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people support to "resistance"

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Hi to everybody,


I'm not sure whether this is the right forum to post this but it seems I can't post in any other. First of all I want to thank you all for this good initiative and wish you the best, then I come straight to the point.


In left wing press in europe (and I guess in the USA too) there has been a lot of claims about military action opposing coalition forces to be a true and legitimate resistance, fighting to free Iraq from the occupation and fighting for iraqi people true freedom.


See for instance this Guardian article about resistance. Or try to find in November 21 issue of

Alquds Alarabi an interview to a resistant claiming massive people support to resistance, and "interethnic" participation (kurds, turkman, sunni, shihi). Unfortunately I've read the article in spanish and am not able to read arab (as Alquds Alarabi is written only in arab) but if you are interested I can translate it from spanish.


My opinion until now has been that so-called resistance forces are mostly remaining of Ba'hatist party, terrorists from abroad and, all in all, if they are trying to throw coalition forces out of iraq it is very unlikely they are doing this for the freedom of Iraqi people.


Obviously I have my doubts. I would really like you to read these article and give me your opinion about it because in EU this is a very controversial question.



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hello oblomov

Are you in Spain?

I'm not sure whether this is the right forum to post this but it seems I can't post in any other.

I myself discovered that us westerners are only allowed to start threads in this area also.

The both of us are new to the board and learning.

Don't worry about the "Guardian variety" media. I did skim through it.

those left wingers are still upset about the fall of communism. :blink:

How they long for the good old days.

Like that system is going to make a comeback.


I can't read arabic so I didn't bother to read that article.

My opinion until now has been that so-called resistance forces are mostly remaining of Ba'hatist party, terrorists from abroad and, all in all, if they are trying to throw coalition forces out of iraq it is very unlikely they are doing this for the freedom of Iraqi people.

oblomov, my guess is your opinion is of the majority.Many of us share your opinions.


Problem is

many, if not most of us, posting on this board are outsiders.


We,the outsiders,won the war but honestly,

we could still "lose the peace" if the Iraqi's prefer to remain tame subjects of Saddam.


Saddam turned the majority of them into fearing their own shadow.

How to break that habit is the challenge.

Attacks against the coalition forces is only going to continue the opression of the majority.


I guess thats what the ba'athist intentions are.

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Hi Airedale,


no, I'm not from Spain, I'm from Italy. Here is also the

interview with a resistant in spanish (the site has an entire section on iraq resistance). I renew my offer to translate from spanish if somebody here find it interesting.


I think that peace can be lost also because of colaition forces bad behaviour/strategy, not because of iraquis willingngess of going back to Saddam regime (that I think there is none...).


I'd really like to hear comments from insiders, now you know what's my opinion on that but, as an outsider, I could be terribly wrong...



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Crisis de la ocupación: EEUU pide un mayor papel de la OTAN en Iraq al tiempo que confirma la creación de una fuerza paramilitar iraquí


Dos ataques en 24 horas contra la brigada 'Plus Ultra'


If you can translate that article to english, I will read it.

I do not understand Spanish.

I myself have been to Italy.Many places.Venice,Rome Napoli,Pisa.

Nice country.

Great food :D

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العراقيون وطرقات ........الابواب


ربما يكون العنوان غريبا الا ان العراقيين تعنيهم هذه الكلمه فطوال خمسه وثلاثون عاما من الارهاب الجسدي والنفسي جعل من طرقات الابواب عند العراقين رعبا قادم الى نفوسهم فزائر الليل هذا لطالما قاد الى قبر جماعي او عوق جسدي او نفسي على اقل تقدير .

فنظام صدام كان يجيد هذه اللعبه بشكل مميز وهذا مما اثر على العراقيين ليجعل من حاستهم السادسه اكثر قوه وتاثيرا في استكشافهم للاحداث ! كي ما يتحسبوا لهذا الطارئ الذي سيحل عليهم .

فكثير من العجائز من امهاتنا ذهبن الى حمل التمائم وقراءه التعاويذ بشكل مستمر طالما حل الليل ولا مانع من اعادته قراتها عند اقبال النهار فالموت لايعرف وقتا, فربما كان الزائر مستعجلا في مهمته ولا يستطيع الانتظار .

ربما هذا الحدث دفع الناس اكثر للتوجه لله في عبادته لانهم اصبحوا واثيقين اكثر من ذي قبل لملاقاته قريبا وفي أي لحظه.

اما اليوم فان هذا الخوف الذي زرعه صدام تحول الى خوف اخر وهو سماع طرقات ولكن من نوع اخراكثر صخبا وضجيجا . فزراعه لغم هنا وتفخيخ منطقه هناك ليس بامر صعب على مجرم محترف فربما كانت طرقات الابواب اقل استمتاعا من طرقات مباشره على الاجساد في الشارع في المدرسه في السوق في أي مكان يمكن للانسان التواجد فيه فصدام لايمكنه ترك هوايته المفضله بهذه السهوله خصوصا اذا ما التف حوله بعض ممن عميت قلوبهم على فهم الاسلام ليقوموا بذلك نيابه عنه او شراكه معه والهدف واحد .

واليوم تقوم العجائز ممن حملن التعاويذ لمزاوله عملهم عسى ان ينعم ابنائهن او احفادهن مما حرمن منه .



بهلول الحكيم

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You might find answers from some one who just returened from Iraq,, Please go through the second part of the this






No for almost 80% who find democracy as only way of having a secure future for every one.


Yes for around 10% of Iraqi's who are finding the new political change as a big loss.. They feel that democracy simlpy means no chance for getting back to the old golden days of being alone as the good citizens


the other 10% might not be decided yet if the offered bribes by the Baathists and Wahabee's worth shoting an American or killing a bunch of Iraqis.


As a summary: Tel me what is your position toward democracy in Iraq , I can tell you what is your opinion about the Terror/Resistance .. Call it what you like.


Nothing to do with Occupation

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the original article is in spanish and I gave the link in the first post. I also gave the link to a supposed arabic version but it's on an arabic only newspaper and I cannot find the actual url.


The above post is the translation of the article from spanish to english that I DID, the only place you'll find it on the web is this forum :-)


Can anybody please translate what bahlol said?



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