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Baghdadee بغدادي

بمناسبه اعلان تأسيس الحزب الطائفي

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Guest mron99

Thank you for information. It sounds like bagdhad is cautiously hopeful.


Maybe we get sugar coated information in states, but your government seems to be really special. I rather like Talibani. He always seems to say right things at right times. Not like Bush who always seems to say wrong things at wrong times. It would be great to see them on cspan and hear them talk.

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Guest Mustefser

Intersting interview with the former defence minster , Hazim Alshaaalan.

He said that during his one year in service, there were 20 thousand former officers rejoint the new army after detail scrfeening.. He also said that there were at least seven cases where some of the returnee were found suppling the terroirsts with detailed information about the plans and locations to hit.


He said that he is joining Alawee in new party that will include piliticians from different Iraqi groups and factions, it is supposed to be announced in the next two months






الشعلان يكشف لـ"أيلاف" أسرار معركتي الفلوجة والنجف

اتصالات مع مقاومين يرفضون صدام والزرقاوي




أسامة مهدي من لندن: كشف وزير الدفاع العراقي السابق حازم الشعلان عن اتصالات عراقية اميركية تجري مع مقاومين مسلحين لايعترفون بقيادة الرئيس المخلوع صدام حسين او الاصولي الاردني المتشدد ابو مصعب الزرقاوي يشكلون ثلاثة ارباع المسلحين لاقناعهم بالقاء السلاح والانخراط في العملية السياسية بعد الاستجابة لمطاليبهم واستعرض مراحل بناء الجيش العراقي الجديد وتسليحه واشار الى تعيين 20 الف ضابط من الجيش القديم فيه وقال ان اربعة من موظفي وزارة الدفاع قد تم اكتشافهم وهم يزودون الارهابيين بأحداثيات لقصف الوزارة موضحا ان 17 من مسؤوليها قد تم اغتيالهم خلال عام من توليه منصبه.


واضاف الشعلان في حوار مطول اجرته معه "ايلاف" ستنشره على حلقات بدءا من اليوم عن تجربة توليه شؤون وزارة الدفاع ان ليلة الانتخابات الاخيرة شهدت هجوما لمسلحين يستقلون 50 سيارة بهدف خلق رعب يمنع المواطنين من التصويت اضافة الى اكتشاف عشرات الصواريخ الموجهة نحو 130 مركزا انتخابيا تمتد من وسط العراق الى جنوبه واعلن عن اكتشاف نفق طوله ثلاثة كيلومترات يربط شارع حيفا بساحة المتحف وسط بغداد كان يستخدمه المقاتلون في عملياتهم وتخزين اسلحتهم وعتادهم واشار الى ان قلة التخصيصات المالية منعت حل المليشيات المسلحة .



حازم الشعلان يدلي بصوته في الانتخابات

في الثلاثين من شهر يناير العام الجاري 

واوضح ان فصائل المقاومة التي يجري الحوار معها تضم ضباطا وعسكريين سابقين ورؤساء ورجال عشائر وموظفين كبار سابقين من السنة وبعثيين لايعترفون بقيادة الرئيس العراقي المخلوع صدام حسين اونائبه المطلوب للقوات الاميركية والعراقية حاليا عزة الدوري او بالزرقاوي مشيرا الى انهم يشكلون العدد الاكبر من حاملي السلاح .


كما كشف عن عملية كان يستعد لتنفيذها 700 مسلح ضد جانب من المنطقة الخصراء استدعت اخلاء سفارتي الولايات المتحدة وبريطانيا ورئاسة الحكومة على عجل ليلا واشار الى ان القوات العراقية خسرت مائة عسكري في معركة الفلوجة و50 في معركة النجف التي كان مسلحون من افغانستان وايران وباكستان والهند يقاتلون فيها الى جانب جيش المهدي اضافة الى نساء ايرانيات كن يتولين عمليات القنص .


واوضح ان عملية توليه حقيبة وزارة الدفاع كثاني وزير لها خلفا لعلي علاوي بعد سقوط صدام حسين جاءت بعد مقابلة اجراها معه الحاكم الاميركي المدني السابق للعراق بول بريمر والاخضر الابراهيمي ممثل الامين العام للامم المتحدة كوفي عنان واشار الى ان الاردن قدم للجيش العراقي الجديد 40 مدرعة ومصر 40 والامارات 70 اخرى واضاف انه تم تشكيل 11 فوجا للحماية النفطية تغطي الان مناطق شاسعة من العراق بدءا من الموصل وكركوك وحويجة ثم الى سامراء وتكريت الى بغداد وصولا الى المحمودية جنوبها وقال انه تعرض لثلاث محاولات اغتيال خلال عام من توليه حقيبة الدفاع .

واشار الشعلان الى انه يعمل حاليا مع رئيس الوزراء السابق اياد علاوي واخرين على تشكيل تحالف سياسي عريض ليبرالي ديمقراطي يضم قوى واحزاب وشخصيات عشائرية ودينية تمثل جميع قوميات وطوائف الشعب العراقي من اجل خوص الانتخابات المقبلة نهاية العام الحالي وتوقع ان يتم الاعلان عنه في مؤتمر عام يعقد خلال اسابيع قليلة .



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Guest Guest_Tajer

The rather big support by most influencial political figures to Bader ISlamic orgatization who abandent it's milia status to enrole in the political process, sent a lot of messages to different parties.. First of them was to Alsadreee.. Telling them that going the peaciful path and joining the political process is the only way.


Another message was to some Sunni Arab clergy who tried to ignite the factionist civil war by claiming that Bader is a militia and are behide killing of some minor clergy.. The message was very clear, Don't play this game, it is dangrous.. Kurds, Sunni Arab, Sabea, christians were attending and all were in support for such transition of bader to be a political party

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Same writer had another article about Alsader claimed to denounce Alsystani. When I went through Moqtada statement in Arabic, it was not..

The writer is using a very typical Shia Alsader city style naming "Abdul Zahra". I don't know if it a fake name , as I never heard about such writer.. His writing is very profecienal though!

Have fun


Iraq's Kurdish Leader Backs Shiite Militia

Posted by: Editor on Wednesday, June 08, 2005 - 09:08 AM



Associated Press Writer


BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iraq's Kurdish president backed his Shiite allies Wednesday by openly supporting a militia that Sunni Arab leaders have accused of killing members of their minority.


Clashes in Baghdad and other attacks around Iraq killed at least eight people as the Sunni-dominated insurgency pressed on with its campaign against the Shiite-led government.


The bloody wave of violence that broke out after the April 28 announcement of Iraq's new Shiite and Kurdish dominated government has killed more than 874 people. During the spree, 

more than 10 Sunni and Shiite clerics have been killed in apparent tit-for-tat slayings that raised fears the country was on the verge of civil war.


Two U.S. soldiers were killed in an indirect fire attack on their military base in Tikrit, north of Baghdad, late Tuesday, while another was killed by roadside bomb north of the capital, the military said Wednesday. As of Wednesday, at least 1,679 U.S. military members have died since the Iraq war began in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count.


President Jalal Talabani's backing of the Badr Brigade came at a time when Sunni leaders have not only demanded that it be disarmed, but have complained that the militia provides intelligence and support for some Shiite-dominated special security units.


The Badr Brigade was the military wing of the country's largest Shiite political party, the Supreme Council of the Islamic Republic in Iraq, or SCIRI. The party claims the Badr Brigade is no longer a militia but performs social and political functions.

"May those who describe the heroes of Badr and their Kurdish brothers as militia be doomed to failure," Talabani, himself a Sunni Kurd, said during a conference marking the second anniversary of the Badr Brigade's transformation from a solely military body to a political one.


"You and your (Kurdish) brothers are the heroes of liberating Iraq," Talabani added. "You, my brothers, march on without paying attention to the enemies' claims because you and the (Kurdish militia) are faithful sons of this country."


There are no accurate figures on the size of the brigade, but it is thought to be smaller than the Kurdish Peshmerga militia, estimated at 100,000. The Peshmerga has been largely exempted from efforts to disband militias because of its close ties to the United States and its supporting role during the 2003 Iraq war.


Sunni criticism of Talabani's remarks was swift, with Abdul-Salam al-Qubeisi, spokesman of the influential Association of Muslim Scholars, saying Talabani was acting in line with "U.S. policies to prolong the struggle in Iraq and turn it into an Iraq-Iraq conflict."


Al-Qubeisi accused the Badr Brigade of providing intelligence to units such as the feared Wolf Brigade, an elite commando unit from the Interior Ministry that is headed by a top SCIRI member.


"We do not have problems with this party or another, we only have problems with the chasing and killing of Sunni clerics and their followers," al-Qubeisi said. "Even the militia elements who have joined the Iraqi army have been heavy-handed during army operations."


On Tuesday, Laith Kuba, spokesman for Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari, a Shiite, told reporters that the new Iraq had "no place for militias" and that such forces could be incorporated into the police and army.


The complaints came a day after a Sunni Arab politician said two insurgent groups were willing to negotiate with the government, possibly opening a new political front in embattled Iraq.


Former electricity minister Ayham al-Samarie told The Associated Press that the Islamic Army in Iraq and the Army of Mujahedeen — or holy warriors — were ready to open talks with the Shiite-led government aimed at eventually joining the political process. The groups account for a large part of the Sunni insurgents and were responsible for attacks against Iraqis and foreigners, including assassinations and kidnappings.


The effort to begin talks comes at a delicate time for the government, criticized by Sunni Arab groups for deliberately targeting the minority in counterinsurgency campaigns such as the ongoing Operation Lighting in Baghdad.


The association said the operation, which has led to nearly 900 arrests, could spark sectarian strife. Now in its second week, the campaign involves thousands of Iraqi security forces and 7,000 U.S. troops, according to the U.S. military.


In Habaniyah, 50 miles west of Baghdad, insurgents attacked a supply convoy carrying supplies to an American base, and local reporters said they saw at least seven bodies, all of which appeared to be Iraqi men in their 20s and 30s. The U.S. military and American diplomats said they were not aware of any Americans in the convoy.


Reporters who returned to the scene early Wednesday saw an additional four bodies, which did not appear to be Iraqi. The other bodies were still there and armed men were also present at the scene.


A South African diplomat confirmed that one of his country's nationals was part of the convoy that was attacked. Mbulelo Mtilwa, first secretary of the South African Embassy in Jordan, said officials didn't know if he had been killed, captured or wounded.

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What might worth mentioning, A lot of prominant Sunni Arab leaders were in the same confrence and Former president Mr. Alyawer also had a speach that greet Bader

Also there were speaches by PM, debuty head of the assembly, the other vice presendent..


Mr. Alhasani, the head of the assembly was missing , I also noticed some other known names.

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Guest Guest_salim

The writer missed the point that the prominant Sunni Arab leaders like Alyawer were there and had a supporting speach to this Bader turn over to be a political party.. Also Chrestian Yuanadim hana and leaders from Yazeedi and Sabea groups were also there..

Arab sunni clegy "Muslims scholar association" were the only group who tried to drag Bader into a civil war by unproven accusations.. I think the reason was to block this transition.. The association is well known of strong ties to the terrorists, it the only sunni Arab group that refused to condemn Alzarqawee till now!


The association is facing a real hard times facing the Arab sunni after the big fail in calling to bycotte the ellections.



Leaders of Iraq Back Militias, Widening Rift With Sunnis





Published: June 9, 2005

BAGHDAD, Iraq, June 8 - The rift between the Iraqi government and hostile Sunni Arabs widened further on Wednesday as the country's leaders came out in support of ethnic and sectarian militias that Sunnis fear could be used against them.


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Ali Jasim/Reuters

A picture of Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, leader of the Shiite political party that created the Badr militia, hung over a Badr meeting in Baghdad Wednesday. Sunnis fear that the Badr and other militias will be used against them.





Forum: The Transition in Iraq

Top Sunni Arab leaders also demanded that a 55-member committee that is to begin writing a new constitution add at least 25 Sunni seats with full voting powers. There was no immediate response from the Shiite-led committee, but in recent days its members have proposed adding 12 to 15 nonvoting seats for Sunni Arabs.


The announcement regarding militias was the first time the new government had publicly backed armed ethnic and sectarian groups, and it was an implicit rebuke to American officials, who have repeatedly asked that the government disband all militias in the country. The largest militias are the Kurdish pesh merga and an Iranian-trained Shiite militia that Sunni leaders have blamed for attacks against them.


The remarks were made at a morning news conference that was attended by Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari, a Shiite Arab; President Jalal Talabani, a Kurd and a militia leader himself; and Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, the leader of the Shiite political party that created the Iranian-trained militia, known as the Badr Organization. The briefing was held in Mr. Hakim's headquarters to mark his militia's second anniversary in the new Iraq and to rebut recent criticisms of the Badr from Sunni leaders.


The joint appearance of Mr. Talabani and the Shiite leaders seemed to indicate that Shiite and Kurdish leaders had reached an understanding that their respective militias should continue to exist.


Iraqi officials say the militias will be placed under the nominal control of the Defense and Interior Ministries. Kurdish leaders have consistently made clear, however, that the pesh merga will actually remain under the command of the Kurdistan regional government and, for all practical purposes, will be independent of the central government.


In Washington, Sean McCormack, a State Department spokesman, said Wednesday that American officials no longer played a role in determining the policy on militias.


"I have to emphasize this is an Iraqi issue that they will decide and that they will deal with," he told reporters. "But we will continue to work closely with them in the training of Iraqi forces."


Amid the political maneuvering, the Sunni-led insurgency ground on, with the American military announcing that four soldiers had been killed in various attacks in northern Iraq on Tuesday and Wednesday. There were also sketchy and unconfirmed reports of the kidnapping of 22 Shiite soldiers in the rebellious western desert region of the country.


A car bomb exploded in a line of drivers outside a gas station in the city of Baquba, killing three people and wounding one, an Interior Ministry official said. Two bodyguards of a National Assembly member were shot dead in Baghdad, while a police officer was killed in the capital, and another was assassinated in Mosul, the official said.


The Badr Organization has recently become a target of some Sunni Arab leaders, who have blamed it for the killings of prominent Sunni clerics and others. Among the group's harshest critics is Harith al-Dhari, leader of the Muslim Scholars Association, a powerful group of Sunni clerics that says it represents 3,000 mosques.


Indeed, from the time the Badr militia entered Iraq from Iran during the American-led invasion, Sunnis have blamed its fighters for assassinations across the country, especially the killings of former Baath Party officials.


The two main Kurdish parties together have the strongest militia in the country, a force of 100,000 fighters known as the pesh merga, or "those who face death." In negotiations with the Shiites to assemble the current government, Kurdish leaders argued vehemently that the Kurds, as part of their right to broad autonomy, must be allowed to keep the pesh merga intact.


"You and the pesh merga are wanted and are important to fulfilling this sacred task, to establishing a democratic, federal and independent Iraq," Mr. Talabani said at the news conference, speaking of the Badr Organization, which numbers in the tens of thousands.


The Badr Organization has its own guarantee that it will remain intact, since the new interior minister, Bayan Jabr, is a former Badr officer.

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In Washington, Sean McCormack, a State Department spokesman, said Wednesday that American officials no longer played a role in determining the policy on militias.


"I have to emphasize this is an Iraqi issue that they will decide and that they will deal with," he told reporters. "But we will continue to work closely with them in the training of Iraqi forces."



very good policy! I am sure such messages would do a lot to get different parties together.. Some anto new Iraq Arab Sunnis, those who are very close to terrorists, are relying much on double game, of push and get.. Push on terror front and try to get through secret deals with US.. Last week one of the prominant Sunni clergy, Mr. Aldaree, was reported to visit Isreal secretly asking for help in convincing US adminstaration to revert back to the old British policy of support a minority rule. He never issued any deny of such trip , but looks to me typical anti Iraqi democracy tactic.

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Yesterday the Sunni Arab representatives came up with 25 candidates for the constitution writing committe, they threatened that all should be accepted on bases of each one has the veto right!


First of all , why 25 for some one who didn't patricipate in ellections. If accepted, then other would might wonder , why we sacrified our self going to the ellection and turn to have lower representation. Those who didn't particiapte were about 37% distributed over all Iraq..Majority l of them were a non Sunni arab.


On the other hand , there is no such right for veto for any menber , so why for those 25? The vito according to interim law is for people.

If you feel that you really represent your people, then you can ask them to vito it if not to yours, if you don't think that you represent , then why asking such big share ?!!


I found this decition as a continue to their LOOSER tactic.. Please come on and get your share in taking responsibilty in building the new Iraq, please leave the old dreams !

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Salim -


In my opinion -

The candidates for constitution committee is not an honest offer. The demands are too unreasonable. I think that the Iraqi army grew strong faster than the terrorists expected. Maybe the terrorists convinced themselves that Jafari was a puppet who could not make decisions and that no one would support him. Operation Lightning, matador, new market, abu grahib sweep, tall afar ... they are "on the run". Now they put on a political face. They only want more time in order to reorganize the next series of attacks.


funniest part is rumor of sunni trying to get something from US. Ha Ha. USA has nothing to give them but marines. They need to talk with your governemnt.

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Guest moron99

oops. my mistake.


I meant

funniest part is rumor of <i>insurgent leaders</i> trying to push and get something from US. Ha Ha. USA has nothing to give them but marines. They need to talk with your governemnt.


(i think most sunni are trapped in their own cities by baathi thugs)

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في اجابته على سؤال حول التهم التي توجه لعمليه البرق بانها موجهه ضد السنه من قبل بعض الاطراف, قال وزير الداخليه ان القياده السياسيه للعمليات تتالف من ثلاثه اشخاص اثنان منهم سنه " نائب رئيس الوزراء ووزير الدفاع" وان القياده الميدانيه تتالف من سبعه ا جنرالات خمسه منهم من السنه واثنان من الشيعه


كلام فيه اكثر من رساله من العراق الجديد قادم


Today in his reply to a question that the kightining operations might be against the Sunni Arab.. The Misiter of Interior replied " The top leading committe is composed of three persons , two of them are Sunni Arb, the field operation s are led by seven generals, five of them are Sunnis!"

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في مقابله على محطه العراقيه الفضائيه كشف السيد مثال اللاولوسي عن تفاصيل اكبر حول مقرارات اللجنه الخاصه ببعض الاطراف السنيه التي تقدمت بطلباتها للاشتراك في كتابه الدستور

المطالب كما اوردها السيد مثال تتضمن

خمسه وعشرون شخصيه لايجوز رفض اي منها ولكل منها حق الفيتو

المهم ان هناك على الاقل عضوين مرشحين يجب التوقف عندهم وكما دكرهم السيد مثال .. صدامي احتل والده منصب وزير العدل لصدام ممن اصدر احكاما بقتل عشرات الالاوف من العراقيين المناضلين والاخر عميد سابق في مخابرات صدام

تسأل السيد مثال الا يوجد من بين اهل السنه غير هؤلاء المجرمين

في المقابله كان ايضا الناطق الرسمي باسم المؤتمر الدي دافع عن دلك بقوله انهم من اصحاب الاختصاص

اجاب مثال بانهم ليسوا الا مجرمين يجب محاسبتهم اولا



In a talk show on Aliraqia today, Mr. Mithal Allousi, A sunni Arab from Alanbar who lost two of his sons by the Sadamists, uncovered some of the demands by the some political sunni confrence to be

25 candidates with no possiblity to reject any of them , each have vito power. The Issue that Mithal uncovered is that at least two of them are previous Sadamists criminals.. One is a sadimist who is the son of the Sadam Minster of justice who issed thousands of killing . The other is a previous general in Sadam security intellegence organization

Mr. Mithal Asked, are there no better Sunni Arba to represent Sunni Arab than these criminal? whith a condition of of no rejection!!!

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