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بخطئ من يظن ان نتيجه الانتخابات محصوره بفوز الرئيس للولايه الثانيه.. انها اكبر من دلك بكثير..


بوش فاز بالرئاسه بفارق ساحق

و النواب والشيوخ باغلبيه واضحه

و باكبر اغلبيه في التاريخ للناخبين على عموم امريكا و بفارق اكثر من ثلاثه مليون في اكبر الانتخابات اقبالا


فوز لم يجرئ على توقعه اكثر الجمهوريين حماسا ناهيك عن اكثر المستعربين الديموقراطيين رعونه مثل مؤسسه زغبي التي اضحكت استطلاعاتها الجميع بنتائجها بوم امس !

السؤال اليوم من هو المتضرر ومن هو الرابح؟

اول الخاسرين هو اللوبي اليهودي الدي لم يدخل معركه مكشوفه ضد رئيس كما دخلها هده المره. صحيح ان هدا اللوبي في حلف تقليدي مع الديمقراطيين ولكنه هده المره نزل بشكل مكشوف .


ثاني الخاسرين هم بعض الاعراب والاسلاميين من المتعاطفيين مع الارهاب والطائفيه والدين اعتبروا المعركه ضد حريه العراق والعراقيين حربهم. فقد تخلوا عن موقفهم التقليدي في تاييد الجمهوريين لا لشئ الا لمراهنه سادجه تخيلوا من خلالها ان تردد كيري وضعف برنامحه في السياسه الخارجيه سيمنحهم فرصه في العراق.


ثالث الخاسرين هم كل اؤلئك الدين راهنوا على تردد الامريكان في الاستمرار في الخط الجديد الدي اسس له جورج بوش الابن في ان حمايه امريكا لا تبدآ من داخلها!


رابعهم اؤلئك اللدين يراهنون على ان امريكا يحكمها الاعلام فالاعلام الليبرالي المسيطر على امريكا من خلال الوسائل المقرؤة والمرئيه لم يتحد ضد رئيس كما اتحد ضد الرئيس بوش الابن.



اما الرابحون فهم كثر

اولهم السناتور كيري نفسه الدي قدر حساسيه الموقف و ضروره عدم جعل انقسام الامه الامريكيه فرصه لاعداء امريكا في العالم وحسم الامر بقراره الشجاع في الاعتراف بالهزيمه بدلا من اللعب في الوقت الضائع وهو هنا لم يرد ان بكون اقل حرصا من بونس قانوني في افغانستان!

ثانيهم الشعب العراقي الدي عانى من تاثير هدا الانقسام بما كان يبعثه من رسائل متضاربه مما يشجع اعداء حريه العراق .

ثالثهم كل تلك الشعوب التي تنتظر اكمال المسيره حتى اؤلئك اللدين اعمت بصيرتهم عقد تاريخيه و قصور نظر. ..

رابعهم هو الشعب الامريكي الدي اثبت للعالم انه شعب عظيم قادر على اجتياز خلافات لبمنح رئيسه عزما وقوه اكبر في الصراع..

اخرهم و ليس الاخير هو هدا الرئيس الدي كان له شرف تحمل مسؤليه القياده في واحده من اخطر الفترات الي تعصف بمستقبل امريكا..

هدا الرئيس الدي كتب اسمه في قلوب اكثر من خمسين مليون افغاني وعراقي قبل ان يسطره في قلوب منتخبيه الخمسه والخمسين مليون امريكي !

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A knockout win for Bush


Whoever thinks that this win is ,more or less, related to the 2nd term for Bush in the US presidential election, will be mistaken.


Bush got a historical majority win for more than 3 million votes. Republicans got a majority in the Senates and the House of Representatives in a biggest turnout across America.


An unpredictable win by even the more Republican enthusiasts, or some Arab-Democratic foundations like Zugby International Poll, which had its most pathetic forecast yesterday.


Our question today is; who is or who are the WINNERS and LOSSERS in this campaign?


The first loser is the Jewish Lobby, which didn’t spare any effort to fight in an open war against the president. It is true that this lobby is a pro-democrat all the way, but its stance this time was unambiguous.


The second losers are some Arabs and Muslims and precisely pro-Terrorists and Terrorism, who thought that the war against Iraqis and their freedom is their war. They changed their traditional pro-Republican stance to Democrats gambling in a very naive manner thinking that supporting Kerry and its weak foreign policy, will give them a fresh opportunity in Iraq.


The third losers are all of those who wished that there will be a shift in the new US policies. The policy that shaped the war on terror and dictators founded by George W. Bush which believed that securing America would not be at home only but all over the globe.



The fourth losers are the ones who still think that America is governed by the media. The liberal media organizations were never been united as they were against Bush this time.


What about the winners? There are many more than we think.


First is the Senator Kerry which understood the sensitivity of the situation and not to give America’s enemies any chance to play on the nation division. His decision to concede defeat rather than to challenge the results in Ohio was very brave. He is not less than Younis Qanuni in Afghanistan election who conceded defeat in the last election.


Second are the Iraqi people who suffered from this US division for the past 2 years. The division which sent conflicting signals to the people on US policies in Iraq which in turn gave the enemies of new Iraq a play ground for their activities.


Third are all these nations who are looking forward for the future, even those who were blinded or still short sighted.


Forth is the US nation, which proved to the world that it is a great nation, and can leave its differences and stands behind its president in the time ahead.


The last winner is the President himself who took this responsibility in leading America in one of the most difficult eras. The president who won the hearts of 50 millions of Afghanis and Iraqis before the hearts of the 58 millions who voted for him.

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Guest Guest_tajer



Confident Bush Outlines Ambitious Plan for 2nd TermBy RICHARD W. STEVENSON


Published: November 5, 2004



ASHINGTON, Nov. 4 - A confident President Bush vowed on Thursday to move quickly and vigorously to enact the ambitious agenda he set out during the campaign, saying, "The people made it clear what they wanted."


In a 40-minute news conference a day after he declared victory over Senator John Kerry, Mr. Bush said he would begin work immediately on his proposal to overhaul Social Security, one of the biggest goals in his second-term agenda. He called for Congress to move speedily to limit lawsuit awards against doctors, said he would push for tougher educational standards for high schools and signaled that he had settled on broad principles for rewriting the tax code.



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