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Baghdadee بغدادي

The Battle of Baghdad (Law Enforcement)

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The massacre of Yezidi's is yet another ugly picture of the new Iraq . The two car bombings left more than 1000 killed and wounded Iraqis. This time toward Yezidis whom were the target of the Qaeda in Iraq over the last couple months.

Two weeks ago , the islamic state of Iraq issued a threatening letter to the residents of Sinjar area "mixed Arab sunni and Yezidi's" north west of Musol province , to be a way.

The story of Yezidis is another story of pain. Living to their old faith,over centuries, fanatic Muslims used to isolate them from the main body of Iraq social system. Having their respect to the Satan "Shaytan" gave them a lot of troubles.

In the new Iraq they started to breath some kind of relief. For first time in their history they got three representatives in the last national assembly and two in the current Parliament. They went as far as complaining of condemnation to Satan in the Parliament sessions "which is kind of normal practice by all Moslims ", calling it unconstitutional to hurt others believes. Some thing that had buzzled the PM of Iraq in his speech and drove the Islamist PM to send apology for lacking behind the new Iraq era.


Yezidi calls themselves Arab, they even be proud of their Arab dressing with Kufia and long withe rope though Kurds keep welcoming them. Sinjar area is not within the Kurds autonomous system.. It is one of the areas that they want to expand through . Barazani found the tragedy a very good opportunity to send his Beshmerga to control that neighboring region of northwest Mosul to show his support to the Yezidi offering his protection after the mass killing tragedy. The region might chose to go in that direction in the future on the referundom to decide if they want to stay within Mosul or join the Kurd region.. I doubt any Yazidi would chose living with Arab Sunni majority province.. Of course conspiracy would say that those who did it might working on that agenda. However, those who knows Qaeda mentality would tell that this is not the only foolish mistake that might ends in favour of their enemy.. Have a look to the flourishing of Sadrees case in the south..


Anyhow, it is long story but have a look to the following article and see how much superficial some political writers are !


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بغداد يا مدينة (السلام)!


مشعل السديري


أبو حيان التوحيدي المولود في السنة الهجرية 332 والمتوفى سنة 414، له مخطوطة اسمها (الرسالة البغدادية)، وأول من انتبه لهذه الرسالة هو المستشرق الألماني (آدم متز)، وقد حققها وأخرجها للناس سنة 1902.


ولفت نظري في هذه الرسالة للتوحيدي وصفه في ذلك الوقت لبغداد وأهلها، فامتدحها وأثنى على تأنّق البغداديين في لباسهم ومساكنهم وعطورهم وموائدهم ومشاربهم وأغانيهم.


ويقول: إن دجلة مشحونة بالمراكب والزوارق، ومحفوفة بالقصور والجواسق، ترتفع ما بينها أصوات الأغاني، وخفقات النايات والسواني، وأصوات الملاحين، وزعقات المؤذنين، ترى والله جمالا وكمالا، وتسمع من ألحانها الشجية سحرا حلالا.


وتحدث بما في باطن البيوت من الرياش، والزلالي المغربية، والطنافس الخرشنية، والنخاخ الأندلسية، والمطارح الأرمنية، والقطف الرومية، والمقاعد التسترية، والطرّاحات القبرصية.


وبها من العطور أصناف، فهناك المثلثة البرمكية، والسكرية والجوهرية والعمارية، وأنواع الند والعود والمسك والعنبر والكافور وماء الورد الجوري والصندل.


أما الطعام فحدّث ولا حرج، فالموائد تزين وترص عليها العديد من الكوامخ، والبقول والمري وأصناف الشواء والقلايا والطبهجات، والحلويات من خبيص ومرمل وفالوذج وعصائد وقطائف وزلابيات.


ومن الفواكه هناك الموز والجلموز وشاهبلوط والنارجيل والفستق الرطب وقصب السكر والخوخ والبطيخ والأعناب والتين والتفاح والسفرجل والرمان والمشمش والكمثرى بجميع أنواعها، وهناك ثلاثون صنفاً من التمر أولها بسر ماء السكر، وآخرها الزهدي الذي كأنه شهد مقمع بالعقيق.


ويصف مجالس السرور والمرح عندهم فيقول: إنه ما بين آس مخضود، وورد منضود، ودن مصفود، وناي وعود.


ويشرب أهل بغداد أنواعا من العصائر منها العراقية والسورية والبابلية والصريفينية.


ثم يتحدث عن المغنيات ببغداد، وأحصى منهن (460 مغنية)، ذوات أصوات مليحة يعجب بها فضلاء ووجهاء وفقهاء وقضاة وعدول.


انتهى كلام التوحيدي، لكن يجب أن أستدرك وأقول: طبعاً وأكيد أن ليس كل أهل بغداد في ذلك الحين هم على هذه الشاكلة، فلا شك أن هناك أيضاً فقراء ومعدمين، لكن من حُسن حظهم أن السيارات المفخخة لم تخترع بعد، وأن ثقافة الانتحار لم تجر في عروق المجانين مجرى الدم.


لا أدري لو أن التوحيدي قد عاد اليوم إلى بغداد بقدرة قادر، وطلبنا منه أن يصف بغداد وأهلها، فماذا سوف يقول يا تُرى؟!

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Bush on Iraqi leader al-Maliki: 'I support him'


KANSAS CITY, Missouri - President George W. Bush, scrambling to show he has not abandoned Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, offered a fresh endorsement on Wednesday.


"Prime Minister Maliki's a good guy, a good man with a difficult job and I support him," Bush said in a speech to military veterans.


"And it's not up to the politicians in Washington, D.C. to say whether he will remain in his position," Bush said. "It is up to the Iraqi people who now live in a democracy and not a dictatorship."



I think Bush's speech is just another sign of how much involvment by the US government in the details of Iraq current process. There was a lot of confusion in his yesterday's speech that many Arab and Iraqi media wanted to make it as a withdraw of Bush support to Maliki, just 24hrs, the president of the greatest impire had to come with clear statement.

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Those who might be in doubt of Maliki , needs to watch his speech to group of migrated Iraqis in Damascus , Syria.


I don't think Maliki is a weak guy , he is more realistic. He got a weak "national unity" government, where every minister needs to report to his party before coming to his PM. He got a dis functioning divided Parliament that doesn't have a will pass any of the critical laws that the PM already passed, including the re naming of the six ministerial posts of Alsadrees, he got a security situation that even the greatest power on globe failed to fully contain. He got regional competition that are crossing Iraq sovergnity.. He got many Iraqi politicians collaborating to replace him, including senior person in his own party.. More than that he got a short minded US legislators and analysists who fail to look to the situation beyond their election short term goals!



Anyhow, MAliki is battling on three main fronts, that is in addition to the security and rebuilding ones. On the regional, fed ding up with any more wait to get Arab US friends help, he faced his realities and went to talk to those who might find some common interests in helping the situation, Turkey, Iran and Syria.. He might be under impression that economic and political compromises might help.

The most important is his visit to Syria. Syria is under a real isolation, any move on the Iraq economic/political front might be of help to Asad regime that would make it possible to stop their blind eye policy to the terrorist crossings through Syria and logistic support to Sadamists.

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Report Offers Grim View of Iraqi Leaders




WASHINGTON, Aug. 23 — A stark assessment released Thursday by the nation’s intelligence agencies depicts a paralyzed Iraqi government unable to take advantage of the security gains achieved by the thousands of extra American troops dispatched to the country this year.


The report says that the influx of American troops in Iraq has achieved some successes in lowering sectarian violence, but concludes that Iraqi leaders “remain unable to govern effectively” and that the government of Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki “will become more precarious over the next 6 to 12 months” as rival factions led by Mr. Maliki’s fellow Shiites vie for power.


Reading through the NT article about the intelligence report, I would say that I agree with many points that the article claim to be in the report.


Al Maliki government is really paralyzed; the NT article didn’t go further into the report to let us know if it is covering the reasons... I used to post my similar assessment, let me put again what I think a reason.

The term “PARALYZED” used by the intelligence report is both accurate and meaningful. There are two approaches to explain the government’s lack on the political process. The first is that it is “Paralyzed” due some reasons; the other it is not able...

I was in synch with the first.. It is realy PARALYZED.


When this government got established, the decision was to get all main Parliament slates into it under a new PM that ended to be a one that had never got any main government office before.

What ever the reason for make such scenario, it had led to a paralyzed government, not because it is a mix of inconsistent groups, but also becuase it was blocked by a very ambitious strong leader that went so much far than what was expected by those who elected him to the most critical post in new Iraq . puting a very low rank politician that even never mentioned in Bremer’s book! It is not only that but also from a party that is considered the only one in new Iraq that has no Militia. ! So the plan was to have a weak PM.


Maliki started first with his own Aldawa party, trying to reach the top position... He got it winning the party election against the very powerful ex PM, Aljaafree. Mean while, he work hard to break the Sunni radical front through the shroud move of supporting Alanbar tribal community to take over.


On the regional front, though failed to break through the high walls set by the US allied Arab states, he moved forward toward Turkey, Iran and finally Syria to assure their support to his plans.


One of the greatest achievement by Maliki, was the gaining of the Bush’s trust and support. Without it, I don’t think he would get the energy to do all this.


Today, we have two possibilities, either break the deadly ring that this national unity concept is pushing on his government, or move forward with a more risky option of re inventing the wheel of looking for a another weak elected PM.. I think the report was very clear to answer that question. It correctly pin pointed the real issue in concluding that Iraqi leaders “remain unable to govern effectively”. The untrust is going so deep among the different political parties leaders, that a concept of national political leader unity government be unrealistic.


Why not trying Maliki with a more efficient group that comes from out side the party’s arena!? I think that what we need to look for answer..

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Almaliki is just about to play his most sensitive critical card.. The winning of Iraqis Heart!


This time he is playing their main concerns.. Despite all thankful stand and appreciation to the rule of the US sacrifices in liberating Iraqis from one of the most brutal system that humanity ever experienced, most of them keep considering the American occupation during the first year after Sadam remove as a tragic insult to their dignity.. Though it is no longer existed in its political sense, they keep feeling it with the presence of US troops that they might find, at same time, a necessity.


Iraqis are much more sensitive to any US remarks that would scratch that surface of pain... They become so nervous when find any foreign politicians intervening in such non respectful ways in their internal affairs. I think that is why President Bush was so much careful in dealing with the Iraqi situation and always emphasize the sovereignty of Iraq and full rule of its people.


Maliki chose the incident of having couple of remarks by some US legislators to send two messages:

The first was to those who think that Iraq might be a good card to play in their election race, reminding them it might return back to them. He went more than what was reported in the US media and to the extend of claiming that “Such non appropriate statements might complicate the situation and would for sure be not helpful in our fight with terrorists”. In other word , he is saying that such irresponsible comments would harm the lives of our and your sons in the battle fronts . Putting Mrs Clinton in a denfensive position in here election race .


As for the second, he was trying to reach that nerve that Iraqis are much more worry about. He is telling them that he is not a puppet of the US and he doesn’t mind shouting at those who are showing disrespect to Iraq’s dignity and sovereignty.. He used one of the most compelling statements used by Iraqis when referring to those who deal with other from above , stating that “ Iraq is not their farm “. The liberal media might missed the meaning when they translated it to “their village “ or “their city” , see below. The use of the term “farm” refers directly to those land lords in the early days who used to live in the main cities and think that they own the land and people. It was one of most sounding comparison term that I ever thought of...


I think he made both messages clear and easy. The French Foreign minister was faster to declare getting it and showed clear apology, the US legislators might yet to have the right translation, didn’t show same comprehension.. .




He trained his angriest words on Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York and her fellow Democrat, Sen. Carl Levin of Michigan.


"There are American officials who consider Iraq as if it were one of their villages, for example Hillary Clinton and Carl Levin," he told reporters. "They should come to their senses."







But Mr. Maliki appeared to reach a new level of stridency with his reply to Senator Clinton, of New York, and Senator Levin, of Michigan. In remarks in a news briefing that referred to the senators by name, Mr. Maliki said they had spoken “as if Iraq is one of their cities.”
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A Stable Iraq

by Dennis Ross




I found the above article contradicting itself..

From one side the writer believes that Iraqi Shia can't be an ally in putting pressure on Iran and Syria. Based on that assumption , the writer is discrediting the Iraqi Shia leaders.


In his VFW speech, he referred to Maliki as "a good guy" with a hard job to do. That may be, but it also indicates that Maliki will not be an ally in the struggle to change Iran and Syria's behavior.


While on other side he is calling for American Arab ally’s involvement in talk with Iran to stabilize Iraq


Finally, we should talk to Iraq's neighbors about how to contain the conflict. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, Syria, and Turkey all have little desire to see Iraq either fragment or be convulsed to the point that they get increasingly sucked into the conflict. I have my doubts about whether the neighbors will ever agree on what they want for Iraq, but they can agree on what they fear about it. From that standpoint, we should not be negotiating bilaterally with Iran on Iraq; instead, we should be trying to broker critical understandings between, for example, the Saudis and Iranians on what they will do to limit or contain the conflict.


So while he is encouraging the reaching out of Suadi to Iranians, he is complaining about Iraqis being too close to Iranians.

He might be coming from an understanding that there is no such thing as Iraqis with national dignity and interests, rather they are collections of Shia , Sunni ,kurds, arab. That is reminding of an old Persian quote , Iraqis use it as a joke during the eighteen's century war between Othman and Iranian Savaweeds

" Sunni's of Baghdad are infidels, Shia's of Baghdad are Sunni's", but making it “Islamists Shia are Iranians, moderate Shias are Islamists" !

I found the article way far from reading through reality... First of all, no one leader in Iraq considered the US mission in Iraq as a step to fight the next wars on neighboring countries, the constitution is prohibting it. Second , if the reason to go after Iran and Syria is becuase of their rule in facilitating the terror networks in Iraq, then it might be as well going after the Suadi's who are indirectely finnacing and inspiring those basterd , 65% of them are of Suadi nationality.

Shia leaders are not one coin as the distant writer might think of , Shia Iraqis are not too. Communist Hamid is not Alsader, radicle Sader is not secular Chalabi who is not ex baathist Alwawee. Alawee is not traditional shia Alhkeem, all are not Islamist Maliki. None of them is claiming to be THE closest to the grand Systani...


Iraqis and Americans might be facing one of the greatest challenges of this century. Loosing focus on fighting real enemy will make it so hard to reach our common interest. The cultivation of the democracy seeds in the desert of absolute tyranny...

Do you know how much hard is to turn a desert into an oasis ! Those who know deserts can tell you..

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Kerbala's yesterday's incident was not as what thought to be at the begining..

From local eye witnesses, the issue was an isolated clash between some "zowars" priglims and the local gaurds who were ordered to scan searching all .. The group had exchange of hard words with the guards that had developed into rocks throughing on the guarding post who replied with fire shots.. Then the tent installed for women security scaning was set on fire.


As proof to this account, there were only less than fifty killed in a conflict where there are at least one million people gathering in the small down town city of Kerbala..In similar occasions, a normal incident might cause much more.. As had happened in Mecca last year when some tents set on fire ..


Any how, the incident was contained and no such Shia-Shia fight is erupted as some media had wisely reported. The interesting part is the shrewd move by Alsader in disbanding his militia.. I think such move was already be made but was waiting for the right timing.. This militia was established to protect the Shia from Qaeda attacks and due to the lack of US and Iraqi forces of coming to their duties in protecting people.. Now with all the Qaeda defeat and shrik, there is no more need for such militia.. That might explain why it was put on hold for six months.. He might wanted to be sure that such criminals would not take such opportunity to rebuild back.

From other side, there are growing signs that Muqtada is losing control on some faction of his militia , specially the most radical parts of it. He wanst to draw lines between those who are loyal to his new policy of peaciful resistance from those who use his name in committing crimes and violance.


I think the Iraqi political leaders need to move fast to contain and welcome that move by opening all the doors to have his political side all the possible opportunities to be listen to and communicate with



Almaliki from his side showed a good job in containing the incident, his firm actions were received with a welcoming signs by people..

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The incident of Karbala might be flagging much more than what it would look like a clash between some outlaws and the government or between some local Alsadrees and the clergy who controls the two golden Mosques..


Radical uncontrolled elements of Sadrees were there for sure, That was confirmed by many locals who witnessed the incident. I got a relative who got a shot and another who got a rock in head. Ironically the later was known for his brave stand defending his city more than sixteen years ago when Sadam militia of republican guards swept the city with tanks and hillicopeters. Almost same time as this one in the Islamic calender of month of Shaaban. I don't know if Sadamists had really planned for this new one, but for sure many Iraqis remembered that incident where almost the whole down town of Kebala was wiped out and more than hundred mosques were demolished.. !


Anyhow, how much the Sader him self was involved was not clear. But his move of disbanding Amehdi Army acommpanied by a very shrewd clear declaration of prohibting attacks on the “coalition” forces, is some thing to watch.


Maliki is launching a big campaign on those elements in Kerbala. Alsader might be giving his blessings to that operation, at least he is distancing him self from any possibility that these elements might use his name to seek immunity. His aid Bahaa Alarraji was there , they attacked him too and burned his convoy car. Alaraje was accompanying Maliki in his visit to Kerbala too.


Maliki is getting this opportunity too to strike back at those uncontrolled elements, backed by huge public support that was disgusted by the act. On other hand he wants to apply the government rule to the old city downtown, where it is practically ruled by the clergy who run the two mosques. Some thing that Sadrees used to complain about.


So he is practically get them both in one shot. He immediately issued order to send Iraqi Army to take charge in the down town;ending four years control by the clergy run militia on that area. I think the next step will be to apply the government -run religious authority to take charge of running the mosques.


The damages are more than originally reported, there were couple of cars and hotel set to fire and some parts of the outer side of the 15 meter high wall got some damages too... The worse was the killing of 35 people and more than 300 injured... The good side is that the government had successfully managed the masses of more than one million to be evacuated safely ...

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Mehdi Army hiatus a relief for U.S. military


I think that Iraqi government and the US authorities in Iraq need to do more toward Alsader . They need to make two steps for each one by him.

Alsader is having real problem in containing the extreme elements within his wide spectrum of radile groups.Weakening aLSADER WOULD ALLOW THESE ELEMENT TAKING OVER HIS GRASSROOTS BASE . We don't want to end up having tens of small extremist groups.

There are real social and economical issues that are fueling these groups. One of them is the takeover by the new political parties to the political process. Corruption and isolation is becoming very clear among these governing parties of Shia, Kurds, and sunni Arab. They are failing to reach the most suffering sects of poor unemployed young Iraqis . With the defeat of Qaeda and the freezing of Mehdi Militia, I think that we will see more cross Iraq uprises, Kerbala one will not be the last , I am sure!

The expediting of legalizing the provincial governing law by the Parliament and assuring transparent election of the municipal councils could be a temporary necessary safety valve until a more economical rebuild plan put in effect. We need to open the new political system to the poor young Iraqis.

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For one more time, Bush is shooting his best goals but this time directly into the center. He deserves all the wining celebration. A couple months ago when he met Maliki in Amman, no one had ever believed that the idea that Maliki brought might be taken so seriously by the leader of greatest civilization in human history to turn into a plan of success.. Putting their bets on finding real partner from within the tribal system of Iraqi society..


The third corner of the triangle of triumph was a small thin young brave Shikh Abdul Sataar Abo Risha. Despite the harsh opposition by the Sunni Arab political parties , it was not hard to convince the Americans that all these oppositions are just political and baseless. They accuse the Shikh of a mere robber who is looking for bribes.


Today, these parties are trying their best to reach Abo Risha trying to get him within their political slate trying to get his popularity among Iraqis , specially in Anbar province.



Bush choosing of Al asaad Air base in Anbar to land , is sending two messages. One to the new-Iraq enemies : that Alnbar is today the safest to land. The second, was to these sunni parties.. He simply said to them that USA will not forget the friends who stands at the hard times.. Playing double cards game might not be the right one to play with G.W.Bush !

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Waiting for the general (and a miracle)

Sep 6th 2007

From The Economist print edition


America agonises over the pitfalls of staying in Iraq—and of leaving


“AMERICA is between two fires. If it stays in Iraq, it will bleed to death; if it leaves, it will lose everything.” So said Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden's deputy, in 2004. If he is right, can America extract itself from this trap?

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Study: US should lower profile in Iraq By ANNE FLAHERTY, Associated Press Writer




WASHINGTON - U.S. forces in Iraq should be reduced significantly, according to a new study on Iraq's security forces that inflamed debate in Congress on how quickly that can happen without hurling the country into chaos.

The report, authored by a 20-member panel comprised mostly of retired senior military and police officers and led by retired Gen. James Jones, said the massive deployment of U.S. forces and sprawl of U.S.-run facilities in and around Baghdad has given Iraqis the impression that Americans are an occupying, permanent force.


Accordingly, the panel said the Iraqis should assume more control of its security and U.S. forces should step back, emboldening Democrats who want troop withdrawals to start this fall

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