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Baghdadee بغدادي


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Posts posted by baghda

  1. الحلقه الاولى من حوار ممتع حول الاوضاع مع شابات عراقيات جامعيات

    The first part of a very intersting debate with Iraqi young ladies from inside Iraq

    Wiil try to translate in parts, keep tunned


    Insider says:


    خالة سلمى تقول ان احد الطلبة اخبرها يوما عندما سالته من تنتخب


    قال انا لايهمني و لكن يجب ان ياتي رجل يحكمنا مثل الشيخ زايد


    Salma told us that she asked one of here students about who to ellect? he replied, I don't care , I want some  one like Shikh Zayed of UAE

    Abo Zina says:


    ها ها


    اتدكر عندما احتل صدام الكويت


    سالني احدهم عن راي بالاحتلال


    قلت لامانع بشرط ان يحكمنا امير الكويت


    وانت مادا تقولين وكدلك زهراء .. من ستنتخبو

    Ha ha

    this remind me of some asked me when Saddam occupied Kuwait, about my opinion.. I replied , no problem but with condition. Shikh al Kuwait should rule!


    And you Zahraa , what do you say.. Whom will you  ellect?

    Insider says:


    السيد الحكيم


    Mr. Alhakeem

    Abo Zina says:




    Insider says:


    زهراء المندفعة


    Zahraa is very excited

    Abo Zina says:


    مندفعه لمن

    Excited for what?

    Insider  says:


    جدا مندفعة


    وهي تريد الحكيم


    Very excited and wanted Alhakeem to win

    Abo Zina says:




    Insider says:


    مندفعة للانتخابات


    She is excited about ellections

    Abo Zina says:


    لمادا للانتخابات ولمادا الحكيم

    Why for Alhakeem and why for ellections

    Insider  says:


    لانه رجل لايقتل احد بغير ذنب ولايحرم الاولاد عن اباءهم


    She is a very wise and will not kill any one without a reason

    He will not block kids from their father


    Note point: Zahraa lost her father in the Iran war when she was at age of months

    Abo Zina says:


    ولكن علاوي يمكن ان يكون كدلك


    هدا ليس سبب كاف

    But  Alawee might be too..

    That is not enought reasoning

    Insider  says:


    ان الانتخابات هي حلم زهراء


    تقول لاني اعبر عن نفسي بصدق


    Zahraa said that ellection is here dream.

    She added I can then truely express my self

    Abo Zina says:


    اريد سبب اقوى يقتعني لمادا يجب ان ان انتخب الحكيم

    I need a stronger reason why choosing Alhakeem

    Insider says:


    تقول زهراء لانه سوف نعيش بحريه وامان في كل ما اقول

    Zahraa : That is becuase we will be living in happiness and security.. And he is a fair man

    ورجل عادل


    Abo Zina says:


    ولكن هدا ايظا يمكن ان يكون مع غيره

    But this is also can happen with others

    Isider says:


    يعطيني حقوقي


    حتى لو كان غيرة


    He will give me my rights

    Yes even others can do it

    Abo Zina says:


    ماهي الحقوق التي سيعطيك اياها والتي لايعطيك اياها غيره

    What rights will he  give you?

    Insider says:


    لانه سوف يعطيني الامان و اتكلم بحرية لا بخوف و رعب


    He will give me security and the right to speak freely without fear

    Abo Zina says:


    مره اخرى هدا يمكن مغ غير الحكيم ايظا


    Agian this might be happened with others



    الدستور هو الدي يكفل دلك وليس شخص الحكيم مع احترامي الشديد له

    The constitution is the one who will grant you your rights not Alhakeem, with full respect to him

    Insider  says:


    نعم انا لا اصر الا الحكيم


    Yes I don't insiste on him

    Abo Zina says:


    سؤال لمادا تختارين الحكيم من بين كل المرشحين

    My question is about why you choose him among the others

    Insider says:


    انا صحيح انا اقول ربما يكون مع علاوي

    Yes you are right it might be true  with others

    لانه الحكيم


    May be because he is Alhakeem

    Abo Zina says:


    صدام كان بنضر محبيه لانه صدام


    But Saddam was also looked at by his followers because he is Saddam


    اريد شى ملموس

    I need some thing concrete

    Insider  says:


    لاني اشعر بان كل رجل دين يعطي حقوق الناس اكثر من غيره

    May be becuase I feel a regious man would be more trusty and fair than others

    Insider says:


    هذا شعور زهراء


    That is zahraa's opinion

    Abo Zina says:


    ولكن مقتدى ايظا رجل دين بنظر محبيه وانا لااثق بامكانيته

    But Moqtada Alsader is a religous person too, and I don't trust his ability

    هدا لايكفيني

    That is not enough

    هل هدا يكفيك

    Is it for you

    Insider says:




    Abo Zina says:


    هده سرى ام زهراء

    Is it Sura or Zahraa

    Insider  says:


    اشعر بان الحكيم رجل ناضج


    و المقتدى رجل طائش من تصرفاته

    I think Alhakeem is a matured man but Muqtada is non stable, that is from his behaviours

    Insider says:



    That is zahraa

    Abo Zina says:


    ارجوا كتابه الاسم قبل الاجابه كي استطيع ان اعرف من المتكلم

    Please write the name of the talker

    Insider  says:


    كلها زهراء


    All from zahraa

    Abo Zina says:


    ادن كونه رجل دين فقط لايكفي


    So being a relogious man is not enough

    Abo Zina says:


    ربما تقصدين تربيته وتصرفاته السابقه هي التي تجعلك تميلين لترشيحه

    You might mean his family that he was raised within and his behaviours

    Insider  says:





    Abo Zina says:


    ماهو راي سرى

    What about Sura

    سرى says:


    و معاملته مع الناس الذين عاشوا وياه

    And also the way he deals with people around him

    Insider  says:


    سرى ما عندي راي


    Sura: I don't have any opinion

    Abo Zina says:


    تقصدين انه محل ثقه ولديه خبره في التعامل مع مواضيع حساسه كالتي نمر بها

    You mean he is a trusty person and have good experience to deal with sensative things

    Insider says:


    السياسة ما تهمني


    Sura: I don't care about politics

    Abo Zina says:


    هل ستنتخبين ياسرى

    Do you plan to vote

    Insider says:





    Abo Zina says:




    Insider  says:


    اسمي مو بالقائمة

    My nane was wrongly didn't show on the notifying paper


    Abo Zina says:




    Insider says:


    ما ادري

    I don't know

    Abo Zina says:


    هل انت مؤهله عمريا للانتخاب

    Are you elligable

    Insider says:




    Insider  says:


    مروة لا


    Not Marowa, she is not

    Abo Zina says:


    لمادا لم تصلحوا القائمه ادن

    Why didn't you correct the paper

    Insider  says:


    بابا لم يذهب

    My Dad didn't


    Abo Zina says:


    زينه دهبت معنا سياقه عشر ساعات لكي تسجل نفسها وهي ايظا لايهمها السياسه


    Zina drove with us for ten hours to register her self, she also don't care about politics

    Abo Zina says:


    لمادا لم يفعل

    Why he didn't

    Insider  says:


    اكتب له


    You can write to him

    Abo Zina says:


    هل لانه لايريدك ان تنتخبي

    Is it because he don't want you to vote

    Insider  says:


    قل له لعله يذهب


    Plrease ask him, he might go

    Abo Zina says:


    هل سالته انت هدا حقك الشرعي وليس حقه

    Did you ask him?

    Insider  says:


    والدي لا يتكلم معنا هذا الكلام


    Dad don't allow to have such discussions

    Abo Zina says:


    وهل حاولت ان تستفسري منه

    ]Did you tried to open the subject

    Insider  says:


    لانه ليس لنا الحق ان نواجهه بالكلام


    We don't have right to talk to him about such things

    Abo Zina says:


    انا هنا لااشجعك على والدك ولكني اجد فيه انسانا منفتحا وديمقراطيا


    I am not here to ecourage you against your dad, but that is your religious legal right

    Abo Zina says:


    لو كان الخيار لك , هل كنت ستدهبين للتصحيح

    If you have the choice, would you make it?

    Insider says:


    لانه مع الاسف انه معكم شكل و مع ااناس شكل

    Unfortunetly that is when he talk to you, but  he is different when talk to us

    Insider  says:





    Abo Zina says:


    لمادا لا

    Why not

    Insider  says:



    لاني اخاف


    Because I affraid to do so

    Abo Zina says:


    تخافين من مادا

    Affraid of what

    Insider  says:


    من الانفجارات



    Abo Zina says:


    وهل الانفجارات فقط في الانتخابات


    Are explosions only at the ellection posts


    انا لااقول اني اشجعك على الدهاب ولكني اريد ان اعرف هل هو تعاجز ام خوف حقيقي

    I am not ecouraging you, may be me would be affraid if am there

    Insider says:


    وزعو مناشير تكول راح تصير تفجيرات

    They posted flyers saying that there will be explosions

    Insider  says:


    في مراكز الانتخابات

    At the posts

    Insider  says:


    خوف حقيقي


    It is real fear

    Abo Zina says:


    وهل ستكون البيوت اامن من مراكز الانتخابات المحميه

    Do you think houses will be safer

    Insider  says:


    اني بالعكس احب اروح و انتخب بس اخاف

    I love to vote, but I affraid


    Abo Zina says:


    يقال انهم سوف لن يستطيعوا الوصول الى المراكز لانها ستكون مؤمنه جدا لدا فهم ربما يلجأون الى القصف من بعيد وغالبا ما يكون القصف غير دقيق , لدا فاني لااعتقد ان هناك مكان امن في العراق ايام الانتخابات

    Rumers said that they will be able to reach the posts , so they try to shell from distance.. there shells are not accurate, so any house in Iraq  will be in a danger

    Insider  says:


    بس البيت امن


    Neverthe less house is safer

    Abo Zina says:


    الحل ان تدهبو الى الحله او او كربلاء لكي تكونو اكثر امنا

    You might need to go to Hilla to safer place

    Insider says:


    بس الخوف مسيطر عليه


    But fear is controlling myself

    Abo Zina says:


    مسيطر على من

    Controlling who

    Insider says:


    الطريق بيه ارهابيين

    The way to Hilla  is controoled by the terrorists

    Insider says:




    Controlling myself


    عمي اتصل بينا و كال ماكو امان لا تجون


    My uncle called and said there no save havean in Hilla too

    Abo Zina says:


    انا اتفهم دلك وربما كان يمكن ان يكون مسيطر على انا ايظا لو حضرتها


    I appreciat that , I might be in same situation if am there too

    Abo Zina says:


    ادن لاامان في اي مكان

    So no place is safe in Iraq

    Insider  says:


    بس بغداد الامان مفقود تماما اكثر من اي محافظة


    Baghdad is worse that other places

    Abo Zina says:


    هدا صحيح


    That is true

    Abo Zina says:


    وما الحل برايك

    What is the solution in your opinion

    Insider  says:


    لا نعرف


    I don't know

    Abo Zina says:


    وانا ايظا ماراي زهراء

    What about Zahraa

    Insider  says:


    زهراء المندفعة تقول بالامريكان

    Zahraa is excited by the Americans, she said with help of them we will do it

    Insider  says:


    اجيب الامان حاليا


    Abo Zina says:


    ولكن الحكيم يريد ان يطرهم


    But Alhakeem wanted to ask them to leave

    Abo Zina says:


    كما صرح اخيرا

    As he sated lately


    Insider says:


    اني هسة اريد الامريكان

    I wanted the American to stay now

    Insider  says:


    لكن الحكيم اذا استطاع ان يوفر الامان فلا داعي للامريكان

    But if Alhakeem can do it , why not

    Insider  says:


    الله و ياهم


    Let the army leave

    Abo Zina says:


    ولكنك تريدين انتخاب من يريد ان يقول لهم ارحلوا

    But you said you want to vote to some one who want them to leave

    Insider  says:





    Abo Zina says:


    بينما علاوي بقول انه لايريد ان يطلب دلك قبل ان تصبح القوات العراقيه قادره


    While Alawee is saying he will not ask them to leave before Iraqi forces become ready



    اليس هدا تناقض بين افكارك ورغبتك

    Are you contradicting your self

    Insider  says:




    Insider  says:


    و الف لا


    Thousand No

    Abo Zina says:


    كيف مادا تقصدين

    How , I don't understand


    No for whatلا لمن


    Insider  says:




    اريد الامريكان الان

    Because I want them now

    Insider  says:


    لانه لا يوجد رئيس حقيقي الان


    As there is a vacume of power today

    Abo Zina says:


    لم تجيبيني .. اليس في هدا تناقض

    But is that contradictory

    Insider  says:


    لا يوجد تناقض


    Not at all

    Abo Zina says:


    تريدن ان تنتخبي من يريد ان يطرد من تريدين ان يبقوا

    You want to vote for some one who want to ask them to leave while you want them to stay

    Insider says:


    اريد الامريكان لان ماكو رئيس

    I want them because there is not president now

    Insider  says:


    لكن اريد الحكيم لان بعد الانتخابات هو من سيضع الحل لهذه الازمة


    I want Alhakeem becuase he will solve this issue

    Insider  says:


    اني اختارت القائمة مو بسب الامريكان فقط

    I amn't choosing the slate becuase of the Americans only

    Insider  says:


    و انما بسبب

    But also

    Insider  says:


    العدل الموجود فيها

    For the fair people in it



    Abo Zina says:


    وضحي اكثر

    Please talk more about this point

    Insider  says:


    الامريكان الهم فضل انه خلصونا من صدام بس بنفس الوكت اخذوا اكثر من الازم


    The American have a very big faviour on us from getting us out of Saddam, but they also took more than expected

    Abo Zina says:



    اخدوا مادا اريد ان افهم

    Took what

    Insider  says:


    اني اسمع انه الامريكان ياخذون يوميا كميات من النفط

    I heard than they take our oil every day


    و يقولون انها ديون


    cliaming that is debts

    Abo Zina says:


    باخدون من اين وعبر من

    They took from where and through what

    Insider  says:


    ياخذون من العراق عبر الخليج الى امريكا

    Taking through gulf to America

    insider  says:


    و احنا ما عدنا نفط و احنا اهل النفط و عايشين بالبرد


    And we don't have gas, we the one who own the oil, don't have gas and we are freezed

    Abo Zina says:


    وكم هو امكانيه التصدير حاليا من العراق برايك

    Wha is the production rate in Iraq today in your opinion

    Insider  says:


    و نتحسر على ابو النفط يفوت من باب بيتنا

    And today dream of the gas saleman to pass by our doors

    Insider says:


    مليون برميل يوميا


    May be one Million barrels

    Abo Zina says:


    وكم منه يسرقه الامريكان

    How much the are stealing from it

    Insider  says:


    الله اعلم

    God knows


    Abo Zina says:


    وهل تعتقدين ان الامريكان يسرقونه بالطيارات ام من منافد التصدير

    Do you think americans are stealing it by air or through know export pipe lines

    Insider says:



    By ships



    Abo Zina says:


    وهل يستخرجوه بانفسهم ام الحقول المعروفه التي يديرها المهندسون والعمال العراقيين

    Are they exporting it by them self secretly or from the  the known fields that are run by Iraqi engineers and workmen?

    insider  says:


    خالو تريد توصل الى انه العراقيين يسرقون نفطهم 

    Uncle, do you want to say that Iraqis are stealing their oil

    insider  says:


    هذا رايي سرى

    That is Sura's



    Abo Zina says:


    انا لم اقل دلك ولااريد ان المح له


    No am not refreing to this


    ما اردت ان اقوله هو ان نتاكد من كل معلومه تصلنا ونمحص بها


    فقد قال القران الكريم


    والا يعقلون


    وكدلك قال

    What I wanted to say that we need to be careful when hearing such allegations

    Koran said " You need to think"

    Also said

    Insider  says:


    زهراء تقول هذا الذي سمعته


    Zahra: that is what I heard

    Abo Zina says:


    ادا جائكم فاسق بنبا فتبينوا ان تصيبوا قوما بجهاله


    Also said " If some one approach you with am allegation then you should investigate before accepting it"


    انا لااقول ادا كان هناك سرقه ام لا انما اقول ان ما  تصرفه امريكا في العراق يعادل واردات انتاج النفط العراقي


    لمده اعوام ناهيك عن تلك النخبه العزيزه عليهم من شبابهم اللدين يسقطون يوميا

    I don't say if there is a stealing or not but what Americans are paying is more than the total Iraqi exports in years, adding to this their beloved young women and men who are falling every day

    insider  says:


    زهراء تكول صحيح و على راسي


    Zahraa: this absolutely right and on my head .. N>P Iraqi expression of fully respecting some thing

    لعد ليش اريدهم

    That why I trust them



    Abo Zina says:


    لدا لااعتقد ان امريكا يهمها حاليا ان تسرق بضع اطنان من النفط لاتساوي قيمتها الا نسبه ضئيله من ما تتحمله معرضه مصداقيتها للخطر


    That is why I don't buy the idea that they are currently intersted in stealing some drops of our oil that is not more very minor percentage to what they are paying


    ربما اقبل ان اناقش انهم يريدون سرقه نفطنا لاحقا ولكن ليس من مصلحتهم ان يسرقوه الان

    I might accept to discuss the idea that they might be planning to steal it later though.. But now!! no way


    insider  says:


    خلصت مهمتهم فليذهبوا


    Their mission is done , let them go

    Abo Zina says:


    حصل لدي التباس من يقول مادا


    I got confused , who said that?

    Abo Zina says:


    ارجوا توضيح من الدي علق على الفقره الاخيره

    Please let me know asked

    insider  says:


    خالة سلمى


    My Aunt Salma

    Abo Zina says:


    هلو سلمى


    Hello Salma

    Abo Zina says:


    جيد انك ايضا تشاركين في الحوار الممتع

    Good to joined our intersting discussion

    insider  says:


    مرت و سمعتنا وقالت هذا الكلام و راحت


    She already passe  by and left

    Abo Zina says:


    اريد ان اسمع رايك ايظا حول ما ناقشناه قبل ان اجيب على سؤالك


    I want to hear your comment before commenting on your

    Abo Zina says:


    ادعوها الى النقاش ادا كانت ترغب بدلك

    Please ask her if she want to join

    insider  says:





    Abo Zina says:




    insider  says:


    خالة سلمى اجتي

    Oh she just come again

    insider  says:


    و هي وياك


    With you

    Abo Zina says:


    ملاحضه مهمه من سلمى

    Good point by Salma

    الحقيقه ان هناك الكثيرين وخصوصا من اللدين كانوا اصلا ضد عمليه تحرير العراق من الامريكان

    Indeed there some Americans who were against the liberation يضغطون على بوش  ويهيجون الشعب على سبب تحملهم كل هده الخسائر ويقولون خلصت مهمتنا وتحرر العراقيون فلنخرج ونتركهم

    and put a llot of presure on Bush for all the losses in lifes and money, they say Iraqis are liberated, let us leave them now


    ويضيفون ان العراقيين ناكروا الجميل

    They add that Iraqis are not gratefull



    انضر دهبنا لنساعدهم وهم يقتلون ابنائنا

    We went to help them and they killed our beloved sons

    ويتهمون بوش بانه مثالي وغير واقعي عندما يدعوا الى مساعده العراقيين لبناء ديمقراطيه

    They accuse Bush of being idiologistic and non realistic when he call to help Iraqis build their democracy

    حيث يدعون ان الشعوب الاسلاميه لاتمتلك مقومات قيام مثل هده الديمقراطيه لان الدين الاسلامي متخلف ولاتسمح تعاليمه بدلك


    They claim that Muslims are not elligable for democracy because Islam is a retarted idiology and don't allow democracy

    Abo Zina says:


    هلو سلمى اقرائي ما سبق ادا كنت تريدين ان توجعي راسك

    Hello Salma, please read the above if you want have some headge

    insider says:


    خالة سلمى تقول انا ضد هذه الفكرة و قصدي انهم ادوا مهمتهم في بلد اسلامي غير بلادهم تقاليدهم غير تقاليدنا و لكن لا ننسى الجميل و سينطفي الكهرباء بعد خمس دقائق و غدا نكمل الحديث الممتع الذي يوجع الراس


    Salama: I am against the idea altogether, what I ment that they already fished their great job but our culture is different. We will forget their faviour for ever

    Electricy will go away in five minutes and tommorrow we might complete this very intersting debate which bring us a headage!

    Abo Zina says:




    ومادا بشأن البنات هل تريدون الاستمرار ام ان كم تريدون النوم


    انا اعرف ان الوقت متاخر


    ويمكن ان نكمل صباحا فانا مجاز


    What about the girls, do you want to persue or you might be tierd by now

    I know it is too late

    We can continue tomorrow

    insider says:


    نريد الاستمرار و لكن الكهرباء ادركنا


    We want to continue but it almosts the ellectricity time


    خاصة المندفعة زهراء


    Especially the excited Zahraa

    Abo Zina says:


    طيب لنكمله غدا و ليفكر كل منكم بما ناقشناه واريد ان اسمع من كل منكم رايه

    Fine let us talk tomorrow



    لان الكهرباء تاتي ساعة و احدة فقط كل ست ساعات و المولدة متقطعة


    Abo Zina says:


    طيب تصبحو على خير


    insider  says:


    و انت بالف خير

  2. http://www.nynewsday.com/news/nationworld/...,0,284011.story


    New Battle in Najaf Over Soul of Shiism / Debate over political roles for religious leaders





    May 8, 2003



    NAJAF, IRAQ -- They come from windswept villages, walking for many miles to the big city. They wait for hours outside the home of Shia Islam's most revered cleric.


    Some have their questions written down on carefully folded pieces of paper. They crowd around the steel door, hoping for a glimpse inside. The men and women who flock to this narrow alleyway in Najaf are hoping to meet with Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, the most senior cleric in Iraq and the Shia world. It is like asking for an audience with the pope.


    A trickle of people are allowed inside a bare waiting room, where they sit cross-legged on a carpeted floor. They will eventually be able to pose their questions to one of al-Sistani's disciples. Some want guidance about personal and religious problems. Others want the grand ayatollah to pray for the recovery of an ill child or relative.


    This scene is repeated at the homes of many of Najaf's senior clerics. According to Shia doctrine, believers are bound by the edicts of the clerics they choose to follow. In Najaf, which had been the intellectual and spiritual center of Shiism for more than 1,300 years, the answers carry more weight than anywhere else in the Shia world.


    During Saddam Hussein's rule, few people milled outside the homes of Shia clerics. They were too afraid of the regime's violent repression of Shia aspirations, and Najaf's standing was diminished because of Hussein's restrictions on the Shia clergy, many of whom were imprisoned or executed. Now, with the fall of the Baathist regime in Iraq, Najaf is poised to re-emerge as Shiism's most influential city.


    While the clerics and scholars of Najaf grapple with everyday concerns of the faithful, they also are debating some of Shiism's central tenets. And the most divisive argument is about the legitimacy of theocratic rule - governance by mullahs - as practiced in neighboring Iran. The dominant theological school in Najaf rejects the Iranian model. The Najaf clerics, including al-Sistani, say their role is to be spiritual leaders and not to participate directly in politics.


    The ruling clergy in Iran had dismissed al-Sistani's position during Hussein's rule, saying he was under Baathist pressure. But with Hussein gone, Najaf's reemergence could pose a serious threat to Iran's hard-line rulers, who have rested on the principle of rule by clergy since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.


    "Politics involves getting ahead through tricks and deception; these are not the things that Shia clerics should be involved with," said Sayed Muhammad Sadiq al-Kharsan, 42, a leading Najaf theologian and a disciple of al-Sistani's. "Our goal is to get away from these worldly concerns and tend to the Iraqi people's spiritual welfare."


    At its heart, the argument is over competing visions of Shiism's essence. Should the faith be defined by a diverse group of scholars living at seminaries and engaging in esoteric theological debates? Or should it follow the tradition of absolute political and religious leadership advocated by Iran's late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini?


    The debate centers on wilayat al-faqih, a concept that has existed since Islam's early days in the seventh century but that took modern form with Khomeini's rise to power after the 1979 revolution. The concept says that a high Shia scholar, or group of scholars, should have absolute authority over all political, religious and social matters in the Muslim community. It is an idea modeled on the absolute rule exercised by the Prophet Muhammad and his successors.


    The argument has raged in Najaf since the early 1930s, when the leading Shia cleric at the time reached an agreement with the secular government of a newly independent Iraq to keep the clergy out of politics. This school of thought continues to dominate in Najaf at the Shia world's most respected center of learning, the Hawza Al-Ilmiya. There are dissenters in Najaf, clerics who argue that they should take a more activist role in politics to ensure their followers' welfare. But even these scholars stop short of endorsing Khomeini's vision of absolute rule.


    One of the main groups that advocates political involvement for the clergy is the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, whose leader, Ayatollah Muhammad Bakr al-Hakim, has lived in exile in Iran since 1980. Al-Hakim argues that Shia clerics should be involved in a new government in Iraq, modeled on Islamic principles of consultative democracy.


    "There has to be a role for the clergy in any new government," said Sayed Sader-Eddine Koubansi, al-Hakim's newly appointed representative in Najaf. "We cannot stand on the sidelines like we were forced to under Saddam. This does not mean that we want absolute rule by clergy; there can be an Islamic democracy in Iraq."


    The Islamic Revolution vested Iran with great authority in the Shia world, and sealed Najaf's marginalization. Thousands of Iraqi Shia scholars fled to the Iranian city of Qom to escape a brutal crackdown by Hussein's government. Qom eclipsed Najaf as the faith's leading center of study. Iran sought to spread its message of revolutionary Islam throughout the Shia world with the spiritual weight that Qom acquired after the 1979 revolution.


    With Khomeini's vision of the faith ascendant, Shiism came to be viewed in many parts of the world as a fanatical movement with a violent reach extending from Iran to Lebanon. But Iran's spiritual influence diminished after Khomeini's death in 1989 and his succession as supreme leader by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, a cleric with modest religious credentials.


    "With the fall of Saddam, there's going to be a revival of the Hawza in Najaf, and the balance of power will shift back there over the next few years," said Abbas Kadhim, a Najaf native who fled the city after a failed Shia uprising in 1991. He now teaches Islamic studies at the University of California at Berkeley. "The rivalry between Najaf and Iran will resume, and it's going to make the Iranian hard-liners very nervous."


    Many scholars in Qom oppose Khomeini's concept and the authoritarian state it has produced, but they have withdrawn from public life to avoid a confrontation with his successors. The religious establishment in Iran forbids open debate on the question of absolute authority for the country's supreme leader. For years, Iran has waged a war against its dissident clerics, imprisoning or placing dozens of them under house arrest.


    Now, Iranian dissidents are discussing the possibility of seeking refuge in Najaf, in the same way that Khomeini fled here in 1964 to escape persecution by the Shah. Khomeini lived in Najaf until 1978, when he was forced to leave by Hussein.


    "Dissident clerics who cannot debate freely in Iran might go to Najaf," said Mohsen Kadivar, a leading Iranian dissident who spent 18 months in prison for criticizing his country's system. "They might have the opportunity for free speech in Najaf, but that will depend on what kind of political system will emerge in Iraq."


    As the burial place of Imam Ali, Shiism's founding figure, Najaf carries more historical and spiritual weight among the world's 170 million Shia Muslims than Qom. The Iranian city, which is 80 miles south of Tehran, is built around the tomb of the sister of Imam Reza, whom the Shia regard as the eighth successor of Muhammad.


    "Najaf is spiritually superior to Qom. There is no question about that," said Sheik Adnan al-Sihtimani, 38, a popular cleric here. "Every major Shia scholar in the world has either studied in Najaf or has been taught by someone who studied in Najaf."


    But under Hussein's rule, Najaf became a backwater, cut off from the outside world while Qom flourished because of its ties to the clerical establishment in Iran.


    "Under Saddam, Najaf was secluded. It had no political contacts, no technology or even access to the Internet," said Ibrahim Khayat, a correspondent for the pan-Arab newspaper Al-Hayat and an expert on the Shia. "The clergy in Najaf will need an adjustment period to get used to the American presence in Iraq...They're still in this period of hating Saddam and talking about martyrdom."


    The outcome of the argument over rule by clergy may determine the political future of Iran and Iraq, both of which have Shia majorities, Islamic scholars say.


    In Iran, a pluralistic interpretation of Shiism would streng- then a reform movement that seeks to transform the country from a theocracy to an Islamic democracy, scholars like Kadhim say. The Shia make up almost 90 percent of the population in Iran.


    In Iraq, the Shia make up nearly two- thirds of the country's population of 24 million. But since Iraq gained independence in 1932, it has been ruled by members of the Sunni minority. The Shia have waited 70 years to gain a voice equal to their numbers.


    The spiritual leadership of the Shia community has rested in southern Iraq since the seventh century, when a violent schism within Islam over succession to Muhammad gave birth to the Shia branch of the faith. Shiism emerged as a movement called Shiah Ali, or the Partisans of Ali. In the year 661, Imam Ali, the fourth caliph of Islam and Muhammad's son-in-law, was assassinated near Najaf in a struggle over who would rule the faithful. Ali was buried in Najaf, and theologians soon flocked to the city to establish seminaries.


    Nineteen years after Ali's death, two of his sons, Hussein and Abbas, were killed in battle. They were entombed in the nearby city of Karbala, which is Shiism's second holiest site. The violent deaths of Ali and his sons gave rise to the Shia cult of martyrdom.


    The distinctions between Shia and Sunni Islam are similar to those between Catholic and Protestant branches of Christianity, involving style of ritual and philosophical orientation, rather than fundamental pillars of faith.


    Throughout the Muslim world, the Shia have been a perpetual opposition movement. They have rebellion in their hearts, according to Islamic scholars. In 1917, toward the end of World War I, they supported the British in their efforts to wrest control of Mesopotamia - which became modern Iraq - from the Ottomans. Three years later, when the British were viewed as an occupying power, the Shia rose up once again - against their former allies.


    Today, most Iraqi Shia clerics appear to agree on one thing: They view the U.S. military presence in their country as a form of occupation and they have been agitating since the fall of Saddam last month for Washington to pull out as quickly as possible. Some clerics have warned of a popular uprising if American forces remain in Iraq for two years or more.


    "The Iraqi people do not want to be occupied by a foreign power," said Sayed Hussein al-Hakim, 43, son of a leading ayatollah who helps run the Hawza and is an ally of al-Sistani. "Najaf has a long tradition of taking positions against foreign occupation."


    But there is disagreement about tactics, and rivals to the more apolitical al-Sistani are emerging. In Najaf and other Shia-dominated cities in Iraq, one young cleric is developing a strong public following by arguing that al-Sistani and other Hawza leaders have been too complacent. Sayed Muqtada al-Sadr, 30, is the scion of an important Shia religious family. He is the only surviving son of Ayatollah Muhammad Sadiq al-Sadr, who was assassinated along with his two oldest sons by the Iraqi regime in 1999.


    The younger al- Sadr has taken control of hospitals, schools, mosques and some government ministries in Najaf, Karbala, Kut and other cities. He has opened offices that are providing social services in the absence of a central government. But even he is careful to disavow any political ambition - unless, he says, his people ask him to lead.


    "Political rule is not something that can be imposed on people," said Sheik Abbas Roubaili, a senior adviser to al-Sadr. "If the idea of politics is to improve the lives of our people, then we are for that."


    The Najaf traditionalists view political power as fleeting. "When you're a government minister, there's a prime minister above you. Maybe you can serve for four or five years, and then you're out," al-Kharsan said. "People trust us with their lives, with their money, with their spiritual welfare. We want to win the hearts and minds of people forever. That's not something that politicians can do."

    Copyright © 2005, Newsday, Inc.

  3. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


        نهنئكم بحلول عيد الاضحى المبارك داعين المولى ان تكونوا على عرفات العام القادم.نسأل عن اخباركم نرجو ان تكونو بصحه جيده و ما  اخبار الاولاد في الدراسه ارجو لهم التوفيق.


        اما أخبارنا فلا تسر العدو وأكثر كلمه نتداولها ((ماكو))مثلا ماكو...نفط , بنزين , غاز , كهرباء , امان , صدق واخيرا" المـــــــــــــاء وقريبا الهواء.فلا توجد حقيقه واضحه,الكل يكذب ووعود زائفه والكل جاء ومعه((كواني)) لكي يعبيء من خير البلد.أرجو أن لاتصدقو كل ما يعرض في الاخبار فالحقيقه غير الي تروها  الكل معه مواكب حمايه ومسلحين تخرج اجسامهم من السيارات اكثر مما كان يجري ايام (هدام) والمنظر متكرر في كل لحظه أما الشوارع فتحولت الىساحه معركه فانتشرت السواتر كونكريتيه وجذوع النخيل واغلقت اهم الشوارع في بغداد مثل شارع نفق الزوراء والزيتون والاميرات و القادسيه و ابو نؤاس والجسرالمعلق وكل الطرق المؤديه اليه وشارعكم اغلق قرب مستشفى الشفاء ...الخ فتصور مدى الاختناقات التي نواجهها يوميا والمصيبه سماح الحكومه( الموقره) بادخال سيارات مستعمله بدون ظوابط  مما زاد الطين بله حيث وصل عددها اكثر من 300000 سياره في بغداد فقط .


    اما الكهرباء فيأتي ساعتين وينقطع اربع والماء قام بعض الاوغاد بنسف الانبوب الرئيس ونحن بلا ماء منذ ستة ايام خلت واليوم بغداد يلفها الظلام حيث خرب الانذال انابيب وقود كهرباء الدوره.


    فتصوروا أي حياة رائعه نحيا وأي سعاده في العيد!!.


      والحراميه يعدون لاكبر سيرك في العالم يوم 30 سنرى القرود و الافاعي والكلاب يتبارون على القصعه  فكل ماتسمعونه من اقوالهم ووعودهم محض هراء لان فاقد الشيء لايعطيه ونحن ادرى بما يجري حولنا(والذين أذا اصابتهم مصيبه قالو انا لله وانا اليه راجعون). ولبشاعة الامور هرب الكثير من الناس الى عمان  لقضاء العطله ولتجنب ما قد يحدث في الايام القادمه(لا سمح الله).


      قد تكون هذه الرساله اشبه بتقرير مراسل صحفي لكنها الواقع الذي نعيشه  وضاق صدرنا فاردت ان افضفض اليك بما في داخلي  واعلم انك مشغول في عملك وأشكرك لانك ستقرأ رسالتي .كما اود ان اعلمك بان الانترنت بطيء ومتقطع وهو السبب في عدم التواصل بشكل دائم.


       زوجتي تبعث اليكم بالقبلات ومشغوله بملىء القناني من بصبوص الماء في حنفية الحديقه والاولاد كويسين والحمد لله و انهوا امتحان نصف السنه قبل العيد,وختاما سلامي للاخت ام ... وان يحفظكم الله سالمين.




    Translating the letter


    Gradualation on Eid

    Our news are very bad, the most used word here is "not vaialable.. Makoo, in Iraqi dialog".. Every thing is not available, oil, elctricity, security, and lately water, and even air may be lost  tomorrow

    Please don't believe in any that is reported in the media , as there is no clear truth, every one is lying and have false promises. Every one had come with a bag "Kunia" to fill it up with our wealth. All have their body guards more than during Haddam "Saddam"  erra. Streets are blocked every where specially the main roads of Nafak and Alzaytoon and Alameerat, there are a huge traffic jaming as the governemnt allowed the import of cars without any restrictions, there are today more than 300000 cars in Baghdad streets.

    We have ellectricity for two hours per day only and the water is stop flowing after the criminals exploded the main pipe and we are without water for the last six days . today Baghdad is in complete darkness where the basterds distrupted the oil pipe line supplying  the main Aldoora electrical power station .

    Just immagine what a great fancy  life we are in today.. what happyness in Eid we are in.

    The theifs are preparing for the big event of Jan 30th , we will see all the monkeys and snakes and dogs beating each other to get the bigger share, all their promises are false because those who lose sme thing can't offer give it. A lot of people esxaped to Amman to enjoy the Feb holidays and to avoid the worse that would come in days.


  4. ابو محمد

    اشكر لكم سعه صدركم وردكم على تجاوزي لانه يعز علينا جدا ان نتدخل في كتابات اي من المشاركين حفظا لحق الجميع بابداء الراي

    ارجو ان تتسع رحابه صدرك لطلبي ان تعيد قراءه تعليق الاخ مستفسر التي اشار فيها الى قائمه السيدين الياور و علاوي و اللدين يكن الموقع وكل العراقيين لهم شخصيا و لقائمتيهما كل الاحترام و الاعتزاز

    ارجوا ان تشيريني الى الفقره التي تعتقد ان فيها تهجم شخصي حيث انني لم اجد دلك بل العكس

    ونعدكم باننا سنحدف اي تجاوز

    مع تقديري

  5. عزيزي الاخ ابو محمد

    مع احترام الموقع الشديد لحريتك في ابداء رأيك الا اننا قمنا بحدف المقاطع التيي تتعرض لاحدى القوائم المشاركه بالهجوم المباشر والشخصي وهو ما يتعارض مع ضوابط هدا العمود وكما اوضحنا في المقدمه

    نؤكد حقك في طرح تعليقاتك المحدوفه وغيرها في اعمده اخرى على هدا الموقع

    وللتدكير يرجى من كافه المشاركين الالتزام بضوابط المثبته لهدا العمود حيث المطلوب هو تبيان محاسن القائمه التي ستنتخب

  6. بينما يتوجه الاهتمام الى قضيه المشاركه في الانتخابات العراقيه فان تحديد جوانب القوه لكل قائمه يصبح امرا اكثر سخونه ونحن نقترب من يوم الحسم


    يفتح هدا العمود لابداء الراي

    الرجاء الاختصار وعدم تضمين اي مهاجمه لاي طرف. فقط ايضاح قوه القائمه التي ترشحها

    سيتم حدف اي مقطع فيه اتهام او هجوم على اي من قوائما الوطنيه العزيزه

    ولنعمل سويه على بناء عراق تعددي يستوعب كل الاراء


  7. Very intersting article by Iraqi Mr. Basim Mustaar About the Iranian position toward what is happening in Iraq..

    We will try to translate later. keep tuned




    الموقف الايراني  من ما يجري في العراق

    بقلم: باسم المستعار

    بمكن ملاحظه اسلوبين يميزان  وسائل التحليل السياسي العراقي  للموقف الايراني تجاه ما يحصل في العراق

    الاول ينطلق من واقع ثقافي  او ديني  حسن النوايا والثاني يتخد من الاختلاف المدهبي و التاريخي مبررا لهواجسه


    لااعتقد ان من الحكمه ان نتعامل مع ايران الا من خلال كونها الجاره الاكبر  للعراق  , فليست الحدود الاطول هي المحدد الوحيد لهده الجيره بل يتعدى دلك الى عوامل جيو سياسيه واجتماعيه عميقه جدا , يجعل مايجري في العراق يؤثر بشكل مباشر على   مصالحها الانيه و   الاستراتيجيه

    فكما ان تفتيت العراق و وقوعه في مستنقع الفوضى امر لايخدم ايران فان عراق قوي  تحت قياده شموليه   تستمد نفودها من الخارج وكما هو الحال مع النظام السياسي  الدي حكمنا خلال القرن الماضي , امر غير محبد وقد دفعت ايران ثمنا باهضا  عندما  اختار صدام و بعض الاعراب  شن الحرب المهلكه عليها  بالنيابه عن مصالح غربيه معروفه

    من مصلحه ابران ان يكون العراق موحدا ولكن ادا ضمنت هيمنه عراقيه شعبيه متقاطعه ومتوازنه على توجهاته  .


    وحده العراق تعني ضمان عدم قيام دوله كرديه قد  تمتد لاحقا للمنطقه الكرديه الايرانيه بينما يوفر حكم الائتلاف الشعبي  ضمانه كبيره لعدم الرضوخ للعوامل الخارجيه فيما يتعلق بالمصالح المشتركه بين البلدين . كما تضمن وحده العراق  الابقاء على الموازنه الاستراتيجيه بين العرب  وبين الدوله الاسرائيليه مما يوفر  منطقه عزل لايران عن  اسرائيل  حيث تعتقد ايران ان هناك ثلاث قوى رئيسيه ستلعب دورا في مستقبل الشرق الاوسط وهي اسرائيل وايران وتركيا

    فبالاضافه للعامل الكردي فان ايران تتخوف من الاسلوب الدي سوف يتم فيه توزيع المنطقه الغربيه من العراق في حاله التفتيت  فهناك تسابقا  سوريا اردنيا حول الاقتسام كما ان هناك منافسه تركيه تريد الحصول على الجزء الساخن من الكعكه المتمثل بكركوك

    ايران تتخوف ان يتيح التفتيت تمدد الاردن  ومن ورائها اسرائيل الى هده  المنطقه  التي تصل في حدودها الصحراويه  الجنوبيه  المتراميه  الى منطقه الخليج كما تصل في امتدادها الشرقي الى الحدود الايرانيه مما  يهدد الطوح الايراني و يجعل اسرائيل  الموازن الطبيعي لايران في هده المنطقه الحساسه  لدا فان ايران  تقف يقوه الى جانب الطموح السوري ,في حاله وقوع المحضور,  في  ابتلاع الجزء الغربي الشمالي على الاقل   ممثلا بالموصل و اعالي الجزيره  والدي سيجعل لسوريا  الكبرى ولاول مره في التاريخ الحديث دورا رئيسيا في الشرق الاوسط  يمكن ان تقبل به  ايران كتعويض  استراتيجي للتمدد الاردني   من ناحيه وكمنطقه عزل لتركيا من ناحيه اخرى


    ومع دلك فمصلحه التوحيد هده تناقضها مصلحه التفتيت . فتفتيت العراق سيجعل ايران اللاعب  المحلي الرئيسي في

    منطقه الخليج الضعيف بشريا  والغني  نفطيا

    كما سيضمن لها جارا صديقا معزولا في الجزء الشيعي بحكم التشابه المدهبي واخر اكثر ضعفا  وعزله في الجزء الكردي


      موضوع الديمقراطيه في العراق لااعتقده هاجسا كبيرا  بحد داته  لايران بقدر ما هو الحال  لدى الحكام العرب , بل على العكس فهو ضمان لاستقرار الحدود الغربيه لايران وكما اسلفنا  ولكن هناك بعدا داخليا يمكن ان يشغلها

    الا وهو   استقرار العراق  و احتمال انطلاق  دوره كعملاق اقتصادي في المنطقه  وما يمكن ان يعكسه دلك من بروز المرجعيه الدينيه في النجف والتي لا تتماشى رؤيتها المدهبيه مع مبدا ولايه الفقيه , هدا البروز المحتمل الدي  لابد وان يمثل هاجسا انيا  للطبقه الدينيه  الحاكمه الحاليه  في ايران بالرغم من انه قد لايكون كدلك من وجهه نضر ايرانيه استراتيجيه.



    من هنا ارى هدا الصراع داخل ايران بين من يسعى لدفع العمليه السياسيه  وبين من   يحاول زعزعه  استقرار العراق

    ومن هنا ايضا ارى هدا التردد الايراني في لعب دور مؤثر في الواقع العراقي  وبما يتناسب مع حجم ثقلها داخل العراق   وكما تفعل حاليا الاردن وسوريا 

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