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What do Iraqis realy want?

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I am quoting Improvios from "Democracy in Iraq " post.


I think Imp is raising very important question to be discussed by it's own as a post


I am an American who has tried desperately to understand what is happening in Iraq. I have looked to many sources: news services, weblogs, forums, etc., but I must admit that I am still unsure about what is the "right" thing for my government to do.


I believe that president Bush lied and manufatured reasons to go to war in Iraq. I believe his true intention has always been to establish a stable democracy in the heart of the Middle East. It seems to me that Bush himself honestly believes that accomplishing this task would be a tremendous benefit to the Iraqi people as well as the USA by virtue of having a politcal ally in the region. I do NOT believe that Bush went to war in hopes of achieving financial gain. I think the opinion that we went to war in Iraq in order to get cheap/free oil is simply ridicualous, given the cost of the war efforts.


But regardless of Bush's intentions, I would like to see some sort of result that benefits the Iraqi people. Unfortunately, I have no idea what you Iraqis really want. It seems that the most vocal among you want the US forces out of Iraq, no matter what the cost. You are willing to kill as many innocent people as it takes for you to get your way. If this is the true face of the Iraqi people, then I say to badWord with you. Let us take our troops back home so that Iraq can become the world capital of people who hate the USA. You can have the worst USA-hating government on the planet. Then when you establish terrorist training camps all over your country, we will send more bombs than you can imagine. You know this is what could happen if the "insurgents" take over.


But as I said, it is difficult for me to understand what Iraqis really want, because I see such a variety of opinions. There are voices coming out in favor of democracy, but they are not nearly as loud as the voices of those who want us to leave. I get the impression that most Iraqis are afraid to speak their true opinons. Do many of you agree with the insurgents because you are afraid of them? Maybe we need to tell our troops over there to be more violent and threatening to your citizens. Because if you are more afraid of our troops than you are of the insurgents, then maybe you will say that you support democracy.


Whatever happens in Iraq, I think it will ultimately be up to the Iraqi people. If you want the insurgents to rule you, then either support them or remain quiet. Both are pretty much the same. If you want democracy, you are going to have to stand up and be heard over the sound of explosions and screaming hostages.


As I said, I am an American who has tried hard to understand what you want, and I honestly can't tell. Most Americans don't really try. Most Americans read about poeple getting bombed and kidnapped, and don't bother to find out anything else. Most Americans think Iraqis are violent, USA-hating animals, and think we should just get our troops home as soon as we can.



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Aliraqi wrote in reply to this question, see original post



The simple answer is hiding under the fact that you just mentioned:



It seems that the most vocal among you want the US forces out of Iraq



MOST VOCAL , indeed you are only allowed to hear the most vocal.. I am an Iraqi American, I am following the American media and would not blame you saying all what you consider as absolute facts, without even care to double checking if they are correct.. Thanks to the media that made you so confident in what they fed.


Just to check your understandings , did you asked your self the following questions:

If Iraqis are really what you had mentioned, then :

1- Why are there so long queues of young men and women in front of military registration offices, despite the routine killing and bombing ?

2-Why are majory of Iraqis, at least 80% , not against liberation though came with occupation.. That is in a country where the world occupation, means the most bad thing in the universe, more bad than what ever "badword " that you might thought of.

3- Why same majority are going for democracy and would not be scared to be killed while voting, considering election as it's corner step.


There many other questions..

I think your question might better re-phrased to be

Why the majority is not vocal.. And also why American media, just like the Arab media is not telling the real story about Iraqis. ?

Let me know first if you thought about the three points above, then I will try to explain my answers to later questions

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