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Baghdadee بغدادي

CIA and Chalabi

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According to American officials, the Iranian official in Baghdad, possibly not believing Mr. Chalabi's account, sent a cable to Tehran detailing his conversation with Mr. Chalabi, using the broken code. That encrypted cable, intercepted and read by the United States, tipped off American officials to the fact that Mr. Chalabi had betrayed the code-breaking operation, the American officials said. "

It was really funny! the funniest American Hollywood CIA style joke ever that I heard in my life!

If this is how really these guys are analyzing their information and comes to conclusions, then really we are in a big trouble!


They want us , both Americans and Iraqis, to believe that the Iranian head intelligence officer is so stuppd to cable such sensitive piece of information over an "possibly" broken code link! At a time he can send it in person to his nearness station on the Iranian boarder, just one hour driving at Almuntheria boarder point!


I heard a lot about how stupid these CIA analyzing agents are but never thought them to be as such..

So, Mr. Analyzer, what if the Iranian officer want to leak such suspicion knowing that you already broke his link? What if than broken link is an Iranian trap to leak false messages ?


This is a basic intelligence , I am happy , I thought stupidity is only an Arab intelligence feature!!





وافاد المسؤولون الأميركيون بانه قبل ما يقرب من ستة أشهر أخبر الجلبي مسؤول محطة بغداد في وزارة الاستخبارات والأمن الإيرانية بان الولايات المتحدة تقرأ الرسائل الصادرة والواردة إلى دائرة الاستخبارات الإيرانية، التي تعتبر واحدة من أكثر الأجهزة براعة في الشرق الأوسط.

واضاف هؤلاء المسؤولون إن المسؤول الإيراني في بغداد الذي كان يبدو وكأنه غير مقتنع بصحة معلومات الجلبي بعث برسالة عبر الكابل إلى طهران يخبر فيها رؤساءه بتفاصيل محادثته مع الجلبي، مستخدما في رسالته الشيفرة نفسها التي تمكن الأميركيون من فكها. وهذا ما ساعد الأميركيين على اعتراض الرسالة وقراءتها ومعرفة أن الجلبي كشف عملية فك الشيفرة الإيرانية


نها مهزله , اكثر المهزل بعثا للسخريه من قصص افلام هوليود التي سمعتها في حياتي!

اذا كان هذا فعلا مستوى تحليل الاخبار والمعلومات لدى محللي وخبراء المخابرات الامريكيه, فنحن فعلا نعاني من ازمه كبيره.

يريدون ان نفصد. عراقبون وامريكان, ان المسؤل في محطه الاستخبارات الايرانيه في بغداد كان قد بعث خبر بهذه الاهميه عبر قناه محتمل ان تكون مكشوفه لدى الامريكان في الوقت الذي يستطيع ارسالها شخصيا الى اقرب محطه له في الحدود التي تبعد ساعه واحده سياقه!!


لقد سمعت الكثير من النكات حول غباء محللي المخابرات ولكني لم اظن انهم بهذا المستوى.


اسمح لي سياده المحلل, ماذا لو كان الايرانيون يتعمدون تسريب مثل هذا الخبر للايقاع بكم مثلا.

انها قواعد محابراتيه اساسيه, انا فيسعيد لان ه يتضح الان ان الغباء ليست صفه للمخابرات العربيه فقط

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You are supposing that the information released by intelligence people has some sort of relation to truth.


And it could, there's no point in lying when there's a truth available that works just as well.


Suppose for example that the american NSA had broken all the iranian codes. It isn't unlikely.


And suppose that the iranians were running a test. With one code they report "Chalabi says one of our codes has been broken." With a second code they report "A US intelligence officer who accepted our bribe says that one of our codes has been broken." A third code gets "Al Sistani says...." A fourth that "Kuwaiti intelligence sources...." And so on. If the USA gets huffy with any of those then the iranians get an idea not only that a code was broken, and which one, but they also get to stir up trouble.


So the USA reads all of them, and notes that they're ready to dump Chalabi anyway, and they use that excuse. The iranians stop using that code, keeping all the others.


It reminds me of the joke about the CIA agent who became a ventriloquist. Another agent asked him why. "Because everybody knows that you can tell when a CIA agent is lying is when his lips move."

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Is Chalabi still running the trials for Saddam and others?


It would be funny having an accused iranian spy doing that. On the other hand, he was only claimed to spy on the USA, not on iraq. On the third hand, it was the USA who wanted him, he didn't seem to have much iraqi support in the first place.


If there might be some unpopularity in store for the leading prosecutor of Ba'athists, maybe the IG will let him keep doing it? He gets the risks, he doesn't get big benefits, and the US looks like they aren't in control.

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  • 9 months later...
Guest Guest_tajer

On one of the Arab American talks shows , Mr. Pullak, aformer aid to Mr. clinton adminstartion was talking.He was talking about the very bad relation between Chalabi and CIA and that CIA never trusted Chalabi accusing him of exadurations since tenent came to CIA more than ten years ago.


So I called and I asked him about the confusion that the US media created when they blame Chalabi for false Iraqi DWM, at a time the congress reprot was pointing to CIA for this..


He replied with very funny one.. First he claimed to forget the question as he was commenting on my other question, then he come with a very intersting answer that we call in Arabic " An excuse that is worse than a sin"


He said that this might be because they relied on him on this particular case!!

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We need good relations with both Iran and USA and I think Dr. Al Chalabi can do it. the guy is very decisive and can improve security situation.


Its been two years now since the fall of the despotic Saddam and not much progress been made all because of terrorists activities in the country.


I believe Dr. Al Chalabi is true Iraqi Nationalists, passionate about Iraq, wish if he would make it to a major position in the new goverment.

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