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Saddam's cage قفص صدام

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Guest Mustefser



In arabic,,


Ayatoula Shirazi, in Kuwait issued a letter asking for forgiveness to Saddam.. It worth mentioning that the Atatoulah brother Sayed Hasan was killed by Saddam .


He said that the prophet Mohamed had forgivin those captured after the capture of Mecca though they had killed Muslims..


The Ayatoulah might be missing that those infidals had admited their wrong doing while Saddam is insisting that he did the right thing.

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Guest Mustefser


نون المحاماة العراقي المرقم 173 لسنة 1965 المعدل منع العمل في المحاماة من غير المحامين المسجلين في جدول نقابة المحامين العراقية، الا انه وفقا لنص احد الفقرات أن يأذن نقيب المحامين العراقيين للمحامي غير العراقي بالتوكل في قضية معروضة أمام المحاكم العامة والخاصة في العراق، ويتوجب ان يصدر الاذن بكل قضية بشكل مستقل وأن يوافق وزير العدل، وعليه فأن النص لايمنع المحامي العربي من التوكل في قضية مواطن عراقي ولكن يشترط عليه أن يتم أستحصال موافقة نقابة المحامين العراقية خطياً على هذا التوكل في كل قضية وترتبط الموافقة بالتعامل بالمثل مع بلد المحامي العربي ، فأن لم يستحصل المحامي العربي هذه الموافقة الخطية، أو لم يتقدم بطلبها لاتسمح المحكمة له بالحضور مع المتهم أو ممارسة عمله القانوني في هذه القضية في العراق.

واعلنت مجموعة من المحامين العرب استعدادها للدفاع عن المتهم صدام البائد، ولامشكلة في رغبتها وأستعدادها للدفاع عن الطاغية العراقي، المشكلة تكمن في أطلاق التصريحات السياسية التي تخرج عن باب اللياقة وتتعارض مع المهمة القانونية وتوقع المحامين العرب تحت طائلة القانون العراقي.

حيث دأبت هذه المجموعة على شتم أعضاء الحكومة العراقية ورئيس الوزراء وتحقيرهم ووصفهم بالعملاء وحكومة العراق بأنها غير شرعية، كما عمدت الى أهانة القضاء العراقي ونعت القاضي المختص في التحقيق بنعوت غير مؤدبة ولاتتناسب مع سمعة القضاء العراقي وحقيقة المهمة المناطة به ولافي تاريخه، ويبدو أن الطابع السياسي والأعلامي غلب على جميع تصريحات وأفعال وأعمال هذه المجموعة أكثر من الجانب القانوني، لذا لجأت هذه المجموعة الى التصريحات المهينة للشعب العراقي وأدخلوا انفسهم في دوامة تحدي الشعب العراقي وتهميش تضحياته والحط من قيمة شهداءه وأستفزاز أهل المجني عليهم من ضحايا الدكتاتور المتهم.

ولم تسمع الناس من هذه المجموعة أي تعليق قانوني أو مناقشة فقهية أو قانونية في قضية المتهم، بالأضافة الى أنهم استعجلوا في تصريحاتهم وأعلانهم قبل أن يكونوا وكلاء حقيقيين للمتهم، فقد زعموا أن الوكالات من زوجات وأولاد المتهمين، وأنهم لم يلتقوا بالمتهمين لحد الان، وأنهم لم يستحصلوا على موافقة نقابة المحامين العراقيين لحد الان بل اعلنت النقابة أن أي منهم لم يتقدم بطلب اليها حول الموضوع، وانهم لم يحضروا الى المحكمة المختصة بالتحقيق لحد الان.


An article by Iraqi writer Judge Zuhair Aboud about the legal ascpect of the possibility of having a non Iraqi lawer to defend Saddam..


Very intersting !

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Guest Guest_tajer



In arabic.. An Iraqi local newspaper reporting that there will be more arrest warrants against some top Iraqi officials on the charges onf killing and stealing money.. The list might include, Sajeda, Saddams'wife, Alsahaf , Sabaawee, Saddam brother, and the last Saddams foriegn minister.

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Guest Guest_tajer



An interesting article , feelings of two ex baath party members who were jailed but escape excution by Saddam

But Khatib thinks differently. He just returned to the country last November, after 10 years in hiding overseas. And while he dislikes the American influence, he says, "There's an Arabic saying: 'If it goes from worse to bad, it's still an improvement.' " Saddam, he says, is getting what he deserves--and perhaps better than he deserves. "When I saw him sitting there, and the judge talking to him nicely," says Khatib, "I couldn't help but think that I didn't have that when I sat in his court."
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Guest Mutregem



In Arabic.. The Justis minister accuased the Sadamees to be behind the explosion against his convoy.. He said that he doesn't buy the claims of al zarqawee's of it.. He said it is a retaliation to the Sadam trial..

He added that the re will be no possible protection to any one who come to defend Sadam, as far as Iraqi police can'r protect the Iraqi officials.. He ask all the lawers who want to defend the crims of Saddam , to visit the scene of the crim in the mass graves and Halabja first..

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Guest Mustefser



In arabic.. A reprot from Iraq, based on information from Alzubaidi family "one of Saddam close aids" saying that he is insisting on admit all what he know about the direct rule of Saddam in the killing of Shia in 1991 and assasination of Ayatulah Alsader in 1997..


مقال مهم .. يجب تشيع اؤلئك المتورطين مع صدام حتى اللدين تلوثت ايديهم للتقدم بتقديم اعترافاتهم

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http://www.alquds.co.uk/index.asp?fname=20...orytitle=ffسالم الجلبي: عائلة صدام


In arabic, Thehead of the court Mr. Salim Alchalabi expectting Saddam to meet his family in two months.. He said that according to the Iraqi laws , the accused is the only to appoint lawers, no any family members and the lawer should be Iraqi that can appoint some non Iraqi consultants. That would mean that there is no legal status of appointing the arab lawers by Saddam's family.


He said that any court for Saddam might not be started before next summer.. After intregators finished their work.

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Saddams current cage


How does Saddam spend his time in prison?



Gardening, poetry top detained Saddam's prison agenda as he awaits trial on charges of war crimes, genocide.



LONDON - Former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein spends his time in prison gardening, writing poetry and snacking on American muffins and cookies, Britain's Guardian newspaper reported Monday.


The paper said the "intriguing glimpse of the former leader's daily routine as he awaits trial on charges of war crimes and genocide was given... by Iraq's human rights minister, Bakhtiar Amin, who visited Saddam in detention on Saturday".


"One of the poems is about George Bush, but I had no time to read it," he told the Guardian, without making it clear whether he was referring to the incumbent US president, or his father.


"Like the other high-value detainees, Saddam's day begins with a substantial breakfast, an MRE (meal ready to eat), which provides 1,300 calories. He also gets hot food twice a day, which could consist of rice or potato and broccoli, along with either fish, beef or chicken.


"For dessert, there might be oranges, apples, pears or plums, but the former leader has developed a penchant for American snacks such as muffins and cookies," he said.


Amin told the paper that Saddam "works out in his cell and then uses the daily exercise period to tend a small garden in an outside yard.


"He is looking after a few bushes and shrubs and has even placed a circle of white stones around a small palm tree," he said.


"His apparent care for his surroundings is ironic when you think he was responsible for one of the biggest ecocides when he drained the southern marshes," he told the paper.


Amin, a Kurd from the northern city of Kirkuk, is the first member of Iraq's new interim government to visit Saddam, the paper said.


Saddam is being held in a white-walled air-conditioned cell, three metres (yards) wide and four metres long, Amin said, adding he was being kept apart from the other prisoners, who could mix freely with each other during the daily three-hour exercise periods.


Amin, a longtime Iraqi human rights campaigner with family members killed by the former regime, said he could not bring himself to speak to Saddam but observed that he was "in good health and being kept in good conditions".


However, he said the former leader "appeared demoralised and dejected".


Saddam's health was "generally good" but he was being treated for high blood pressure and had suffered a chronic prostate infection for which he had received antibiotics, said the paper.


The former president had refused a biopsy to test for signs of cancer.


Amin told the Guardian that Saddam "was regaining weight again" after a self-imposed diet in which he "resisted all fatty foods and had lost 11 pounds", or five kilograms.


Saddam, who was ousted in April last year in the US-led invasion of Iraq, is facing charges of "crimes against humanity", according to an official from the Iraqi Special Tribunal trying the former leader and 11 of his aides.

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Guest Guest_tajer

the Iraqi security adviser Dr. Rubaie, laughted at this report in his interview with Alsharq Alawsat. Saying that the place Saddam is jailed has no trees.

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Guest Guest_tajer
الجمعة 27/8/2004 "الشرق الأوسط" عمان- فارس شرعان- اعلن صالح العرموطي، عضو هيئة الدفاع عن الرئيس العراقي السابق صدام حسين ، الذي انسحب منها على خلفية التمويل الخارجي ان الهيئة تلقت مساعدات مالية من ليبيا ووعدت بمساعدات اخرى خاصة بعد ان وافقت على انضمام عائشة القذافي ابنة الرئيس الليبي لعضويتها. واوضح العرموطي لـ«الشرق الاوسط» قائلا : «ان هيئة الدفاع فتحت حساباً لها في احد مصارف لندن باسم احد المحامين البريطانيين الا انها اغلقت الحساب المصرفي بعد ان أصر المحامي البريطاني الذي فتح الحساب باسمه على ان يكون وكيلاً ويحق له التصرف بالأموال». وقال العرموطي، الذي شغل منصب نقيب المحامين لدورتين متتاليتين ان لديه الوثائق والمعلومات الكافية لإدانة الهيئة على هذا الصعيد، مشيراً الى ان انسحابه من هيئة الدفاع كان لهذا السبب، وانه لا يزال مستعدا للدفاع عن صدام حسين «حتى آخر لحظة بعيداً عن هيئة الدفاع». من جانبه نفى الامين العام المساعد لاتحاد المحامين العرب، عضو الهيئة، زياد الخصاونة، ما افاد به زميله العرموطي وقال ان هيئة الدفاع عن صدام «لم تتلق أية مساعدات او تبرعات من أي جهة كانت» موضحاً ان «اعضاء الهيئة ينفقون على رحلاتهم وأعمالهم المتعلقة بالدفاع عن صدام من جيوبهم». واكد ان الهيئة لم تفتح أية حسابات في الخارج.



The fight began on the money by the Arab lawers who claimed to defend Saddamm


Really funny to see this even before they are accepted by Iraqi justice system as illegable one.. Akathafee duaghter is offering a lot of money to defend Saddam , while this is understood as she might think that this is no worse that her father, but what Libees? why they should pay ?

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