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Baghdadee بغدادي

A 'Long War' Against Whom?

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Below is some background about Mr. Jawad Malikee . I got it from Iraqi sotaliraq.com websites, I don't know accuracy though. The web site is known for anti Jaafree.


Born in 1950, in Toareej , near to Kerbala and was close to the founder of Dawa party. He is from Arab strong iraqi tribe of Bani Lam.

Left Iraq in eightees to Syria. Had a strong progmatic stands and was known for his support for London anti Sadam confrence , that is in different to Jaafree's Dawa leadership at that time. Masters of Arabic Arts and the security head of the last National assembly



ادناه البطاقة الشخصية للاستاذ جواد المالكي:


_مواليد 1950 قضاء طويريج التابع لمدينةكربلاء.


_ ينتسب الى عشيرة بني مالك العربية.


_انتمى لحزب الدعوة الاسلامية عام 1968.


_كان من المقربين لمؤسس الحزب الشهيد صاحب دخيل النجفي.

_ترك العراق في بداية الثمانينات بعد صدور حكم الاعدام عليه غيابيا.

_ استقر به المقام في سوريا التي اتخذها مقرا لنشاطه السياسي ضد النظام البائد.

_ عُرف بنضاله المرير ضد النظام البائد وتعرض الى محاولات اغتيال عديدة.

_ شغل مناصب عديدة في الحزب وكان اخرها مسؤول الخط الجهادي لحزب الدعوة والمعروف بالجهادية.


_ اشرف على تحرير جريدة ( الموقف) صوت الدعوة الاسلامية في سوريا.

_ تدرج في المناصب الحزبية حتى اصبح عضو المكتب السياسي للحزب.

_ استطاع ان يكوّن له شخصية مستقلة داخل الحزب حتى تحول الى قطب من اقطاب الحزب.


_ اختلف مع قيادة حزب الدعوة فيما يتعلق بعملية اسقاط النظام وكان من الداعين الى المشاركة في مؤتمر لندن لكن دعوته جوبهت بالرفض من الخط الجعفري في الحزب.


_ يقف في الوسط من شقي الحزب ويعتبره البعض حلقة الوصل بين طرفي الحزب المتنافسين.


_يصفه المقربون منه بستالين الدعوة.


_ براغماتي وتربطه علاقات قوية مع معظم فصائل المعارضة العراقية السابقة.

_ يمثل المالكي الجناح العربي في حزب الدعوة الاسلامية ويعرف عنه عدم تحمسه لأيران .


_ يحمل شهادة الماجستير في اللغة العربية من جامعة دمشق.


_ شغل منصب مسؤول الملف الامني في الجمعية الوطنية العراقية السابقة.

_ الحالة الاجتماعية متزوج ولديه ابناء وبنات.

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Seems the Shia coalition bloc had reached to final decision of changing Aljaafree after exhusting all possible negotiation with other blocs. Aliraqia "Alawee" bloc though had a surprise move today by declaring in public that they withdraw their objection on Aljaafree as far as he is committed to the agreed program. It might be a smart political move to hardening the division within the coalition by giving the Jaafree /Aldawaa another hope to keep insisting on him


Ali Aladeeb, leader in the Dawa party said today that the coalition is studying the nomination to the other positions by other bloc. A satement that seems to me a smart way by the coalition of using same right of filtering names as the other blocs did with Jaafree. This might turn into their favour.. Coalition can easily replace Aljaafree, as he is an arguable figure withing the coalition itself, but what about pushing away Talabani or Al Elian of Sunni religous bloc?


Let us wait and see..

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Albachachi, temporary head of the perliment, called for the re open the first session on next Monday. Seems that there are some final agreements already reached.


Yesterday the leader of Sunni religous Tawafuc , Alhashimi, met with Alhakim. Today there is some Shia coalition members calling for Sunni arab to replace talabani in the kurd nomination. Also Mr. Qasim Daoud, a shia colition member, is circulated as a possible nomination to the PM. Mr. Al mutlac, Sunni arab secular Alhiwar head, said that there was a meeting at Qasim house with the US and British embassidors to discuss such possibility with him. Mr. Mutlac said that he attended that meeting. Mr. Qasim resufed to comment on the news.



I have a feeling that such deep discusion would creat a new reshufling among current coalitions.. Some thing very healthy to get Iraq out from the the sectrain/race based politics of today..

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In Arabic.. UIE member Khalid Alatieia told radioSawa that the UIE will not go for voting this time and will not repeate his regratable experience again. He added that ALL presidential psts need to be agreed upon by the the three main blocs in order to assure harmony and unity in the comming governemnt. He said that all options are open and they are studing the nominations of other blocs to Presidental and main posts.



As I said , this experience is healthy in the sense that any figure should get approval by the three main blocs.. I think this is a key for success..

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Arab Sunni bloc Altawafuc step today to announce their willing to get the president post. Mr Alaani today on Iraqia clearly stated that they are looking for the post and there is no any constitutional law precent any one from it. He repeated what Aljaafree said yesterday of why this should be awarded to an Arab saying that the Shia coalition is supporting that demand.


This a new dynamics of getting Arab Shia and Arab Suni together. Just another message , iraqi might be sending to those who bet on civil war.


In another development and I expected, Moqtada Alsader announced that the names are not very important for the PM position and and that Alsadrees don't have a special interest in any as far as he represent the Iraqi sovergnity and unbias. Anothe responsible stand that should be wellcomed. he might withdraw the last carpet from under Aljaafree after the Iraqia Alawee tried to divid the coalition by supporting Aljaafree nomination..


So complex, so funny , so interesting.. I like democracy that President Bush brought to this no where region of the world..

Let us wait and see.!

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Muqtada Alsader letter to his followers came while there is a ge campaing by Baathist propaganda machine that claims that Alsderees are planning for huge unrest if Aljaafree is dismissed and that is in cooperation with a neighboring country who want jaafree in PM . The propaganda also went too far to say that the Americans are planning for a massive attack on Alsader followers in help with some former Sadamist officers. It aslo based on a wide spread rumers that The Americans are withdrawing the security file from local police in four southren provinces and that the Americans are sieging these provinces. Something that spread a lot of fears among locals.. Surprisingly the Americans nor the government deyied such rumers.

So the bathist propaganda was working on two sides, one on Sadrees to tell them that the Americans are planning to hit them, on the Americans to tell them that Alsadrees are planning to ignite a massive attack on them. Unfortunetly I noticed so many Iraqi blogers had been fooled by such rumers and tried to validate it in one way or another.

Today Alsader letter came just to cool down his followers and to make it clear to the Americans that Alsadrees has no any involvment in any forgin plans what so ever. He said that his stand is for national unity and he will get his plans be directed by any forgin policy. A reference that might be directed to the Iranian regime.


He said in clear way that "it is astand that cost us a lot".. He directed his letter to Sunni and Shia to get united and fight back all Isreali agents terrorist , that is in reference to the Zarqawee thugs!

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As I expected, the coalition succeded to get out of the current issue that others tried to play the ball in their field. The coalition sven blocs returned the ball in a very samrt way.

First they didn't came with a final say on weather they nominate Aljaafree saying that this issue and according to the constitution should come as astep after the appointment of the Presidency and perliment head council. According to the constitution the biggest slate should nominate the PM that need to get at least 50% of votes.


By doing that, they first delay their decision that might flag a lot of debate within the coalition and second they try to flag the hot issue of who might be the president.

Yesterday after Mr. Alaani statement on behalf of the religous sunni arab slate , A kurd memebr Mr. Athman said that the post should go to Kurd slate as it is the second largest slate. He added that thought the constitution didn't specify that but is it is a reasonable logic.


There was a meeting today called by Talabani that all main slates attended. No outcome yet. But the coalition Shia asked to come up with a final aggreement by Sunday before the Perliment meeting on Monday.


Within Sunni religous parties slate Altawafuc, seems there are so many different opinions. Today some Arab newspaper "that I personally don't trust" there was a report quating Mr. Alhashimee, leader, as saying he is with Talabani nomination denouncing an earlier call By Mr. Samaria, another leader, for having a sunni Arab in that position.

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Today some small slates in the Perliment " Alawaee , Hiwar and other non winning" had a gathering where they call for stopping the political the process and establish a non constitutional governemnt calling it a rescue government. They said that such solution is needed after the fail of the current negotiation by main slates. They didn't say who will nominate such government, is it Alawaee him self or the American Embassy or might be Hussni Mubarak of Egypt who started this call last week saying that Iraqis are not elligable to choose their governemnt and Sadam was fine but the only proplem was that he was not a fair Dictator. So bringing a FAIR dictator " such as Alawee" might be a solution.. Alawaee on Aliraqia TV today said that such rescue governement need to consider the the voting results.. I failed to understand how such governemnt will be diffrent than what we are debating today. May he ment that such governemnt need to be under him but the ministers are from different slates.. !!! Mr. Almutlak, a former Baathist sunni Arab, also shared Alawee call. Mr. Mutlak is the head of Alhiwar front which got 11 seats . The main Sunni Arab Altawafuc slate didn't attent or joint the new call though.


So funn how some Iraqi politicians are still thinking that Iraq is still under the Black/While primetive political system as other Middel east countiers today..Hadi Alameri , a Shia coalition member, in his comment on Iraqia on such calls, said that it is just calls by some lossers to overcome the ellection result. He added that this is to return us to step number one ignoring all the sacrifieces , He said that such move would for sure get the country in a very unpredicted situation!


On other development, a leader in the shia coalition told Aliraqia that the coming 48 hr will show the first National united governemnt..He seemed to be very confident..

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As I expected , seems I am now reading in a crystle ball, the issue now is either to accept all nomanees by diffrent blocs or filtering all nomanees by other blocs. The debate is now , if Shia coalition nomanee Aljaafree need to be replaced cos of others opjection, then the Sunni religouse namanee Alhashimee and Kurds Talabani need to be reconsidered too.

Yesterday Adil Abdul Mehdi, Jaafrees rival in the coalition visited Kurd Barazani in Arbil. I think he might want ed to convince him of replacing Talabani as Kurd nomanee.. Many of majority Arab Iraqis didin't feel very statisfied with talabani conduct as president for all Iraqis. they felt him to be more hurdish while debating Aljaafree's stands about Kirkuk. On other point, Shia oalition announce clearly their opjection to AlHashimee nomination for the speaker of the Perliment. They said that his stands and comments in the last two months were to encourage factionist feelings and tenses the sectrian violance.. Al hashimee , may for political reasons, had many unfortunate statements. One of them the last show off kidnapping release of the American journalist when he praises the terrorists for nice treatment of the kiddnaper!


I think the next two day will end up either accepting changing all to the favour of all , or going to the perilement to have the hard fight there!


I personally like both of the solutions but not keep extending the first longest perliment session in democratic political systems ever I knew in history!

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Today on Aliraqia TV, Mr. Alhashimee , head of Iraq branch muslim brotherhood Isamic party, and leader of Sunni Arab Tawafuc slate had a long show talking about his slate and party plans and evalaution. He said that the Coalition need to come up with their final nomanee for PM post but same time he called to go with the other posts as per the constitution which specify that the first step is to ellect the speaker of the house and the prsidency council.However he twisted that fact saying the first step should the nimination of the PM which according to constitution need to be the last step.

He said the fail of the Coalition to nominate his Pm might make others to go alone and put their nomanee! He also said that he the Islamic party had a very strong close relation with Jaafree even before the fall of Sadam. But they think and for sake of Jaafree , that he need to step down and already showed a lot of incompetency on all fronts, security, economy and forgien relations and the coalition ned to come up with a better more suitable name. He said that the coalition till now didn't come up with final answer.


As for Alawee and why they are not supporting his nomination to presidency, He said if this should happen then it should not come on the expence of the Tawafuc Share, he confirmed that the Tawfuc had never be part of maram front "Alawee and other minor blocs" and they just had cooperation. He also said that there are plans to do more cooperation with the Kurdish slate in future, but he didn't comment on those very sensative issue of Kirkuk.


He approached Iraqis with very touching statement of a call to unity and hope of better future.

As for his namination to speaker position and the opposition by coalition, he said it is just because of their rejection to jaafree. He didn't mention those allegations of having a factionist stand in the last months.

He was a very impressing political animal talking about complex issues with very simple clear wording, not like his rival Aljaafree whom you might listen for long time without clearly understanding what he is talking about!!


At the end he went so islamic saying that only solution to Iraq problems is by returing to ISLAM and Sunni.. He failed to explain how this might be true at a time most of the teerorist acts are done on a islamic interpretations!!

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Again one more time as "I expected".. !

The coalition seems to be passing the hard issue of Aljaafree nomination.. Finally he officially step down to give first example in Arab recent history of some PM to step down from a nomination ever!


Iraq is really drawing a new era for Arab and ME politics.. Some might thought this is an exaduration. But have a look around and give me one similar case were a nominated PM or president step down under pressure of opposition minority parties ..


Any how the question now is about who is the replacing one..

If I am the one who decide, then I should go with Abdul Mehdi of SCIRI.His claibore and experiences also he has a good support by most parties, he also got full support of US adminstration And also some support by the Iranian , Turky , Kuwaitee governemnts. So enough internal and extrnal support that could help him complete the very tough job that his previous PMs did.


Anyhow there are a lot of expextations that Almalikee of Dawa party might be the one.. Malikee looks like not a bad option either but he is more like a party leader than new Iraq governement leader. His background as Masters of Arts in Arabic , with limited command in Enghlish, no previous government senior position experience, might not working for his qualification as a good PM for the next four years.. But I will go with what ever the coalition decide on.. Not because I trust these folks who led Iraq hard political process over the last two three years, but also because I fully believe in democracy and constitution. So let us wait and see..


I think that there is still some chance that Dr. Mehdi will win.. Not because of his background, but at least to keep a senior position for Aljaafree to become vise president. other wise he had no position if his Dawa party Malikee took over the PM.. This by itself might derive Jaffree to work for moving the position to SCIRI, so he can keep at least the race for the next ellection! Kidding, that is just a thought!

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Malikee seems to be the winner.. I had some talk with friends from Hindia, the small poor town 70 miles west south of Baghdad, where Maliki was born. What I was told is that He is a very tough but pragmatic guy. He used to be manging the Adawa Jihadia department against Sadam while residing in Syria for more than twenty years of his exile. He also is considered to be of the Arab division inside the Dawa party, the other divison is the one closer to Iran. Though having a very tough stand toward Sadamist, he keep very good relation with Sunni Arab political parties.


His rule as a head of security committe in the last national assembly might help him much in the hard job of fighting terrorists and dealing with the security file.


On a brief interview on Iraqis today, he called for a technocrat governemnt a way from the parties and coalition domination or any other party links. He said we need to build the country a way from partism or sect based nomination. I don't know how he can do it though!


With such nomination, hight grade westren graduate professionals like Dr. Ali Alawee and Dr. Ahmed chalabi might have better chances to give a hand, as Malikee experiences in the economy file is very limited and he for sure needs to have around him while his main job will be to restore order and law..



A lot of fun in the comming days seeing first democratic perminent Iraqi goverment into birth..

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Talking about Maliki home town of Hindia "Also known as Tweareej".. It is one of the most beautiful Iraqi rural agricultural small town by Eufrates river .. It was build in the nineteen century by Othman ruler Midhet basha. to be the municipal center for the near by huge farm and agriculture produce. It was well known that Hindia became a commercial multi idiology center in centeral Iraq. It is usuall to have in same family different hard liners of islamist, communist or arab nationalist.Also one might find great engineers, medical doctors, religous scholars, music artist, peots.. That brought a lot of attention by Sadam regim to this small town. And so it paid the high price. The city aslo known of its very closed Arab peasant traditions and residents of tough arab tribes. That makes its locals so stick to their Arab heritage..


Nouri Kamil Almaliki "Also known by party nick name Jawad Almaliki" was one of those kids who had the chance to born in that town from a secular well educated family. His grand father was minster of education during the hashimite kingdom in the Fiftees. He persued his study to get his Masters in Arabic arts and Islamic studies from Salah deen university in Arbil in the seventees. Ironically his supervisor was the current Kurd political figure Dr. Fuad masoum, the speaker of the former national assembly.


Mr. Almaliki is grabbing a very unique apportunity.. He is getting the support of the international community in addition of most of iraqi people, he should stand to the point by working hard to implement the new Iraqi system of law and order that is based on humen rights , soverignity and democracy.. I have a strong feeling that he is quite capable to do the job! let us wait and see.


There is is still a very legitamite question, why those who opposed Jaafree would agree on what looks like his copy cat debuty Almaliki.


I don't claim knowning the answer, I would rather talk about my self whom I put in that category.

I think most Iraqis were so upset with Jaafree weak profile. aslo his non unface face. You might listen to him talking but ends up with no information about his stands. On contrary , Maliki talks very direct clear strong and to the point.


Another difference, Maliki is raised in a peasant Arab tribe tradition environment , that makes him very aggressive and sensative to forgien political and cultural influence, as most Iraqi arab peasants do. His carreer in Aldawa party proved that during his struggle with Sadam , he never bow to the Iranian influences. In such critical moments of building new soverign iraq such attitude is most wellcomed and I think this was a critical motives by Sunni Arab, Alsadrees, Kurds in supporting his nomination. That is nothing to say that he is an anti Iranian or that jaafree is pro Iranian, but being a decendent of very traditionist Arab tribe makes him a strong believer in protecting Iraqi identity a way from Arab nationalistic or Iranian interests.. Jaafree was raised in Holy city of Kerbala religous city with a lot of religous culture influence, his Aleshaiger family moved from Almedina in Suadi Arabia in eithteenth century. He was raised in more like religouse traditions, where polite talking and behaviours should be indirect and very boring! His Suadi origin makes him very hesitating in bringing strong stands in front of Arab Gulf anti new Iraq.. That was clear in his looked as humilating approach to Suadee govering family outraging remarks about new Iraq. Iraqis nationalistic feeling is at it's upmost, any stand short to fullfil would pay very high cost of lossing political opportunity..


I need to comment more after collecting more on the new PM

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