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Iraq from the butcher to the surgeon

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Guest mustefser



In Arabic.. Very intersting report by Kawaitee Alwatan newspaper about the negotiatoion between Allawee and the Sunni insurgent.. The writer seems to be very knowledgable Sunni Arab..

He said that the negotiation was failing as Alawee refused to give the insurgents any commitment that would allow the return of the Sunni Arab domination on the new governement by setting a new factionist roles to give them large share .. He told them that ellection is the only possible way to get into power and those who are calling for American withdraw or return of Sunni domination should be able to have there represatative ellected first and then might do what they want under the rule of justice to all Iraqis.

The writer said that thought the insurgents felt reliefed with the breaking of Alsader Shia militia, they don't believe this as sufficient to get them into the peacefull path.. One of the main problems with them, the writer wrote, is that htey are small groups with different leaderships, not as the case with Shia who are mailly following a known legitamate leaders such as Alsystani .

The writer expected the insurgence to fuel up in the next month as the anminsty period is expiring and those most radical groups in Falouga and Latifia would choose to keep the violance.

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Very intersting poll.. Have a look to the details .. I found the reslt very complying to my personal estimations..



Iraqis Show Optimism About the Future and

Strong Support for Democracy

Recent public opinion surveys conducted by IRI show Iraqis to be surprisingly optimistic about their future and much stronger supporters of democracy than many new reports would lead you to believe.


Over 51% of Iraqis polled felt that their country is headed in "the right direction," up slightly from IRI's May/June poll. More telling, the number who feel that things are heading in "the wrong direction" has dropped from 39% to 31% over the same time period.


Some of this confidence may be a result of wide public support for the Iraqi Interim Government. Prime Minister Allawi holds an enviable approval rating, with 66% rating him as either "very effective" or "somewhat effective." Likewise, President al-Yawer enjoys the support of 60.6% of Iraqis polled who say that they "completely trust" or "somewhat trust" him.


In a stunning display of support for democracy and a strong rebuttal to critics of efforts to bring democratic reform to Iraq, 87% of Iraqis indicated that they plan to vote in January elections. Expanding on the theme, 77% said that "regular, fair elections" were the most important political right for the Iraqi people and 58% felt that Iraqi-style democracy was likely to succeed.


Looking forward to the drafting of the new constitution, a cumulative 67% place a strong importance on the preservation of a unified state, with 56% citing this as issue of primary importance. On the role of religion in determining the new constitution, while support for Shiri'a law is strong at nearly 70%, there is divided opinion on whether the government should create a secular state that respects the rights of all religious, tribal and ethnic groups with 49% agreeing and 40% disagreeing.

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while support for Shiri'a law is strong at nearly 70%, there is divided opinion on whether the government should create a secular state that respects the rights of all religious, tribal and ethnic groups with 49% agreeing and 40% disagreeing.


I think there is a confusion here.. In Iraq when you ask such question about the role os Islam.. MOst Iraqis would reply yes for Islam. However that would not by any chance mean the support for an Islamic state like the one in Iran or Talaban.. The role of Islam in most of the Iraqis mind is the way the IGC interem law put, as a guidance not as religious Shiekhs to rule.

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Article by An Iraqi scholar.. Praising the visit by Mithal Alalousee to Isreal


على أية حال أظن أن مساعي الصلح والتعاون مع إسرائيل ستجد القبول الواسع من الأغلبية العراقية الصامتة ، لأن الناس جربت العرب وبؤس العلاقة مع العرب ، ولأنهم يريدون تغييراً حقيقياً بفضي إلى أن نصل لما وصلت إليه إسرائيل ، لا لما وصل إليه لبنان أو السودان …أو إيران …!

Any I think the intention to cooperation with Isreal will find a big support by Iraqi people, those who are sielent. People experienced the mesrry relations with Arabs.. And as they want real change that might get them into same level that Isreal rwaching today not the the one that what Libanon, Sudan or Iraq had ..
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Inarabic.. A letter from Mathal Alalousee to Iraqi people..


حصلت علي دعوة المشاركة في المؤتمر العالمي لمكافحة الارهاب واهتماماتي في البحث عن الارهاب أسبابه ونتائجه ليس بالحديثة  يشارك في المؤتمر هذا اكثر من 33 دولة، وزراء، سفراء، مراكز ابحاث، ومستشارين لحكومات مختلفة وباحثين وعلي كل المستويات والاختصاصات وقد كان الشأن العراقي محوراً اساسياً للمؤتمر هذا اي العراق علي طاولة المشرحة قررت المشاركة في المؤتمر المهم هذا ولم اخبر لا قيادة المؤتمر ولا رئيس المؤتمر الدكتور احمد الجلبي كما لم أخبر أي طرف من الحكومة الانتقالية فالحكومة الانتقالية لا علاقة لها بها، وقيادة المؤتمر والجلبي كانوا خارج العراق، اضافة الي انني لا اعتقد بانني بحاجة الي موافقة لتسمح لي بالذهاب والدفاع عن المصلحة العراقية، فطول عمري وانا أدافع عن حق العراقي في السيادة والحياة الكريمة ولم أتسلم ولم أتقبل اي دعم مالي طول حياتي السياسية علي طول 30 عاما من العمل فقد كنت امول عملي واخوتي الذين حولي من رزقي ومواردي الخاصة سجنت في اكثر من بلد، سوريا، تركيا، واخيرا في المانيا بعد تحرير السفارة العراقية وقمت ببيع دار لي كي اتمكن من دفع نفقات المحامين لي وللسنّة الاحرار الابطال الذين اقتحموا وكر صدام المتمثل في السفارة العراقية في المانيا، والعائلات العراقية التي كنت ادعمها كل الدعم ليست الآن للمتاجرة والمقربون يعلمون بذلك فمن اجل العراقي والعراق أضحي بكل ما عندي بل واضحي بنفسي وما سألت عن أجر في حياتي. وحتي اثناء وجودي في بغداد لم اكن اعمل في الغرفة والمباني المحصنة فكنت اقوم بزيارات عديدة لمناطق بغداد المختلفة والي محافظة الانبار والي محافظة نينوي وكم من مرة كنت اجبر الحماية والسائق الي السفر الي تلك المناطق المشتعلة وكم من مرة شاركت في المسيرات والتظاهرات في بغداد والعاملين معي يطلبون عدم مشاركتي خوفا علي حياتي وتقبلت التهديدات وكنت سعيداً بقرب من الشارع العراقي من احاسيس وآلام العراقي من احلامه وحقوقه وقربي هذا لا حباً بالمجازفة بل لأنني عراقي وماكنت من المتاجرين ولن اكون بعون الله


I dodn'r consult my governemnt or my Party before visting.. I found it much helpfull to announce the visit not like those who keep visiting in Secret..

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Guest Mustefser

I suggest any one to listen to the speech.. Don't rely on news media coverage about the speech.

In an Arab Iraqi media I read that Mr. Alawi had praised the kurds who fall in Halabcha but not the Shia in Mass graves.. When I listened to the speech I found this statement wrong.. I am just giving this example to high light a very serious issue that the non understandable position by American media in reciepting the first Iraqi PM who is commited to democarcy and putting ellection as his priority one ..A process that makes the terror couldn't sleep!


He was very clear, the defeat of the democratic process is a defeat to the war on Terror. When talked about the ellection , he said that every one shouldn't underestamate how strong the will of Iraqis to get into democracy with an ellected govermnment and council as first step.. The tyrany teached Iraqis one lesson: No thing more important than freedom of choice!


When talked about the situation, he emphazized the fact that all Iraqis talked about: The media is baised toward the bad news only. He said that in 16 out of 19 provices ,the situation today allow ellection .


Those who doubts the process for political reasons should come up to the moment, the war against terror need such stand byond the political agendas!

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Guest Mustefser



In English..Article in Times considering the remarks by Allawi as to support Bush against Kerry.. Which migh be the reason for why Kerry attacked Allawi. Which is unnormal against a forgien country leader..

The question is why ? Why a good optimistic picture of Iraq is working against Kerry? Is it true that Kerry is in a position that makes him better when Americans and Iraqis fail??

Allawi is free to express his views, which by the way might well reflecting majorty of Iraqis view, but I wonder why such view is not working good for US president candidate?

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Guest mustefser

From the above article ..


Asked recently what Allawi could do to help Bush in November, one senior European diplomat sympathetic to the war said: "He can keep himself alive until then."



I was talking to an Iraqi inside Iraq, he mentioned the term " The suisiding governement".. I asked him what does that mean.. he said I ment the current Allawi governemnt. Iraqis are admired by the courage and sacrifies that the current political leaders are doing . They stuck on their goals despite all threatting by Terrorist, not mentioning the supporting Nationalistic Arab media and some western article writers!!!

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Guest Guest_Tajer



In Arabic.. A salafee cleric joins Mr. Kerry in denouncing the speach by Allawi in the congress. Shiekh A. Alkubaisee, considered as one of the Salafees and member of the Sunni Clergy commitee , accuesed Allawi as bitreating Iraq in demending help from US to establish democracy.. He also calls upon all police and National gaurd members to rebel. His speach was conducted in a Friday pray in front of Abu Ghraib prison, where a lot of terrorist are jailed.

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