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The New P.S 3

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Hi my name is Sadok Hasan I am 9 years old I live in America but I am Iraqi. I want to dedicate this article to my family and cousins especially my cousin Nabeel Abus.



There is a new Play Station 3 which does not only have games to play on but also has a DVD player, a VCR and is a regular playstation :lol: . :huh: The only weird thing is that I wonder how it has all those stuff oh well.) But it is also really cool to have however, the new Play Station 3 costs $400. :unsure: .But still it's worth it. :rolleyes:



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Translating Sadok":

ترجمه مقال صدوق


مرحبا, اسمي صدوق حسن, عمري تسعه سنوات واعيش في كاليفورنيا ولكني عراقي. اريد ان اهدي هذا المقال الى عائلتي وابناء العم والخال وخصوصا ابن العم نبيل عباس.

هنام لعبه جديده هي بلس ستيشن 3 التي لا تحتوي على العاب فقط وانما ياتي معها جهاز دي في دي, فيديو وكذلك بلي ستيشن عادي. المستغرب عندي هو كيف تشتغل كل هذه الخدمات سويه بشكل جيد. ولكنه جيد ان نحصل عليها. على كل حال سعرها 400 دولار , ولكن يبقى سعرها فيها.

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Guest Guest_aabir sabeel

dear sadokhasan,


what are your hobbies other than video games , do you like playing chess ?


i wish we can play online sometimes , there is a lot of websites to do that like yahoo games and internet chess club

other than this i like soccer, pool and bowling


wish to hear from you soon

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dear sadok,

thank you for replying and i'm happy that like playing chess too, i hope you visit yahoo games - chess

also you can try internet chess club, i'm sure yahoo has quick game which does not even need a subscription , you can just click on yahoo games-chess-quick game and you can play online.


how are you doing in basketball? are you a first class player?


keep in touch



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Guest Guest_aabir sabeel



Conguradulations for winning the basketball game.

i'll try my best to log on to play chess at that time, but even if i can't for some reason, don't be upset, there is always time to do that.


bye for now

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i went to this website you gave me "pojo" at 4:45 but i did not find you and i couldn't find " chess "

so if you'd like you can give me the instructions on what how to reach you through this game.

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