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العالم النووي حسين الشهرستاني رئيسا لوزراء العراق



الاربعاء 26/5/2004 واشنطن (رويترز) - قالت مصادر امريكية يوم الثلاثاء انه من المتوقع ان تختار الامم المتحدة حسين شهرستاني وهو عالم نووي شيعي قضى سنوات في سجن ابو غريب في عهد صدام حسين رئيسا للوزراء في حكومة عراقية انتقالية جديدة. وقال مسؤول بوزارة الخارجية ان شهرستاني واحد من ثلاثة مرشحين نهائيين يجري دارسة اختيار احدهم لتولي المنصب لكن مصادر اخرى قالت انه من المتوقع ان يفوز شهرستاني بمنصب رئاسة الحكومة العراقية الانتقالية حينما تسلم الولايات المتحدة السلطة في الاول من يوليو تموز.

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An old interview by CNN with Dr. Alshahristani


Interview with Hussain Al-Shahristani


Aired April 8, 2003 - 05:42 ET




BILL HEMMER, CNN ANCHOR: Want to talk right now what's happening in Basra and also talk about the humanitarian situation, at some point, once this aid starts to flow. The Brits tell us right now again they're in control of most of Basra. But again, there have been these scenes of looting in the town as of yesterday.

Hussain Al-Shahristani is a former Iraqi nuclear scientist now working with the Iraqi Refugee Aid Council. He's our guest here now in Kuwait City.


Good to see you again, and thanks for coming back and joining me here. What can you tell us about the looting, about going through these hotels, taking out furniture and carpets and essentially the people of Basra taking all this stuff home?


HUSSAIN AL-SHAHRISTANI, IRAQI REFUGEE AID COUNCIL: Well there has been a complete break down of law and order in the city. The occupation forces in the town have failed to secure security for the people.


HEMMER: Do you think -- do you think the British military was ready for something like this?


AL-SHAHRISTANI: Well they should have been because it's their duty under international humanitarian law, once you occupy a city, you are responsible for the security and safety of the people and their properties. You cannot occupy it and leave -- and leave it lawless, and that's what's in Basra yesterday.


HEMMER: The other day when we talked I asked you the question as to whether or not after the war is over and so many thousands of Iraqi men and soldiers have been killed as a result of the fighting, how do you then win the trust of the people to say we are here to make your lives better? At the time you said it's still possible. Do you still think so?


AL-SHAHRISTANI: Not really, because it's not only the soldiers that have been killed, it's the number of civilians that have been killed, particularly in the religious towns of Karbala, for example, and also in Hillah. So the Iraqi people, I believe, are extremely upset about the level of the civilian casualties.


HEMMER: How do you then change that, at some point? And at some point, how long does that take? Can you put your finger on it?


AL-SHAHRISTANI: Well I'm afraid that there hasn't been any serious effort to change that because we are still seeing the coalition forces failing to provide security and law and order in the occupied towns. And that misunderstanding is really building up and I think clearly to the detrimental to Iraqis and the coalition forces...


HEMMER: Let me take the reverse of that,...




HEMMER: ... just to shed a different light on this. It's not barely three weeks into the war.




HEMMER: The war is still ongoing. These things take time, like security, especially in these big cities.


AL-SHAHRISTANI: Yes, but they should have planned better for it. They should have had enough resources and people to be in a place as soon as they occupy the towns. At the beginning of the operations, they came to towns and left them unprotected. Saddam's forces managed to come back and shoot the people. Now that the Saddam loyalists have gone, the thugs have taken over. They are looting everything and people feel, you know, endangered, their property are not protected. And you cannot occupy a country and keep it like that.


HEMMER: And that was some of the topic that we touched on the other day, too. I want to talk about humanitarian aid. There is a large argument developing right now between the U.S. and the United Nations. In your estimation, who is better suited in the near term, anyway, at delivering humanitarian aid, food, water, medicine and getting it to the people who need it?


AL-SHAHRISTANI: Well during the operations and immediately for a few days after the operations the military are the only people on the ground in control of the situation and they should provide the basic needs, the water, the (UNINTELLIGIBLE) medicine and so on. But soon after that, it should be handed over to the U.N. They are better qualified, this is a mandate and the Iraqis would be much more comfortable with NGOs cooperating with the U.N. agencies under humanitarian fronts.


HEMMER: I'm wondering though, if the security is not in place the way you want it to be and so many others in Iraq,...




HEMMER: ... is the military better suited for this because they have the equipment and the protection, at least in the near term anyway?


AL-SHAHRISTANI: They should have been, but they have not shown any capacity so far. And I really don't know how much capacity they have to handle humanitarian needs. They have not really proved to anybody yet that they've been able to do it.


HEMMER: Let's talk about right now in the city of Baghdad. It's possible, we do not know that Saddam Hussein, maybe his two sons, were targeted in this massive bombardment yesterday, this home in the neighborhood known as Mansour. This is a neighborhood you know well because you used to live there.


AL-SHAHRISTANI: That's right.


HEMMER: Tell us about it.


AL-SHAHRISTANI: Well this is a kind of upper class neighborhood in the city where most of the professionals were living before Saddam took over. Since then, he has really confiscated a lot of properties or bought them. And most of Saddam's, you know, Baathist (ph) -- senior Baathists are living there. A lot of the neighborhood have been taking over by government and Baath leadership. As a matter of fact, not really far from the Mansour is the headquarters of the Iraqi Intelligence Organization.


HEMMER: How far away?


AL-SHAHRISTANI: It's about a couple of kilometers...




AL-SHAHRISTANI: ... from the center of Mansour.


HEMMER: Do you see it as possible, though, I don't even know if you can say likely, is it possible the leading members of the Iraqi government, Saddam Hussein, would meet in a neighborhood like Mansour in a home that is described to us there?


AL-SHAHRISTANI: Yes, I mean...




AL-SHAHRISTANI: ... they have always been disguising themselves in civilian areas. And it's very, very possible that they would be meeting there. I mean I cannot confirm if they were at this particular building that was hit recently, but I mean that's quite feasible, yes.


HEMMER: Yes, do you think also in 1991 it's been recorded that Saddam Hussein was driving around the city of Baghdad in a 1979 red Nissan to avoid or to be essentially undercover.




HEMMER: Would he repeat something like that now?


AL-SHAHRISTANI: Yes, I wouldn't be surprised. I mean Saddam has a number of lookalikes and he sends people on different routes to disguise his movements. I would not be surprised if he's hiding, you know, somewhere...




AL-SHAHRISTANI: ... in typical village, if you like, (UNINTELLIGIBLE) hiding somewhere near Baghdad. And he could have well been at these other buildings with the senior Baathists and his own sons and cousins and in trustees (ph), if you like.


HEMMER: Hussain Al-Shahristani, you're going to be going home soon, aren't you?




HEMMER: How long?


AL-SHAHRISTANI: Well I hope to go back within a few days to -- at least to southern Iraq to deliver humanitarian aids.


HEMMER: Yes. Good luck, be safe, OK.




HEMMER: Thanks again.




HEMMER: Always good to talk to you.




HEMMER: Appreciate it.

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Guest Mustefser

Intersting article in Washongton post


UN Closes in On choosing Iraqi leader


The United Nations is closing in on a slate for the new Iraqi government, with a Shiite nuclear scientist who spent years in the notorious Abu Ghraib prison emerging as the leading candidate for prime minister, according to Iraqi and U.S. officials.
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