AlIraqi Posted August 12, 2004 Report Share Posted August 12, 2004 Wednesday, August 11, 2004 6:15 PM أحمد عبد الحسين أكتب هذه المرثية ورجائي أن لا تتحقق الواقعة القادمة التي تملي عليّ الآن كتابتها. هي مرثية لمقتدى الصدر الذي أتمنى مخلصاً له حياة مديدة وآمنة وأن لا تصطلمه الحبائل المعدّة له، ومنها تلك الفخاخ التي كان يبذرها الرجل لنفسه طوال عام هو كلّ زمنه (العلمي) و(السياسيّ). مقتدى الصدر نتاج الشارع العراقيّ بالمعنى الأعمق للكلمة، لم يستره عن هذا الشارع الإخلاد الى سراديب الفقه، ولم يحجزه عن الناس وشؤونهم تحصيل حقوق شرعيّة من زكاة وخمس، فكان بحقّ ابن هذا الشارع بكل ما فيه. وهو من جيل متديّن لا يشابه بأية حال الأجيال السالفة التي حملت أفكار الصدر الأول تحزباً وثقافة دينية كبيرة، كما انه ليس من صنف الكثرة الكاثرة من تلاميذ أبيه الصدر الثاني الذين استخلصوا تشيّعاً عراقيّاً (لئلا أقول عربيّاً) مخلوطاً بهاجس عرفانيّ لا يخفى، ظهر موارباً عند الشهيد الثاني، وصريحاً عند أتباعه. مقتدى ومن معه وأبناء جيله ليسوا من هؤلاء ولا من هؤلاء، انه بالأحرى أقرب الى النسخة المطروحة للمتديّن (الشيعيّ والسنيّ على السواء) والتي تتلخص بإشهار الإسلام بوصفه حلّاً ـ مع ما يستتبعه ذلك من شعارات مهيّجة ـ دون إيلاء كثير أهميّة للآليات التي تحفّ بالطريق الموصلة الى هذا الهدف. الشارع العراقيّ بأعمّه الأغلب لحقته آثار البعث وأعراف صدام من تمجيد للقوة، واتخاذ التغالب طريقاً لمارسة السيّاسة، واعتبار السلاح جزءاً مكمّلاً ليد الرجل، أضفْ الى ذلك الجهل المخزي الذي يكتنف أغلب أبناء هذا الجيل (وبعضه جهل موجّه ومعتنى به من قبل أجهزة النظام البائد، وبعضه الآخر سببه الحصار الذي جعل التعليم في العراق ترفاً). جيل شبه أميّ لم يستصحب من حقبة الصدرين طروحاتهما بل صورهما الفوتوغرافية فحسب، ولم يبق في ذاكرته سوى الفعل ذي الأثر التحريضيّ (كلبس الأكفان والهتاف) وهو فعل أفاد منه مقتدى على أكمل وجه، ربما ليس لدهاء سياسيّ منه، بل لأنه ـ كأبناء جيله هؤلاء ـ لا يحسن سواه. السيد مقتدى الصدر من هذا الشارع، بل هو في الصميم منه، إنه رجل الدين الأقرب الى العراقيين من سواه، اذ ندر أن تطابق رجل دين شيعيّ مع (العامة) الى هذا الحدّ، تلك ميزة كبرى له، وهذا سرّ قوته والتفاف الآلاف حوله. بل أن التيار الصدري بمجمله تأسست قوته على هذه الميزة (منذ الصدر الثاني): توجيه النقد الدائم للمرجعية (التقليدية) التي ثبتت في أذهان الصدريين كمؤسسة لجباية الضرائب والانشغال بتقبيل الأيدي والنظر الى العراقيين كـ(معدان). قيل ان مرجعاً كبيراً أطلق على الصدر الثاني لقب مرجع المعدان! وقبله كان الصدر الأول كثير التشكي من المرجعية (ومن سمع أو قرأ محاضرته المسماة "حبّ الله وحبّ الدنيا"، يجد انه هو أوّل من وضع قطار نقد المرجعية التقليدية على السكّة التي وقف السيد الصدر الثالث مقتدى في آخر محطاتها). انشغل العراقيون طويلاً (بفضل الصدر الثاني) بالفصل بين المرجعيتين الجديدة والقديمة بناءً على محرضينِ، أولهما عِرقي والثاني سياسي. فتارة كانوا يصفون التقليديين بالفرس في مقابل عروبة الصدريين، وأخرى يسِمونهم بالصمت في مقابل ألسنة الصدريين الناطقة. وفي كل ذلك كان التيار الصدريّ يقترب أكثر وأكثر من ابن الشارع الشيعيّ (الذي سئم كرادلة المعممين الراطنين بالفارسيّة)، إلى أن بلغ الاقتراب أوجه في مشهد الصدر الثاني مكفّناً ثم مستشهداً ليغدو رمزاً كبيراً ومنصةً لاطلاق اسم صدر ثالث هو ابنه مقتدى الذي كان أشدّ تطابقاً مع هذا الشارع . ثبت اسما الصدرين الكبيرين في وجدان كل عراقيّ، لكنهما (بسبب استشهادهما قبل نضج ما سعيا من أجله) لم يتمكنا من ايقاع أثر سياسيّ ملموس، وأحسب ان هذه النهاية هي التي تنتظر الصدر الثالث أيضاً. له أخطاؤه؟ هذا صحيح لكنها في المحصلة الأخيرة أخطاء جيل عراقيّ لم يعرف السياسة الا اقتتالاً وتغالباً، جيل أدمن عقاقير التحريض (التي كانت كل عدّة البعث البائد، كما هي اليوم عدّة القوميين والاسلاميين كافة)، جيل لم يكن التدين عنده ثقافة (أو حتى تحزباً) بل أداة خروج من التهميش الى الواجهة، ولأنه جيل لم يأخذ من العلم الا النزر اليسير فقد توسل بالقوّة وحدها لتحقيق هذا الخروج نظير ما يفعله اسلاميو ابن لادن أو بعثيو المقاومة. لن يسأل أحد من العراقيين ـ بعد استشهاد الصدر الثالث لا قدّر الله ـ عن المشروع السياسيّ للشهيد مقتدى الصدر، كما لا يسأل أحد اليوم من محبيه عن هذا المشروع. لن يسأل أحد عن سرّ تقلباته الكثيرة: خذوا عداءه لايران ثم تحالفه غير المتكافئ معها مثلاً. لن يتم السؤال خصوصاً عن جدوى مقتل آلاف العراقيين معه وبسسبه. لن يقال: ان القائد الديني لابدّ له من أحدى خصلتين أو كليهما : العلم والحنكة السيّاسية. والرجل كان خلواً منهما معاً، مثله مثل الأعمّ الأغلب من متديني شيعة العراق اليوم. سوف يثبت اسم هذا السيّد الشجاع في وجدان كل عراقيّ كما ثبت اسما الصدرين من قبلُ، وسوف يكون هو وذكراه خيرَ معبّر صادق عن الشارع العراقيّ بأبرز ما فيه. سيمجَّد طويلاً وتقال في حقه المراثي ـ التي استبقتها أنا بهذه المرثية المبكّرة ـ. لكنْ قليلون جداً يعرفون ان هذا الرجل كان يمكن له ولاتباعه أن يكونوا فاعلين ومؤثرين يقف العالم بانتظار كلمة منهم لولا انهم انساقوا وراء تغليب الشعار على الفعل السياسيّ، لولا ان قائدهم كسب قلوبهم من خلال عدائه للجميع (أحزاباً وقوى سياسية ودينية). لن يرضى أحد عن هذه الكتابة، وسأوصم بالغلظة اذ أتكلم عن شهادة رجل لم يزل حيّاً يقارع أعداءه، هذا اذا لم أوصم بالخيانة. لكني أكتب الآن وكلّي أمل وأسى. أملي أن لا يتحقق ما اخشاه وأساي أني أعرف أننا بانتظار صدر ثالث ستُكتب من أجله المراثي، بعد أن كُتبت في شجاعته المدائح دون تدبّر! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest_Tajer Posted August 13, 2004 Report Share Posted August 13, 2004 Above is an example of how dangrous might be the castrophic policy by those who run the Iraqi libaration after math .. The writer said that though Alsader is lacking the proficiency in both religious and political experiences, the American policy is trying it's best to make him the number one leader in Iraq.. While this policy is banddening the moderate Shia, it gives Alsader the golden apportunity of representing the Shia frustrated masses .. Yesterday, one of the top Shia moderate figures , the former IGC member Shikh BahAloom, reportedly mantioned that the moderate Shia started to suspect the real intention of the American policy.. This is a serious development..A shia uprise, God forbid, would become a volcano.. It is different than Sunni unhappyness.. While Sunni minorority have nothing but to go through terror acts, Shia majority might march in massive popular demostrations that no one can stand in front of.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Texas Gentleman Posted August 14, 2004 Report Share Posted August 14, 2004 Friday, August 13, 2004 Important Alert! There are some detective news indicates that Iranian agents are waiting for the go ahead to kill Muqtada Sadr and accuse US/Iraqi forces of doing so. These agents are ready and on standby position and may be from among his own close circle! Muqtada Sadr tactics was to pull the US/Iraqi forces toward Imam Ali shrine and then he blows it out from several direction and claim that the US forces attacked it. In a step towards that he claimed deludingly that he has been wounded earlier. As he failed and get frustrated he starts to seek truce. He tried his luck first with 10 conditions! This is now rejected. The tactic is to keep him trapped where he put himself in. The signals of frustrations to get outside the shrine mean he will no longer be able to negotiate. Soon he may surrender or be killed by an unknown person as mentioned above. We have to mention that his thugs when refereed to him today called him with same title used for Saddam before (Mr Commander!) and they add the Iraqi flag to his disgusting pictures. That plus their call for Alawi government to resign means they appointed MS as the new dictator of Iraq. They created a little show in Basrah by sending two of their thugs with Iraqi Police uniforms to capture a British Journalist from a hotel. When the man told them he is just a Journalist one of them swear at him by saying (Eat Shit; I curse your father and the father of your honour!). They then make themselves look like in more control than the security by sending a turban wearing thug holding the hand of the Journalists who thanks him. The BJ appeared beaten on the face and eye and looked humiliated. The (banana) TV station Al-Jazeera should have been commented on the journalist capture as part of its frustration of the closure of its ass in Iraq, but they attenuated this news to the level of their head! Posted by: Sam / 8/13/2004 03:31:15 PM Comments (42) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Texas Gentleman Posted August 14, 2004 Report Share Posted August 14, 2004 sorry I left off the link to the above; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Texas Gentleman Posted August 14, 2004 Report Share Posted August 14, 2004 Yesterday, one of the top Shia moderate figures , the former IGC member Shikh BahAloom, reportedly mantioned that the moderate Shia started to suspect the real intention of the American policy.. This is a serious development..A shia uprise, God forbid, would become a volcano.. It is different than Sunni unhappyness.. While Sunni minorority have nothing but to go through terror acts, Shia majority might march in massive popular demostrations that no one can stand in front of.. Iran’s Sadr Strategy This fight in Najaf is vital to victory. The on-again, off-again military offensive to destroy Moqtada al-Sadr's "Mahdi militia" in the holy city of Najaf was on again Thursday. This outcome will be crucial to the competition between the conflicting goals for the future of Iraq: ours and Iran's. Ours is to defeat the insurgency and enable freedom to take root. Theirs is to prevent a stable democracy from governing Iraq, and to damage our tenuous relationship to half the Islamic world. The Shia majority of Iraq, long oppressed under Saddam, was ripe for insurgency or even revolution long before Saddam fell. Iran's radical Shia kakistocracy has been funding, supplying — and in Sadr's case operating — the insurgency in Shia Iraq ever since Coalition forces began massing to attack Iraq in 2002. According to one estimate, there are at least 30,000 Iranian-funded insurgents in Iraq. One of the Iranians' principal obstacles has been Ali al-Sistani, the most influential Shia mullah in Iraq. Al-Sistani has called on Sadr to stop the fighting, but his power over Sadr is limited, and Sadr's is expanded greatly by his Iranian backers. When al-Sistani left Iraq for medical treatment in London, Iran and Sadr began the latest round of fighting in Najaf and in the "Sadr City" area of Baghdad, the huge slum that used to be known as "Saddam City." There is important dissention among the new Iraqi government about whether American forces should be allowed to take the fight to Sadr in the heart of Najaf. Early Thursday, Ibrahim Jaafari, head of the Dawa party and one of Iraq's two interim vice presidents, called for all American forces to leave Najaf. If we and the Allawi forces fail in Najaf, the internal dissention could cause a split in the interim government that won't be healed soon. Al-Sistani, speaking from London, called for another ceasefire. If these pressures split the new Iraqi government, that alone would be a significant victory for Iran, which will stop at nothing to prevent the Iraqi democracy from taking root. The Iraqi go-ahead against Sadr was given some time Wednesday, within some well-understood limits. The holiest site in Shia Islam is the Imam Ali Shrine in Najaf, and it is from this mosque and other sites in Najaf that Sadr and his militia have been launching their attacks. Imam Ali — who is buried in the shrine — is revered as the founder of Shia Islam. Ali was the six-year-old who took Mohammed's place in his bed on a night when Mohammed expected an assassination attempt, and is believed by the Shia to have had divine guidance. But the Shia radicals — and I still believe that term isn't redundant — see no inconsistency in using their holiest site as a base for terrorist activity. We've all seen the television coverage of them running out of the mosque, RPGs, and other weapons in hand, to engage American troops. The shrine/mosque is only part of the problem. The "Valley of Peace" cemetery — the largest in the world with perhaps five million graves — is another favorite of the militia to hide within and fire at Coalition forces. The city itself, with about 600,000 people, is the typical Iraqi city of narrow, winding streets. The Marines are running the show, backed by the Army and both Air Force and Navy aircraft on call. They all are aware of both the dangers and the necessity of protecting the mosque. It is already a touch-and-go fight, and is evolving into the kind of urban warfare that we managed to avoid last year. It's August, which means temperatures of 120 degrees during the day in Iraq. Kicking down doors, fighting sometimes room-by-room, the Marines, God bless 'em, are doing their usual superb job. I've heard several reports of wounded Marines getting patched up and running back into the fight. At this writing, American troops with armored vehicles, attack helos, and heavier air support, are trying to close the circle around the mosque, crowding Sadr and his fighters into a smaller and smaller area, diminishing their strength and numbers to the point that the Allawi forces can finish the fight. If we can do that, we will succeed. All Sadr — and Iran — need to do to succeed is to maneuver us into damaging or destroying the mosque. Sadr and his men are perfectly willing to destroy the holy site themselves in some way that makes us appear responsible. Al Jazeera will be there to stage-manage and broadcast the finale. If the Imam Ali shrine is destroyed in a Coalition operation, the Iranians will use that fact to divide and discredit the Allawi government. They will try to raise all of Shia Islam against the American occupiers in Iraq and American interests everywhere. The Shia are the second-largest Islamic sect, with about 700 million adherents in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Syria, Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and parts of North Africa. It is quiet conceivable that the destruction of the Imam Ali mosque would trigger the clash of civilizations that Iran and Osama bin Laden have been working desperately to create. It could be a significantly destabilizing force in nations such as India and Pakistan where our influence and fragile alliances could easily wither and die. Too much hangs in the balance in Najaf. But the fight has to be made because Iran, and its Sadr proxy, are the two most significant obstacles to freedom in Iraq. It is tempting, and wrong, to believe this fight is not worth the risk. Young Americans will die there in as important as any other fight has been for Iraqi freedom. Sadr's force is fighting for political advantage. It would be an easy fight for us to win if we weren't concerned with the repercussions from destroying the Imam Ali shrine or the number of civilians who might be killed. If we had somehow negotiated the cooperation of Ali al-Sistani in the year and a half since the Saddam regime fell, the fight wouldn't even be necessary. If we had been able to bring other Islamic forces in to join the Coalition forces, this fight could have been theirs if it had to be fought at all. But we didn't, and that risk and the cost is now ours. The Najaf fight won't end today, tomorrow, or perhaps even next week. The Iraqi forces fighting with us against Sadr's men may not be sufficiently strong or dedicated to end the matter for days or weeks. Allawi, facing very strong opposition in his own government, may change his mind and demand we stop short of the necessary conclusion. But even if we win this fight without destroying Shia Islam's holiest site, even if the Iraqis manage to kill Sadr and defeat his force decisively, the Iranian interference in Iraq won't end. Until it does, there will be no peace in Iraq. The central point of the Iraqi insurgency is now — as it has been for more than a year — Tehran. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlIraqi Posted August 15, 2004 Author Report Share Posted August 15, 2004 This is an interview with Al-Sadr (in Arabic) by the terrorist mouth TV channel ALJAZEERA. The rhetoric is pouring off the guy’s mouth as he accusing everyone against him of being infidel and an American puppet. Click here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest تاجر Posted August 15, 2004 Report Share Posted August 15, 2004 هل هي سقطه سياسيه اخرى ام انه كالمسنجد من النار بالرمضاء بالامس ظهر السيد مقتدى على شاشه الجزيره مستنكرا غلق مكاتبها.. الا يعرف التاثير السئ الذي يتكره مثل هذا التصريح في نفوس العراقيين والتي ازكمت هذه الجزيره المشؤمه انفاسهم بكل روائح الطائفيه العفنه؟ الا يعرف موقفها من قادته في ايران وسوريا ولبنان؟ انا افهم لو صدر مثل هذا التصريح من حلفائه في هيئه علماء السنه ولو انهم لم يفعلوا لحد الان , حيث يبدوا انهم اكثر حنكه ومعرفه بانفاس الشعب العراقي. يقول السيد مقتدى في تصريحه اعلاه ان علاوي "ربما" اسؤ من صدام. اسأله ان "ربما" هذه في اللغه العربيه تعني عدم اليقين ومن هنا فانه ليس بالضروره اسؤ من صدام.. الم يتعامل السيد الشهيد السعيد محمد صادق الصدر مع صدام سياسيا وخرج على اجماع المجاهدين وبذكاء في موضوعه رفع السلاح ضد صدام؟ لقد اعتبرت تلك الخطوه واحده من اكثر حركات الالتفاف في حينها على النظام الصدامي فلماذا يخرج السيد عن خط والده؟ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlIraqi Posted August 16, 2004 Author Report Share Posted August 16, 2004 Texasman If we had somehow negotiated the cooperation of Ali al-Sistani in the year and a half since the Saddam regime fell, the fight wouldn't even be necessary Fully agree.. I don't agree with the writer on the Islamic forces though.. The only way is to rebuild the Iraqi own forces, this would not happen without opening the doors for the moderate expatriate Shia to fully participate in the security force build up.. The problem is that the Americans are afraid to open such doors. The politically motivated warrant by "Bremer's court" against Alchalbees was badly received by Iraqis as a sign that the Americans are working to push away the main symbols of liberation..Though most Shia in Iraq feel that the Iranians might work against them , based on their experience in 91 during the uprise, they keep feeling that ,strategically, Iran is their back yard in front of the big Sunni arab surroundings. The Minister of defense speeches against Iran was nothing but to increase suspicions by Iraqis Shia, including those who are against Iranian role. The Americans might need to be more careful in dealing with this sensative issue , they need to work more seriously with the Iraqi matters away from the influence of the Israelis agendas!. This is not another conspiracy theory but it is very clear that within the American planners , there are some who put Israeli interests before the American's.. The Israelis , based on their experience in south of Lebanon, had a feeling that their main enemy are the Shia radicals.. It is in their interest to mix the two faces of the Islamic radicalism, the sunni and the Shia's.Today Americans have another fight than the Israelis, the war against the terror, the radical Sunni's not Shia's radical.. These are two different battles. The two are hatting each other and consider the other as infidals.. Just have a look to Alzarqawee's letter, or listen to any anti Iraqi-freedom radical sunni , on the other had have a look to Nasralah's speaches agaist the Qaeda's , not mentioning the speaches by Khamanei against them. Just to prove that.. .. Alqaeda never had any operation against Israel, though it has a lot of supporters within Palestinians.. At same time , Hezbollah never call or act to attack American interests other than inside Lebanon where might be related to Israeli occupation. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest mustefser Posted August 17, 2004 Report Share Posted August 17, 2004 أولا، لا بد من إشراك مقتدى الصدر ورموز تياره في العملية السياسية. ثانيا، لا بد من إلغاء مذكرة الاعتقال والملاحقة الأمنية والقضائية والتشهير والإساءة إلى مقتدى الصدر والتيار الصدري من قبل الحكومة العراقية وقوات الاحتلال، وبالأخص الأمريكية. ثالثا، عدم ربط مقتل السيد مجيد الخوئي بالسيد مقتدى، وتجاوز هذا الموضوع. رابعا، السيد مقتدى شاب طموح له أرث سياسي ورثه من عائلته التي قارعت نظام صدام وقدمت تضحيات كبير، منها مقتل والده وأخويه وعمه وعمته على يد النظام الصدامي وأعتقاله لفتره! هنالك نفوذ لقوى مثل الأكراد في الشمال والتركمان في كركوك، والسنة في الرمادي وتكريت والموصل، والشيعة في الجنوب، لهم قوى على الأرض. وهذا ما مكن هذه القوى بفرض وقعها أثناء تشكيل مجلس الحكم وتشكيل الحكومة! وقبل الأمريكان بهذا الواقع، وتجاهلوا نفوذ الصدر وتياره العريض في العراق وبالأخص في الجنوب. لذا أقترح وأرى الحل في أشراك مقتدى وتياره والتعامل معه على غرار التعامل مع القوى الأخرى. وإن كثيرين من القوى السياسية العراقية لا تريد مكانا إلى مقتدى وتياره في العراق الجديد بسبب نفوذه الواسع! محمد محسن الزبيدي - بيروت In Arabic , interesting debate.. I think the above by an Iraqi is briefing the real concerns by Alsader.. 1- Cancel the warrent against him in the killing of Alkhuaee by the special court... 2-Give him same no. of seats as other Kurds , Shia and Sunni's in the government Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Texas Gentleman Posted August 17, 2004 Report Share Posted August 17, 2004 the saddness that is Iraq (I pray you Iraqi's pick your true friends better than Iran, including this juvenile killer of Iraqis and their hopes of freedom) the below is from a well written blogger in Iraq "The Mespotamian" Hi Friends One begins to realize in these days the profound wisdom of the Holy Koran where it is repeatedly emphasized that hypocrites are the worst kind of people. Muqtada Al Sadr claims that he is fighting against “Tyranny” and “Occupation”; but his main weapon consists in “terrorizing” all those his followers can reach who are mainly the poor ordinary people and government employees who have the misfortune to live in the slums and poor areas infested by his men. Kidnapping, intimidation, torture and murder are his favorite weapons. He frequently claims that he is the sole representative of the people and everybody else who disagrees with him is an agent and puppet and to be completely dismissed. Now this is the essence and substance of dictatorship. Who gave him this mandate we would like to know? what ballot box; what popular referendum? The same kind of claim we hear often from the other “Turbans”, such as the “Association of Islamic Scholars” who frequently declare that they represent all the Sunni people of Iraq, when again we don’t know who gave them this “sole and exclusive” representation rights? The first (Mr. Muqtada), nobody has ever heard of, apart from his direct circle, in the days before the fall of the regime, whereas many of the venerable members of the “Association”, were the same preachers appointed by Saddams’ “Mukhabarat” (Intelligence Agency) to the main mosques in Baghdad and elsewhere to replace the original less reliable clergy. Both these are entirely self-appointed. Both are a Godsend to those who wish to subvert the country and prevent stability and progress at any cost. Now the role of the “Neighbors” and “Brothers” is becoming amply clear without even much pretence at dissimulation on their part. And if they claim that they speak for the people then they have been invited repeatedly and almost begged to participate in the political process, and there will be elections in a few months and the ballot boxes will be the judge. But they obstinately refuse and seem frightened and utterly terrified of the prospect of fair elections, and understand that for such elections and democratic process to succeed, peace and stability must be restored. It is for this reason that they are desperately anxious to subvert the peace and create chaos. The din of barking is becoming deafening these days. The head of the Iranian “Revolutionary Guards”, is calling upon all the “people” of Iraq to unite against the Americans. They have high hopes, these enemies. The only ones that are hardly heard are these very same “people” of Iraq. The murder and dismemberment is mainly directed against the ordinary “people” of Iraq; the victims of exploding cars and roadside bombs also mainly these “people’ of Iraq; in fact the entire campaign of terror is mainly directed against the citizen in the streets, in the markets, in their workplaces and their houses. And besides there is no “Occupation” in Iraq now, absolutely none; because the Iraqi Government has the right to ask the foreign troops to leave anytime which is absolutely explicit in the UN resolution which gave Iraq back its sovereignty. The Multinational forces lead by the United States are here to help the Iraqi Government to establish Law and Order and start the long awaited reconstruction effort and will leave at a moment’s notice if we say so. The din is drowning the Voice of the Iraqi people. I appeal to people of the World; Please, Please, Please hear the true voice of the Iraqi people. We are facing a terrible conspiracy. The people of the South are being persecuted and massacred, not by the Americans, not by the Iraqi Army and Iraqi police. The gangs of the “Mehdi” army financed and recruited by the Iranian security forces and others, this has become amply clear, are massacring the people, right now as I am writing these lines. As one caller to the “Fayhaa” T.V. station is saying right now from Kut, for the first time in history the Wahabis, the Iranian hardliners and the Baathists have formed and alliance against the people of Iraq and particularly against the Shiaa people. Horrifying stories are emerging from the South. In the name of the Iraqi people and the Shiaa people, as God is my witness, we appeal to our friends everywhere to come to the rescue of our people in the South in particular. The people of Kut are fighting the gangs with their bare hands at the moment. Don’t expect any coherent words from me now. Please do not listen to the lies. The vast overwhelming majority of the Shiaa people in particular are dead against these gangs. They don’t want them; please believe me, and may God strike me dead immediately if I tell you lies or my own personal feeling only. The greatest danger is not in Najaf, but in Basrah where the main oil wealth of the country is being jeopardized (and so is the world economy and the security of the entire free world), and placed at the mercy of Gangs financed and employed by the Iranians, Al Qaeda and the Baathists. So much for the much-vaunted success of the British at controlling the region, they have allowed the thugs to gain control of the area. Basrah is in grave danger , Basrah, Basrah, Basrah; not only us but the whole free world is threatened. Can anybody understand, will anybody hear? So what is to be done? Only one thing: to give full support to the Iraqi Government and Security forces, and allow the people to mobilize under their banner to fight the final battle - I mean real support and real arms and real capability. No one, but no one, is going to rob us of our hopes and our future. No one can succeed in subduing the majority of the people of Iraq again, least of all gangs of thieves, thugs, robbers and kidnappers. It is better to die a thousand deaths than to submit to the forces of darkness and evil. Aash Al Iraq Salaam Alaa # posted by Alaa : 12:14 PM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest najafee Posted August 18, 2004 Report Share Posted August 18, 2004 In English.. Sad to have such a thug controlling a great city with centuries old moderate school of though! People in Najaf that we contacted yesterday through Althuraya phone, are very angry to both Alsadrees and the Americans.. They are left without Electricity and water or food .. They affriad to leave their houses because they affraid robbers that cliaming to be from Alser militia might stole their belogees. Also the roads are not safe because of the fight They are asking every one to pray for their kids safety.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J Thomas Posted August 18, 2004 Report Share Posted August 18, 2004 Iran's radical Shia kakistocracy has been funding, supplying — and in Sadr's case operating — the insurgency in Shia Iraq ever since Coalition forces began massing to attack Iraq in 2002. According to one estimate, there are at least 30,000 Iranian-funded insurgents in Iraq. Are you sure that iran is significantly backing Sadr? It's generally looked like iran was backing SCIRI far more than Sadr. Are they backing both? Of course, given a US attack on the shrines it would make sense for iran to support whoever was against us. It is tempting, and wrong, to believe this fight is not worth the risk. Young Americans will die there in as important as any other fight has been for Iraqi freedom. It's hard for me to imagine it's worth the risk. Maybe I'm overestimating the risk? If a Shia consensus develops that american forces are unwelcome in iraq, we're going to feel *very unwelcome*. This could create that consensus. Wasn't it Badr brigades that were defending the shrines before? Why did they give them to Mahdi to defend instead of defend them from Mahdi army? Whatever the reason, they won't like it that we stage a foxhunt there. Suppose Sadr survives, and in january his party wins 10% of the seats in the assembly. What then? Would it be a giant setback for democracy? I don't see that it would. The people who vote for his party would be voting for somebody if he wasn't there -- probably somebody just as anti-american and pro-religion. 10% is a powerful voting block but it isn't enough to run a theocracy or block elections. Say it was 20%, would that be a disaster? 30%? If Sadr's party got 51% that would give him a great big say in government. But that's around 85% of the shia. Aren't Dawa and SCIRI going to get a lot of shia votes? What'st he big deal here? Do you think no other fight for iraq freedom has been more important than this? If we had somehow negotiated the cooperation of Ali al-Sistani in the year and a half since the Saddam regime fell, the fight wouldn't even be necessary. Sistani has nothing to gain by collaborating with an occupying army. He demanded early elections and we sped up our schedule from snail-pace to tortoise-pace. Is this fight necessary? I don't see that it is, except maybe for the November elections. If we had been able to bring other Islamic forces in to join the Coalition forces, this fight could have been theirs if it had to be fought at all. Which islamic forces are you thinking of? They'd need to be shia, wouldn't they? I mean, if a bunch of fanatical catholics were holed up in Saint Peter's cathedral while the vatican was occupied by, say, the chinese, and the chinese were determined to root through the entire cathedral and kill every fanatic there, would it really help if they got a bunch of german lutherans to do the killing for them? So, we'd want iranian forces in the coalition? It just wasn't in the cards. This whole thing looks stupid. We built Sadr up by opposing him. If we'd just let Sadr say whatever he wanted, and mostly ignored him, he'd only be another unpopular thug. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest Posted August 18, 2004 Report Share Posted August 18, 2004 قال تعالى في سورة النساء لاتقولوا لمن ألقى اليكم السلم لست مؤمنا تبتغون عرض الحياة الدنيا هل من (مؤمن) يفسر لي النص القراني Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest_Mutergem Posted August 18, 2004 Report Share Posted August 18, 2004 Translating above by Guest It was said in Quran in Alnisaa phrase, " Don't accuse those who are asking for peace that you are not faithfull , while really you are looking for some material gain" Any one can comment on this? Note : it might not be the exact translation Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Guest_Tajer Posted August 20, 2004 Report Share Posted August 20, 2004 Just call Alnajaf.. The order is restored and the Iraqi authirties took over the Shrine peacefully after the withdraw of Alsader militia. People in Najaf are looking forward with a lot of hops.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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