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The US withdraw from Iraq

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هناك دعوات متزايده لسحب القوات الامريكيه من العراق التي تتزامن مع ازدياد ملحوظ في شعبيه امريكيه لمطالب رؤيه ستراتيجيه انسحاب امريكي

في الاسبوع الماضي استضاف الحزب الشيوعي الامريكي بعض الاشخاص العراقيين ممن يديرون اتحادا عماليا ضعيف الاهميه في البصره وقد اهتمت بعض وسائل الاعلام وغطت مطالبهم بالانسحاب الفوري من العراق

داخل العراق فان الدعوه لانسحاب القوات تعاضمت وخصوصا من قبل بعض الجماعات الراديكاليه الشيعيه الصدريه

وكدلك فان بعض رموز الحكومه العراقيه كان قد المح الى امكانيه انسحاب امريكي جزئي في السنه القادمه


السؤال هو لمادا تصر الاداره الامريكيه والحكومه العراقيه على تجنب وضع جدول زمني للانسحاب

لمادا يطالب الصدريون الشيعه بشده بالانسحاب

لمادا خفت حده الدعوات للانسحاب من قبل الجماعات السنيه الراديكاليه مثل هيئه علماء المسلمبن

لمادا بدأت الحكومه العراقيه بالتلميح لبدايه للانسحاب

هل فعلا ان مطالب الديمقراطيين ستكون محرجه لبوش كما يعتقدون

اطرح هده التساؤلات للنقاش



There are increasing calls by political figures in US for the troops withdraw from Iraq. This is acompanied by increasing popular demands to see an exit plan. Last week , the American communist party hosted some Iraqis who ran some new unpopular labor union in Basrah, the media put a lot of attention on their unmatured demands of immediat withdraw from Iraq.

Inside Iraq , the call for the trrop withdraw is intensified specially by some Shia radical groups, Alsadrees. Also some key figures in the Iraqi government members had put some hits that next year, we might see some withdraw.


The question is Why Bush administration and Iraqi governement are not willing to set a time a table..?

Why Alsadrees are very keen to have this withdraw as soon as possible?

Why Sunni Arab radical figures "Muslim Scholars" had recently cool down their demands for withdraw?

Why Iraqi goverment started talking about some withdraw?

Is it really the demands of setting a time table now is working against Bush administration, as the Democrats might thought?


More and more about , I would like to open a discussion

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The MSM in the United States, by focusing only on car bombings and US troop deaths, have made any appearence of progress disappear. It is beginning to "look like Vietnam all over". Juan Butthead has said the insurgency has won - even breaks in the fighting are explained by the "normal ebb and flow of guerrilla warfare"


Second, a majority American people believe the Bush administration, and President Bush, lied to the American people about the reasons to enter Iraq.


Next, the years and years of anti-terrorist (and really anti-Arab) propaganda leave this feeling that these are hopeless century-old religious and political conflicts; and that Arabs would rather kill each other (and us) over them than have peace and democracy. Racism is a horrible thing.


The Democratic Party hates President Bush and wants his failure; and while they would not say it - really does not want a good result to come out of his "bad actions" in Iraq - they will be happier if Iraq degenerates into open civil war and the US is forced to leave as in Lebanon and Somalia. They can make miles of political hay out of the midterm elections in 2006 and the Presidentals in 2008 if they can show we "destabilized" Iraq due to our aggressive actions.


The Constitution must get written soon; and the elections occur in December; and the Sunni take part. Further, the Iraqi's should ask for control of all Iraqi prisoners (demand it from the US if need be to show independence and non-puppet status) from the US.


It would help immensely if the Sunni would declare a cease-fire for their part while the constitutional process plays out. If it became obvious that the fighting was all by foreign jihadists that would be good.


Obvious, and impossible to ignore, politcal progress is needed soon.

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In the US it's about politics.

The democrats want to get back into power. That is, they want their party to control the office of president.

Some of the democratic leadership have said some things that appear to drive a wedgs in public opinion.

If they can win enough votes by saying; " We want to get out of Iraq" and they take a poll that finds people like what they are saying.... they will continue to say it and talk about it

they will promote the talking points that win votes.

Actually, Iraqi's are low on their list as they can't give them money to get elected. They want to gain power and will say whatever to promote them into power.

Democrats can't be in favor of the US presence in Iraq if George Bush is also in favor of staying in Iraq

Thats politics.

They have to find points that will anger people into votes for democratic politicians.

The question is Why Bush administration and Iraqi governement are not willing to set a time a table..?


Is it because the Sadamese and batthist and outside "freedom fighters" will know what day they can start to overthrow the Shia dominated government?

Would the insurgency continue to battle knowing soldiers will be leaving on a certain day ? If the insurgency goes underground, stops fighting, does that mean the insurgency will never return ? Would the lack of resistance give a false sense of security to the majority ?


Maybe it is better that the majority relize, daily, that freedom is not free.

Why Alsadrees are very keen to have this withdraw as soon as possible?

Maybe they sense the chance for holding real power is very close as the constitution is almost finished.

They learned that if they say; " America out" ! can win votes among Iraqi voters, they will say it!. ( politics )

Why Sunni Arab radical figures "Muslim Scholars" had recently cool down their demands for withdraw?


This "Muslim Scholars" demand hasn't been well covered at all in the west.

The mainstream media hasn't reported that they have stopped calling for the US to leave.

The media does not want to give the impression that George Bush is acomplishing the task of bringing democracy to Iraq controversy is what "sells papers" in the west.

Democrats do not want people to hear such news reports released as it would win them fewer votes and make it hard to get elected,


Why Iraqi goverment started talking about some withdraw?

Maybe it is a good thing to get people in Iraq to think the future belongs to Iraqi's not the US or the insurgents.

Iraq needs to stand on their own feet and deserve independance.

They can't be independant with their enemies saying ;

"160,000 troops from various nations patrolling the cities of Iraq doesn't look like a free nation."


Is it really the demands of setting a time table now by democrate is working against Bush administration?


The democrats want Bush to obey them and what they say and tell him ! :lol:

They do it through weekly public opinion polls :blink:


An American Republican president, Abe Lincoln once said;


"You can fool some of the people all of the time,

and all of the people some of the time,


you can't fool all of the people all of the time"


I think he also said something along this line;

Weekly public opinion polls is not the way to govern the people



Actually, the Iraqi's need to tell the Democrats,Republican and Independants in America what will or will not be done after their next set of elections and constitution are in place and decided.


The democrats are not the only group that wants a lower US profile in Iraq.

But even the Iraqi's know the presence of US troops needs to be lessened in the cities.We will listen to the Iraqi's.

They ( you ) must demand the US withdraws from the high profiles in cities before the demand to leave the country is made.


Even the Alsadrees worry about the return of Sadamese if the US fully withdraws without a good legal and judicial system in place to protect Iraqi ( the Alsadrees ) rights.

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