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DEMOCRACY IN IRAQ الديموقراطيه في العراق

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Guest Mustefser

Some main figures in the Unified Iraqi slate.. In Arabic

The starange part is that the media called it the Shia slate. There are a lot of very poerwfull Sunni Names!


السيد عبد العزيز الحكيم

د. ابراهيم الاشيقر الجعفري

د. احمد الجلبي

لشيخ فوّازمحمد ذياب الجربة

السيد علي عبد الحكيم الصافي

د. حسين الشهرستاني

د. سامي المظفر

د.اسماء الشبوط

د. خضير الخزاعي

التفات الفتلاوي

د. نديم الجابري

علي الاديب

د. حنان سعيد محسن

بهاء حسين الاعرجي

عادل عبد المهدي المنتفجي

د. عامرةالبلداوي

السيد احمد الصافي

مجيد الحاج حمود

د. بتول قاسم ناصر

الشيخ علي حسين خيون العبودة

عبد الكريم العنزي

د. جنان جاسم محمد علي

الشيخ خالد أبا ذر العطية

علي الدباغ

د. سلامة الخفاجي

الشيخ همام باقرحمودي

جاسم العطار

د. شذى سلمان حسن العزاوي


نوري المالكي

د. امال علي محمد رضا كاشف الغطاء

الشيخ محمد عبد الاميرالشعلان

الشيخ محمد سعدون حاتم السوداني

عباس البياتي

عبد الكريم ماهود المحمداوي

د. ابراهيم محمد بحرالعلوم

هادي العامري

د. إنتصار حسن محمد كاظم السراجي

السيد حبيب الخطيب

مضرغسان شوكت

الشيخ محمد تقي المولى

رياض غريب

د. عبد الهادي الحكيم

سامي عزاره ال معجون

د. علي عبد الامير علاوي

الشيخ عباس علي كاشف الغطاء

الشيخ منصورعبد الرزاق منصورالتميمي

فرياد عمر عبد الله

علي هاشم ال يوشع

حسن الساري

د. حنين محمود احمد القدو

الشيخ اسماعيل حربي ال مزعل الركابي

مريم طالب مجيدالريس

مقداد البغدادي

الشيخ جلال الدين علي الصغير

الشيخ ضاري علي الفياض

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Report: Entire Mosul Election Board Resigns Following Threats


Thursday, December 30, 2004


BAGHDAD, Iraq — Three militant groups warned Iraqis against voting in Jan. 30 elections, saying Thursday that people participating in the "dirty farce" risked attack. All 700 employees of the electoral commission in Mosul (search) reportedly resigned after being threatened.


The warning came a day after insurgents in Mosul, which has seen increased violence in recent weeks, launched a highly coordinated assault on a U.S. military outpost. The United States said 25 insurgents were believed slain and one American soldier was killed in the battle, which involved strafing runs by U.S. warplanes.


The United States, which has said the vote must go forward, has repeatedly sought to portray recent attacks that have killed dozens of people as the acts of a reeling insurgency, not the work of a force that is gathering strength.


The radical Ansar al-Sunnah Army (search) and two other insurgent groups issued a statement Thursday warning that democracy was un-Islamic. Democracy could lead to passing un-Islamic laws, such as permitting homosexual marriage, if the majority or people agreed to it, the statement said.


"Democracy is a Greek word meaning the rule of the people, which means that the people do what they see fit," said the statement. "This concept is considered apostasy and defies the belief in one God — Muslims' doctrine."


Ansar al-Sunnah earlier posted a manifesto on its Web site saying democracy amounts to idolizing human beings. Thursday's joint statement — also signed by the Islamic Army in Iraq and the Mujahedeen Army — reiterated the threat that "anyone who accepts to take part in this dirty farce will not be safe."


Insurgents have intensified their strikes against the security forces of Iraq's U.S.-installed interim government as part of a continuing campaign to disrupt the elections for a constitutional assembly.


The statements by the Sunni Arab-dominated insurgent groups seemed aimed at countering Shiite leaders' claims that voting in the election is every Muslim's duty. Shiites, who make up 60 percent of the population, hope to use the vote to power from minority Sunnis, who were favored under Saddam Hussein.


Iraqis will elect a national assembly that is to write a new constitution.


The Al-Jazeera satellite channel reported that all 700 workers for the electoral commission in Mosul resigned Thursday because they had been threatened and that Iraq's leading Sunni political party, the Iraqi Islamic Party, had withdrawn from the race.


If true, the move will severely hamper efforts to prepare for the vote in Mosul, which has been too dangerous for most work to even begin though the vote is now only a month away.


Farid Ayar, spokesman of the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq, could not confirm the Al-Jazeera report.


"We have been trying to contact our people in Mosul to see if the report is accurate but we have not been able to reach them," Ayar told The Associated Press.


Wednesday's attack in the northern city of Mosul exhibited a coordination rarely seen among Iraq's insurgents. The violence began with a massive truck bomb exploding just outside a U.S. checkpoint, followed by attacks by squads of 10-12 insurgents.


A Stryker vehicle reinforcing the Americans was hit by a roadside bomb and a second car bomb. U.S. forces then called in airstrikes by F-18 and F-16 fighter jets, which launched three Maverick missiles and conducted several strafing runs.


U.S. officials called the attack a sign of desperation ahead of the vote.


"The fact of the matter is we're keeping the insurgents off balance and they're reeling backward. They're trying to come at us and we're giving it right back," spokesman Lt. Col. Paul Hastings said.


"The terrorists are growing more desperate in their attempts to derail the elections and they're trying to put it all on the line and give it all they can."


Still, Iraq's third-largest city has become more worrisome in the weeks since a U.S.-led invasion routed insurgents from their base in the Sunni-dominated city of Fallujah in mid-November.


Across Iraq, dozens of insurgents, Iraqi civilians and security forces have been killed in attacks over the last 48 hours, and the guerrillas have shown new ingenuity to inflict large casualties.


Fourteen U.S. soldiers died Dec. 21 when a homicide bomber walked into a mess tent in Mosul packed with soldiers having lunch. In all, 22 people were killed and dozens wounded in the blast. The Ansar al-Sunnah claimed responsibility.


Late Tuesday, insurgents lured police into a house in Baghdad after issuing an anonymous tip and then detonated nearly a ton of explosives. Twenty-nine people were killed, including 22 civilians and seven police, and several surrounding houses were leveled.


Mohammed Salah, a Cairo, Egypt-based expert on Islamic militancy, suggested that insurgents may be experimenting with new tactics to test the Americans after the guerrillas lost their stronghold in Fallujah, west of Baghdad. Up to now, their chief weapons have been roadside bombs and homicide attacks.


"Since they are always pursued, they try to be creative," Salah said. "They have to be creative because they know repetitiveness is dangerous for them."


There was no claim of responsibility for the latest Mosul attack, but it followed a Wednesday warning from Ansar al-Sunnah that Iraqis should stay away from U.S. and Iraqi military installations.


A building in downtown Baghdad was struck by indirect fire at about midnight Thursday, a police spokesman said. There was no one in the building at the ime and no reports of casualties.


Copyright 2004 FOX News Network, LLC. All rights reserved.

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Guest Guest_tajer



In Arabic..The higher commition of ellection spekesman denys the Aljazera ealier report that all 700 members of ellection officials had submitted ther resiging. He confirmed that the head of the Musol commition branch is resigned for personal affair..

All the other members are working fine despite the threats of kill by three terror groups


The funny thing is that some American libral media relay the Aljazer's false news without even double check or respecting their readers by reminding that this is an Aljezera 's one with no confirmation.

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Guest Guest_tajer
في بغداد، نفت اللجنة المستقلة المشرفة على الانتخابات الادعاءات التي اوردتها قناة الجزيرة الفضائية القطرية من ان 700 من موظفيها في الموصل قد استقالوا من مناصبهم .


واوردت وكالة الانباء الفرنسية عن عبدالحسين الهنداوي رئيس اللجنة قوله: "هذه التقارير غير صحيحة بالمرة، فموظفونا في الموصل والانبار يقومون بواجباتهم.


وكان مسؤولون عسكريون امريكيون قد اعلنوا الخميس ان قواتهم قتلت 25 مسلحا في الموصل.


ُCommmitte officials denyed what was early reported by Aljezera of resign of ellection officials in Mosul


All members are working ..

The funny thing that I heard CNN keeps repeating same false report of Aljezera though denied by the committe twice over the last 24 hrs.. Seems that some one need to awake CNN up. !!

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It is funny to have such writers so far from realities..


The article is based on the assumption that Iraqi Shia fundementalists are same.. Also assuming they have a major holds withing Iraqi Shia. The wirter need to educate him self aways from reading some pan Arab journalist articles.


First of all there are three sects of Shia Iraqi Fundimentalist

The most leftest.. Such As muqtada Alsader.. Who believe in Welaya Alfaqueh.. BUT not the Khaminaie .. They have their own.. This group is isolating itself from the Iraqi Shia mainstream and not participating in the slate.


The leftest, Such as Alyaquopee "an Al sader folower who have his more moderate party" A small group but have increasing popularity within Alsadrees. Participated in the slate with 18 members..Composed of mostly Arab Iraqis that never left the country, this party is not keeping good relations with the Iranians for blaming them of not not supporting Iraqis after 1991 uprise


The moderates, the Daawa party.. has 24 seats.. They believe in an islamic state possibility but they acknowledge that this should not happen by force but through democratic transition and only by the will of people.. They also believe that while this is not posible in the foreseen future, it should not be through a walei alfaque rule but through people ellection.. Welayah Aluma


Such as Alhakeem SRCI, they have 24 members in the slate.. . They keep a very good relation with Iranian goverment due to their old relations.. But they believe in a democratic state that is not rulled by theology.. They push for Islamic rule in the writing of the constitusion but not an Islamic state


We need to realized that the three parties don't have more than 30% of the slate seats.. Not mentioning that the slate is expected to have no more than 40% of the council seats in the best scenario

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Guest Mustefser



* هل تعتقدون سماحتكم من خلال كل هذه الظروف إن التجربة الإسلامية يمكن أن تنجح في العراق ؟


  _ للنظام الإسلامي تجارب عديدة والنجاح والفشل يرتبط بنوع التجربة المراد تطبيقها ، ونحن نرى إن النظام الديمقراطي في حالة تطبيقه بشكله الصحيح ووصول أشخاص أكفاء إلى الحكومة فهو يحتوي على 80% مما تمنحه التجربة الإسلامية ، أما بالنسبة للنظام الإسلامي المطبق في إيران فان فرصة نجاحه ضئيلة في العراق كما أن فرصة القناعة به ضئيلة أيضا ، أولا لان الشيعة نسبتهم في العراق ليست كنسبتهم في إيران , وثانياً لان الخط العام للحوزة العلمية في النجف بمجمله يسير ضمن الخط الذي لا يؤمن بولاية الفقيه ، واكثر الاتباع في العراق هم اتباع هذا الخط وقد أدى هذا إلى عدم تبلور نظرية ولاية الفقيه فكرياً وعملياً ، لذلك فان تجربة إيران لا يمكن تكرارها في العراق.





An Interview with Ayatullah Alyaqoubee " Alsadree competitor to Muqtada"


QST: Do you think that the Islamic model can succed in Iraq?


ANS: There are many examples of Islamic state , some failed and some succeeded. It depends on what type of model . We think that in Iraq a democratic state that allow competent people to be ellected is providing at least 80% of what a good Islamic state can provide.. As for the Islamic model as it is in Iran, I think that the chances of succeed in Iraq are very limited. First , Shia in Iraq have less percentageas it is in Iran. Secondly, becuase the Najaf Hawza school of thought , in general, is not inline with Walaia Alfaqeh .. So I don't think that the Iranian experience can be imported to Iraq.

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Guest Guest_tajer


In Arabic.. Agreat victory for Iraqis.. The Jorden summit insisted on ellections on time.. This would send a clear message to all anti ellections who might be relying on some support from neighboring countries..


This would send a blessing message to Iraqis who are in critical need for support in their firm will to get their freedom!

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Guest Guest_tajer



In Arabic.. UN representative said that the Ellection will be held on time.. Failing of some Iraqis to participate in the Sunni Arab region would not lessen the legitimacy of the ellection. He added that this had happened in many other areas where some parts of a country couldn't make it to the ellection due to security reasons..

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Guest Mustefser



In Arabic , amazing interviews with Iraqi women from the mid south of Iraq..

The momentum for voting is reaching it's upmost!

I was talking to my family yesterday , my mo "70 years" told me that she is willing to go for voting but the situation might not allow her because she is very weak to walk and stand for long periods, but she is worried of Alsystani demand that voting is a duty just like Haj"peligrimage ", people are asked to go even they are parralized".

My sister " 50 years old teacher" showed a lot of will but she is affraid of security lack that might block her from voting. Her duaghter "20 years student" told in words " I will go even alone, This is our Jihad, and if get killed , I will be be a patroit !!"


The amazing thing is that they are all not decided to whom they will vote.

My nephew also talked to me about Islamic terrorists who threatened her at the doors of the university for not wearing Hijab, she said that ellection would be the best way to show our resistance to them..

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