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A tribute to the Al-Sadr the 3rd

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Guest Mustefser



InArabic.. Good coverage about what is going on..

The idea of delivaring keys of the Shrine gates to the hight celrgi is not a normal procedure. That is what the report above is telling by one of Ayatoula Systani 's Aids.

That is true, the Marjea never get it self in this buissness , it is the Sader's wish to have the Marjiea envolved .. Historically each of the main Shirns were managed by one of the Siad well know families , for example in Najaf : Alrufaiee Family, in Kerbala " ImamHusain : the Kellidar Toama family. Saddam never played with this tradition that is centuries old. Some times he might appoint a new temporary one when there is an absance, like what happened in kerbala..

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Guest Mustefser

I was listeneing to MSNBC two days ago , talking to a Newyork times reporter from Baghdad.. He claimed that the Mehdi militia is not more that robbers and criminals.. As Iraqi Shia , I personally don't agree with all what Muqtada is doing.. And I assume that most Iraqis that I know have same evaluation. We know that most of his supporters are from the poor and uneducated rank, we know that he is lacking any religious or political experince.. However, we know also that these poor people are the most tortured by the saddam regim, and also would be the most one who would benifits the liberation of Iraq operation that was led by US.

Calling them robbers might be in harmony with what the libral American media is propaganda for, but we know that this is not true..

One simple proof for this.. Now they are leaving the Imam Ali Shrins.. Is the reporter aware about what type of valued treasurs are there? Let us see if any would be missed..


I remeber when Saddam forces occupied the Shrine in 1991, they stole some precious Iranian rugs though!

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Guest Mustefser

I was on the phone with some one who just came from Kerbala "50 miles from Annajaf" .. We had talks about different Iraqi matters inside Iraq..Here below what he had briefed me..

1- People inside Iraq are not interested in any political party or matter.. They are looking for security and jobs..They are looking forward with a lot of hops to the new ministry.. They are reluctant to give it their trust before seeing something on ground


2- Most cities in the south including Annajaf are in a very normal state with services and order.. As for Annajaf, every thing is going normal excluding the downtown "500meter diameter circle around the shrine and the Alsalam cemetry" ..

As for the hot spot, nothing serios had happened, and all the damages that media had talken about is just exadurations. He confirmed to me that his neigbor "originally from Najaf but used to live in Kerbala" had visited the shrine of Imam Ali and the procedure of the "zyara" vist is normal and people can go in and out through the fighting groups.. He said other than hearing some clashes comming from Alsalam and some time from those Militia men who fire in the air because feeling board, no serious isses are there.. The only problem is the electricity and phone, where the stations were damaged by earlier fightings..


3- There is a growing upset by people in Kerbala and Annajaf against Alsader miltia for "hijacking" the Shrines for their political agenda..


4- There is a growning angure toward AlMudersee group in kerbala for showing some symbathy to the Alsader militiamen by offering them shelter and food.. People think this is because Almudersee had failed to get supporters among local citizens after his return to Kerbala..


5- Though the person I was talking to is a very religious one, he told me that he is very happy to see the return of that phenomina of having some of Kerbalaee who are more interested in preparing the evening Arak "local famous alcholholic drink" setup.. He told me that is a sign of return of spirit after the long time of depress.. He thought that well paying of midclass had it's results in building the self confidence and power of intellectualls..

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Well I hope this on again-off again struggle in Najaf will be explained in the comming days by this blogger/journalist as he is on his on the rad and Going to Najaf.


I have been reading Christopher's blog for a long time now.

Seems he was anti-american and suspecting american interests were actually imperialistic in goals.

Well, ever since his return to Iraq, his views are comming more into line with my own thinking.

His viewpoint,out look on Iraqi life has changed.

I hope Iraqi's that can read English will also post messages at his site.

He does read and reply to those that post messages.


He is off to Najaf to report first hand on events from the mosque, inshallah....

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Guest Mustefser


An Article by Iraqi writer Hamza Aljawahree.. He estimated the the profits by American oil companies to exceed 100 billion over the last 18 months by the increase of oil prices..

He might be replying to those in Alsader party that are claiming that the increase of oil prices is hurting Americans


It is very clever way to convince them that hitting Iraqi oil exports would not hurt Americans or the Iraqi goverment as the price would increase..



أما أمريكا فلها حساب آخر، حيث أمريكا تمتلك حوالي أربعين بالمئة من إنتاج النفط في السعودية ودول كخليجية أخرى. صحيح إنها تدفع مبلغ أكبر لشراء النفط لاستهلاكها الداخلي، ولكنها تجني أرباحا خيالية كنتيجة لارتفاع أسعار النفط. أمريكا تملك امتيازات في مناطق كثير من العالم ومنها روسيا وجمهوريات الإتحاد السوفيتي السابقة وتمتلك امتيازات في بحر الشمال وأفريقيا وأمريكا اللاتينية وأماكن كثير أخرى في آسيا واستراليا، وفي كل بقعة من هذه البقاع لها شركاء وتستحوذ على نسب مختلفة حسب المنطقة وعقود الامتياز. لذا من الصعب جدا حساب أرباح أمريكا كنتيجة لأعمال الإرهاب في العراق، فهي الرابح الأكبر وحتى أكثر بكثير من أرباح السعودية مثلا كنتيجة لهذه الزيادة في العائدات النفطية. للقارئ أن يتخيل، أن العراق الذي يبيع فقط مليونين برميل يوميا استطاع أن يجني أرباحا قدرها أربعة مليارات دولار خلال أربعة أشهر فقط كفرق ناتج عن الزيادة بالأسعار بسبب التخريب بشكل عام في العراق، فما الذي نتوقعه من أرباح أمريكا كنتيجة لمثل هذه الزيادة؟؟


حاولت حسابها من خلال معطيات كثيرة ومعقدة لا تهم القارئ بكثير، فكانت النتيجة أن أمريكا قد جنت أرباح إضافية كنتيجة لزيادة أسعار النفط أكثر من عشرين مليار دولار خلال الأربعة أشهر الأخيرة وتزيد على مئة مليار منذ سقوط النظام البعثي حتى الآن. وكلما ازداد السعر كلما ازداد ربح أمريكا أكثر. وهذه المبالغ التي حققتها أمريكا كزيادة على أرباحها المعتادة تزيد على ما صرفته في حربها على العراق بكثير، حيث أن المبلغ الإجمالي الذي صرفته أمريكا على عملياتها العسكرية في العراق وأفغانستان لم يزيد على مئة مليار دولار، مجملها عاد للولايات المتحدة كمشتريات للسلاح والعتاد والمعدات العسكرية، وقد استفادت منه إسرائيل مبالغ تزيد على سبعة مليارات دولار كتجهيزات للجيش الأمريكي في العراق معظمها مواد غذائية.


فما الذي جنته أعمال الإرهاب والتخريب في العراق إذا؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

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Guest Guest_Tajer

Thanks Aliraqi for the great refrence.. It is really very important and informative article


The Article is by one of the Alsadrees that is not agree with emerging leadership of the Muqtada.. He high lighted in a lot of details the confusion within Alsadree for the emerge of Muqtada as aleader to the group after the fall of Saddam..

He said that the leader was Ayatoulah Alyaqoubi "A cicvil engineer that chage career to the religious studies" who led the group after the kill of Alsader "Moqtada father" ... Very intersting and need to be translated.

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Guest Guest_Tajer



In Arabic.. A translated article BY Sabrina in NT.. I find it very accurate and balanced.. Any one knows the english version link?



وكانت القوات الاميركية احتلت حي الجديدة من انصار الصدر قبل عشرة ايام، والان فان معظم المواطنين يقولون انهم سعداء بالوجود الاميركي، على الرغم من تعرضهم باستمرار للهجمات بقذائف الهاون، فقد ضاقوا ذرعاً بالعيش تحت الحصار لأسابيع حيث الكهرباء مقطوعة والمحلات مغلقة والشوارع شبه خالية. ويقول حاجي كريم صاحب احد محلات البقالة «لا نستطيع النوم في الليل ولا نستطيع العمل في النهار ولا خير في الاميركيين اذا لم يتخلصوا من انصار الصدر».

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Guest mustefser

Tajer wrote



This is a serious development..A shia uprise, God forbid, would become a volcano.. It is different than Sunni unhappyness.. While Sunni minorority have nothing but to go through terror acts, Shia majority might march in massive popular demostrations that no one can stand in front of..


Seems some one in this thread had a correct expectatiion..

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Guest Mustefser

The mortar attack on the kufa mosque " 14 centuries old" is widely considered by Najafians as another way that the terrorist anti Iraqi freedom wnted to mix papers before the arrival of alsystani.. As per some sopesman from Najaf, The mortar was shelled from a distance and was comming from a direction where no American or Iraqi army ..


The crowds had ther sense of of such intentions by terrorists, they never stop and continue their marchout side Kufa for the reciption of Alsystani in order to join his march later today.


It is a great day in new Iraq history.. Iraqis again prove to the civilized world that they deserve all sacrifies ...

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Further to the morning shelling, that is widely considered in Najaf as being committed by terrorists to mix the papers, in after noon, a group led by a cleric called Alkhalisy was trying to break the call by Alsystani not to march toward Najaf before he finalized the conflict with Alsader.. They clashed with American army when arrived to the American base " mid way between Kufa and Najaf".. The Americans fired in the air then some caiotic situation , no one knew what exactly happened .. Some reporter said the American started to shoot at the Khalisee group.There were some casualties among the crowd.


The question is , why Alkhalisee is trying to break Alsystani call and entre Najaf befor egetting the deal done..Is it another attempt to stop the progress?

Alkhalisee is part of opposition to the governemnt, but he and some radical Sunni "Muslim association" propose to mediat in the conflict.. He is a Shia with a very minor support in Kadimia/Baghdad.. He might be willing to expose him self as a figure in this process.

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