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Alawee, the Iraqi iron fist

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The World’s Most Dangerous Terrorist

Who is Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi? And why are so many governments scared to death of him?

Mustefser, is there any public evidence that the current al Zarqawi has any connection to the al Azerqawi who spent seven years in a jordanian prison?


There were a lot of american conspiracy theories that the Nick Berg murder might have been done by someone else posing as al Zarqawi. And each of his actions since can be interpreted as strengthening american resolve to punish the evil arabs, while doing minimal damage to american forces.


Is there some evidence that al Zarqawi actually has iraqis or jordanians working with him, beyond what he says himself?

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Most of Alflouga citizens are against the terror.. I am saying this relying on my personal contacts within Falouga.. Indeed they had been sieged by the terrorist. Especially after the claimed victory and the turn over city security to the Saddamees. There are a small portion but well armed and trained of those who are pro salfees and the old baath and security members who terrorize the city.

So, two factions in Fallujah. The Saddamites and the religious fanatics. When an old Ba'athist officer got the job to oversee the city, and his men turned up in the old iraqi uniforms, that probably seemed like the Ba'athists had won.


Since then I heard about one of his outposts getting shelled, and the drivers who got killed were bringing him supplies. Both of those could be interpreted as attacks on him, presumably by the religious fanatics. But they can't fight each other too much or the Marines might come in and destroy them both.


Is there any way the Fallujan majority could get rid of them? Is there any material aid the americans could give them, that would help? My immediate thought would be to put cheap guns out for anybody to take. The terrorists are already armed. If they were in a city full of armed civilians who did not like them, that would be an encouragement to leave.


Or if we could give them a whole lot of cell phones, maybe people could call in and tell the coalition guys that they're against the bad guys and tell them about their neighbors? If marine snipers could move in with a lot of known safe houses *they* could use, and a lot of specific targets, they wouldn't be nearly so trigger-happy.


In both cases , seiging Falouga without invading it might the right solution. Seiging doesn't mean blocking supplies from the city.. It is just blocking the terror from getting in and out.


If you search every car going in or out of the city, it will be slow and unpopular. That might be OK. Foreign terrorists could have already moved out, if they have a place to go. Likewise Saddamists. What makes them so strong in Fallujah and not elsewhere? I had supposed there were more of them there than anywhere else, and they were at home. Maybe they have a lot of supplies inside Fallujah, and searching everybody who leaves would keep them from getting car bombs etc out? If they're getting a lot of foreign support, or they have supply dumps to raid still elsewhere, then that wouldn't stop the terrorism elsewhere much either.


I was on talk with one of these Falougians four months ago. He was very ungry that while Falouga is bussy with all the fighting, the Kurds are building their places.


That's a good point. But people who feel they have no future under a new iraq wouldn't be moved by it. The more they believe in a general amnesty the more of the little guys might melt away and make new lives. People who have no hope otherwise will do anything.


I am sure there will be another French revolution in Falouga within two months.


That sounds bad. If there's any way for the good guys to step in and stop the killing and declare a new start, it would help.

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Guest Mustefser

When it really comes to reall Iraqis..

Alsader party is the best to fight the Sadamees and Salafees.. This move need to be encouraged..




The move is the latest sign that Sadr is softening his hard line against U.S. troops and their Iraqi political allies ahead of the formal handover of power from the U.S.-led occupation to an interim government next week.


"For the sake of public interest and considering the sensitive situation the oppressed Iraqi people are under, the Central Mehdi Army Command announces a halt to military operations within Sadr City," a statement said.


"The Mehdi Army wants the security situation to stabilize and does not want those who are bent on causing chaos in the run up to the power transfer to succeed," said the statement obtained by Reuters

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When it really comes to reall Iraqis..

Alsader party is the best to fight the Sadamees and Salafees.. This move need to be encouraged..




The move is the latest sign that Sadr is softening his hard line against U.S. troops and their Iraqi political allies ahead of the formal handover of power from the U.S.-led occupation to an interim government next week.


"For the sake of public interest and considering the sensitive situation the oppressed Iraqi people are under, the Central Mehdi Army Command announces a halt to military operations within Sadr City," a statement said.


"The Mehdi Army wants the security situation to stabilize and does not want those who are bent on causing chaos in the run up to the power transfer to succeed," said the statement obtained by Reuters

I get the strong impression the Sadrist fighters aren't very well trained at all compared to the SCIRI fighters. They killed hardly any US soldiers while losing somewhere around 1000+ of their own. SCIRI guys got trained in iran and russia and fought Saddamists before the US came in.


Also, Sadr is a US target. He made a big deal about wanting the US gone, and I doubt Senor or Kimmitt will be happy until he's dead. When it doesn't matter what the CPA or the US military wants, then he could take his rightful place.

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Guest Mustefser
I get the strong impression the Sadrist fighters aren't very well trained


Those are the poor Iraqis who have lived under Saddam .. They have all the interest to follow both Salafees and Saddamees.. They had suffered a lot from Saddamees and they are the real theological enemy of Salafees.


Saddamees and salfees might fear them more than any one else inside Iraq..

Yesterday I wa swatching a program on Arabic MBC.. It was talking from Baghdad/Aladamia "Saddamee district".. There was a women who is proud to praise Saddam, then there is another brave women came and in front of all pro Saddamees, told her that this is not right .. Immediately one young men shout at the second women and threaten her that he will call "Fidaen" to bomb her house.. the brave women never histate and replied that she is not daring those Fydean and there is " Hukooma" government that would protect her family..

I am giving this to explain that these thugs need simple day to day people to stand in fornt of them not only most sophisticated wepouns .. Sadrees are such people.. It was a desaster that these people were pushed to be in the other front.


When I talked to friends in Adamia, they told me that nothing Sadammes are more scared from than Sadrees.. That is why you might find most factionist websites, who claim to be pro Americans, doing their best to encourage Americans to hit the Sadrees..

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I get the strong impression the Sadrist fighters aren't very well trained


Saddamees and salfees might fear them more than any one else inside Iraq..

Yesterday I wa swatching a program on Arabic MBC.. It was talking from Baghdad/Aladamia "Saddamee district".. There was a women who is proud to praise Saddam, then there is another brave women came and in front of all pro Saddamees, told her that this is not right .. Immediately one young men shout at the second women and threaten her that he will call "Fidaen" to bomb her house.. the brave women never histate and replied that she is not daring those Fydean and there is " Hukooma" government that would protect her family..

I am giving this to explain that these thugs need simple day to day people to stand in fornt of them not only most sophisticated wepouns .. Sadrees are such people.. It was a desaster that these people were pushed to be in the other front.

I see!


So if they have to fight, probably more of them will be killed because they don't know how to kill most efficiently.


But they are willing to stand up and tell people the truth whether they get punished for it or not.


When countries that had dictators quit without a lot of foreign help, I think it is usually because of people like that. In cuba they stopped cooperating with Batista and he ran away in an american plane. Then Castro brought his small army down from the mountains where they had accomplished basicly nothing and set up a government, and people weren't ready to treat Castro the way they treated Batista so he is still there. In the philippines they stopped cooperating with Marcos and he ran away in an american ship.


When there are only a few people like that they can kill them. But when there are too many, the killers get uneasy and lose their nerve.


I wish you all the best. However it goes the survivors will have an important story to tell their grandchildren.

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