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Alsader up rise

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مقتدى يفك الحصار عن ابو درع


ما ذكره ابو احمد تحت عمود للعراقيين.. حول ضهور ابو درع على شاشه الجزيره امر ملفت للانتباه ومحير

لماذا يسعى مقتدى الصدر لفك الحصار عن شله البعثيين وعناصر المخابرات والقاعده اللذين اتخذوا من اهل الفلوجه دروعا بشريه لهم؟

قد نختلف في تحليل تحرك الصدريين ولكن توقيت تحركهم لم يؤدي الى نتيجه واحده زهي الضغط على الامريكان لتخفيف زخم حملتهم للقضاء على هذه البؤر السرطانيه التي تعشعش في الفلوجه.



سؤال اوجهه الى السيد الخفاجي ؟ كبدايه لحوار

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Guest Guest_tajer

Just call Alkut.. locals in Kut had move on the Almehdi miltia and evacuated some government offices from .. Seems Iraqis started to take controll and deals with the miltia men.. Same had happened in Kerbala..

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شيخنا المنتظري اصاب كبد الحقيقه ويبدو ان حكومة العمائم في ايران بدات بالتخبط وبشكل مكشوف حتى يبعدون الرياح عن دارهم ولكن ليتذكروا ان صدام اكثر من التخبط حتى وقع في شر اعماله وليجدوا حلا اخر غير دماء العراقيين



ابو احمد من الداخل

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Guest Guest_salim




An article that I find very accurate.

However, angry against Alsader is growing among most Shia .. But this might back fire if they find the Americans dealing with him in a non wise way.

I think giving the moderate Shia the chance to work on it would be the only way to resolve the issue..

A lot of Shia start to ask why the Americans are so persistent in following after the allegations of Alkhuea killing, while they are so soft with Saddamists who had killed a whole population..

Most of those young men who are following Alsader are very upset with the Americans giving Saddam and other Arab terrorists the chance to escape with their crimes against Iraqis.. The prisoner of war status that Saddam was given, is translated as a way to protect him from justice..

I think there is one more thing that Americans need to do " might be crazy but some times need to" they have to get the criminals be prosecuted under Iraqi justice system as soon as possible, with photo shots showing them in their prisoners uniform.. As the American did with Alyakoubi, Alsader assistance ..


The American should not risk the great mission by loosing majority hearts while compromising with the terror! We need to know that the real allience to the American mission are those poor people who were very opptimistic with libration..

American need to find ways to listen to them and not only the middel class , they need understand their concerns and give them the apportunity to participate, rather than letting them fall in the hands of radicals.. Americans need to be socialist!

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Guest Guest_mutergem

Translating abu Ahmed's


Ayatulla Mountethery was very right.. The goverment of Iran is starting mixing things and in a very clear way just to keep them selves away from the comming effects but they need to remember that Saddam had the same thing until he got all of his bad doing.. Let them find some other way rather than Iraqi blood to play with


From inside Iraq

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Guest Guest_mutergem

I am putting some translation of the above long article by Mr. Khafajee


Q> His followers want him to be aleader because of his father ,


Ans> What is wrong , he is a 33 years old and it is not a crime to have a 33 years old as a leader.. The issue is that he doesn't own realstate or money, all what cis comming to him as "Khumus" he distribute on poor....



Q>But as i see him he is still imature religiously and poitically , but he started liking the game to be internationally known since during saddam era was oppresed ,


He was asssisting his father .. I suggest you to go to Almansour and Aljaderia "high class neighborhood in Baghdad" and then visit Alsader poor, where you might find people live worse than animals

Q> yes i am afraid his followers are very un educated , can you imagine how muktada and his army will run iraq in twenty first century ,




Ans> You might think his followers are illetret, that is wrong.. Is it only Alchalabi and Brazani and Bachachi who can serve the country , why not the poor?

Alsder doesn't want to be a presedentI think some body gave him the green light to start revolting .

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بيان ايه الله اليعقوبي


In arabic.. Ayatoulah Alyaqoubee " not the low profile clergy who was arrested last week" puting some demands ..


He is a very respectful young Ayatoula.. He used to be considerd as moderate and intellectual who leads Alsader group untill the liberation when Mouqta Alsader through him over and took over with all propaganda support of Alrabia TV "Suadi one".. I remember when they first put Mougtada on a show , I thought he is an Iranian clergy, because of his heavy accent. They didn't know even his right name and kept call him "Mouqtatha" No one In Iraq at that know about him..

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