلا بالنسبة للعراق".


وأعرب 79% ممن شملهم الاستطلاع عن أملهم في أن يظل العراق موحدا، فيما قال 20 % إنهم يودون قيام دولة إسلامية في العراق.


Seventy percent of people said that things were going well or quite well in their lives, while only 29% felt things were bad.


And 56% said that things were better now than they were before the war.

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I don't like the selective covering by the BBC repoter.. Any one know a pointer to the original report


Very interesting thoug!

In the Arabic verision it was mentioned that only 20% are with an Islamic government. Having in mind that there are a lot of Sunni's Iraqis that might faviour a Tlaban style governemnt.. That would give us an indication that within the SHia majority there is no significant percentage that would go for this..


I would say that most of the numbers are within my expectations based on my talks with Iraqis ..


Indeed this would high light the issue of the way that US media is covering the Iraqi matters.. We need some one to stand and ask why they are trying their to give the American people a different impression.

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في هذا الاستطلاع لا نستطيع ان نعتبره يعبر عن مصداقيه راي الشعب العراقي فهو مثلا لم يشر الى تاريخ اجراءه هل هو قبل اعلان الدستور ام بعده ثم من هي الحهات والافراد التي تم بواسطتها اختيار المواطنين ومن أي محافظه حيث يقول ويضيف بليش "إن النتائج تثبت أن العراقيين يؤيدون بقوة بقاء بلادهم موحدة تحت قيادة قوية، إنهم لا يريدون دولتهم مقسمة ولا يرغبون في قيام حكومة إسلامية

اكما انه لا يتمتع بالحياديه حيث يمكن ان نشم فيه رائحه غير حياديه وكانه يريد الفع باتجاه معين حيث يشير الى ان القياده الحاليه لا تتمتع باي شعبيه وينتقل مباشره الى احمد الجلبي دون ذكر غيره وهذا مما يشكك في نواياه حيث يقول


فقد تبين أن أحمد الجلبي، زعيم المؤتمر الوطني العراقي ، المفضل أمريكيا، لا يحظى بأي شعبية. بينما لا يزال الرئيس المخلوع صدام حسين ضمن قائمة الزعماء الستة الأكثر شعبية.

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While almost ignoring the results of the above poll, yesterday most of the American media were focusing on another poll results showing that majority of Morrocan's , Jordanians are in favour of Suiciders in Iraq.. Most of the reporters were kind of asking same supid question, why in those "moderate countries.. As if the results were surprising for them..

Even kids in Baghdad streets knows very well that most of those Wahabee/Salafees are coming from that "Moderate " countries.. From Suadi/Jordan/Morraco .. etc. Those reporters were trying their best to point that this is because of Iraqi liberation.. And so they would try to conclude that Americans need to adjust their policy..

My intake on this is very simple, let us ask our self why Iraqis , as per the above poll, are in faviour of the liberation at a time thses people who should be a supportter of Iraqis , are not.. ?

The answer is very simple, these are the same folks who supported Saddam in his killing to Iraqi people, same people who would like Bel Laden to defeat the free world.. Is n't that a reason to believe that what American are doing, is the correct one? Am I missing some thing?

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Just to confirm that Arab media are going on the other path than Iraqis.. Those Arab who talk on behalf of Iraqis , should be ashamed when reading the above poll.

Saddam used to limit the word Iraqis to those who were prasing him.. This media is limiting it to those who kill Iraqi s..

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We had waited so long for Saddam to fall that we were stunned when it began to happen," Om Abbas said. "Would he turn chemical weapons on us? Would our country be destroyed? We didn't know what to feel. It was between fear and hope, hope and fear."


That is very true.. I had same feeling in 1991, the concern was that if He might turn the chemical weapons on us to creat a great chaos!

Om Abbas can buy the bananas she loves. In the prelude to the war and during the long years of sanctions that preceded it, bananas were far too expensive.


"All I could do was look at them," she laughed. "Now I eat."


There is a joke that a British soldiers were suspected of a man sitting by the Shaat Alarab river in Basrah for long times with a big bag.. When the approached him, he replied , it was his dream that some day that he might sit by the river "not allowed as it was near by to Saddam Castle" and eat a full bag of Banana..!


Three weeks after the bombardment, they returned to Baghdad. Americans soldiers were cruising the streets.

"They looked young, they looked strong," Abu Abbas said. "We wanted to give them food and flowers, but we were embarrassed by what we had to offer."



Most Iraqis "especially Shia and Kurds" have a great feels to those young brave Soldiers..

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