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Everything posted by salim

  1. موضوع تعليقك على تقرير كروكر- باتريوس المشكله في العراق هي ليست عدم وجود نلسن مانديلا , المشكله ان هناك اكثر من واحد, فلكل منا مانديلا يرى فيه موحدا للعراق ولكن على طريقته موضوع الجواز نوع جيم لااعتقد ان الموضوع يتعلق يالسفارات فهي مجرد واسطه لجمع الاوراق وارسالها الى بغداد. الافضل ولكي لايتهم برنامجك بالتحيز وخدمه للمواطن ان يكون هناك اتصال بالسفاره و تلفونها سهل و موجود على الانترنت لمعرفه ظروف اصدار الجواز العراقي وطبيعه المعامله موضوع الامريكان والحرب على الارهاب. الا ترى معي ان الامريكان اعلنوا منذ البدايه ان حربهم هي على صدام وان الصداميين هم من استقدم الارهاب و ليس الامريكان وذلك من خلال تنفيذ مقوله صدام بانه لن يعطي العراق الا جثه هامده و لمساعدتهم على منع تاسيس النظام الجديد بعد ان سقطوا معنويا هذا ليس دفاع عن الامريكان فلهم مصالحهم وهم بالطبع وجدوها فرصه لجمع ومن ثم لقتل الارهابيين بعد ان ذهبوا لهم الى افغناستان فكان ان اختاروا مهانه الهزيمه بدلا من ان يقاتلوا هناك ولكنهم استدرجوا من قبل الصداميين و الانظمه العربيه الى العراق كي يكون مكان المنازله وهذا ليس دعما للقاعده و لبهائم التفخيخ كما اسمع من بعض المحللين العراقيين ولكن قتلا لها وللعراق الجديد فارادوا ان يضربوا عصفورين نحن ندفع ثمن حماقه الصداميين , اولا عندما قدموا البلد للاجنبي بعنترياتهم وثانيا عندما استقدموا القاعده ووفروا لها الملجئ والمسكن لقتل وارهاب العراقيين تنفيذا لشعارهم "اخبطها و اشرب صافيها" ولكنها عادت عليهم وبالا بعد ان عبث بهم الارهاب العالمي و اعتدى على كرامتهم و استلب منهم نسائهم ويتم اطفالهم وبعد ان انتصر العراق واهله ا
  2. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20689394/ Both reports of Petraeus and Crocker were received in Iraq with conflicting reaction. As the case with the political diversity in Washington, in Baghdad there were two expectations.. The anti Maliki government "mainly Sunni factionist politicians and Allawaee " were waiting for some signals that would support their claims of US administration be supporting Allawee against MAliki. Maliki's supporters "the four main Shia and Kurds parties with Sunni tribes shaikhs" were cautious that any of the two most important US men in Iraq would go out of the course. On both Capitols , there are some who hate to hear of any achivements that might benefit their opponents . I think the later party is celebrating today in Baghdad while the former are looking for how to contain the damages. ALiraqia TV was airing the whole session with translation live during the prime time night . This morning , most Iraqis were talking about how great democracy is.. A reporter on Iraqia was talking about the details and how much Iraqis need to learn from political conflict . He compared the way that both parties were showing all respect and support for Peatrues, with how some political opposition in Iraq are behaving in discrediting those brave Iraqi security members. I think both men might have hard times in Washington, however they got big hearts open of so many Iraqis.. One of them told me that he feels both men more Iraqis than some Iraqis! I heard some politicians wondering why the political process is not moving as fast as the security one.. Those who raise that question usually try to blame Maliki.. They forget that MAliki government had passed the main laws of Debaathification and oil and revenue share , it is the Parliament that is not moving them into action. The other side is they forget that the surge was to open window for political process to move on.. So it needed that surge to achieve it's goals before the political process can make it's final steps. And hear come the question: do these critics think the surge had already made it's goals to ask about the the political process? if so why are same people challenging Peatrues Claims of victory ? I think what had happened is that the surge and it's great achievements had open the doors for the political process to move on and we will see critical turn over in the next months to come . This time it will be the real process, the one that is going down up.
  3. http://www.alarabiya.net/programs/2007/09/09/38878.html
  4. The high court blessed the sentences on Chemical Ali and two of the ex-Iraq army who participated in the Kurds Anfal genocides .The rule is bringing the burden on the presidential council "Kurd, Shia and sunni" to approve it before the execution is taking place, according to the new LAW issued by the Maliki government and got legalized by the parliament on last April. That law didn't cover the bit hall: What if the presidential council fail to approve the court rule.? According to the Iraqi constitution, the rules of the Genocides courts can't be stopped by any authority.. How ever , according to Iraqi new law, it needs the presidential approval to execute it. Talabani is OK with go with it on two of the three accused but not with the third , The former defense minister. He told reporters that General Sultan was in indeed in contact with the opposition to topple Sadam. How ever vice president Hashimi went for different reason not to sign two of the three. Both of them are ex generals. He told reporters that any officers should not be punished for their fulfilling their orders ! I can understand Talabani concerns, but I have concere of why he didn't step to the court with his witness that might make it into account. I failed to understand Hashimi's. If that right, then the Nat zee's officers should not be punished too. Any how , I think Hashimi is trying to reach Army officers, also he might be trying to mix papers to make it more difficult for others to sign.
  5. http://www.elaph.com/ElaphWeb/Politics/2007/9/262078.htm كما وسبق لي ان توقعت , يبدو ان المالكي يتجه الان الى احد خياراته المحتمله, التكنوقراط او الاغلبيه او حتى حكومه الوحده ولكن مع شرط الانسجام الامور تتحرك بسرعه غير عاديه و علينا ان ننتضر المفاجئات فالعراق اليوم بدأ يستعيد عافيته و عندما ينهض الفارس من كبوته فعلى الجميع التأهب , اما للركض الى الامام او الى الخلف وحذار من السقوط امام عنفوان العرق فان سقطه عمرو لن ينقذها هذه المره كشف عورته
  6. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070907/ap_on_go_co/us_iraq Study: US should lower profile in Iraq By ANNE FLAHERTY, Associated Press Writer
  7. http://economist.com/world/na/displaystory...tory_id=9764232
  8. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/wo...1,7863492.story
  9. http://www.alarabiya.net/views/2007/09/07/38800.html أخي في العراق.. نعم أخطأنا جاسم بودي
  10. http://www.radiosawa.com/arabic_news.aspx?id=1363211&cid=8 طارق الهاشمي نائب رئيس الجمهورية العراقية: حكومة نوري المالكي تعتمد الإزدواجية في موضوع الملف الأمني
  11. For one more time, Bush is shooting his best goals but this time directly into the center. He deserves all the wining celebration. A couple months ago when he met Maliki in Amman, no one had ever believed that the idea that Maliki brought might be taken so seriously by the leader of greatest civilization in human history to turn into a plan of success.. Putting their bets on finding real partner from within the tribal system of Iraqi society.. The third corner of the triangle of triumph was a small thin young brave Shikh Abdul Sataar Abo Risha. Despite the harsh opposition by the Sunni Arab political parties , it was not hard to convince the Americans that all these oppositions are just political and baseless. They accuse the Shikh of a mere robber who is looking for bribes. Today, these parties are trying their best to reach Abo Risha trying to get him within their political slate trying to get his popularity among Iraqis , specially in Anbar province. Bush choosing of Al asaad Air base in Anbar to land , is sending two messages. One to the new-Iraq enemies : that Alnbar is today the safest to land. The second, was to these sunni parties.. He simply said to them that USA will not forget the friends who stands at the hard times.. Playing double cards game might not be the right one to play with G.W.Bush !
  12. Usama Alnajaifee, a prominent legislator form Alawee slate, announced that Alawee is returning back to Baghdad to lead an opposition block in the parliament. If that news is correct then I think Alawee is making the right decision. Opposing the government from Amman and London five starts hotels and through US and Arab news papers had weakened Alawee too much. I think he still gets a unique opportunity to lead a constructive political opposition with rule to monitor and criticize the government from within not from some Arab Intelligence and US oil companies prospective Alawee can get support of the Sunni and Shia secular middle class. Though he might not be able to get enough majority votes but having a significant opposition block can bring more people into it alter.
  13. http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/meast/09/01/...main/index.html I think that Iraqi government and the US authorities in Iraq need to do more toward Alsader . They need to make two steps for each one by him. Alsader is having real problem in containing the extreme elements within his wide spectrum of radile groups.Weakening aLSADER WOULD ALLOW THESE ELEMENT TAKING OVER HIS GRASSROOTS BASE . We don't want to end up having tens of small extremist groups. There are real social and economical issues that are fueling these groups. One of them is the takeover by the new political parties to the political process. Corruption and isolation is becoming very clear among these governing parties of Shia, Kurds, and sunni Arab. They are failing to reach the most suffering sects of poor unemployed young Iraqis . With the defeat of Qaeda and the freezing of Mehdi Militia, I think that we will see more cross Iraq uprises, Kerbala one will not be the last , I am sure! The expediting of legalizing the provincial governing law by the Parliament and assuring transparent election of the municipal councils could be a temporary necessary safety valve until a more economical rebuild plan put in effect. We need to open the new political system to the poor young Iraqis.
  14. تتسارع احداث العراق بشكل يصعب على اي محلل ملاحقه تطوراته فما ان ان يطفو حدث ساخن حتى ياتي اخر اكبر بكثير يغطي عليه و بشكل لا سابق له في اسلوب تطور الاحداث في منطقتنا العربيه المتكلسه سياسيا..وليس ادل من ذلك الا مراجعه بسيطه لمحاور تغطيه اخبار العراق خلال شهر لييجد المرء نفسه امام كم هائل من عناوين ربما احتاجت تجارب اخرى لسنين في ا ستيعاب ثقلها . و لاتختلف احداث كربلاء الاخيره عن سابقاتها من ناحيه وزنها ولكنها تؤشر لمنحى اخر قد يغيب وسط زحام تسارع تفاعلات الحدث العراقي المتميز بكلا الجانبين الايجابي و السلبي ربما يكون في عفويه الحدث الذي رافق الزياره الشعبانيه امرا و لكن تجاوزها الصريح للمسلمات الدينيه و الاجتماعيه سيكون بالتاكيد بحاجه الى تدقيق وعنايه. من تابع الاحداث سيجد ان هناك ظاهره اشتراك واضح لشريحه من الشباب ذات خلفيه طبقيه مسحوقه وبينما سيكون الاتهام بالجهل او توجيه النظر الى عنصر تحريضي من الامور التبسيطيه التي يلجا لها البعض ولكن ابراز عوامل التحريك الاساسيه سيكون من مستلزمات التحليل الجدي الاحداث كانت مؤشرا اخر على تعاظم غضب شريحه الفقراء والمحرومين على الطبقه السياسيه و الدينيه المسيطره بعد عمليه التغيير في العراق . هذه الشريحه ربما بدأت تخرج من دائره الخوف من الاخر التي سادت فتره الاحتقان الطائفي الى مرحله المطالبه بالحقوق وكسر القيود التي تفرضها الطبقه الحاكمه وخصوصا الدينيه منها. هناك شعور عام لدى هذه الطبقه المسحوقه ان التضحيات التي قدمتها وامالها الكبيره بعد زوال طاعون القهر الدكتاتوري المطلق لم تاتي ثمارها الموعوده وان هناك من استطاع تسلق المخاوف و التضحيات كي يتمكن من فرض سيطرته على مقاليد النظام الجديد. ان ما يمكن تسميته بانتفاضه الفقراء في كربلاء ستؤشر الى منحى جديد يرافق التجربه العراقيه وربما سيكون اهم مايميز فترتها اللاحقه قد يبدو هذا التحليل مجتزئا ولكن استعراض بسيط لمجريات الحدث قد تساعدنا و الاخرين في فهم أعمق لابعاد هذه الظاهره. اغلب اللذين شاهدناهم على التلفاز كان من الاطفال و الشباب وكان تحركهم عفويا و عشوائيا على غير ما روجت له بعض وسائل الاعلام المرتبطه بالجهات الحكوميه و تصريحات بعض المسؤولين الدينيين في المرقدين من كونه عمل منظم و مدفوع بفعل مخابراتي او دعم خارجي.ربما كانت هناك خطط و اوهام مدفوعه من قبل هذا الطرف او ذاك ممن اراد استغلال مناسبه جماهيريه بمثل هذا الحجم ولكن لم يكن الامر بحاجه الى فطنه كي نكتشف ان ماحدث كان بعيد عن كل تلك الخطط و ان اغلب المشاركين هم فعلا ممن يتخذ عاده من التيار الصدري عنوانا ولم يكونوا مستوردين من مناطق اخرى بل من منطقه الحي العسكري و الاحياء الفقيره الاخرى في المدينه وانهم لم يحاولوا اقتحام الصحنين الشريفين او الاعتداء عليهما بل كانت غايه افعالهم هو الفعل التدميري المنفلت والذي يرافق بالعاده جميع افعال العمل الغوغائي المدفوع بشحنات من غضب اجتماعي وقهر استغل الانفلات الامني الذي رافق انهيار وتخاذل قوى الامن المحليه والذي سرعان ما يخفت مع اول ضهور مسلح قوي لرجال الامن . بعض ممن كان يحرق السيارات و الاماكن الخاصه و الفنادق كان يجيب انه يحاول الانتقام من اولئك الاغنياء اللذين يتمتعون ونحن نعاني, اخرين كانوا يشتمون الحكومه لالشئ الا لانها اصبحت بعيده عن تطلعاتهم وامالهم عاجزه عن توفير فرص العمل و الخدمات. البعد الاجتماعي تمثل باكبر صوره عندما هاجمت تلك القطعان المنفلته موكب النائب الصدري المعروف بهاء الاعرجي , فالامر لديها سيان لا ضابط للقهر و الحرمان وكل من يشارك السلطه موقعها ويركب سياراتها الفارهه هو متعاون معها في تعميق القهر والحرمان انه مؤشر خطير بحاجه الى وقفه , ان صبر العراقيين المحرومين بدء ينفذ ولم تعد معه حقن رجال السياسه و الدين المهدئه نافعه في تهدئه الالم. لقد شاهدنا انفجار تلك الالام قبل سنتين عندما تم استفراغها طائفيا . اليوم وبعد انحسار الوجع و الاحتقان الطائفي , سنرى طوفان طاقه الحرمان موجها الى من اصبح الاعتقاد بانه جزء من مسبباتها. الطبقه الدينيه لم تعد قادره على احتواء الازمه وكما فشلت في احتواء الهيجان الطائفي من قبل , فانها لربما تقف عاجزه عن احتواء مشاعر القهر الاقتصادي و الاجتماعي ايظا البعض ممن يرى في الامر فرصه لركوب فيض الحدث كي يوجه سهامه الى الحكومه و النظام السياسي الجديد عليه ان يتذكر ان احتواء مماثل لنفس التيار الجارف قبل اربعه سنوات ,املا في جعله عنصرا مخربا للعمليه السياسيه الجديده, قد انتج اكبر وسائل ترسيخها عندما وقف ابناء تلك الشريحه امام الارهاب القادم من خلف الحدود كي يحولوا رماحهم الى صدور ذلك الوباء بديلا عن توجيهه لاخوه الدم و الوطن كما اراد هذا البعض . المسئله هنا تتعلق بمصير وطن وليس بمصالح فئه واذا احترق الشراع فليس للسفينه من نجاه. نحن بحاجه الى وقفه , الطبقه السياسيه الجديده عليها ان تفتح باب المشاركه امام الجماهير المحرومه والانفتاح المباشر عليها و تفهم معاناتها وتبتعد عن المصادره السياسيه لحلقات الدوله وخصوصا في مجال الانفتاح على شريحه الطبقه الفقيره . اما اصحاب البرامج التعويقيه فعليهم فسح المجال للطبقه الجديده الحاكمه تقديم ولو لجزء من خدمات الدوله من خلال التخفيف في معدل عمليات تخريب البنى التحتيه والابتعاد عن وهم اخر يرى في في جعل المعاناه سببا اخر لافشال التجربه الامر ربما يبدوا نظريا و لكن في النهايه , كل من الطبقتين يعمل على ان يحود النار الى قطعه "كرصه" الخبز التي تعود له كما يقول المثل العراقي , لااعتقد اي منهم يريده في النهايه ا محروقه بشكل كامل , اليس كذلك
  15. The incident of Karbala might be flagging much more than what it would look like a clash between some outlaws and the government or between some local Alsadrees and the clergy who controls the two golden Mosques.. Radical uncontrolled elements of Sadrees were there for sure, That was confirmed by many locals who witnessed the incident. I got a relative who got a shot and another who got a rock in head. Ironically the later was known for his brave stand defending his city more than sixteen years ago when Sadam militia of republican guards swept the city with tanks and hillicopeters. Almost same time as this one in the Islamic calender of month of Shaaban. I don't know if Sadamists had really planned for this new one, but for sure many Iraqis remembered that incident where almost the whole down town of Kebala was wiped out and more than hundred mosques were demolished.. ! Anyhow, how much the Sader him self was involved was not clear. But his move of disbanding Amehdi Army acommpanied by a very shrewd clear declaration of prohibting attacks on the “coalition” forces, is some thing to watch. Maliki is launching a big campaign on those elements in Kerbala. Alsader might be giving his blessings to that operation, at least he is distancing him self from any possibility that these elements might use his name to seek immunity. His aid Bahaa Alarraji was there , they attacked him too and burned his convoy car. Alaraje was accompanying Maliki in his visit to Kerbala too. Maliki is getting this opportunity too to strike back at those uncontrolled elements, backed by huge public support that was disgusted by the act. On other hand he wants to apply the government rule to the old city downtown, where it is practically ruled by the clergy who run the two mosques. Some thing that Sadrees used to complain about. So he is practically get them both in one shot. He immediately issued order to send Iraqi Army to take charge in the down town;ending four years control by the clergy run militia on that area. I think the next step will be to apply the government -run religious authority to take charge of running the mosques. The damages are more than originally reported, there were couple of cars and hotel set to fire and some parts of the outer side of the 15 meter high wall got some damages too... The worse was the killing of 35 people and more than 300 injured... The good side is that the government had successfully managed the masses of more than one million to be evacuated safely ...
  16. http://nahrain.com/d/news/07/08/30/nhr0830k.html بيان صادر عن العتبات المطهرة في كربلاء المقدسة بخصوص الاعتداءات الإرهابية والأعمال التخريبية التي شهدتـها المدينة أيام الزيارة الشعبانية
  17. Kerbala's yesterday's incident was not as what thought to be at the begining.. From local eye witnesses, the issue was an isolated clash between some "zowars" priglims and the local gaurds who were ordered to scan searching all .. The group had exchange of hard words with the guards that had developed into rocks throughing on the guarding post who replied with fire shots.. Then the tent installed for women security scaning was set on fire. As proof to this account, there were only less than fifty killed in a conflict where there are at least one million people gathering in the small down town city of Kerbala..In similar occasions, a normal incident might cause much more.. As had happened in Mecca last year when some tents set on fire .. Any how, the incident was contained and no such Shia-Shia fight is erupted as some media had wisely reported. The interesting part is the shrewd move by Alsader in disbanding his militia.. I think such move was already be made but was waiting for the right timing.. This militia was established to protect the Shia from Qaeda attacks and due to the lack of US and Iraqi forces of coming to their duties in protecting people.. Now with all the Qaeda defeat and shrik, there is no more need for such militia.. That might explain why it was put on hold for six months.. He might wanted to be sure that such criminals would not take such opportunity to rebuild back. From other side, there are growing signs that Muqtada is losing control on some faction of his militia , specially the most radical parts of it. He wanst to draw lines between those who are loyal to his new policy of peaciful resistance from those who use his name in committing crimes and violance. I think the Iraqi political leaders need to move fast to contain and welcome that move by opening all the doors to have his political side all the possible opportunities to be listen to and communicate with Almaliki from his side showed a good job in containing the incident, his firm actions were received with a welcoming signs by people..
  18. http://www.tnr.com/doc.mhtml?i=w070827&s=ross082807 A Stable Iraq by Dennis Ross I found the above article contradicting itself.. From one side the writer believes that Iraqi Shia can't be an ally in putting pressure on Iran and Syria. Based on that assumption , the writer is discrediting the Iraqi Shia leaders. While on other side he is calling for American Arab ally’s involvement in talk with Iran to stabilize Iraq So while he is encouraging the reaching out of Suadi to Iranians, he is complaining about Iraqis being too close to Iranians. He might be coming from an understanding that there is no such thing as Iraqis with national dignity and interests, rather they are collections of Shia , Sunni ,kurds, arab. That is reminding of an old Persian quote , Iraqis use it as a joke during the eighteen's century war between Othman and Iranian Savaweeds I found the article way far from reading through reality... First of all, no one leader in Iraq considered the US mission in Iraq as a step to fight the next wars on neighboring countries, the constitution is prohibting it. Second , if the reason to go after Iran and Syria is becuase of their rule in facilitating the terror networks in Iraq, then it might be as well going after the Suadi's who are indirectely finnacing and inspiring those basterd , 65% of them are of Suadi nationality. Shia leaders are not one coin as the distant writer might think of , Shia Iraqis are not too. Communist Hamid is not Alsader, radicle Sader is not secular Chalabi who is not ex baathist Alwawee. Alawee is not traditional shia Alhkeem, all are not Islamist Maliki. None of them is claiming to be THE closest to the grand Systani... Iraqis and Americans might be facing one of the greatest challenges of this century. Loosing focus on fighting real enemy will make it so hard to reach our common interest. The cultivation of the democracy seeds in the desert of absolute tyranny... Do you know how much hard is to turn a desert into an oasis ! Those who know deserts can tell you..
  19. حوار مع أفكار الأستاذ الدكتور سيّار الجميل في مقاله : هل تنجح الديمقراطية في مجتمعاتنا العربية؟ - كاظم حبيب http://www.sotaliraq.com/articles-iraq.php?id=60644
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