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هل يستحق الامريكي نصبا تذكاريا ؟

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Guest Achillea

I appreciate Tina's sentiments. But I think the soldiers who have fallen have 25 million living, breathing, FREE memorials.


Also, do not forget, not only American soldiers have fallen. Many other countries have lost lives and blood.


Translation site Monday, I promise. :)

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Guest Achillea

أقدّر مشاعر تينا . لكننيّ أعتقد أنّ لدى الجنود الذين قد سقطوا 25 مليون معيشة, يتنفّسون, النّصب التّذكاريّ الحرّة .

أيضًا, لا تنسى, ليس فقط الجنود الأمريكيّون قد سقطوا . قد فقدت البلاد الأخرى الكثيرة الحياة و الدّم .

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How about a monument to all the people who died trying liberate Iraq? A monument that honors all the solder's and all the Iraqi's who died to free Iraq from Saddam. Instead of honoring the nation, we honor the people who made the ultimate sacrifice that other may be free.


Honor not living, but honor those who gave their lives that we might be free. This is our motto.




P. S. I am also ashamed that we did nothing to stop Saddam after the first gulf war. I hope we have made up for our failure to help our fellow human’s. May you forever live as free men and never again be afraid of your own government.

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Guest Tom Grey

Tina is right that a statue of memorial would be good.

Tom Penn's idea of a statue of children is FANTASTIC.


A nice thing about freedom is that it doesn't have be either-or.

Identifying more terrorists, sooner, is almost certainly better than statues, now. Please, get more Iraqis blogging, saying what they see, what they feel, what dreams they now dream.


"The revolution will be blogged" -- Great Arab Muslim free speech, honest disagreement, that is the response (most of) America hopes Iraqis can give. Look at Riverbend, and other Iraqis critical (maybe too much) of the US. It's OK to point out problems -- that's how problems can get solved, sooner.


America is great, I love it; I left it (for Slovakia, 12 years ago) -- it's not perfect.


My dream, thanks to Bush and his example in Iraq: A World Without Dictators. In my lifetime.


Starting with free speech, everywhere. Only cowardly leader/dictators oppose it.

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Guest Just another American
My nation has made mistakes, and the failure to take Saddam in 1991, that led to so much death and suffering, was the greatest shame in my lifetime.

I agree 100% with this poster. I could have cried when Bush Senior let Saddam destroy the insurrection. It was the vilest moment in our foreign policy, at least in my memory, and I was SO ASHAMED! How could I belong to a nation that was so callous, so cynical?


How could we let Saddam stay?! It was WRONG!

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Translating Just-Another American's:

ترجمه تعليق جست


معلقا على ماجاء في تعليقتوم بين:

. لقد ارتكبت امتي خطأ, وعدم الاطاحه بصدام في 1991, الذي ادى الى كل هذا التقتيل والمعاناه, لقد كان العار الاكبر في حياتي.



انا اتفق 100% مع ماجاء فيه.. لقد كت ابكي عندما رايت بوش الاب يسمح لصدام ان يسحق المنتفضين. انها اللحضه

الاكثر ظلام في تاريخنا السياسي , على الاقل من التي اعرف, شعرت بعار شديد.. كيف يمكن ان اكون منتميا لامه بهذا المستوى من البرود و التخلي عند الشدائد.

كيف سمحنا لصدام بالبقاء .. لقد كان ذلك عارا

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Guest Mark Garrity

Or as Colin Powll said a small piece of land to bury our dead, though I doubt many of our dead will be buried there. But Tom Penn it does no good to mislead Iraqis about the history they never knew but will all too soon learn. In the 1960s the CIA assisted the Baathists in coming to power. In the 1980's the US sold them weapons of mass destruction precursors and trained Iraq's scientists to produce them. Saddam was the enemy of our enemy Iran and therefore our friend. We gave him satellite and air reconnaissance to help him position his troops and use these outlaw weapons against the Iranians. We turned a blind eye when he used them against the Kurds. It was Bush Sr. and his advisors alone who decided to leave Saddam in power in 1991. His National Security advisor Brent Scowcroft has said we never intended Saddam to be overthrown because we did not want to invade and rebuild Iraq then. Some of Bush Sr's advisors thouight that was a mistake and drew up plans to someday invade Iraq and force democracy on the country as a role model and warning for the rest of the middle east. When Bush Jr. came to power he hired these advisors and they called for an invasion of Iraq right after 9/11. But Saddam had nothing to do with the attacks of 9/11 so they couldn't do it then. They had to attack the real perpetrators of those attacks in Afghanistan. Last year they knew the American people were not willing to free Iraq by invasion for Iraq's sake. So they sold us a story about weapons of mass destruction they told us they were certain Saddam still had. We did not invade Iraq to free Iraqis from Saddam. We invaded Iraq we thought to disarm it. We were lied to. Many of us are very angry about that. After Vietnam there is no greater sin a US president can commit than lying to us about reasons for war. But what is done is done. There is no going back. We will stand by Irag and help it build itself into a strong independent democracy. We owe you that and you owe us nothing. But I do hope our countries can grow a friendship out of this bond we now have in shared blood.

If you must build a statue to honor Americans please build it to honor our soldiers. They are the ones who are making the sacrifice for your freedoms. Bush has only sacrificed his credibility. Somebody please translate this. I don't know who to work that thing. Thank you.

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Guest Guest_Mutergem

Translating Marl Garrity

ترجمه مارك كاريتي


او كما قال كولن باول :قطعه ارض صغيره لدفن قتلانا. ولو انني لااضنهم يدفنون هناك.

ولكن ياتوم بين , لاداعي للكذب على العراقيين حول تاريخنا لمجرد انهم لايعرفونه فهم سيعرفونه لاحقا. في الستينات , السي اي اي ساعدت البعثيين في الوصول للسلطه وفي الثمانينات ساعدت العراق على امتلاك اسلحه الدمار الشامل وتدريب المهندسين. صدام كان عدو عدونا ولذا كان صديق. لقد اعطيناه المعلومات والاقمار الصناعيه لتسيير جيشه اثناء الحرب. لقد اعمينا عيوننا عنه عندما استدار نحو الاكراد.ا لقد كان قرار بوش الاب ومعاونيه فقط بعدم ازاله صدام في 1991 لاننا لم نكن نريد دخول العراق واعاده بنائه..

ثم جاء بوش الابن ليتحجج بالاسلحه الدمار وكذبوا علينا . لقد تالمنا لهذا الكذب.

والان نحن هناك وقد حدث ما حدث وسنقف بجانب العراق ليبني نفسه كامه ديمقراطيه. نحن مدينون لكم ا بذلك و انت لستم مدينين لنا بشئ... اتمنى ان يساهم بلدينا في تاسيس صداقه عميقه فقد اصبحت بيننا رابطه دم مشترك.

اذا اردتم ان تبنوا لنا نصبا فابنوه لاؤلئك الجنود الذين ضحوا لحريتكم. بوش ضحى فقط بمصداقيته. ارجوكم ترجمه ما اقول انا لااعرف كيف

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You are foolish. There are fools in every country and apparently you are one of ours. Speak for yourself as to what YOU think the reasons were for going to war, as for me, I have watched what was happening in Iraq for a very long time and realized that the perfect time had arrived to take care of two things at once. You can choose to misinterpret our reasons for going into Iraq if you wish, that's what a free country is all about, but don't try to speak for me.


Democracy is not perfect, never has been, never will be, but it's far better than any alternative out there. At least we attempt to fix our mistakes.


Conspiracy theorists have such facinating minds, if only all that energy would be put to good purposes instead of attempting to destroy everything it comes into contact with the world would be a much better place.

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Mark's post isn't all conspiracy theory, but it is quite a bit politically one-sided. But in fairness, he does have the right to free speech. If we are going too blame the u.s. for everything that has to do with saddam, then we might as well blame the entire world as well for selling him destructive weapons and creating him into something he wasn't. He was a BRUTAL,PHYSCOPATHIC, HYPOCRITE of a dictator to his own people, and to us he was just a pshycopath. The iraqi's are going to need some time too deal with their pain, before they deal with the chief man who caused it all. My thoughts and sympathies go out to them who suffered a painful loss due to saddam.

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A quick suggestion for Baghdadee and the other site Admins…


(I would write this in Arabic, but the virtual keyboard is very slow)


It would probably be a good idea to only allow registered members to post, and restrict unregistered users to read-only privileges.


The topic of Iraq is an a contentious issue in the US with many hard-line opposing viewpoints. The way I understand it, the concept of the Baghdadee forums is to allow for a direct exchange of information between Iraqis and others around the world. This forum will probably get busy really quickly as news spreads about its existence… It takes a lot of effort to translate from Arabic to English and vice versa (especially for long posts), so it doesn’t help matters if users start getting into partisan flame wars between themselves rather than engaging in civil discussion with Iraqis.


Allowing unregistered users to post opens up the forums to mischief and a higher level of flame and antagonistic behavior. If users are required to register before posting with validated e-mails, that may curtail some of the uncivil discourse.


Just my 2 cents or equivalent Iraqi currency. :blink:

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From Mark;

Saddam was the enemy of our enemy
Think many in Iraq understand that quote better than all of us outsiders.



People have the right to slam their own government but as

Panther points out;

we might as well blame the entire world as well for selling him destructive weapons and creating him into something he wasn't

But, as Saddam said himself,he always wanted to be accepted as undisputed leader of the Arab world.


And as for Tina's take on Mark;

Speak for yourself as to what YOU think the reasons were for going to war,
:D I think he just did speak for himself.

Conspiracy theorists will remain busy in the comming years.

Somebody needs to twist pretzle logic to fit their needs.


Anybody recognize this guy?


Libyan Leader Moammar Gadhafi


After the past nine months of current events played out...

UN Inspectors are welcome


Libyan Leader Moammar Gadhafi wants to be "our friend".

Everybody knows his about face stand on the Jumbo jet that crashed in Scotland.




Was it so wrong to "give peace a chance".


This thread was about outsiders contributing their thoughts on building a statue inside Iraq.




من العلامة,


كان صدام عدوًّا عدوّنا


اعتقد أنّ الكثير في العراق يفهم أن يستشهد أفضل من كلّ دخلاء أمريكيّ .



لدى النّاس حقّ لإغلاق حكومتهم لكنّ ك

يشير الفهد,


أيضًا قد نلوم العالم بالكامل أيضًا لبيع له أسلحة مدمّرة و خلقه في شيئ ما هو لم يكن



لكنّ, بينما (كما) قال صدام نفسه, أراد أن يُقْبَل كزعيم مسلّم للعالم العربيّ دائمًا .


و بالنّسبة إلى تينا يعيّن مارك,


تكلّم بلسان نفسك بخصوص ما تعتقد أنّ الأسباب كانت لشنّ الحرب,


أعتقد أنه فقط قد تكلّم بلسان نفسه .

سيبقى منظّرو المؤامرة مشغولين في سنوات الكوممينج .

شخص ما يحتاج لتحريف منطق بريتزل لمناسبة حاجاتهم .


أي شخص يتعرّف على هذا الرّجل ؟


الزّعيم اللّيبيّ موما




سمكة عجيبة

I like your opinion on unregistered members only being able to read.

Some "Trolls" only intend to stop by to "stir the pot"...never to return again.

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I stand by my post and insulting me doesn't change the facts. If they upset you then that's good because you ought to be upset. Lying about reasons for war is the worst sin a president can commit in my eyes. Misleading Iraqis will neither fool them or win them over. It's no way to start a relationship.


We went to war in March because Bush and company wanted to disarm Saddam of WMD they said they knew existed. Freeing the Iraqi people, contracts for their cronies, oil, all of that was a secondary benefit.


We did support Saddam in the 1980s. There is a letter from the Center for Diesase Control to a US Senator spelling out the list of precursers and germs we sold to Iraq and the schools and laboratories where we trained them. It's at Senator Robert Byrd's website if you care to look for it.

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