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Baghdadee بغدادي

Saddam to Hang

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Long live the new Iraq







Saddam Hussein sentenced to death


Saddam Hussein remained defiant throughout his sentencing

Saddam Hussein has been convicted of crimes against humanity and sentenced to death by hanging.

The former Iraqi leader was convicted over the killing of 148 people in the mainly Shia town of Dujail following an assassination attempt on him in 1982.


His half-brother Barzan al-Tikriti and Iraq's former chief judge Awad Hamed al-Bandar were also sentenced to death.


Former Vice-President Taha Yassin Ramadan got life in jail and three others received 15 year prison terms.


Another co-defendant, Baath party official Mohammed Azawi Ali, was acquitted.


Saddam Hussein and his co-defendants will be given the right to appeal, but that is expected to take only a few weeks and to end in failure for the defendants







Saddam will have to plea bargain over the next few weeks if he wants to live.


Otherwise, he will wish he was never taken captive from that hole in the ground he was hiding in.

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بالرغم من اني اعارض عقوبه الاعدام لاي شخص كان كما اني لا يهمني ان اعدم فعلا ام لا الا اني سررت بهذا النبأ لكونه يمثل اقسى عقوبه ممكنه لشخص مجرم وهذا هو المطلوب وهذه هي العبره
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اليوم ظهر بيانا لوزاره الداخليه يطلب فيه حارث الضاري الى التحقيق وجاء رد الضاري سريعا وعنيفا ضد رئيس الجمهوريه الطالباني ورئيس وزراءه المالكي بعدما كان التصريحات الناريه لكليهما مبطنه اصبحت الان علنيه الا ان المستغرب ان برهم صالح يقول لقد فوجئت الرئاسه بطلب الداخليه لاندري ان كانت هذه مسرحيه جديده لدخول العراق بمهاترات جانبيه لتاخير اعدام الطاغيه ام انها بدايه لحرب شرسه يدفع ثمنها العراقيين
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