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Baghdadee بغدادي

How did it all begin?

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Hi there,


I've just been reading the news about another attack of the US military and each time I read stuff like that I have to wonder to myself - how can someone hate that much? It's almost understandable about attacking a foreign country on home soil, but to see your own people killed and not really care that it was other Iraqi's who did that. If it's about religion, why would anybody want to be involved in any religion that says it's ok to kill people. To die for what you believe in is something I understand but to kill is way beyond my mind set. Out here if someone is racist or bigoted it's usually taught but also due to ignorance - the failure to try to understand someone. Can someone explain to me what the history is behind all this hate and how they can hate for so long.




p.s. - even though i am from the 'disliked' western hemisphere, i would appreciate replies in english, either directly or translated. i really want to understand. thank you.

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I am from the other "disliked" hemisphere..

When I read your great down to earth question , I thought that I am in front of a premitive stupid question.. Is there any one doesn't know why all this hatred is created ..?

Then I realised that me too have no clear answer to this , though I might list tens of them.. But the real question is which one is the real cause to such level of anti-other.. A level that make some one blew up himself just to kill some other one that he never knew.. To kill even normal civilains and kids like the one happened in Kerbala and Najaf, just because they might be considered as infidals..


I would like to go in a debate with you.. I would like to put all what I consider as reasons.. Please let know if you agree to go with it to the end..

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British prime minister, Tony Blair. Count me a "Blair Democrat."


Mr. Blair, who was in Iraq this week, said: "Whatever people's feelings or beliefs about the removal of Saddam Hussein and the wisdom of that, there surely is only one side to be on in what is now very clearly a battle between democracy and terror. On the one side you have people who desperately want to make the democratic process work, and want to have the same type of democratic freedoms other parts of the world enjoy, and on the other side people who are killing and intimidating and trying to destroy a better future for Iraq."


Basically it is just that simple... a choice between Good or Evil

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Guest Guest_canadian
On the one side you have people who desperately want to make the democratic process work, and want to have the same type of democratic freedoms other parts of the world enjoy, and on the other side people who are killing and intimidating and trying to destroy a better future for Iraq.

hey there,


Quotes like this amuse me sometimes. You know why wars happen? Usually misunderstanding. People don't understand what the other people are all about so instead of trying to understand them they kill them. Hitler and the Jews, US and the native Indians, KKK and the non-whites, Islam reformists and the Western world - all did not, or do not, want to understand what the others are all about. The problem is that hatred is a learned process and can take generations to weed out. The 'infidels' are not trying to destroy 'a better future' - how can they when they do not know a better future. They know what they read, see and hear from a Saddam controlled environment. It will take more than a 'few months' to convince them otherwise. They are doing this to protect their ideals - you'd do the same if the situation was reversed. I want freedom in Iraq; I want the human abuses to stop; I want democracy there, but the Allied forces really have to think about how to do it from the Iraqi's perspective. Believe it or not we are not always right.



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You know why wars happen? Usually misunderstanding.

Do you mean that Hitler didn't understand the jews when burn them to death?

Do you mean those who pushed a complete Palistanian nation from their thousands years history, culture and old cities and and even resfuse any deal to let them back ?

Do you mean that those extreemist who explode them selves don't understand those kids and civilians that are killed today every where , in NewYork, Isreal, Suadi, Iraq, Pakistan, Spain, Indonosia, Nyrobee...

Do you mean that the consistant killing of millions of Iraqis by Saddam's regime was because of lack of understanding?

Do you mean that the Espanish troops wiping to the thousands years Aztec's Mexican great civilization, was because of lack of understading.?

Do you mean that British pushing of native indians from their lands , was also because of this?


Goodwill is a great start but being premitive in dealing with criminals is a reciepe of sharing the criminals in their wrong doing.


, Islam reformists and the Western world

Who are the Islamic refomists? Are they those Salafee Jihadist who try their upmost to block Moslums from stepping forward toward open era of civil rights and liberty?

  They know what they read, see and hear from a Saddam controlled environment.


What do you call all those Iraqis who are dying every day just beacause they bravely stand against the force of darkness. All these massive push by Iraqis toward democracy and libaration.. Aran't they Iraqis under Saddam.. Freedom is a gift of God , just like human brian. You can't stop it , you can freez it.

If you are refering to the couple of thousands of terorists of Saddam fromer security police and Salafees Jihadist, these don't read in first place. If they do, then they should at least read Quaran that probhibs them from such doing. "Those who kill one person, are doing the wrong as if they kill all people".


It will take more than a 'few months' to convince them otherwise.

It didn't , most Iraqis had cured from Saddam's thirty years absolute propaganga immediatly after the fall of the statue..


They are doing this to protect their ideals - you'd do the same if the situation was reversed.

Yes one will do , if he/she has criminal mind set like them..


I want freedom in Iraq; I want the human abuses to stop; I want democracy there, but the Allied forces really have to think about how to do it from the Iraqi's perspective. Believe it or not we are not always right.


What prospective you are refring to? To abandon a great nation that shows such great will for democracy and rebuild, to leave them to the darkness force of history which claims the only absolute right to represent people? Iraqis had their voice out , they already choose their path , no power on plant will stop them from it..

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Anybody who decides to kill or destroys anybody else does not want to understand the other person. If I hate you - and I don't, I'm just using this as an example - it is because I don't want to know about you. Who you are, what your ideals are, what you believe in. It is because of MY ignorance that I hate you.


In regards to the 'Islamic reformists' I mean the ones that tend to take the ideals of Islam to the extreme. Christians reformists do the same thing. They will take one part of the Bible and take it to the extreme. Most of what I said in my previous post was in reference to those who want to steal away the freedom the rest of Iraq really wants. I may be wrong but it seems that it made some think that I am refering to all Iraqis - which I am not.


I feel that you think I am against freedom and democracy for Iraq. The US attacked Al Qada because those terrorists attacked their ideals. Because Al Qada believed that the US was 'the great satan' they killed thousands of people who held the same ideals that Iraq wants today. The Iraqi people should be defending themselves against the same people who want to take away their potential freedom and return to the ways of Sadaam.


In response to your last comment I have only this to say - listen to the people of Iraq. What do they say. What do they want. Iraq is one of many great nations with a great voice which should be heard. But what is the message you want to send?





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