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بمناسبه اعلان تأسيس الحزب الطائفي

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Guest Guest_BahirJ

Does Sunni clerics oppose democracy or not? It would be a good question if we ask Does Islam Oppose democracy or not?

As a Muslim, my answer is no ... but their answer could be yes. Islam came to enrich humanity, and freedom and democracy is part of it. The problem with Sunni clerics in Iraq is that they lack the political experience as the Sunni regimes were inheriting power from 1920s and sharing power was a strange idea to discuss.

Why democracy is supported by Shias and Kurds, a majority and a minority in the country. It is because of decades of supression under tyranny and unjust.

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Guest Mustefser

Al Hakeem is calling Iraqis for unity and ask those who have claims against any one to go for courts rather than using the media .He asked the government to punish any one that proven guilty in the late killings.. He asked Iraqis to be aware that Alqaeda is willing to ignite the factionist war as announced by Zarqawee and they should not be fooled with such plans


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


(واعتصموا بحبل الله جميعاً ولا تفرقوا)



                                                                                                                                آل عمران 103


يا أبناء شعبنا العراقي العزيز..


ان الظروف التي يمر بها العراق اليوم لهي ظروف حساسة للغاية، وهي تتطلب منا جميعاً التعامل معها بحكمة ورؤية بالغة محتكمين الى لغة العقل والتبصر في عواقب الامور وتقدير مصالح الوطن العليا.


وان من أهم الاولويات الدينية والوطنية المحافظة على وحدة الشعب ومقاومة كل محاولات زرع الفتنة الطائفية التي تهدف الى دفع الوطن والشعب الى الاحتراب والتناحر والتفرقة.


اننا في مثل هذه الظروف الحساسة وانطلاقاً من مسؤولياتنا الشرعية، والوطنية نحذر شعبنا من وجود محاولات محمومة لزرع الفتنة الطائفية بين العراقيين، وهي محاولات تخطط لها وتمولها بالاموال جهات وقوى اجنبية عن العراق لاتريد الخير للعراقيين وتنفذها تجمعات وهيئات من داخل العراق هدفها النهائي مصادرة كل المنجزات العظيمة التي حققها العراقيون الشرفاء بمواقفهم البطولية ومنها انتصارهم في ازالة دكتاتورية صدام وإرجاع حرياتهم المصادرة وبناء دولتهم من خلال الانتخابات وصمودهم في مواجهة الارهابيين ومن يقف ورائهم تحت مختلف المسميات والعناوين.


لقد تحملنا وتحمل العراقيون الشرفاء الكثير من الضحايا والشهداء وكان شهيد المحراب (رض) اول الضحايا الذين خسرناهم بتدبير هذه القوى التي مارست القتل على الهوية ضد العراقيين فكانت فجائع كربلاء والكاظمية والنجف والحلة والموصل، واستهداف البنى التحتية وقتل كوادر الدولة العراقية الجديدة وعلى راسهم الشهيد عز الدين سليم رئيس مجلس الحكم آنذاك ودور العبادة من مساجد وحسينيات وكنائس ومئات الضحايا الابرياء في اللطيفية والمدائن وغيرها الكثير من الجرائم التي ارتكبت ضد الابرياء في كل مكان من العراق.


لقد تحملنا كل ذلك وصبرنا من اجل تفويت الفرصة على أعداء الشعب العراقي من فلول النظام السابق ومن يقف ورائهم ومن اجل المحافظة على وحدة الشعب وصولاً الى بناء عراقٍ حرٍ دستوري تتحقق فيه العدالة للجميع ولقد كان للمرجعية الدينية في النجف الاشرف الدور الريادي في هذا المجال.


ومع تجدد هذه المحاولات وتصاعدها في الايام الاخيرة فانني اخاطب العراقيين جميعاً وادعوهم الى عدم الانجرار وراء تلك المحاولات الشريرة، كما ادعو علماء الدين الاخيار من الشيعة والسنة الى الوقوف بحزم وجدية كاملة في مواجهة المخطط المشؤوم الرامي الى تمزيق وحدة العراقيين لقد شملت جرائم الارهابيين أبناء أربيل وصلاح الدين والانبار كما شملت من قبل أبناء كربلاء والحلة وبغداد الجديدة.






كما ادعو الساسة العراقيين ممن تهمهم وحدة العراق الى ممارسة دورهم الايجابي في المحافظة على وحدة الشعب والوطن، والوقوف بوعي وحزم ضد كل محاولات تخريب البيت العراقي من داخله.


لقد دعى قاتل شعبنا الارهابي الزرقاوي في رسائله وخطبه المعلنة على الملأ وبصراحة لا تحتمل اللبس الى اشعال الحرب الطائفية ولكن ورغم قساوة الجرائم التي ارتكبها اتباعه ومناصروه ضد العراقيين فان الوحدة الوطنية مازالت متماسكة لانها مطلب كل الخيرين والشرفاء من ابناء هذا الوطن.


حريّ بالذين يوجهون هذه الايام سهام أتهاماتهم الى القوى الخيّرة التي يشهد لها تاريخها وواقعها على تضحياتها الجسام بالحرص على أمن الشعب كله ووحدته، أن يراجعوا أنفسهم ويتقوا الله.. وان يعلموا بأن مؤسسات القضاء وليس وسائل الاعلام هي مجال طرح الاتهامات، وعلى الحكومة دراسة هذه الاتهامات وفق ضوابط القانون ومعاقبة كل من يثبت تورطه في الجرائم الارهابية التي طالت الابرياء من مختلف الاوساط والشرائح العراقية، وأياً كانت هوية المجرمين.


اننا واثقون ان المؤمنين والعقلاء وكل الشرفاء الذين يريدون الخير لهذا الوطن والشعب سوف لن يتأثروا بهذه الدعوات الباطلة، لكننا من باب التذكرة نؤكد على ضرورة ان يمارس الجميع دورهم في ضبط الشارع ومنعه من الانجرار وراء مخطط من لايريدون للعراقيين خيراً ولاحياة حرة كريمة وان نعمل سوية من أجل انجاز المشروع الاكبر للعراق وهو كتابة واقرار الدستور الدائم للبلاد.


وختاماً ابتهل الى الله العلي القدير ان يحفظ العراق وشعبه من كل سوء وان يرد كيد اعداء الوطن والشعب الى نحورهم وما ذلك على الله بعزيز.


والحمد لله رب العالمين


.. والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.






عبد العزيز الحكيم


رئيس المجلس الأعلى للثورة الإسلامية في العراق


11 ربيع الثاني 1425 هـ


الموافق 19 ايار 2005م

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What do you think of the Sunni clerics who refuse the democracy? Are they acting this way because they are surrounded by Saddamists and salafees? Do they have a big following? Can they be made unimportant and the majority sunni find a voice without them? They and the tribal leaders who had special favors under saddam seem to be the greatest obstacle. Are they really an obstacle or are they trapped by saddamists and salafees?

These are very important questions, let me go into some details in what my thoughts are


First of all I think that majority of Sunni Arabs aren't haapy with the current democratic changes . We might feel this when discuss the issue with most of our Sunni Arab Iraqis. At the begining this feeling was fully invested by the Sadamists, salafists and the clergymen of Saddam governemnt, who were kept in charge of the mosques that were already appointed for by the former regime security police.

We need to know that there is some difference between Shia followers and Sunnis , the core religous indentity for Sunnis is the mosque, while for Shia is the teaching.. So who ever took over the moque as Imam , can use this position to preach for his understanding, this is inhereted from the strong believe in Berochratic herarical system of rule , which yeilded the absolute central Islamic Khilafa . While for Shia, the faith is more relying on audio visual ritual aspect based on the way a central figure teachs. So , Sunni has no choice but to listen to one Shiekh, the one took over the moques, while Shia has the freedom to fly thousands of miles to pay rspect to a Shikh or Ayatolah that he/she had never met.

Today majority of the Sunni clegy who run sunni moques are former baathists who used to work for the security police. That was a requirement to be appointed for this job at that time.. The rest are mainly Salafees who took over or converted to Salafee after the fall of Saddam. Indeed because of the central role of polical aspect in Sunni faith, the mosque shikh need to have a stand by some kind.

When we talk about sunni clergy in Iraqi, I personally think that mosques today is playing the central role in the terrorist activities. First because it gives the criminal an appropriat protection and second because of it's influance on people.

The above introduction brings us into the second part of the question.. Which I will comment later.

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Coming back to the most important point, the Sunni Arab populous..

First of all , as I mentioned before, the majority are not very happy with the current changes.. Not because they dislike a strong democratic Iraq but for more complicated reasons..

The culture shock of seeing others "Shia and Sunni non Arabs" taking major play in democratic Iraq. We need to go back to the concept of Shura "consolation in rule" in Islamic history. Which is the way a semi democratic mechanism that had been exercised .. This Shura was only allowed to Umma, for most Arab sunni, Shia Arab and Sunni kurd are not "really" part of thier narrow scale Umma.

The other reason is the occupation.. Though all Iraqis might share same reaction to occupation, but Sunni Arab has one more dimension to it. Occupation is always coming with loss of sovereignity, Shia and Kurd didn't experienced such sovereignty to feel a real loss! We already noticed the growing anti occupation feelings among Kurds and Shia as the process step forward .. Sunni might go into the other direction as the political democratic process proceed.


Have this in mind, I don't think that the Sunni clergy have any thing but to resonate the public Sunni fears , however as the political process proceed, we might witness a weaker support to the clergy , as the case today.. The normal Sunni arab "that is the majority who were not linked to Sadmists or Salafists" is willing to participate in the current process , specially after ellections when he/she get assured that there is no way back.. But the question is how to expedite this separation between Sadamist clergy and main street line Sunni Arab.. I think the first thing is to find a real partner that represent people .. I think this would be the right tribal leaders not the clergy nor the political parties.. The Sunni clergy would never come along, the only thing that an open channel with them would do, is their investment of it in building credibility as main representative to Sunni Arab community, and use it to control more the Sunni arab destiny in their agenda of stopping the current process . In Iraq, people are willing to follow a trusty but strong authority, today strong means the one with a good relation to US.. When Bremers allowed the stupid act of humiliating Alchalbi throught the police ride, what he really was doing was to damage his reputation as a close friend to the Americans, something that made Chalbi losses a lot of his fresh leadership.. Something that drove him more to corrolate with the religous figures to subtitude.. Some thing that the later had benifited a lot in imposing their leadership.


The tribal leaders are the one who don't afraid reaction by Sadamist, one might start with them as what is happening today but need to go to the right ones not the Saddam appointed shiekhs.. I think Alyawer should be encouraged to build a strong committee of tribal leaders and to support it's credibility..

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Guest moron99

I think the way to have Sunni join the new Iraq is for al-Jaafari and Talabani to lead by example. Specifically, I think the new governemnt should go on national TV once per week and allow themselves to be publicly questioned. Let average Iraqis from all sects ask them questions and let the leaders be heard answering directly to the people - as their equals and as their protectors. The Sunni will soon realize that the new way is better for them than the old for it gives each and every Iraqi -including them - a voice.


It's the old story about trying to push a cow into the barn. The strongest of men can not push or beat the cow enough to make it go into the barn. But the weakest of children can easily lead the cow into its stall with a cube of sugar.

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Guest Mustefser

May 21, 2005

Baghdad Mosque Closings Spark Weapons Shortage

by Scott Ott

(2005-05-21) -- Since Friday's announcement by a Sunni Muslim cleric that

Baghdad's Sunni Mosques would close for three days


1568.html> to protest killings blamed on Iraqi security forces, consumers

said they're struggling to find alternate sources for weaponry.

"My children and I stood on line at a back-alley dealer for seven hours just

to buy mortar rounds," said one unnamed local resident. "My uncle just

called and he's got one rocket-propelled grenade left, and has completely

exhausted his family's supply of roadside bombs."

Indeed, industry sources report that the price of all kinds of small

armaments jumped 73 percent within minutes of the announcement that the

mosques would close.

"When you get an improvised explosive device at the mosque, you can rely on

the quality," said one unnamed regular customer. "But a lot of the stuff you

buy on the street is shoddy work that might send you to Allah before you get

to the crowd of infidels. I think we're going to see a lot of second-rate

martyrdom work until the mosques re-open."

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Guest Guest_tajer

Omward wrote

US killed a lot of iraqis by mistake, the families will not forget their sons because US gave them money as compensaition.


Today on Alrabea street near to the egyptian empass in Baghdad/Alkhadraa discret , a young Iraqi who is the only for his family got shot dead by some Coalition soldiers in front of every body.. Seems he wrongly pass their convoy.. Some of my family members told me on the phone that they saw some soldiers laughting after the mistake kill and while the body was still layed on the strteet ..! This family member was a great fan of US soldiers two years ago, he wrote me once saying that he feels them as his sons and brothers.. He is no longer looking same way..

Many Iraqis witnessed such mistaken shoots and confirmed it.. I think the coalition need to seriously consider these violations.. The soldiers might be under sever tention because of the terroirst acts, but put in mind that the terrorists goal is to creat the gap and these soldiers are helpping it..

Why not considering the withdraw from city centrs, I think Iraqi forces and police are capable to control..

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قال تعالى في محكم كتابه المجيد (( بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم، ومن أظلم ممن منع مساجد الله أن يذكر فيها أسمه،صدق الله العلي العظيم)). أقرأ الذي أغلق المساجد لمدة ثلاثة أيام هذه الايه حينما أصدر الأمر بذلك رغم إععتراض إخواننا السنة في أربيل والموصل[/7][/purple]

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Guest moron99


They are trying to do just that. IT is US's fondest wish that they could withdraw to bases outside of the city and do nothing except build infrastructure and deal with occaisional flare up. There are two problems i know of that prevent it. First, the IP & ING are too infiltrated. The insurgents know what is coming before the IP arrive. Second, we need more wolf brigades that are effective and trained.

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Guest Guest_Tajer


I am not the right person to verify your points. But what ever the case is , I think it is the right timming to draw the coalition to a back seat while the Iraqi new security forces are driving. Two driver policy might not be a right one.


Yes we might definitly need the backup and managed intervene of coalition forces, but Iraqis should be the one running the streets , that better for both sides.

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Guest moron



It is a big gamble. it's not an easy decision. on the one hand innocent people are living in fear and dying for no reason. But on other hand, if terrorists get hope then many times more could suffer. The baathi/terrorists who are left fighting are hardened. Giving them reason for hope is bad.


The US will be gone soon enough. The next election is in 2008. It is against the law for a president to stay in office more than 8 years. Bush will be gone. It is doubtful that anyone who wants to spend lots more money on Iraq will win an American election. So for better or worse, Americans will probably become a non-factor in 3 years.


IMO, better to have iraqis hate americans than to take the risk of failure. If the baathi come back, they will have to be even more brutal than before in order to re-establish control. The risk of being wrong just seems to great.


The best thing an average Iraqi can do is find ways to tip-off government without placing themselves in too much danger. Corruption & non-loyalty of government officials is your greatest enemy. The government needs to be 100% strong before 2008.

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Guest Guest_Mutergem

Translating Moron99


ترجمه تعليق مورون اعلاه الدي يجيب فيه على تاجر الدي علق على حادثه مقتل شاب عراقي بسبب مروره بجنب مركبه امريكيه . طالب تاجر بسحب القوات الامريكيه عن المدن


يقول مورون


انها مجازفه كبيره. انه ليس قرار سهل. من جهه الابرياء يعيشون في حاله رعب وموت من دون سبب ولكن من جهه اخرى  ادا افلح الارهابيون فانهم سيعانون الاسوء. الارهابيون البعثيون  الدين يقاتلون  يمكنهم استرجاع القوه. اعطائهم املا بالعوده للحكم امر خاطئ جدا


الامريكان سيرحلون  عن قريب فالانتخابات القادمه  بعد ثلاث سنين  ولن يستطيع بوش ان يتولى للمره الثالثه. بوش سيرحل  وليس هناك امكانيه لاي مرشح ان  يعلن رغبته بالانفاق اكثر على حرب العراق. لدا فانه  ان كان دلك احس او اسؤء فان الامريكان راحلون

بمعنى اخر  فانه من الافضل ان يكرهنا العراقيون على ان نجازف بالسماح للارهابيون البعثيون من العوده. ادا عاد البعثيين فسيكون هناك مجازر  ومعاناه اكبر

اكثر ما يستطيع العراقيون فعله هو اتخاد جانب الحدر . افساد الاداري  وعدم الشعور بالمسؤوليه هو اكبر خطر يواجه العراقيين  والحكومه يجب ان تكون قويه مائه بالمائه قبل ثلاث س

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Guest Guest_tajer

Pakistani Lahor times mentioned today that Pakistani authorities issuesd a warrent to bring Shiekh Alkubaisee of Iraqi sunni clergy associatio, accusing him of dealing with drugs trading through Iran/Iraq .. The acuasation might be also related to financial support of Alqaeda operations in Iraq


الكشف في الباكستان عن مجموعة مشبوهة لتجارة المخدرات برئاسة محمد عياش الكبيسي

الاربعاء 25/5/2005 "شبكة صوت العراق"- ذكرت صحيفة لاهور تايمز الباكستانية اليوم ان مصادرها الخاصة ابلغتها ان السلطات الباكستانية إكتشفت مجموعة مشبوهة لتجارة المخدرات وتهريبها عبر إيران في طريقها الى العراق برئاسة وتمويل محمد عياش الكبيسي مسؤل هيئة علماء المسلمين في الخارج .

المقيم في قطر وقالت الصحيفة انها علمت ان السلطات الباكستانية طلبت من الانتربول(الشرطة الدولية)إلقاء القبض على الكبيسي ليواجه إتهامات منها تورطه بتمويل جماعة الزرقاوي والقاعدة من مصادر مختلفة ومنها تجارة المخدرات

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Guest سالم

يستمر الدور الضار الدي تلعبه رئاسه الجامعه العربيه

في تصريح لرئاستها اليوم يقول انه يدرس امكانيه فتح مكتب للجامعه مهمته الاتصال بالاطراف المختلفه في العراق

وقد يبدوا ما صرح به هدا المسؤول امرا غير ملفت للنضر الا ان المتمحص فيه يرى فيه استخفافا غير معقول بشرعيه الحكومه المنتخبه الوحيده في العالم الاعرابي الرسمي


ما معنى فتح مكتب للاتصال ومكاتب الجامعه في كل الدول العربيه وغيرها هي سفارات تتبع اعرافا وقيود منها عدم التدخل في شؤون الدول

صحيح سكت دهرا ونطق كفرا , بدلا من مساعده الحكومه في تخطي ورد تلك الهجمه الارهابيه المقيته , يتم التنقيص من شرعيتها !

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