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Baghdadee بغدادي

Reconstructing Iraq

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On the pages of CPA you can find a lot of info about cleaning the water channels or reconstructing schools and hospitals. Also the dentist center of Iraqi bloggers has been reconstructed. But how does it look in reality ? Do you get new furniture and painted walls ? Is it modern ? or is it only repairing older stuff ? If something is build new, is it high quality like in West or is it "low-budget" building ??

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تحت موقع سلطه التحالف على الانترنت تجد الكثير عن مشاريع الماء واعاده المدارس و المستشفيات. وكذلك مراكز طب الاسنان تم اعاده تاهيلها. ولكن كيف هي على الواقع؟

هل تجدون اثاث جديد وصبغ للحائط؟ هل هي حديثه؟او هب تصليح القديم؟ واذا تم بناء ما هل هو على الطراز الغربي الحديث ام هو فقط اي كلام؟ On the pages of CPA you can find a lot of info about cleaning the water channels or reconstructing schools and hospitals. Also the dentist center of Iraqi bloggers has been reconstructed. But how does it look in reality ? Do you get new furniture and painted walls ? Is it modern ? or is it only repairing older stuff ? If something is build new, is it high quality like in West or is it "low-budget" building ??

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