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The Beginning of the End

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Guest Guest_Tajer



In Arabic.. some Almarjea/Najaf scholars showing very upset reaction with the insult by King Abdulla "the littel" against the people of Iraq in his late speach in US to WP. The Marjia issued a letter asking the King for official appology to the Iraqi people for his comments against majority of Iraqis.. The letter was very surprised by the king saying that the Arab should be affraid of a shia cresent and that Iraqis are following the Iranians.. The Marjea remind the King and the world that Ayatoolah Systani is againt applying the Walle Alfaqeh islamic rule concept in Iraq and that Marjea of Najaf is independent and leading the Shia faith not the other way, the letter addes, mobalizing the world against the Iraqi new born democracy would not serve the mutual interst between the two countries.

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from the Wall Street Journal (subscription required )






Iraq's instability, notably in the country's center, is well advertised by now. Less appreciated, however, is Iraq's growing measure of economic stability and vitality.

"Baghdad is booming," says Mohammed Fadhil Ali, one of three remarkable Ali brothers who oversee the Web log, http://www.Iraqthemodel.com. Mohammed and his younger brother Omar came this week to the Journal's offices, their first trip to the States, to discuss Iraq's future.


They were not overwhelmed by New York's holiday crush; Baghdad's population is roughly 5.7 million people. Stores there are overflowing with goods and the streets jammed with shoppers. It appears that the number of cars has doubled in a year. "The middle class is growing," says Omar. After the April 9, 2003, "liberation," Mohammed was determined to photograph every new building in Baghdad. "Now there is a new building in Baghdad every day; I can't count them all." Land and real-estate prices are surging. Most of the investment is coming out of the Arab world, not the West.


They made a couple of other interesting points about Iraq's political mood. One, Iraqis won't vote for a government dominated by Islamist religionists. Why? The abhorred next-door example of Iran's mullahs. This mirrors elections already held in Iraq. In a local election last year in Nazariya, with 47,000 votes cast amid imams urging support for Islamic parties, the biggest vote-getters were teachers, engineers and other professionals.


And current party coalitions notwithstanding, the man on the street is sounding cussedly independent. A farmer in Samarra told them: "I will vote for a good man, Shia or Sunni." "We Iraqis don't trust any government now," says Mohammed, though Prime Minister Allawi's public standing rose after he first cleaned up Shiite Najaf, then Sunni Fallujah.


Yesterday in Iraq, the primary Shiite groups presented a voting "list" of 228 candidates. The really notable thing about these emerging lists, or slates, is that they are diverse. Most parties are pursing a "big tent" strategy--by ethnicity, religion and even gender. The Shiite coalition's candidates, for instance, include Shiite Kurds, Sunni independents from the Shamar tribe, minority Turkomans, even Yazidis, a minority religious sect. Banners from the major political parties are showing up all over Iraq carrying the same message: "Vote." Sounds like real politics.


In a way, Ukraine had it easier--just two candidates representing the opposition and the status quo. Iraq's "status quo" faction is blowing up other Iraqis. The "opposition" is a diverse population shaping a political future.


Ukraine is not Iraq. Iraq is not Afghanistan. Or South Africa or Russia for that matter. The voyage to democratic maturity is never the same. Each passage across requires that a people show themselves willing to brave the tumult that precedes self-governance. Whether Ukrainians or Iraqis (or Iranians), all these peoples deserve public support from the nations and people who are already securely moored to the democratic dock.

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Guest Mustefser

The Shia parties list that was announced two days ago had some thing to notice

1- Included one of the main Sunni Arab trib leaders "Shemar" which is same tribe of the President Alyawer.

2-Included the Mosul 250000 Yazedee's "Atheist non Muslom faith" Kurds.

3- Included the Shia Mosul Shabak and Turkumans "about 300 000.

4- Excluded a registerd parties of "Almoderesee/Alaamel" and Alshirazee. Both parties are with a strong Iranian origin..

5- Included the Sabiea non Muslims faith community.


I would say that is a very smart move by the Shia to accomodate Musol, where Kurds and some other Sunni Arab are claiming big influence.

This might explain why did President Alyawer accused Alchalabi of moving to secterian side.. Alyawer was relying on his tribe for ellection. Now he lost half of Sunni members of his trib while most of the Shia members of it might find different reasons to go for other list.

The inclusion of Yazedees and Sabiea is sending a very clear message to all Iraqi of considering the Yazeedi "Athiest non Moslum" faith, which had suffered a lot because of accusation of being of non book faith . This is a dramatic step toward open dialog between Iraqi people.

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Guest Guest_tajer



US and natioal Iraqi guards rided the main offices of the egyptian mobile company "the only one in Baghdad" and detained two of it's egyptian officals including the security chief.. The acuasation is that they have a strong deals with Alzarqawee.. There was alot of talks in the inners circles pointing toward the company as a real base for Alzarqawee inforrmation collection.


Indeed this would high light to great extent the accusation by a lot Iraqis that the old CPA and current US admin in Iraq are using a lot of Arabs from Jordan, egypt and palistine origin both local and US citizen in managing their activities.. The Iraqis that I talked to cliaming that most of these personalls were showing a great hostality toward American and Iraqi people and are anti Iraq freedom operation

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