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الديمقراطيه واشياء اخرى

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الديمقراطيه واشياء اخرى

يفتخر العالم الغربي بانجازه الفكري الانساني والمسمى (الديمقراطيه ) والذي مر بمراحل كبيره من الصراعات حتى يظهر بهذه الصوره التي نراها الان حيث ان تمتلك حضاره تكتسح العالم .

واني كمواطن عراقي بسيط انظر لهذا المفهوم الذي سمعت عنه كثيرا من خلال قرآتي ولكني للاسف لم امر به كتجربه حقيقيه في مجتمع تحكمه الكثير من القيود الاجتماعيه والفكريه.

هناك الكثير من العراقيين يتسآل نفس سؤالي هل الديمقراطيه مستحيله ام انها ممكنه؟

وهل هي شيئ نسبي ام مطلق ؟

وهل الديمقراطيه مفهوم انساني ام انها مفهوم سياسي؟

وهل هي عصاة سحريه لحل مشاكل المجتمع ام انها (صرعه) هذا العصر اذ سرعان ما ستزول بزوال حيثياتها ؟ كما كانت الديكاتوريه يوما (اسلوبا) للحياة !!

هناك اسئله كثيره تراودنا ونحن نتجه لاختيار طريقا ربما يتفق اولايتفق تماما مع الديمقراطيه التي يراد اقامتها في بلد له خصوصيته وحضارته.

اذ اننا ما زلنا نخاف الانغماس في تجربه شيئ لم تتضح معالمه بعد, وخصوصا ان ما تتداوله الانباء هنا وهناك قد لا يتفق تماما مع افكارنا في كيفيه بناء المستقبل .كما ا ن تجارب الاخرين ربما كانت نابعه من خصوصيه ذاتيه قد لا يمكن نجاحها في مكان اخر.

ففي خبرين منفصلين تابعنا في الاخبار من ان هناك فتاتين فرنسيتين اسلمتا وقررا ان يلبسن الحجاب وهذا ما اثار حفيظه الحكومه حتى انها بادرت باصدار قوانين مشدده تجاه كل من يتجهه الى هذا الاتجاه باتخاذ عدة قوانين تحارب هذه الظاهره متخطيه بذلك مبدا الديمقراطيه التي نشات عليه . وكذلك الحال في المانيا وعده دول اوربيه اخرى.

في حين ان في بلد ديكاتوري مثل مصر تؤسس فيه جمعيات مدعومه من قبل الغرب لترويج الافكار الداعيه الى الخروج عن التقاليد التي تعارف عليها المجتمع .

اما في الكويت مثلا فقد تناقلت الانباء عن اضراب اكثر من مئتي فتاة ومن مدرسه واحده من ارتاء الحجاب وهذا ما باركته عدة جهات مدعيه انه يمثل حريه الراي! ان مثل هذه الاخبار تؤثر سلبا على مجتمع لم يمارس الديمقراطيه ولم يعرف الكثير عنها سوى ما يقرأءه هنا او هناك .

المجتمع العراقي وهوجزء من مجتمع عربي هو مجتمع مسلم والحضاره الاسلاميه تتعمق في جذوره لاكثر من الف واربعمائه سنة خلت ولذلك من غير السهل ان يتجه لمفهوم دنيوي علماني يفقده امرا اخروي يسعى اليه وهو بمفهومه يعتبر الحقيقه الوحيده الثابته على عكس المفهوم الغربي لهذا الاتجاه او ربما اقل اهميه.

وعليه نقول أي من الديمقراطيه يراد لها التطبيق في العراق ؟

هل هي الديمقراطيه بمفهومها الانساني أي بمعنى اخر هل هي نابعه من خلال تجارب المجتمع وصياغتها بالكيفيه التي يراها مناسبه لحاجاته لتحقيق ذاته ام انها بمفهومها السياسي اي بمعني انها منقوله من تجارب مجتمع اخر لتفرض عليه من قبل جهات تريد تحقيق مصالح معينه ؟ .

ان السياسه الامريكيه الحاليه للتعامل مع الشعوب المضطهده نستطيع ان نطلق عليها تسميه ( الثوريه) اذا جاز التعبير او بالمفهوم الذي يؤمن (بتغير جذري) في مفاهيم التحريرمن خلال الاحتلال .

فالامريكون على قناعه تامه من ان الحل الديمقراطي يمكن ان يحل لغز الحكومات الديكتاتوريه وذلك بفرضه على مناطقهم حتى لو كان ذلك من خلال الاحتلال المباشر كما في العراق او غير المباشر كما هو الحال في باقي دول العرب والهدف المستقبلي هو لتخليص تلك الشعوب من ظلام عاشوا فيه حتى اليأس , كي ما يتمكنوا من اتخاذ قرارات تصب في نهايه الامر لمصلحه النظام العالمي الجديد الذي تريد الولايات المتحده اقامته والذي بدوره يحتاج لبناءه اسس ديمقراطيه متينه في (دول الارهاب) اولا ومحاربه الافكار التي تساعد على ذلك وخصوصا الاصوليه منها.

ان هذا المفهوم الجديد لدى السياسيون الامريكيون يخالف تماما المفهوم الانكليزي الذي يعتمد اساسا على تكريس الانظمه الديكتاتوريه ودعمها من اجل الحفاظ على مصالحه والذي ربما تدعمه من الخفاء الماسونيه العالميه في التعامل مع المنطقه لما تراه من حق اليهود التاريخي في المنطقه كما يزعمون ! .

اذن نحن امام مدرستين من نظم الاحتلال الديمقراطيه مدرسه كلاسيكيه تومن باحتلال الشعوب ونهب خيراتها كي ما تنعم هي بالرفاه الديمقراطي دون الاخرين ومدرسه حديثه تؤمن بتحرير الشعوب من الانظمه الديكتاتوريه وبناء مجتمع ديمقراطي حقيقي فيها وتغيرالقيم والاعراف المتوارثه بما يتناسب والمصالح الامريكيه .

وبما ان الشعب العراقي والذي يعيش حاله استضعاف فما امامه الا خيارين الاول هو بناء دولته المنشوده والخاصه به في الوقت الحاضراما ان يختاروا احتلالا كلاسيكيا كما هو حال معظم الدول العربيه الان او (احتلال ثوري) كما هو الان في العراق اما الخيار الثاني فهو رفض الواقع وهو ايظا بخيارين الاول مقاومته من خلال اعمال ارهابيه كما هو الحال مع ازلام النظام البائد مدعومه بالجهات السلفيه وهؤلاء لا مستقبل لهم في العراق القادم اوبالتزام الصمت بعدم تاييد ايا من الاطراف المتنازعه لا سلبا ولا ايجابا ولكنهم يراقبون الواقع و ينظرون للمستقبل بانتظار من يحقق لهم دولتهم المنشوده.


بهلول الحكيم

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I beleive that Achilla is saying that he believes that the comment is very strong.. He don't know Arabic , so he is just wondering if his expectation is correct..



اعتقد ان اشيلا يقصد انه يتوقع ان يكون المقال مؤشرا لانه ريعرف العربيه . انه فقط يتسائل اذا كان توقعه في محله

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Translating most of Bahlol's topic "by my duaghter though !":

ترجمه اغلب مقال بهلول "انها ترجمه ابنتي على كل حال"


Democracy...among other things

The Westren World is proud of their intellectual and human accomplishment

called "democracy" which goes through many stages of struggles until it is presented in the picture-perfect manner which we see, sweeping nations with its civilization.

As a simple Iraqi citizen, i look at this issue, of which i often heard, through

my readings. Unfortunately, however, I have never had a real experience

in a society ruled by many intellecual restrictions. There are many Iraqis

who ask themselves the question of Is democracy impossible or is it possible? and is it a conditional or

a definite issue? And is democracy a humanitarian or a political issue? is it a magic wand which solves society's predicaments

or is it some kind of a fad in this century which will soon dissipiate, as other fads did? Just as

dictatorship used to be a way of life. There are many questions which we wonder about and

we chose to answer following a path that perhaps either agrees or disagrees with democracy which is wanted

in a position having civilization. We are still unafraid of being immersed into an experience

of which the consequences have not appeared. Especially since that what the media chose to cover

here and there might completely disagree with our ideas about the way to build a future. Also,

Other People's experiences were probably sprung out of a private life and therefore it cannot succeed anywhere

else. In two distinct news stories, we saw that two French girls have converted to islam and have decided to wear the "hijab"

and this is what increased the Government's restriction and made them pass strict laws about any one who proceeds in such a direction, by taking many laws which fight this

event, contradicting with the very basis of democracy. As such is the case in Germany and many

other European countries. All of this, while in a dicatorship country such as Tunisia has many organizations supported

by the West to enforce ideas that encourage the steering away from the customs and tradtions that society has accustomed to.

As for Kuwait, for instance, the media covered a story about a strike held by more than hundred girls from one school who refuse to wear the Hijab.

and this is what many organizations blessed as the expression of freedom of opinion. News such as this negatively affects a society that has not known democracy and has only read about it here and there.

The Iraqi society is a part of an Arab society and it is a Muslim one. The muslim civilization has run deeply into

its roots for more than a 1400 years. This is why it is uneasy to head towards a religious understanding lacking a secular understanding and it is considered the only stable truth, the opposite of the westren understanding.

And this is what brings up the question of "which type of democracy is wanted in Iraq"? Is it the democracy in the humanitarian

sense or does it bring about a different understanding. Is is sprung though society's experiences, and stating it in the manner which is most convenient to their needs or is it democracy in the political sense, in other words, it

is copied from another society's experiences imposing on it thorugh certain interest groups who wish to accomplish certain needs.

The American policy is currently not interacting with the protesting countries we can call "the revoluting ones", if you will. Or in the understanding that believes in

changing one's roots according to the understanding of liberation through the act of occupation. Americans are completely convinced that the democratice solution

could solve the problem of dictator governments and that is through imposing their ideas even if it means direct occupation as is the case with Iraq and indirect occupation

as is the case withe the rest of the Arab countries. The long-term goal of this act is to rid these countries of darkness they have lived in until despair has taken over. Another goal is for them to

make certain decisions which will eventually improve the new world policy which the United states want to establish. This needs a strong democratic foundation in the terrorist countries, as well as fighting off the ideas which make such countries. American politicians have this new understanding and it completely contradicts with

the English understanding which depends on stregnthening the dictating organizations and supports

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We in the US have struggled with our democracy for 200 years, it is not a 'fad'. In fact, our first attempt at a constitution failed and was re-written. Democracy is a belief that is held by the common people, just like your religious beliefs. It is not something we can just 'give' to you. Democracy comes in all different flavours. US democracy is different than the UK, India or europe. US style democracy places importance on the separation of religion and government and the rights of the individual. This enables us to clearly state to all people that every religion is equal, protected and welcome. In the US, women are free to wear the 'hijab'. In France (where the story you read is from) they have other problems that caused this.


Fear not, my friend. Iraqi democracy will be your own. It will be Iraqi, not US or any other. It will stand equal to all others as well. Never be fooled into thinking that living in a democracy is easy. It is a blessing that has to be earned every day. But the rewards are great for all.

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Guest Achillea

Salim is correct that I wondered what the post was about, since I don't know Arabic and all I could understand was the exclamation points (!). Thank you, Salim's daughter (or is it Bahlol's daughter?) for the translation. I should add, though, that I'm a woman, not a 'he.' :)


سليم صحيح أننيّ تساءلت ما كان البريد تقريبًا, منذ لا أعرف العربيّة و كل شيء الذي كان يمكن ان أفهم أنّه علامات التّعجّب ( !). شكرًا, ابنة سليم ( أو هو ابنة باهلول ؟) للتّرجمة . ينبغي أن أضيف, مع ذلك, أننيّ امرأة, ليس .

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So these are bahlol's words?

Americans are completely convinced that the democratice solution

could solve the problem of dictator governments and that is through imposing their ideas even if it means direct occupation as is the case with Iraq and indirect occupation

as is the case withe the rest of the Arab countries.




OK,lets say ;

what if Iraq was a "democracy" in 1980.


We have Saddam starting a war against Iran,a nation that demands freedom BY religion. Why war ? Are the holy men a threat to the status quo balance in the ME?

Many Arab nation rulers ( royal family ) may have sided with Iraq.

The leaders do not want to be overthrown by popular uprising. They are nervous but also small and weak.

They secretly side with Saddam and support the supression of the Imam's revolution in Iran.

Publicly they all agree in one unified voice

-"Down with the zionists"- ( they can unite their people into believing this is the underlining problem of every problem ? )


What if after a few years of war the people of Iraq said,

" Too many sons die. Saddam, step down".


---But wait--- 1980's there was no voice against Saddam.


The slaughter continued while America, Soviet Union and local Arab leaders raised no real objection.

Saddam built up war debts and gained some territory near Basra.

When fighting did stop,he didn't want to pay his war debts on time .

WHy should he?

Did his fight against Iran help keep his neighbors in power ? And now they want repayment. If it wasn't for him,they may all have been sent away into exile like the Shah


We have Saddam refusing to pay debts owed to neighbor nations in 1990.


He did have an election in Iraq.


It was a vote of confidence.

100% voter turnout.

100% in favor of Saddam !



He moves into a neighbors country.

Son's of Iraq are sent to the deserts of Kuwait

Iraqi soldiers were told they were going to fight the zionists ?

Is that true ?


" Too many sons of Iraq may die in the desert .Saddam, step down".


---But wait--- 1980's there was no voice against Saddam.


Saddam invades Iran in the 1980's.


Iran ended the dictator rule by the Shah of Iran. His overthrow was aided by the holy men of Islam through thier support of the young and working class. They held elections and are voted into power by large majority.

Rember the saying; Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Iran,a nation that demanded freedom BY religion (Americans believe in freedom FROM religion.That is,no one all powerfull religion demanding blind loyalty from all.)No thought or expression outside the chosen word is acceptable? To the point,speaking out against the views of religion could be punishable?

The party of the Imams were voted into power.

Have they ever shared power the past 25 years?


Been voted out of power ?



There are many Iraqis

who ask themselves the question of Is democracy impossible or is it possible? and is it a conditional or

a definite issue? And is democracy a humanitarian or a political issue?

Today,It is the humanitarian freedom to choose.

Freedom to stop,freedom to start.

Freedom to try.


What is democracy? It is the pursuit of happiness.

You will find it in this linked story about women working in Baghdad making $60 a month helping to build a future;



What does Iraq do about those Iran war debts of Saddams ?


Which of those countries will continue to demand Saddams war debts be paid ?


Who will stand up for Iraq on these issues ?

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