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Question on Prayers

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  • 3 weeks later...
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yes sadoq you should pry at the befor shining salt alsuboh , midle of the day salat aldhuhor and salat al assar and finaliy you should pry salat almaghreb and al eshaaa as you said>

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Praying is not only a duty , it is also loving Alah and trying to reach him with your thanks.

That is why it shuold not be just to obey rules, it would be your choice to show respect, thanks and love to the creator of this univers.

When you kiss your mom or dad, you don't need to do so, but it is your way to say I love you Mom. When you pray to Alah, it is your way to say thank you for giving me such sweet parents, friends and nice living.

You don't need to stop kissing your Mom at any age, and so, you don't need to start praying at certain age, it should be when you are mature enough to believe in it, it is always your choice..

Some one might say 13 is right age, others might find it too late or too early to think about it. My understanding is that any time is good time, any pray is better than no pray too!

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  • 1 month later...
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Dear Sadok


You should pray, at least in the future. Praying is the most important pillar in Islam.

If the muslim does not pray he is not muslim. Our prophet says:


يقول النبي محمد ص الحد الذي بيننا وبينهم الصلاة فمن تركها فقد كفر


When I was 12, I did not pray because nobody in my family prayed, only sometimes like in Ramadan.

Then a friend taught me how to pray, I liked it very much, I felt a strange Force, a huge light or Energy, call it as you like, that protects me and keeps me apart of doing bad things which hurt the others, I felt that nobody is stronger than me only God who gives me strength, peace and love, this is what we call Iiman and not only Islam. Iiman means to believe in what you are doing so you believe in God.

Till 18 years old I did not always pray, because nobody pushed me to keep praying.

Now I am old and when I pray I feel that praying is my really world, it is teaching me how not to be conceited, how to be kind, to be sure of myself, to be brave and to be always supported by God.

Do not compare yourself with your cousins or friends who are living in muslim countries, it is more difficult for you because you are alone, and when you decide to pray it means that you are very mature.



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Guest Guest

Dear Sadok


You should pray, at least in the future. Praying is the most important pillar in Islam.

If the muslim does not pray he is not muslim. Our prophet says:


يقول النبي محمد ص العهد الذي بيننا وبينهم الصلاة فمن تركها فقد كفر


When I was 12, I did not pray because nobody in my family prayed, only sometimes like in Ramadan.

Then a friend taught me how to pray, I liked it very much, I felt a strange Force, a huge light or Energy, call it as you like, that protects me and keeps me apart of doing bad things which hurt the others, I felt that nobody is stronger than me only God who gives me strength, peace and love, this is what we call Iiman and not only Islam. Iiman means to believe in what you are doing so you believe in God.

Till 18 years old I did not always pray, because nobody pushed me to keep praying.

Now I am old and when I pray I feel that praying is my really world, it is teaching me how not to be conceited, how to be kind, to be sure of myself, to be brave and to be always supported by God.

Do not compare yourself with your cousins or friends who are living in muslim countries, it is more difficult for you because you are alone, and when you decide to pray it means that you are very mature.



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