salim Posted April 8, 2006 Report Share Posted April 8, 2006 Burthat mosque is the oldest Islamic era building in the Baghdad region. It was an ancient Aramic chrestian church before Islam. It's importance to Muslims started aroung 700 AD when the fourth Khaleefa Ali used the place near to hte church to reside, the story tells that the Imam was in need for water, he suggested to the priest Habab who was running the church to dig a well which is still there over 1400 years. The place today is sacred for Shia Muslims, also of importance to Iraqi Christains. There was a black rock that locals believe of religous imporatance. Also an ancient white rock which locals beleive that Jesus was laid on! Today the moque is considered ofa very important historical importance. The place was existed before the build of Baghdad in the 800 AD. I don't know if the Qaeda planners real intentions of choosing such important islamic mosque where both Sunni and shia greatly respect, but there is one historical incident that might high light some of the motives.. Imam Ali had passed through this location while he was fighting Khawarig in Nahrawan.. Today a lot of Muslim historians accuse the current Salafaa Jihadest as ancestors of Kharwaaig who legitimize killing of any one "moslim or not" if not following their sick idiology. Something similar to what these Jihadist believe. Khawarig's suicider did kill Imam Ali while praying in Kufa mosque. yesterday sadamist expolode a car in the grave yard of Alsam in Najaf, where Imam Ali shrine is. I know the above is not the real motives but the iginition of civil war.. However high lighting some historical aspect is important.At the end these Qaeda terrorists are living their sick mind history.Not to criminal plans, such acts might go differently. I think this will bring Shia parties together. . Imam of Buratha mosque Shieck Jala Alsaghir , Iraqi perilement member and senior Shia coalition figure, calls for the governement to show take its responsibilties in protecting people and to activate anti terrorist laws. He accused the Sunni Assiciation radicle clergy Harith Aldharee of responsibility in this attack as his newspaper had published an article against the mosque couble of days ago. According to anti-terorist laws, any one encouraging terrorist actions is considered sharing the crime responsibility بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم (ولا تحسبن الذين قتلوا في سبيل الله امواتا بل احياء عند ربهم يُرزقون ) لقد ارتكبت العصابات الاجرامية من الصداميين والتكفيريين جريمة كبرى جديدة ضدالمقدسات واتباع اهل البيت عليهم السلام , فقد فجر هذا اليوم ثلاثة من الاوغاد القذرين انفسهم وسط الحشود من المؤمنين الذين انهوا توا اداء صلاة الجمعة في جامع براثا المنسوب الى امير المؤمنين الامام علي عليه السلام . انني وبمناسبة شهادة الامام العسكري (ع) الذي تصادف شهادته هذا اليوم , وبهذه المناسبة المفجعة ارفع العزاء الى سيدي ومولاي الامام الحجة المنتظر عجل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف , والى المرجع الاعلى اية الله السيد علي السيستاني ( دام ظله الشريف) , والى عوائل الشهداء سئلا المولى عز وجل ان يمن على الجرحى بالشفاء العاجل . ان هذا الاعتداء على جامع براثا والمصلين فيه لم يكن الاول وانما سبقته عمليات عدوان متكررة طيلة الفترة الماضية , وقد قامت في الآونة الاخيرة جهات معروفة بشن حملة ظالمة وتحريضية ضد الجامع متهمة العاملين فيه بتهم باطلة , ومن تلك الجهات صحيفة البصائر التابعة لما يسمى بهيئة علماء المسلمين وصحيفة الاعتصام التابعة الى الدكتور عدنان الدليمي . ان التحريض الطائفي يساهم بدون شك في تهيئة الاجواء الى انطلاق مثل هذه الاعمال الاجرامية , كما ان الجهات التي تساهم بهذا التحريض تتحمل مسؤلية مثل هذه الجرائم كما نص على ذلك قانون مكافحة الارهاب المعطل . انني بهذه المناسبة احمل الحكومة مسؤولية التقصير في تحمل مسؤلياتها في حماية ارواح المواطنين , وادعوها الى تفعيل وتطبيق قانون مكافحة الارهاب ومحاسبة وملاحقة حواضن الارهاب الذين باتوا يصعدون من درجة حمايتهم للارهابيين والدفاع عنهم وتقديم المساعدات المتعددة لهم , كما ادعو الاجهزة الامنية المختصة الى الاسراع بعمليات التطهير للاجهزة الامنية من العناصر المندسة المتواطئة مع الارهابيين . وفي الختام اسأل الله عز وجل ان يتغمد الشهداء الابرار برحمته ورضوانه وان يلهم ذويهم الصبر والسلوان , وان يمن على الجرحى بالشفاء العاجل ولا حول ولا قوة الا بالله . جلال الدين الصغير Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Airedale Posted April 8, 2006 Report Share Posted April 8, 2006 Today the moque is considered as a vert important historical importance. The place was existed before the build of Baghdad in the 800 BC. ..... ... I don't know if the Qaeda planners real intentions of choosing such important islamic mosque where both Sunni and shia gratly respect, but there is one historical incident that might high light some of the motives.. Imam Ali had passed through this while he was fighting Khawarig in Nahrawan.. Today a lot of Muslim historians accuse the current Salafaa Jihadest as a ncestors of Kharaig who legitimize killing of any one "moslim or not" if not following their sick idiology. Something similar to what these Jihadist believe. Khawarig's suicider did kill Imam Ali while praying in Kufa mosque. yester sadamist expolode a car in the grave yard of Alsam in Najaf, where Imam Ali shrine is. I know the above is not the real motives but the iginition of civil war.. However high lightinh some historical aspect is important.At the end these Qaeda terrorists are living their sick mind history.Not to criminal plans, such acts might go differently. I think this will bring Shia parties together. . Imam of Buratha mosque Shieck Jala Alsaghir , Iraqi perilement member and senior Shia coalition figure, calls for the governement to show take its responsibilties in protecting people and to activate anti terrorist laws. He accused the Sunni Assiciation radicle clergy Harith Aldharee of responsibility in this attack as his newspaper had published an article against the mosque couble of days ago. According to anti-terorist laws, any one encouraging terrorist actions is considered sharing the crime responsibility ....... ...The targets chosen may have historical importance but they are targets of opportunity as the best target with little protection. Doesn't Iraq have about 26,000 mosques or there about? Mot all can be protected with military fortress security. I wonder what, Imam of Buratha mosque, Shieck Jala Alsaghir would say in the future if these sadamist terror attacks managed to strike at Al Sistani himself ? I'm mean if the shrine al Sistani comes under much visable destruction, will the Shia accept responsibility for taking over security of all Iraq? Would such a target by sadamist be considered a major victory in creating a push to civil war but only push unity in the majority ? But anyway, did the Sunni Assiciation radicle clergy Harith Aldharee reply in a public statement about the comment made against him by Jala Alsaghir ? Or was the statement by the shieck, Jala Alsaghir , meant as a warning to a minority of followers of Harith Aldharee that the Iraqi government has "proof" to the identities of sadamists that may be sheltered by the Sunni radical clerics followers ? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
salim Posted April 8, 2006 Author Report Share Posted April 8, 2006 Indeed The Sunni association and most other sunni Arab authorities had a very harsh condemnation to the incident. At the end Imam Ali refrences are theirs too. The qaeda sick mind is not a sunni but a khawaraj idiology. The Sunni coverage to their criminal acts is comming from secular sadamists who don't care but to find ways to stop the current democratic changes. Unfortunetly, Harith Aldharee and his association of radical islamic background are putting Sunni arabs in a very bad situstion by not condenming the qaeada and their school of thought in clear wordings . They used to give generic statements. On an interview one of the association leaders was on Aliraqia. He was condemning the attacks on civilians but when the interviewer asked him to condenm Zarqawee, he refused, he said that who knows if he exists.! For radical sunni arab, specially sadamists and radical islamist, alqaeda is an ally that provide them with money and suiciders, something that they are in despirate need . Shiekh Jalal is known for very moderate and popular stands, he was calling for the government to apply the anti terrorist law that was passed by the national assemply , he was saying why the government is failing short of applying it. I think such criminal acts by sadamists and qaeda is not working for their agenda. Iraqis feel the danger and getting closer .. They know that those who do it are aiming to ignite the civil war that would not serve the interest of Iraqis.. Today Mr. Alhakim, was speaking in a gathering, he said that these criminals need to know that what ever they do they will mnot fool us to get into what they want. What I ment by getting majority together is that Iraq today need a unified majority to cross the current crisis. We might want the religous coalition be split but currently such split will serve the sadamists. Their dreams of returning back to power is only blocked by such unified broad anti sadamist coalitions. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Mustefser Posted April 8, 2006 Report Share Posted April 8, 2006 In Arabic , some historical background about the mosque , also interesting photos for the Well, rocks and the mosque.. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Airedale Posted April 10, 2006 Report Share Posted April 10, 2006 Iraq the Model mentions two theories why the attack was made on this particular mosque as well as its historical significance. He may be correct about the timing of the attack and why it worked. They hide,dressed like women. Friday, April 07, 2006 The reason why they chose 'Buratha'. .... ... But that's not the most important thing because this mosque is of considerable political significance, the preacher in this mosque is Jalal Addin al-Sagheer, a cleric from the SCIRI who was the first SCIRI member to publicly urge Ibrahim al-Jafari to withdraw his nomination for office. This mosque is one of the headquarters of the SCIRI and its clerical wing in Baghdad, even that Abdul Aziz al-Hakeem's son Ammar al-Hakkem preaches occasionally in this mosque when sheikh Jalal is not available. A military confrontation between the Sadr militias and the American (and possibly Iraqi) army is imminent and it's the Sadrists themselves who are pushing in this direction and preparing their forces for a battle they want to have to disrupt the political process and drag Iraq into an irreversible state of civil war. There are powers in the region that want this to happen, primarily Syria and Iran but I think they realized that a Sadr Vs. US battle is not enough and can only result in a big defeat for Sadr without reaching their desired objective of ruining Iraq. So, it is logical to think that Iran and Syria would try to drag as many Iraqi parties as possible into this battle and the first candidate they would choose would be the SCIRI, the powerful Shia party that is not getting along well with Sadr and has recently sided with the Kurds, Sunni and secular powers in calling for Jafari to step away and even considering forming a united political front with them. Another possible theory is that this attack is a warning message to the SCIRI that they must stay friends with Sadr, support Jafari and abort any plan to form a unity government with the Kurds, Sunni and secular parties. If either theory is correct, the attack is aimed at stopping Iraq from having a government and prolonging the instability for as long as possible. ..... ... He goes on to explain why it was a target of opportunity at the time of the bombing. Sending in "women" after prayer services were concluded . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
salim Posted April 10, 2006 Author Report Share Posted April 10, 2006 So, it is logical to think that Iran and Syria would try to drag as many Iraqi parties as possible into this battle and the first candidate they would choose would be the SCIRI, the powerful Shia party that is not getting along well with Sadr and has recently sided with the Kurds, Sunni and secular powers in calling for Jafari to step away and even considering forming a united political front with them While all options are open for wide imagination, I feel the above as too wide. First of all the Shia mosques were the target for Sadamist and Qaeda over the last three years and specially the last two months. Second it assumes an intesive control by Iran/Syria on these sick minded Qaeada criminals, something that would gift Iran extra cards to play with.. Third it looks to me is part of current confusion by some who propaganda for Shia SCIRI to be pro Iran, now just because SCIRI didn't show great sympathy with their Jaafre rival, they become Iran's enemy .. The analysis above might please some who are looking for any link of Iran/Syria to the Sadimst/Qaeda acts against Shia.. These are of two type. One who want to complete the mission by having Shia fighting each other. The other are those who hate Iran religous regime more than loving Iraq stability.. SCIRI is playing critical role in bringing USA and IRAN on Iraqi issue, such role can't be played with no full trust by both parties.. Months ago Baathist propaganda machine was saying SCIRI is Pro Iran and Alasader is the Arab anti Iran sect , that was when interior ministery was doing good job in fighting terror... After the recent Almehdi Army show off campaign against the Qaeda and Sadamist , the machine started to say that Asader is an agent of Iran and SCIRI is the Arab.. I personally found both allegations are politicaly driven and has no relation to reality.. Both parties are doing what ever they thing right from their prospective, having good relation with Iran is part of their cards to play, allowing Iran to play with their destiny is something completely different.. I personally think that the Americans need to open all possible doors with all Iraqi groups. They did great job bringing Sunni Arab to the political process, they need to do similar great one with Alsadrees. Today I was amazed by Embassidor Zad talking to Iraqia TV. He explained the American policy and being open to all. When he was asked about Alsadrees, he confirmed the American policy of bringing all and he said that they send letters to Alsader stating such policy.. Today we need to encourage all Iraqis that might be of help in fighting terrorist, we already encouraged radical sunni arab who might showed sympathy and soft stand toward terrorist, so what could block us from opening same doors to a very important group in our fight with sadamist and Qaeda...? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
salim Posted April 14, 2006 Author Report Share Posted April 14, 2006 Shiekh Jalal Alsagheir, the Imam of the Buratha mosque, stand today on the Friday pray to have a long defiant speach in front of hundreds of prayers to defy and condemn Alqaeda and Sadamist and to say that such criminal acts will not bloc Shia from excersizing their beleives. He aslo send strong calls for Shia and Sunni to unite in front of the criminals plans to ignite civil war . He recited the the Shia "s Imam Hussain defiant say " Never we be humilated" , a call that derive Shia over the last 14 centuries.. The crowd were so emmotionally replying to his reciting. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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