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A tribute to the Al-Sadr the 3rd

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Guest Guest_Tajer

As for the deal for peaceful end to the najaf's conflict, I noticed some analysist that would show disappointment.. The first wwere those who think that such a deal is considered a victory to Alsader.. The other was not accepting any thing but to terminate him., as he might rebuild his group and attack again.. That was already happened after the April conflict.



Let explain why I am against both..

As for the victory.. Every one in Iraq knows that this a victory but not to Alsader .. It was for thr moderate Iraqi Shia.. By this it was very clear that no any group within Shia might suggest them self as representing them other than moderate one..


As for the rebuild and reattack, every thing is possible especially with Alsader, however this would very unlikely if the goverment commited it self to agreemnet..

Killing Alsader would make him a hero, surrending made his a foolish.. There are more than 500 killed among his follwers, their families will ask why our kids were gone while you are survived.. Thsi si a big question that he need to answer .. Very difficult to live with..

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Guest Guest_Tajer



In Arabic.. An example of those who want to keep the killing among Shia.. Among Iraqis.. He claimed that Almehdi Armi didn't comply and didn't surrend their weapons.. We all saw that on the TV.. There was hugging and celebrations between both sides and there were alot of arms surrendered.. The writer claimed that the militia men were carrying their weapon in pertsonal bags.. He might refer to personal weapons, that is not some thing that the government is aware about.. there are more than 50 million light weapon peice in Iraq to day, the issue is the geavier one like the mortars , RPG and KPG as the ones in Falouga and other hot spots now..

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Guest Mustefser



Compare this link with the above one .. Really amazing!

As for the law suit against Alsader, isn't the right time to get hold on the Bremer's "Althoura" court? That court was politically motivated and caused a lot of troubles.. All cases specially the normal one , should be delt with within the Iraqi legal justice system, not more special courts as the case during the Saddam and other Arab regimes..

A question to beloved PM Alawee.. We want to feel real that we are no longer under occupation

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Guest Mustefser



Have a look to this..



Both the Americans and Mr Allawi had wanted to avoid the kind of unsatisfactory compromise which ended an earlier uprising by Moqtada Sadr's supporters in the spring.


So in this crisis, Mr Allawi and his top ministers talked tough, threatening a military assault to remove Sadr's forces from Najaf's holy shrine.


But when the assault never came, their credibility was dented.


I fully disagree..

In Iraq, Alawee the current leadership are looked as a one that represent all moderate Iraqis. Moderates "most Shia included Including Alsystani" might differe with some actions by some minsters , but in general they all agree to give the governement a chance.. It is the Alsadrees who looks odd on this.


The agreement is a great victory for Alsystani, and would later be invested in favour of the Government who partly got it's legitamcy from his early blessing in his letter to Alyawer last month.


There is no compromise from the governemnt prospective.. These are from the begining the governemnt demands.. As for Almehdi army .. It is not a real army to be disolved.. These poor people can gather any time as any poor in the wotld , it is now the governemnt and religious leaders to avaoid this from happening in the same style..

The governemnt could do a lot by directing some investment into these poorest areas of Iraq which Ironiclly sits on the richest land in the world.. Do you know that alsader sity is sitting on a sea of oil where oil is emrging to the sevice by itself.! Emara's Majnoun fields got the richest reserves in Iraq , Basrah 's Rumaila fields are the one who exports 70% of Iraqi oil


Alsystani by having Alsder accepting the police/governemnt role on Najaf, would drew the main issue by Alsader that this governemnt is illegal.. That is the great victory for a new governemnt that seeks legitamcy from people not by imposing it's legitamcy on them, as the case in almost all third wolrd countries today..


It is a big step forward.. I wish there is a Sunni Arab Alsystani, that could do his home work on the other side..Need to turn now to the other hot spot .. I don't think after what had happened in Najaf, with all strong stand by the governemnt, Flaouja and other outlaw regions would hold it's stands for long time..


Let us wait and see.. all depend on weather Alsader had really got the correct lesons from this..

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Guest Guest_tajer

There are two pionts in the recent aggreement that might be very critical for the future of relation between the governemnt and the Alsader

1- The freezing of the Bremer's special court warrant against Alsader

2- The accepting by Alsader to work for the new ellectiont "point 5" of the deal


Indeed the first point was the real concern by Alsadrees, while the second is the real concern of the governemnt and All Iraqis..


Again we need to wait for next days and see if Alsader will really act per this agreement. I personally think that this will happen , specially if Alwayee agreed with the Iranians on the hot issues that they are worrying about , I mean situation regards "Mujahidee khalk" militia men in Iraq on the boarder with Iran

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Guest Mustefser



In arbic.. By Iraqi aziz Alhaj.. A former communist who changed his color to work for Saddam regim later then turn back to condem the Tyrant..



إن توقيت عودة المرجع الكبير للعراق من المستشفى، ودعوته للزحف، كان يلفت النظر. فالتوقيت تم قبل ساعات من اقتحام قوات الحكومة للمسجد العلوي لتطهيره من أرجاس العابثين بالمقدسات وأمن المواطنين. وكانت القوات الحكومية قادرة فعلا على طرد الإرهابيين بالقوة، والقبض على المتهمين منهم بالجرائم، وعلى من معهم من فلول فدائيي صدام أو عناصر الجريمة المنظمة وكانوا منهكين ويائسين يستعدون للإستلام للقوات الحكومية على أي حال. وكنا قد حذرنا قبل حوالي الأسبوع من تردد الحكومة في الإقدام على الحسم المطلوب بعد رفض السيد مقتدى لمقابلة وفد المؤتمر الوطني مع أنه قابل وفد "هيئة علماء المسلمين" الصدامية الزرقاوية، التي ترعى عمليات الخطف وقطع الرقاب في الفلوجة وتخص قناة الجزيرة بشرائط تسجل تلك الأعمال البربرية المتوحشة. وقد انجرت الحكومة فعلا وراء خدع الصدر ومناوراته المتكررة وخسرت أياما من الوقت الثمين للغاية. وقد قلنا إن أي وقت يضيع سيكون لصالح الإرهابيين وعلى حساب القانون وهيبة الحكم والقانون ويعرض الالتفاف الشعبي حول الحكومة إلى التآكل . وقد صحت التوقعات مع الأسف بما أسفرت عنه الجهود من حل أعرج هو أشبه تقريبا بالهدنة الهشة في الفلوجة وبحبل إنقاذ للصدر.


He thinks that such a call by Alsystani, with all nobel causes is not appropriat and i would be better to let the governemnt do all the necessary actions against the Sadrees and to fight them to the end in the Shrine..


he feels sorry that the government had lost such a great oopurtunity in wipping out the Alsader movement..

What is missing in this call is the lack of understanding to the real Shia inner thinking.. Will most of Shias are disaggreeing the trouble and the stand against the government, at the same time they dont accept the killing of fellow Shias in the shrine.. Such act, if happened would mean closing all dorrs with the governement and the Americans.. Some thing that would make the revolutionary Iranian so happy to see..not mentioning the Salafee terrorists.

What happened in Najaf, is a great victory to the future of Iraq, by Saving the blood of those Iraqis who fought Saddam and to open the doors for them to join the building of new Iraq.

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Guest Mustefser



Interesting article by Dr. Kadim of Berkely..In English

This position of the Hawza can be explained by two facts. First, it is not entirely accurate to make the analogy, as some people often do, between the clergy in Najaf and the religious hierarchy of Roman Catholicism. The Shia clergy are not a hierarchy and the Ayatollahs do not report to one another.


Aside from the core principles of theology and jurisprudence, every Ayatollah is completely free in shaping his opinions. They can practise certain levels of peer pressure on one another, but not always with success. One can cite the example of the Iranian clergy who attempted to excommunicate Ayatollah Mohamed Hussein Fadlullah for his independent opinions. The result was complete failure on their part.


The second fact has to do with the composition of the clergy as a leadership. Contrary to what is often perceived, the Hawza is only one component of this guild. There are many respected Ayatollahs who are not officially affiliated with the Hawza. They often have different opinions and positions on social and political events. The Hawza, however, is the de facto leader of the Shia community, since its head acquires most of the visibility and authority. The authority of other Ayatollahs remains limited to their personal followers ( muqallidoun ).



That is accurate analysis


Unlike their counterparts in Iran, Lebanon, and elsewhere, the Ayatollahs of the Iraqi Hawza have been unapproachable for decades. This is not a viable method to lead a crowd so used to demystifying its icons and role mode


You can't compare thr role of Aljaf Hawaza with other Shia institutions.. The traditional Shia clergy thinking is that there rule is to guid rather than to lead.. With this in mind, it supposed the that the follower go to Hawza not the other way.. Just like a doctor..

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AlSadr movement announced today through their political speaker Shaikh Smaysim that AlMadi Army should cease all its actions against collation and government forces all over Iraq. A new politcal movement to represet the movement is going to be annouced in the near future.


Another result of Al-Sistani resolution.

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Guest Guest_tajer



Arabic.. Look how most Arab media had covered this great and very important step forward..


وقد استقبلت الحكومة العراقية المؤقتة بحذر كبير هذا الإعلان واعتبر المتحدث باسم وزارة الداخلية صباح كاظم مبادرة الصدر محاولة "لإنقاذ ماء الوجه بعد إخلاء النجف" قبل أربعة أيام.


Claiming that the governemnt representative is saying that this had come to manage the Alsader defeat in Najaf.. I tried my best to follow such anouncemnt by the the government.. I failed but through Aljezera.. It didn't mention where and when Mr. Kadim had said that..


I noticed also that the Iranian arabic tv and most other anti iraq freedom of arab tv's were very unencouraging to this news.. Not mentioning CNN, which absolutely ignored it on it's web site, while putting more coverage on the two french hostages..

I just called friends in Baghdad and Kerbala.. They told me that the security situation was completely different after the announcemt by Alsader . It get changed 100%..

One friend told me that he will open his factory in Alsader city tomorrow..

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Guest mustefser



In Arabic.. An article by a shia Basara expatriot, talking about his trip to Basara..

Talked about Al mehdi concept in Islam then He strongly critizised all insurgents, from Zarqawee to Muslim Sunni Scholar association to Alsader..

He call for the governemnt to have a strong actions against all who are responsoble for instability

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Guest mustefser


In Arabic.. In a very intersting move.. Alsader representattives had a meeting with Kurdish leader Jalal Altalabani.. They expressed Moqtada's will to strenghtn relations with KDP.. This should be considered as a very critical move by Alsader to shift away from his radical stand off against the Governemnt and to join the political process

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