salim Posted December 22, 2003 Report Share Posted December 22, 2003 سالني طفلى الصغير لماذا لانضع شموع عيد الميلاد احتفالا بميلاد المسيح؟ لم اعرف ماذا اجيب.. في البدايه اردت ان اجيب انه عيد مسيحي ونحن مسلمون ولكني تداركت .. فالمسيح ليس نبيا مسيحيا , هو رسولا اسلاميا مقدسا يضاهي في رسالته ونبوته الرسول محد "ص".. ثم اردت ان اقول اننا لانحتفل باعياد الميلاد, ولكني تذكرت المولود الذي اقمناه بمناسبه ميلاد الرسول والائمه.. واردت ان اقول اننا لا نهتم بالمسيح كولاده وانما به كرساله وتراجعت فلم يذكر حادثه ولاده ولم يمجد في القران كما كان مع تفاصيل ولاده المسيح وامه الطاهره مريم.. لااعتقد ان في القران تفصيلات عن ولاده اي شخص حتى الرسول الكريم نفسه بينما يفرد القران سورا لولاده المسيح وعضمتها.. اذن اوجه السؤال لجميع اخواني المسلمين .... انا ساحتفل بعيد ميلاد المسيح لكل هذه الاسباب فهل هذا مخالف للاسلام ؟ ام هو مما يوجبه دراسه معاني القران.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mutergem Posted December 22, 2003 Report Share Posted December 22, 2003 Translating Salim's My little one asked me " Why we don't put the Chrismas lighting to celebrate Jesus birth?" I failed to have answer. At the begining , I wanted to reply that this is because it is a christian day, then I realised that Jesus was not only Christain , according to Islam , he is a holy prophet just like Prophet Mohamed "P". Then I wanted to reply that we don't celebrate birthdays, then I remebered that we already did with prophet Mohammed and Imam's. Then I wanted to reply that we are interested in Jesus as a mission not as a person. then I remebered that Quran never talked about a birth of some legende as did with Jesus birth. Quran never demostarte with glory a birth such the one of Jesus and his mother "purified Mary. I don't think that Quran had any details about a birth, even the birth of Prophet Mohammed, while there is complete phrase about Jesus birth and it's great meanings. I would like to pass this question to all of my fellow Muslims. I personally will celebrate it this year for all the above reasons.. Do you think this as a non Islamic? Or it must be what Quran had refered to? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BahirJ Posted December 23, 2003 Report Share Posted December 23, 2003 Dear Salim I think it is a matter of believe and the way we interpret Quran. If you celebrate Muslim icons’ birthdays, then you can celebrate for the Jesus’ one. Salafi Muslims were and are still against celebration of Prophet Mohammed's birthday. Quoting from one of their site Celebrating the Prophet's birthday is bida (an innovation in the religion); the Prophet (saaws) did not instruct others to do it, and he didn't have companions around him doing it and then give any type of permission (including silent permission). We are not to make distinction between any of the Prophets. Distinction in status, for instance. Like to say one is better than another. This leads to idol worship, similar to what the Christians did when they began to worship Jesus instead of treat him as the Prophet he was. They just took it a step too far.. and kept running with it, up to what it is today. I personally think that celebrating the Christmas knowing that we are rejoicing the birth of one of our prophets has no harm. We don’t have to agree with the Christians regarding the crucifixion of Jesus but we can both celebrate his birthday. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest_aabir sabeel Posted December 23, 2003 Report Share Posted December 23, 2003 dear salim, my opiniun is that celebration in general and celebrating a birthday in purticular is a part of phsycological tradition expressing the excitement and happiness and religion has nothing to do with it. i think - at least in quraan - there is no hint to whether we should or should not celebrate a birthday. i think nowadays - and even christian people might agree with me - that lots of people who celebrate Christmas are not really religious or believers, but it just a part of their tradition they enjoy being involved in and join the others' celebration. so, if the non-religious can celebrate it, so can the muslim of course who really believes in Jesus as a messenger of God, but again i think it is not a matter of we should or we shouldn't in a religious sense, but it's a matter of enjoying the tradition of celebrating birthday just like when we have a newborn baby or not. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted December 24, 2003 Report Share Posted December 24, 2003 اخي العزيز من قال ان ديننا يحرم الاحتفال بعيد المسيح (ع) لايوجد اي نص قراني او من السيرة مايمنع ذلك بل وعلى العكس تماما فديننا يقدس المسيح ويوم ولادته ولو عدت الى سورة مريم ستجد تفاصيل ذلك بل ونعتبره حي يرزق فنحن نحتفل بمواليد اطفالنا واهلينا وهل هؤلاء افضل من المسيح ( ماعاذ الله ) الذي اعتقده ان المهم في الموضوع طريقة الاحتفال بهذه المناسبه مع مايتناسب وتعاليم ديننا وكذلك مايتناسب مع عاداتنا وتقاليدنا وهذا هو الموضوع في وجهة نظري ابو احمد من داخل العراق Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
salim Posted December 24, 2003 Author Report Share Posted December 24, 2003 باهر و عابر نعم اتفق معكم ان ليس هناك مايمنع في الاسلام من الاحتفال بميلاد احد الانبياء او العظماء .. الشيعه يحتفلون بميلاد الامام الحجه باحتفال خاص عظيم والسنه عموما يحتفلون بميلاد النبي محمد "ص" بشكل متميز وكلا الاحتفالين لم يرد بهما نص ديني خاص انما اصبحتا تقليدا وذلك لعضمه الشخصيتين في نضر المسلمين. القران في تصوري لم يمجد ميلاد النبي عيسى "ع" من خلال تمجيد الشخصيه نفسها فقط والا لكان الاولى ان يمجد ويهتم بميلاد الرسول محمد "ص" ايضا الذي لم يرد اي شئ حول ميلاده ناهيك عن ميلاد الامام الحجه مثلا.. الاهتمام القرئاني يرأي كان للحدث نفسه كمعجزه الهيه فريده وان يكون النبي عيسى "ع" قد تم تكليفه منذ الولاده , انضر الى سوره مريم19.30 تتحدث عن لسانه بعد الولاده مباشره "قال اني عبد الله اتاني الكتاب وجعلني نبيا" وهو امر لم يحصل مع بقيه الانبياء. من هنا فان احتفالنا بالميلاد يجب ان لا يكون اقل من احتفالنا باي من الايام والاعياد المهمه مثل الاسراء والمعراج و الغدير و الهجره و غيرها من اعياد المسلمين لان ميلاد المسيح "ع" كان حدثا قرءانيا مجيدا بحد ذاته . ان دعوتي في الاساس تنطلق من هذا الاحتفال يجب ان يكون اسلاميا قبل ان يكون مسيحيا Bahir and Aaber, Agree with you that there is no teaching in Islam that would prohibit the celebration of any prophet or great legend's birthday. Shia are celebrating the Imam AlHuga "P" in a special great day, and Sunni are celebrating the birth of prophet Mohammed "S" . Both celebrations were not listed in any official islamic teachings, they are celebrating it as part of glory remembrance of both great legends. In my opinion, Quran didn't emphasize the birth only as part of the glorifying of Jesus "P", if so then it was important to mention the birth of Prophet Mohammed "S" not mentioning the birth of Imam Alhuga. I think the Quranic interest is for the birth circumstances as a miracle and that Jesus "P" was the only Prophet that was appointed since birth.. Have a look to Mary's Phrase 30:19 talking on behalf of him, immediately after birth "He said, I am servant of Allah gave me the book and had appointed me as his prophet" Such thing that never happened with other Prophets. So our celebration should not be as part of the birth itself, and should be not less than the celebration of "Essraa" or Ghadeer or other Islamic days because Jesus "P" birth was a Quraanic great day by itself.. My call is that this day should be Islamic great day! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest_salim Posted January 30, 2004 Report Share Posted January 30, 2004 Good article about some Islamic issues .. In arabic though Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted February 8, 2004 Report Share Posted February 8, 2004 The problem is not to celeberate it or not, it's also about when u can celeberate it, I heard before for a muslim scholar, that the timing used in the west is compeletly wrong and the there is no relation between the birth of jesus "peace upon him" and the new year, and what support what i'm saying that Mariam "peace upon him" was ordered by god to shake the pulm to get the dates "this as in quran", dates grow only in summer, this scholar has mentioned also, that the birth of jesus was sometime in Aug., and he has given some evidence, which i can't recall now "I'm sorry", so even if u want to celeberate it you should stick to the right timing "from our religion" not just to have fun as the same time as the most of the wolrd do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
salim Posted February 8, 2004 Author Report Share Posted February 8, 2004 that Mariam "peace upon him" was ordered by god to shake the pulm to get the dates "this as in quran", dates grow only in summer, this scholar has mentioned also, that the birth of jesus was sometime in Aug., Indeed that was one of the issues about timming that made me having same concern..i changed my mind after Sadam capture.. I noticed how dates in the Samara/tikrit region stay in the palms late . Some time after Dec. as one of the Iraqi specialists put it. When I looked to Bet Laham geographical position, I can tell it is more similar to Tikrit than to Baghdad and south where dates should be picked by Sept. Any how , as a muslim, I don't have any official other date for the birth, so either no celebrating or take what ever possible from those who had dedicated them selfs to Eisa "PUH" .. Any the end it is not the exact date that we need to look after , it is the meaning of it.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
omward Posted April 1, 2005 Report Share Posted April 1, 2005 الدين الاسلامي دين سمح، وهو امتداد للدينين اليهودي والمسيحي، فهذه الاديان الثلاثة توحد الله تعالي، ولهذا السبب فهما دينان مبجلين في الاسلام، والقران الكريم مملوء بذكر موسى وعيسى ع ويختلف الفقهاء حول الاحتفال باعياد ميلاد الانبياء ووفاتهم، حيث ان المذهب الحنبلي يعتبر الاحتفال باي عيد أو وفاة هو بدعة، اعتمادا على قول قول الرسول ص بان المسلمين لهم عيدان هما الفطر والاضحى المباركين ولكنه ص لم يمنع المسلمين من الاحتفال بالاعياد الاخرى وهذا المذهب مثلا عنده الاحتفال الكبير للشعب المصري بالمولد النبوي الشريف هو بدعة وامر محرم مثلما عندهم محرم ايضا الاحتفال بمناسبة مولد الحسين او مقتله ع ونحن في العراق بمذاهبنا المختلفة بعيدون والحمد لله عن هذا التعصب، فمثلما نحتفل بايقاد الشموع في نهري دجلة والفرات، بخضر الياس ع ، وعمل صواني الآس والحلويات والشموع في مولد يحيى بن زكري ع ، كذلك نحتفل بميلاد المسيح ع وتزيين البيوت بالاشجار الجميلة، فأين الكفر والمعصية في الاحتفال بمولد نبي من الانبياء وادخال البهجة والسرور في قلوب اطفالنا؟ ونحن بالحتفالنا بميلاد المسيح ع وكأننا نحتفل بعظمة اسلامنا وعظمة نبينا واهل بيته، حيث ان المسيح ع قد لعن قتلة الحسين ع وامر قومه بلعنهم كما ورد في الكامل للزيارات لابن قولويه، وبارك في الأرض التي قتل عليها الحسين ع حين قال انك لبقعة كثيرة الخير، فيك يدفن القمر الزاهر ام ورد Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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